P2/3 Weekly update

What a fantastic week it has been in Primary 2/3!

In Science we investigated our sense of sight and learned that we see things upside down.  We found out that our brains puts it the right way round for us! We explored how blind people can cross the road and use braille without sight.  We also investigated our sense of taste and found out where our taste buds are then tried lots of different tastes – sweet, salty, sour and bitter.

In Literacy we had fun celebrating National Poetry Day and listened to poems, shared poems and read poems.

We wrote about our Most Magical Meal in writing – come and have a look at our writing jotters and read our wonderful stories.  We all loved reading the work of our Star Writers and sharing our stories with our talk partners.

Everyone loved visiting the library on Tuesday and choosing books to take back to the classroom.

In spelling, Primary 2 have been learning the ea pattern and Primary 3 have continued to work on their key words.  We all loved reading our new Word Boost Book, Beaten by a Balloon, then learning and using some fabulous new words – glance, bound, hideous, barrier, powerful and promptly.

In Numeracy we have been adding, sequencing and ordering numbers as well as improving our number strategies in Number Talks.

We’re all looking forward to welcoming you to our class next Friday for Stay, Play and Learn.  All the children have also been asked to bring a bear and a favourite book/ story/ comic to school next Friday too for BEAR (Be Excited About Reading) as we continue to build our reading culture in P2/3.

Have a wonderful weekend.

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P2 are cooking up great learning

It has been another superb week in P2, there have been a lot of interesting and valuable learning experiences.  Here is an overview of what we have achieved.

Topic – Science (Water); We have now all had a chance to do ice painting and observations of water in its three states.  To link this learning to real life skills we undertook the task of making Vegetable Pasta (with the help of Mrs Burchill – thank you!).  When we were making the pasta the children all observed how we use water in our every day lives to cook, they also were able to apply their learning about how heating water up can turn it from liquid water into water vapour.  The children were so excited when they started to see steam as they knew this was the water boiling (and boiling over oops!).  They then learned how to chop, peel and grate vegetables.  The best bit was the tasting!

Numeracy – We have started to recap our addition within 10 skills.  We focused on the number bonds to 10 and how we can show these using concrete material and pictorially on a number line.  We then asked the question, if these are number bonds to 10 how can we adapt them and add to them to make number bonds to 11.  Again the children used a wide variety of resources to show this.  We discussed switchers too, ask your child to explain to you what a switcher is.

Literacy – On Thursday we wrote some instructions about how to make our Vegetable Pasta dish and Mrs Smith joined us for this lesson and she was so impressed with our learning.  We focused on numbering our instructions and trying to start each instruction with a verb opener.  Look out for a consolidation home learning task next week about writing instructions on how to make your favourite breakfast (bowl of cereal, toast with jam, boiled egg etc).  This week we completed our first block of spelling lessons which focused on our P2 key words and today we completed a check up task to see how we are getting on, it’s great to know if we are making any mistakes because this is the best way to learn!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie


Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

Primary 2/3 have had a great week as we continue our learning adventure.


In spelling this week P2 have explored the ‘ea’ sound.  They loved listening for ea sounds in a song and spotting ea words in the lyrics.  You can listen to our ea song by clicking below – can you spot the ea sounds?  Everyone decided that they would like to use whiteboards to reinforce their learning this week.

Primary 3 are working on key words and this week learnt the words must, now, off, old, only, our, or and other.

We all wrote a story about when we visited the doctor or the dentist.  Look out for the fabulous stories in our jotters and spot the capital letters and full stops as well as some openers and connectives.

The Obvious Elephant was our Word Boost  book this week and we learnt the words confident, curious, obvious and bewildered.

Everyone had a busy time on Thursday when we went on an adjective hunt and found a huge range of interesting adjectives in the class library.


This week we have continued our learning on addition and subtraction and counting to 100 for P2 and 1000 for P3.  We’ve been ordering numbers, counting on and back and building numbers with the concrete materials.   The Counting Caterpillar game will help you to use your knowledge of place value to put numbers into order.

In Number Talks we’ve been working with numbers up to 20.  How many ladybirds can you see?  How do you know? Can you think of another way of doing it?


We have continued to explore our senses this week and went on a sensory walk on Wednesday to investigate textures in the playground.  There was much discussion on how we could record our findings but the children decided that the iPads would work best. We then made sensory collages when we returned to the classroom.


Finally, we had a wonderful assembly on Thursday to say farewell to John the Janny who retires this week.  We wish John all the very best.

Have  a lovely weekend.

