Well done to Primary 2/3 for all their hard work in planning and performing in their Ancient Egyptians assembly and to all the parents and grandparents for coming along and providing a fabulous audience.
Some of our highlights this week have been:
Kuba – I liked rehearsing for our assembly.
Annayah – I liked singing songs in the assembly, especially the mummy song.
Alishba – I liked when we were drumming in music and keeping the beat.
Levente, Aaron and Andrew – I loved the mummy song in our assembly.
Pawel – I liked Big Writing and making props for our assembly.
Carly – Farmer Jess told us about crops that grow in Scotland and she showed us lots of pictures.
Chloe – I liked doing the Daily Mile because I’m getting fitter and faster.
Harry – I liked going on a walk and looking at the land around our school then finding out what it was used for.
Zuzanna – I liked Big Writing because we wrote about our walk.
Rachel – I liked our assembly because I loved the songs.
Angel – I liked it when Farmer Jess came to visit and showed us oil seed rape seeds and we got to hold them.
Oma – I liked rehearsing for our assembly. We used our singing skills and our listening and talking skills.
Matthew – I liked doing Sumdog because I got lots of coins. Sumdog helps me get better at maths.
Maeve – I had great fun when Farmer Jess came to visit because she talked about lots of animals and we found out about wee and poo from cows!!
In numeracy we have been completing activities to show our understanding of counting in tens.
Wojciech-“I think counting in tens is just like counting 1, 2, 3, 4 but you add a zero onto the end of each number.”
This week we started to learn about division by sharing. We shared the cubes out into different boxes to get an equal amount in each box.
Marcus- “At our independent station we had division word problems on playdoh mats. On the mats with the cakes we had to make a total number of candles and then share them equally.”
In writing this week we wrote Wanted Posters for the Big Bad Wolf.
Vanessa- “Our learning intention was to check that our sentences made sense.”
Lilly-“I read over my sentences to check for capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.”
Leo- “We wrote about where the Wolf was last seen, how much the reward would be and what he looked and behaved like.”
This week we received another letter from the Dragon and he also left us some magic jelly beans.
Madison- “The giant asked us to grow a magic beanstalk for fairyland.”
This letter came at a perfect time because this week has been outdoor learning week at school. We went out to the Garden, to plant seeds.
We had soil, magic beans, sunflower seeds, water and a plant pot.
After planting our seed and magic bean we went back into class to complete a sequencing task of the steps to take to plant a seed.
We read the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ this week so that we understood who would need this beanstalk in Fairyland. We had to read the text and then answer different questions to show our understanding.
We love this fantastic Jack and the Beanstalk story/song.
Since we wrote Wanted Posters for the Big Bad Wolf we decided to go on a Wolf hunt.
Before we left to go on our wolf hunt we listened to the story of “We’re going on a Bear Hunt”. We changed the word ‘bear’ in the song to the word ‘wolf’ and we sang it the whole way to the woods and the whole way back.
Here is a link to the story read by the author Michael Rosen.
We had a discussion before we left about how we could stay safe when on our nature walk. We said that we had to be careful with what we touched, not go to close to animals, stay away from the Pond, look at where we were walking and stay with one of the adults.
When we went back to class we completed a 5 senses sheet and had to record our findings with a peer.
Angelina- “We all saw the ducks and swans at the pond and we spied a bird’s nest in the tree.”
Ryan “We heard the birds singing.”
Alice- “The trees felt rough.”
Julia- “I could smell the flowers.”
For spelling this week we went out to the garden to do a tricky word hunt. Everyone had to try to find the tricky words and then we had to read the words which we found.
Once we found the words we made a tricky word trail by writing the words with chalk onto the ground.
In PE we had races outside and we also completed the daily mile.
We have really enjoyed being outdoors lots this week.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend from Primary 2 and Miss Boyes.
It has been a busy start to the term in Primary 2/3 and we have thoroughly enjoyed using the outdoor environment to develop our learning during Outdoor Week.
Read on for some of the children’s highlights:
Carly enjoyed planning our Food and Farming topic with her elbow partner.
Harry enjoyed PE outside with Mrs McMullen, especially playing tig.
Maya enjoyed doing our alphabet challenge outside where we had to use all of our senses to find something for each letter of the alphabet.
Brooke enjoyed our full stop hunt in the playground – you won’t believe how many full stops we found!
Aaron liked everything!
Andrew enjoyed writing about his trip to London during Big Writing.
Kuba enjoyed today’s assembly.
Oma enjoyed making a graph in the playground to show what we collected in the garden.
Chloe enjoyed Big Writing because she wrote about her friend and her holiday.
Maeve enjoyed Big Maths Beat That and our alphabet challenge because she even found a holly tree for the letter H.
Alishba enjoyed finding out about the vision of Jesus in RE.
Rachel enjoyed our full stop hunt in the playground.
Calvin enjoyed information handling when we sorted out information about food.
Levente enjoyed our Sumdog assessment.
Angel enjoyed collecting leaves and stones so we could make a graph.
