Primary 2/3 Weekly News

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3 with lots of exciting learning.  The children would like to share their highlights.

Caspar and Aiden  – I loved running the Daily Mile.

Abby – I liked using adjectives to write a description of Plop the Owl.

Bernice – I liked making big numbers using Numicon.

Paul and Poppy  – I liked playing games in PE.

Rutendo – I liked doing handwriting warm up exercises.

Freda – I liked making a sparkly picture of nocturnal animals.

Daniel – I liked making a firework picture for our topic.

Mirren and Nathan – I liked writing u, w and e in handwriting.

Isla – I liked making number sequences in maths.

Abu Bakr – I liked working with my friends to make a 100 square.  Twice!!

Mark D. – I liked learning about the cogs in Emotion Works.

Mark K. and Blake – I liked Smart Start when we made star pictures at the collage table.

Lloyd – I liked playing the coconut ordering game on the SmartBoard.

Joshua – I liked learning about nocturnal animals.

We’ve had a great week reading about Six Dinner Sid in Word Boost.  This week’s boost words are agile, swoop, appetite, dare, require and defend.

P2 spelling words covered this week are can, came, for, had, have, him, his and my.

P3 spelling words covered this week are call, come, could, did, do, down, eat and first.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P2 Weekly Update

Here is an overview of some of the learning P2 have been working on this week :

Numeracy – For our Number Talks we have been looking at dot patterns, the question we are asked is “How many dots do you see?”, but the main focus is us describing how we have reached our answer. It is amazing to see all the different strategies that the children use to count.  Here is an example of a Number Talks we completed this week and some of the strategies we discussed.

Now try this Number Talks at home with your child,

We have also been continuing to focus on numbers to 100.  This week we have been counting large amounts by grouping in tens and then counting in tens and adding the ones (units) at the end.  This is leading us on to understanding more about the place value of Tens and Units.

Literacy – We have been starting to learn the key vocabulary words for P2 (there are 28 words that we would ideally like children to be able to read, spell and use in their daily writing by the end of P2).  The words we have focused on this week are but, can, came, for and had. In our writing this week we worked hard to make sure that we use capital letters and full stops in our sentences and we all can now use I when writing a personal story.  Next week we are going to write a set of instructions about looking after a dog (pet).  We will use the Charlie and Lola story We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog as our context to our writing.  You can have a chat at home about this to help your child be prepared for their writing.

Health and Wellbeing – In PE the children have been focusing on hand eye coordination.  They have been using bean bags and balls to practise throwing and catching.  Just to confirm our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.  The children have also been continuing to discuss feelings using Charlie and Lola as our focus.

Next week it is our Feast Day Mass on Friday in school to celebrate St Ninian, so the children will be doing a lot of learning all about St Ninian’s life and work.  It is also Maths Week Scotland so the children will be engaging in a wide variety of practical numeracy , exciting problem solving and maths games…it is going to be lots of fun!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

September GIRFEC theme – SAFE

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)

GiRFEC is the national approach in Scotland to improving outcomes and supporting the wellbeing of our children. To help make sure everyone – children, young people, parents, and the services that support them – has a common understanding of what wellbeing means, we describe it in terms of eight indicators. (see wheel)

Each month we focus on one of the indicators in class and at assembly. This month we will focus on SAFE.

In school some of the activities we will do the develop this theme are:

  • House Captain assemblies to look at being safe in school 
  • Fire alarm drills to make sure children know what to do in the event of a fire 
  • Every child will identify 5 key adults they can talk to – at school or at home

Working together at home is a really valuable part of this topic. Below are some ideas for family learning around this theme. We would love you to share how you get on!

  • Repeat a road safety routine whenever you are out and about.
  • Introduce your child to people who help us in the community.
  • Discuss how to make an emergency call and the dangers of doing this when there is no real emergency.
  • Make a list of people and their phone numbers your child could contact in an emergency and display it in your house.
  • Discuss the best way to react/respond to this situation with your child – a stranger makes contact with your child online and asks for their personal details. What should they do?


Primary 2

It has been such a quick week and we have done so much.  Read on to find out about our learning for this week.

Numeracy – We have been focusing on numbers to 100.  We have practised counting to 100 in ones (we have a little tune that we count along to, ask your child to sing it to you).  We have also practised counting in 10s to 100.  Our counting beads have really helped us visualise these numbers and the groups of 10s.  Challenge question : If I push 40 beads to the top of my counting string, how many would be at the bottom of the string?  Here is a link for a fun exercise programme which helps children count to 100 whilst exercising.

Literacy – We have started our Word Boost programme and read the book Who’s At The Door? The children all brought home their first Word Boost postcard to help you practise these words at home with some suggested activities (these are yours to keep so your child does not need to keep them in their folder).  We have also been revising the handwriting of the letters a, b, c, d, e and f.   For story writing this week we used the Charlie and Lola story I Am Actually Not Very Well as our theme and then wrote our own story about when we were not very well.  Next week we are writing story about getting our photograph taken (again based on a Charlie and Lola story Say Cheese).  You can talk about this with your child to help them prepare for story writing next week.