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan


P2 Have The Power Of Yet

P2 have had a great week.  We had our first successful trip to the local library, thank you to our adult helpers who came with us.  The children were all able to choose a book to bring back to school and they then used their book to inspire them to record a drawing or piece of writing.  Well done everyone.  In class we have also been learning about the power of the word YET when we are learning.  The children are recognising that they can achieve anything through celebrating mistakes and using them as an opportunity to achieve great learning…we don’t say I can’t do it! We say I can’t do it YET!

We watch this fun song before our learning to help us remember this valuable message,

Here is an overview of our learning from this week,

Literacy – We read the book “Billy Monsters Daymare” for our boost work this week.  We thought it was really funny when we discussed that it is the opposite of our lives; Billy had nightmares about children! The children were then challenged to try to use any of the boost words when talking to me, I was so delighted when Jack told me he had a “tiny” lunch! Well done Jack.  We have also been working hard on using a wide variety of spelling strategies to help us learn our sight words.  We particularly enjoy using worms and snakes spells was and sally anne idancing spells said.  You and your child can try making up some of your own mnemonic stories to learn tricky spellings.

NumeracyWhich number is largest?  Which is smallest?  Put these numbers in order starting from the smallest. These were the questions the children were answering this week in numeracy.  The children were using the numbers to 100.  We applied our knowledge of place value and looked at the tens digit first when comparing or ordering our numbers and if the numbers had the same tens digit then we looked at the units digit for more information.  We have been using the game Coconut Ordering (Topmarks website) to help practise this skill.  Here is the link to this game


Science – Water water all around… We have been discussing water this week and looking at the three states of water (liquid, steam and ice).  We split into two groups and one group watched a short film about an ice festival and then used ice paints (poster paint and water mixed together and frozen over night) to colour some Artic animals.  The other group completed some practical work on observing water in its three states and learning the science vocabulary of SOLID, LIQUID and GAS to describe these states, we played a fun game outside to demonstrate the structure of a solid, liquid and gas (ask your child to explain it to you).  Next week the two groups will have a chance to swap over to experience both activities.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Currie

Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

It has been a short week but there’s been lots of learning going on in P2/3!


In spelling we have continued to work on our P2 and P3 key words.  This week’s words for Primary 2 are they, two, we, when, with and you.  Primary 2 have now completed their key words so will move on to spelling patterns next week.   This week’s words for Primary 3 are like, little look, made, make, me, more and much.  Primary 3 will continue to work on key words next week.

We’ve had great fun working on our n, m and h in handwriting and everyone loved working with the chunky crayons.  Our focus this week was on using the correct starting point for each letter.

It has been a revision week in Word Boost this week when we’ve consolidated all of the vocabulary introduced in the last three books.  The children demonstrated a fantastic understanding of all their new words!


In maths Primary 2 have been working on numbers to 100 and P3 have been working on numbers to 1000.  We have had great fun ordering lots of numbers!  Everyone liked playing the Helicopter Rescue game to help us count on and back.



Primary 2 have been busy building numbers to 100 using cubes and Primary 3 enjoyed identifying numbers to 1000 on the smartboard using the Numbers to 1000 activity.


Everyone was excited to begin our new Science topic on the Senses this week.  We began by investigating our sense of touch – ask your child what they learnt about touch. The class worked together to create a report on their experiment and then illustrated it.  Look out for our report in our Talking Book.


The highlight of today was the start of Pupil Committees!  P2/3 loved heading off to do STEM, arts and crafts, mini glee, outdoor learning, one world, games club and book bugs then sharing their experiences afterwards.  What a lot of effective contributors we have in the class.

Have a lovely weekend!

From Mrs Keegan and Mrs Caskie


P2 Weekly Update

A short week, jam packed with exciting learning!  Here is an overview of our week.

Literacy – Mrs Young worked with the children on Wednesday and focused on the last Charlie and Lola story “Whoops but It Wasn’t Me!”.  From this the children made some Charlie and Lola puppets and then wrote a story about a time when they accidentally broke something.  Our star writers were Micah, Robert and Oliver, well done!  Next week we will be visiting the local library and we will be able to borrow a book to bring back to school.

Topic – Our class focus on The Charlie and Lola stories has now finished and we are looking ahead to next week when our science block of work begins.  Our Science work will initially focus on water, so the children have been sharing their ideas as to what they would like to learn about water.  Here are some of the suggestions;

Thea – find out what is in water (what it is made of) and why it is clear?

Abigail – how much water does it take to fill a cup? (measuring)

Jack – how to be safe with water and when doing science, using goggles and things like that.

