Lent Challenge – Thursday 30th


Today’s challenge:   Fast from words and be silent so you can listen. Open your heart to God. 

Be quiet. Be still.

Find what friends and family come to mind and listen to what God tells you about them. Think of situations in life and consider the Holy Spirit’s guidance and advice.

Drive or walk to school / work in silence.

Cut back on Facebook, text messaging, technology to make space for God’s voice.

Prayer:   Lord, give me the courage to open my heart to you in silence.

Lent Challenge – Wednesday 29th


Today’s challenge : Say a decade of the rosary and ask God to fill us with His Grace, Peace, Love and the Joy of His Presence.

Pray the Glorious Mysteries. http://www.rosary-center.org/glorious.htm

Children can join me at lunchtime at 12.45pm on Wednesday to pray the rosary together.






Lent Challenge – Saturday 25th

Today we pray for the Primary 3 children who will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Our challenge today is about forgiveness.

Watch this 6 minute video clip about the Parable of the Prodigal Son.


Discuss the Parable with your family. Remember that this Parable reminds us that God is always ready to welcome us back and forgive us, no matter what we’ve done.

Take time to talk to God about the times you have not shown love.


Puppets in P2!

This week to finish off our money topic we have been counting money and finding change from an amount.


We know that you have to complete a subtraction sum to find out how much change. We found it tricky when we were buying more than 1 item at the shop because then we had to do an adding sum to find the total amount and a take-away sum to find how much change.

We loved playing the Pop to the Shops board game because it allowed us to use all of the skills we have learned so far in our money topic.

In numeracy this week we have been learning how to count in 3’s and recapping counting in 5’s.

At our independent station we completed a count by 3 dot to dot and a count by 5 ordering activty. The activities were really fun and helped us to practise our counting skills.

We really enjoy singing the count by 3’s song.

Last week we went to Purves Puppets and we completed puppet investigations and designs.

Following on from this we have been making puppets in class this week using different materials and by looking back on our designs from last week.

We have been using socks, pens, spoons, lollipop sticks, paper templates, wool, scissors and glue. We will be using our puppets in class during our structured play.

Ahmad-” We made Goldilocks and the three bears puppets. We worked together to do it by sharing the materials.”

In writing this week we wrote an imaginative story about being a princess or a prince for the day. Our stories were amazing and Miss Boyes loved reading them because we had worked hard to meet our success criteria. Our stories were interesting because we used lots of amazing adjectives. Here are some examples from our star writers.

For art we used oil pastels to create portraits of ourselves as a prince or a princess. We included different patterns in our drawings.


On Tuesday we went on a trip to the library at the Lanthorn. We love our library trips because we learn lots about the different books.
This week we learned more about the difference between fiction and non-fiction books.
Marcus- ” A fiction book is a book that tells a story and is not true.”
Julia-” A non-fiction book is not  a story book.”
Abdullah-” A non-fiction books has facts which are true.”

We enjoyed returning our books and choosing a new book to read in class.


We love our fairyland structured play. We took part in lots of different activities for the curricular areas. Once we have finished our activity we evaluate it on our sheet by colouring one of the faces.

Here we are at our listening and talking station using our finger puppets.

We enjoyed the numeracy word problems with a fairytale theme. We worked in pairs to solve the problems.

Hope you all have  a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and primary 2!

P2/3 Weekly update

In maths we have been using coins to 99p then using our number skills to pay for items up to 99p.  We’ve had to use our skills in counting in tens too.  We enjoyed playing this game to practice using and counting money http://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money

We have also been working on our counting skills, counting forwards and backwards from any number up to 100.  This is a good one to work on at home.  A handy activity is http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=NumberSequences  We’d love it if you leave a comment to let us know how you get on!

In Spanish we’ve been working hard to learn the months of the year now that we’ve mastered the days of the week.  We’ve had great fun playing this game http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primarylanguages/spanish/my_calendar/games/magic_cards_months/  Try it at home and see if you can beat the magician.

Everyone worked really hard in our Literacy Carousel on Wednesday.  One of our highlights was reading in pairs then giving each other feedback. We also worked on spelling using pipe cleaners, improving our handwriting skills and finding interesting vocabulary in our reading books.


Pupils from P2/3 and P3 paid a visit to St Philip’s chapel on Thursday for their Sacrament of Reconciliation rehearsal. Some of the children have been a little worried about the format so it was really helpful to have the opportunity beforehand to go along. All of the children have worked really hard completing their Sacramental lessons in school as well as their homework tasks. They know their prayers and the hymns well, so we have been reassuring the children not to worry about anything at all!

Some of our other highlights include:

Michelle – I liked writing about my friend.  I used lots of connectives.

Matthew – I liked doing Sumdog because I got lots of coins.  My maths skills are improving.

Kuba – I liked the maths carousel because I worked hard with number lines.

Oma and Maya – I liked the Health and Well-Being committee because we went outside today.

Alishba – I liked singing with Mrs Steele.

Chloe – I liked it when Mrs Smith came to do maths with us.  I learned how to find the difference between numbers.

Levente –  I liked learning about responsibility in Health and Well-Being.  We thought about it in the school and in the community.

Brooke –  I liked the STEM committee because we worked on the laptops to design eggs.

Carly and Angel – I liked preparing for my First Reconciliation on Saturday.

Maeve – I liked learning about Cleopatra and looking at her face so we can draw it in art next week.

Aaron – I liked Technology when I switched on the netbook, logged on, found a website then played a maths game.  I used loads of skills.

What a busy week in P2/3.  We’d love it if you would leave us a comment.

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and P2/3.



Lent Challenge – Thursday 23rd March

“This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command… Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.” (John 15:12-15)

Today’s challenge – Pray for a friend. 

Prayer for a Friend

I will pray for you, my friend.
I will name you in my heart before God and ask all His blessing be upon you.
I will be concerned for your rising and your daily mood.
I will be sympathetic to your personal needs and desires in each day of your life.
I will wish you well in your learning, or your work,  and your leisure.
I will think of you at the close of each day and pray that God’s peace be with you.
If you have been especially kind or helpful to me then I will make my gratitude known to you.
If you are in trouble or difficulty of any kind, or simply tired and worn down,
I will do all and anything I can to lift your spirits.
I will ache for you in your sorrows and disasters and rejoice with you in your joys and triumphs.
I will love and care for you as I love and care for myself.

~ Author unknown

Lent Challenge – Tuesday 21st March

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

Today’s challenge:  Learn about a different faith or culture. You could even learn a few words in a different language.


Lent Challenge – Saturday 18th

In the words of Pope Francis :

Let us strive to fast during Lent with a smile, rather than a long face.

Today’s Challenge – choose one or more of the things below to fast from.

Don’t forget to follow Pope Francis on Twitter! @Pontifex







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