PE – In PE the children have been having lots of fun learning new games which we have to use our skills of spacial awareness to keep us safe during the game.  We have also started running the Ninian Mile this week, all good fun.

Well done everyone in P2 this week, you were all stars!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie



Primary 2/3 Weekly News

It has been another fabulous week in Primary 2/3 and the children would like to share their highlights.

I liked running in PE Bernice

I liked doing sport in PE Aiden and Marcel

I liked handwriting Abby

I liked using numicon in maths Paul and Serren

I liked learning colours in Spanish Isla and Abu Bakr

I liked reading my new book Mirren

I liked doing the Daily Mile Casper and Oliver

I liked working with others to make a 100 square JoshuaI

I liked writing a poem about an owl Poppy, Nathan and Wiktoria

I liked Emotion Works when we learnt how to name feelings  Abigail

I liked doing collage in Smart Start Mark K.

I liked writing i, l and t in handwriting  Daniel and Blake

I liked skip counting on the smartboard Rafay

I liked adding and subtracting in maths Freda

We all loved working on skip counting using two games on the Smart Board.  The links are below if you’d like to try the games at home. 

Everyone enjoyed our Word Boost book, Baby  Brain, and was able to use the boost words in games and in sentences.  Our boost words were occasion, vast, local , popular, repeat and mumble.

In spelling we’ve been working on our P2 and P3 word lists.  The P2 words were all, are, as, at , be  and but and the P3 words were about, an, back, because, been, before , big and by.  We had great fun creating spelling pyramids using these words.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan



Family Fun Morning – 1 plus 2 Languages

Please click on the link below to find out more about a family event taking place on 8th September from 10am – 12noon.

Learn to dance Flamenco and enjoy a croissant in the French café!
Please register your interest with your school by Monday, 3rd September to book your place! Cost per family: £1

1+2 Family Fun Morning Flyer

Primary 2

Welcome to all the P2 children in my class this session.

We have had a fabulous start to the year, everyone has been so bright and cheerful and full of special stories and memories from over the summer holiday.  I have been hearing a lot about the film The Incredibles 2, this seems to have been a particular favourite this summer, which is such a coincidence as I feel that this will be an INCREDIBLE session TOO!

As part of our first week in P2 the children have been getting to know each other and learning all about the new routines in their class.  Here are some of the things they have found out;

PE days – These will be on a Tuesday and Thursday

Coats and shoes – They know which area of the cloakroom they have to hang their jackets and to put their outdoor shoes and lunchboxes on the class trolley.

Smart Starts – Every morning the children self register by making their lunch choices as well as having an activity on their table to get work on straight away.

Prayers – They have revised our daily prayers and learned a new hymn.

Mrs Howley – On a Wednesday 2pm – 3pm the class will work with Mrs Howley on RE and Drama.

Charter – Our class charter this session will focus on the words READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. These words will help us to be the best we can be in school.

Smile Chart – There is a smile chart in the classroom where children can get their name on the chart by following the charter and making others smile.

Over the course of the next few weeks I look forward to working with the children on exciting teaching and learning activities.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie

Welcome to Primary 2/3

Welcome to Primary 2/3!  The children have all settled really well into their new class and we have had great fun getting to know each other.   We’ve also started our novel study and have loved getting to know ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.

PE days this year will be Tuesday and Thursday.

The children will bring home new reading books and diaries next week so look out for those in their school bags.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

1+2 Languages Family Fun Event

Please click on the link below to find out more about a family event taking place on 8th September from 10am – 12noon.

Learn to dance Flamenco and enjoy a croissant in the French café!
Please register your interest with your school by Monday, 3rd September to book your place! Cost per family: £1

1+2 Family Fun Morning Flyer


School Bank West Lothian Clothing Appeal 25th – 29th June

The School Bank are a local charity who help families in need within West Lothian and who provide clothing/footwear to children for the school day.  There are a small number of parents from our school who volunteer with this charity and we are organising a collection of clothing, footwear and school bags to help this local organisation and ultimately to help children within West Lothian.  In addition, it would help us all reduce our carbon footprint by re-cycling.  It’s a win win!

The School Bank are looking for USED SCHOOL UNIFORM AND GENERAL CLOTHING.  This could be:

  • – All school uniform e.g. shirts, trousers, skirts, pinafores, jumpers, cardigans and gingham dresses
    – Gym kit
    – Jackets
    – Shoes and trainers
  • School bags
  • – General clothing – both kids and adults

To help you organise any uniform / clothing to donate we will have dress down days on the last two days of term – Thursday 28th and Friday 29th June.

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