Amazing P2/3 News!

What a busy week it has been in Primary 2/3!!

One of the highlights of our week has been the West Lothian Sumdog Challenge.  Everyone has worked so hard to achieve a great score.  We’ve been working at home, working in school and even had to set up a relay team in class.  We were delighted to achieve 34th place out of 211 classes.

The children would also like to share some more highlights:

Oma – I liked our maths carousel because we get to self-assess our work and this helps me learn.

Harry – I liked doing PE because we were working on tennis skills.

Maya Kasia and Annayah – I liked Sumdog because you can play games at the same time as you learn.

Michelle and Dominic  – I liked working on ‘green for growth’ because it helps me learn.

Maeve – I liked researching the history of the Egyptian Pharaohs.  We used Google to help our research.

Brooke and Andrew – I liked watching the P3 assembly today.

Kuba and Pawel –  I liked the literacy carousel because I worked on handwriting, spelling, reflective reading and guided reading.

Levente – I liked working on writing subtraction sums and subtracting tens and units.  It was hard at first but it got easier.

Chloe – I liked spelling today because it helps me learn words to use in my story writing on Thursdays.

Alishba – I liked handwriting because it helps me join letters and I get better and better.

Carly – I liked when we wrote about our friends in Big Writing.

Angel – I liked my learning conversation because we talked about my learning and mummies and pyramids.


Primary 2 go on an adventure to Purves Puppets.


What a great start to the week we had! We went on our school trip to Purves Puppets in Biggar.
Julia-“The show was called Pips and Panda meet the three bears.”

The show was amazing because the puppets glowed in the dark. We had to blow out special lights in the theatre for the room to go dark.
Maja- “When we blew the lights out the stars begun to glow above us on the ceiling.”

The two main characters were called Pips and Panda and we got to hear the story of Golidlocks and the 3 bears.

This linked perfectly with our new Fairyland topic.

Madison-“My favourite part was when Panda flew away with the kite because I liked Panda the Puppet.”

Wojciech- “I liked the part when Panda and Pips got stuck in the swing because they kept bumping in to each other.”

Ava- “My favourite part was when the Hawaiian frogs were dancing.”

Leo- “My favourite character was Pips because he is a cheeky monkey and I think I am a cheeky monkey too.”

Lilly- “I liked when the rabbit was eating Panda’s apple. I also liked when the Rabbit put tomato sauce on Pip, it was so funny.”

Poppy- “I liked it when Pips fell off of the swing.”

Elenta- “My favourite part was when Panda got stuck in the tree.”

After the show we all got to meet the puppets and we got a photo with them.  Here is our photo with the puppets.


Once we had our lunch the puppeteer came to talk to us about the history of puppets and he showed us special paintings on the wall.

The Puppeteer told us about shadow puppets, finger puppets, string puppets, glove puppets and rod puppets.Here are the photos showing the history of puppets. I’m sure we could tell you all about it at home.

To follow on from this back in class we investigated different types of puppets and how they are made. We drew a picture of our class puppet (Paolo) and we thought about the materials he is made from and all of his different parts. Then we designed our own puppets which we will make next week.


On Tuesday we completed a short read task for the story of Golidlocks and the Three Bears.

Ana-“We had to read the text and then fill in the missing words.”



For money this week we continued to learn about money equivalences. We had to find two different ways of making an amount with the coins.

We are finding this easier now and we are getting very good at identifying the best coins to use instead of using lots of 1 pences.


We’ve also been using Sumdog this week to practise developing our skills in numeracy and maths. We love using Sumdog because it’s a fun way to learn numbers.


We have been counting in 2’s 5’s and 10’s and we love singing along to the Counting Robot Song.


In writing this week we wrote a recount of our school trip and our challenge was to use different openers.

Miss Boyes was super impressed with all of the different openers that we included in our writing. Here are examples from our star writers.


In PE this week we have been learning how to play a new game.
Wojciech- “There are 2 teams in the game. One of the teams has to kick the ball out onto the court.”
Filip- “The other team has to catch the ball and then bounce it off the other teams legs or feet.”
Ava- “Your not allowed to run with the ball or you are out.”
Zoe-“The team the kicks the ball has to try to get back to their section of the hall without being hit.”

This game involved lots of teams work and you had to follow the rules carefully.



Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2!


Lent Challenge – Friday 17th March



The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross, is normally prayed each Friday during Lent. 

Today’s challenge – watch this video of Children’s Stations of the Cross.

Finish your challenge by saying The Our Father.