We’ve also been busy working on our assembly for next Friday. We hope that you can join us at 9am. We’re especially looking forward to sharing our Egyptian songs with you!
A huge congratulations to Joseph Gall in P5 whose 500 word story on The Perfect Teacher has been shortlisted from over 131 000 entries to the final 5000 in the Radio 2 500 words competition.
We are all very proud of you and wish you luck in the next round,
Today’s challenge: If you can, attend the Reconciliation Service taking place on Wednesday 5 April at 7.00pm in St Andrew’s Church. (See you there!)
“This is a great opportunity for us to come together during Lent to acknowledge our sinfulness and celebrate God’s mercy in our lives, both individually and as a community. Fr Tony will lead a short service of Scripture reading, reflection and music. The service will end with individual confessions with one of the five priests available, after which you will be free to leave. A brief Examination of Conscience is offered on the insert in this week’s newsletter to assist in preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.”
This you tube clip is a fantastic way to remind children and adults alike about how to go to Confession:
It’s April Fools’ Day! Don’t skip the chance to get away with doing something outrageous: try putting a generous twist on April Fools’ and do something surprising that’s actually nice.
This week for numeracy we have been completing fact families.
Julia- “There are 2 adding and 2 take-away sums in a fact family”.
Marcus- “You have 3 numbers and you have to use the numbers in different ways to make the 2 adding and the 2 take-away sums. The two addition sums always make the same number but the 2 take-away sums make a different number.”
Leo “For example if you have the numbers 3, 2, and 5 then you could do
3 + 2 = 5
2 + 3 = 5
5 – 3 = 2
5 – 2 = 3”
We have remembered that when you add the numbers get bigger and when you take –away you start with the biggest number.
We like using the subitizing game.
Wojciech “You have to look at the object and say how many there are without counting them.”
Here is a link so that we can show you how to do it at home. The more we practise the quicker we will become.
We have been working hard on our imaginative writing this week; our stories were all about meeting our favourite fairy tale character. We had to try hard to write independently and to include capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, connectives and adjectives. Filip was our star writer this week; he had super ideas and tried to include all aspects of the success criteria, well done Filip!
This week we have been learning all about different houses and homes. We have looked at the different types of houses that we might see in our local area and then we looked at the different types of houses in Fairy land. For art we worked in groups using Mod-Rock to build our own Fairy tale Houses. We aren’t quite finished them yet and will share a completed photo after the holidays but here we are in action.
In RE we have been leaning all about the Easter story, we sequenced pictures of the story and then we used puppets to role play a few different parts of the story.
At Ninian’s natter on Thursday we reflected and worked on our aims with Miss Boyes, completed a mind-map of what we have learned this term, self-assessed and up-leveled our work and had learning conversations.
Julia received the achievement award on today for super effort and improvement in Literacy. Well done Julia!
Miss Boyes loved seeing all of our different Fairy tale characters and homes that we completed for homework. If you have not brought your model in yet then we would love to see it after the holidays as we will be completing class talks to discuss why we chose our character and how we made it.
We hope you have a lovely Easter Break from Miss Boyes and Primary 2!
What a fantastic week it has been in Primary 2/3! Lots of learning to finish a super term. It was lovely to have so many parents visit during Ninian’s Natter to share the children’s learning.
We were thinking about World of Work during Ninian’s Natter and all drew a picture of our dreams for the future. Watch out for us becoming football players, doctors, you-tubers, super heroes, artists, gymnasts, teachers, tennis players, rock stars, clothes designers, basket ball players, karate players and astronauts. Some of our work is below.
During Ninian’s Natter we also took the opportunity to reflect on our work over the term. You’ll spot lots of green and pink post-it notes in our jotters where we’ve highlighted the work that we’re really proud of and areas we’d like to improve.
Numbers all around
On Thursday we went outside to work on our maths skills. We were working on number sequences to 100 (and beyond!), skip counting in twos and in tens. Can you see our fabulous numbers in the playground?
Library visit
On Tuesday we went to the library to choose new books. We’re loving reading our new books and even managed to sneak in a quick visit to the park on the way back to school!
Our international education continued this week when we got an amail from our link school in Spain, CEIP Maria Immaculada. We were so excited to learn all about their carnival traditions.
Other highlights include:
Annayah, Oma and Dominic – I liked drawing Cleopatra because we learned how to be real artists.
Chloe – I liked PE because we did the bleep test and its going to make me faster in the Daily Mile.
Maya – I loved drawing numbers outside.
Alishba – I liked comparing numbers. I like it when I make a mistake because it helps me learn more.
Maeve, Harry and Andrew – I liked decorating eggs in art and thinking about patterns and colours.
Kuba – I liked writing the letter from the Easter Bunny thanking the animals for helping save Easter. I worked with Aaron and that improved my writing.
Pawel – I liked making 3D Easter bunny baskets.
Michelle – I liked writing because I used interesting vocabulary.
James – I liked writing the letter from the Easter Bunny. I tried hard to use connectives.
Brooke and Carly – I loved the literacy carousel because we read with partners.