Lent Challenge – Thursday 16th March

Almsgiving is a way of showing love to the people around you.

Choose at least one of the following almsgiving tasks for today’s challenge:

  1. Give someone at school or at home a compliment today.
  2. Call someone and tell them you are thinking about them.
  3. Take a treat or meal to someone.
  4. Donate food to a local foodbank or clothes to a charity shop/clothing bank.
  5. Tidy your room without being reminded!

What did you choose to do today? #LentChallenge

Learning through letters in Primary 2!

Our blog name was created by Marcus this week with a little support from Miss Boyes.


Julia- “In money this week we had to show Miss Boyes how you could use the coins in 2 different ways to find the total amount.”

Marcus- “If the amount was 57p you would have to show 2 ways to make 57 pence.”

Vanessa-“You could use 50p, 5p and 2p.”

Wojciech- “Or you could use 20p, 10p, 10p, 10p and 2p 2p, 2p, 1p”


Also this week we have been learning about odd and even numbers. Miss Boyes let us listen to the story of Odd Todd and Even Steven.

We also learned special rhymes to remember the odd and even numbers.


Aaron- “The rhyme for even numbers is “0, 2, 4, 6, 8 even numbers are great!”

Angelina-“The rhyme for odd numbers is “1, 3, 5, 7, 9 I love odd numbers all the time.”


Miss Boyes explained the difference between odd and even by showing us gloves. We had to lay out the gloves every time each set had a match it landed on an even number. If one did not have a match that would make an odd number.


We played fun games on the netbooks to help us with our learning.


We had to sort the numbers into the correct category at our independent station.

Leo- “When I was at this station I kept repeating the rhymes in my head to help me find where each number had to go.”

Do you remember when we told you that we had sent a letter to Muck Primary school? This week we received their letters in return. We were super excited to read all of their letters. There are only 8 children in Muck Primary School so it didn’t take us too long to read the letter. They told us all about life on the island and it sounds great! They also asked more questions so we wrote them a letter.

Here we are with their letters.


Angelina- This week “we had a magical post box arrive outside our classroom.”

Leo-“The mouse left us a message to tell us to go outside and look in the post box.”

We all went out and opened it together. Inside there was a special letter from the Dragon.                 

The letter asked us to help the Dragon save Fairyland. He has been to our classroom and thinks it would make a fantastic Fairyland. To make sure we understood the letter Miss Boyes gave us different parts of it and we had to cut them out and stick the text in order.


We are really looking forward to our school trip on Monday and will keep you updated on our new Fairyland topic.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2!

A busy week in Primary 2/3

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3 with lots and lots of learning going on!  Some of our highlights are:

Andrew – I liked designing a coffin for a mummy.  We had to do lots of research first.

Michelle- I liked using the new Heinemann textbooks because I’m getting better at numbers.

Matthew – I liked taking away numbers this week.  I used a number square to help me.

Carly – I liked doing our spelling test because it helps me learn words. We keep learning from our mistakes.

Brooke – I liked doing chimney sums in maths.  We’re getting really good at them!

Jakub, Annayah, Pawel, Levente, James and Harry – I liked Big Writing when we wrote book reviews for the Killer Cat

Rachel – I liked today’s assembly because pupils from St Margaret’s came to talk to us about SCIAF.

Alishba – I liked when we were doing music with Mrs Steele.  We got to dance!

Dominic – I liked doing Sumdog and I’m excited about the West Lothian contest.

Chloe and Maeve – I liked doing art when we made pictures of camels and pyramids.

Maya –  I liked working in pairs on Heinemann Active Maths.  Its fun working in pairs and it helps you learn.

Zuzanna and Kasia – I liked PE because we were learning tennis skills.

Oma – I liked investigating mummies in Ancient Egypt.

Calvin – I liked working in teams to make posters showing a healthy school in health and well-being.

Have a great weekend!

from Primary 2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan

Lent Challenge – Wednesday 8th March

Charity begins at home, where we daily make the choice to give our time, our attention, our affirming smile, and give generously. But charity must not stop there, because for Catholics “home” is universal, and our family is as big as the world.

Today’s challenge: 

  • Join in our ‘Bags for Malawi’ campaign (details in this week’s Weekly Update) 

  • We are looking for donations of small and light weighing items, for example: pencil cases, bars of soap, notebooks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, sponge balls, pencils, pens, gym rubbers, sharpeners, erasers, small bags of Haribo’s, bubbles, etc

  • Bags can be brought in during Lent and given to Mrs Roy.

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