As part of our core learning within the topic of Water we will be investigating water in its three states.  This will involve using investigation skills and linking our learning to real life.  One planned lesson is to show how we use water in cooking and we will make a vegetable pasta dish.  The ingredients will be dried pasta, olive oil, carrots, onions, mushrooms and red and green peppers.  If for any reason your child cannot eat any of these ingredients please send Mrs Currie a note and we will adapt the recipe to suit.  Discuss the topic of water at home with your child and please leave a message if you or your child have any other suggestions of activities or research/investigations that we could carry out as part of this topic.

Maths and numeracy – the children are now looking at ten frames in their Number Talks.  Here is an example of a ten frame Number Talks, you can try this with your child at home.

We have also explored partitioning a 2 digit number into its tens and units.  The children have learned that in the number 25 the 2 tens digit stands for 20 etc.  Here is an example of partitioning,

Now try this one.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie

P2/3 Weekly Update

What a busy week it has been in P2/3! Thank you to everyone who came along to Ninian’s Natter on Wednesday.  It was lovely to see you all and for the children to share their Maths Week Scotland learning with you.

In Maths we have been investigating odd and even numbers.  We loved using the Coconut Odd or Even game to help us learn.  Do try it at home and let us know how you get on.  Look out for odd and even numbers when you’re out and about and tell us if you spot any.

Our Maths Week Scotland investigations have kept us busy and we’ve explored lots of concepts including numbers to 100, shape, number bonds, money and problem solving.

In Literacy we linked our writing to Emotion Works and wrote about feeling excited.  We thought about capital letters, full stops and connectives.  Next week we’re writing about a time when we had to say sorry. Well done to this week’s Star Writers, Abigail and Blake.

In spelling our focus has been on learning our P2 and P3 key words.  The P2 words this week were new, no, not, on, one , said, she and so.  The P3 words this week were from, go, going, has, her, here, if and into.  Everyone loved spelling their words with pipecleaners!

We loved reading The Cultivated Wolf in Word Boost and explored some fabulous new words – racket, improve, ignore, budge, emerge and ache.  Can you use these words in a sentence at home?

In handwriting we’ve been reviewing the formation of the letters n, m and h.  Can you find any creative ways of working on forming these letters?  It may involve pencils, crayons or paint!

In topic we were so excited to finish our class novel, The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark, and rounded off our learning by compiling Owl Fact Files.

Next week we start our new topic on The Senses.  Look out for updates on our senses experiments!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P2 Weekly Blog

It has been a hard working week in P2, here is an overview of our learning this week.

Numeracy – Maths week has been a real success!  The children had so much fun and great learning experiences using all the maths games and activities set up in our area.  They were able to explore numbers in a wide variety of contexts for example in our ‘Ninian Shop’, Snakes and Ladders and a range of building and counting games.  They also explored shape through the use of pin boards and 2D shapes to make patterns and pictures.   In class we have continued to develop our knowledge and understanding of double digit numbers up to 99.   We have been learning how to make a double digit number ten more and ten less by using the place value system.  We have been using cubes, counting beads and 100 squares to help us do this.

At home you can practise counting forward and backwards in tens to 100 and for some extra practise try these at home,

What is ten more than 40?          What is ten less than 80?

What is ten more than 23?          What is ten less than 65?

Literacy – The common words that we have focused on this week are, have, him, his, new and my. We had a lot of fun using a variety of different activities to help us learn to read and spell these words such as finger painting, chalk writing, word processing and play dough writing. Can you think of any other ways to learn these spellings?  This week we wrote our instructions about looking after a dog and the children all had some great ideas.  Next week we will conclude our Charlie and Lola focus by reading the story Whoops, It Definitely Wasn’t Me.  From this we will write a personal story about a time when we have broken something by accident and we will try to include some detail about what, when and how in our story.

Health And Wellbeing – This week in PE we played a brilliant game which has been helping us learn to throw a bean bag/ball accurately, ask your child to explain the game to you.  Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.  We have been continuing with our Ready, Respectful and Safe charter in class to help us be the best we can be, and the children are all really trying their very best, the Smile Chart is full every day!  It was also great to spend time with some of our parents and family during Ninian’s Natter which was the children’s first chance to share their learning experiences and successes.

Have a lovely holiday weekend,

Mrs Currie

P2, P2/3 and P3 Maths Week Challenges

The children have all been given a challenge worksheet home with them today.

The rules of the sheet are,

  1. Roll two die and mark in the values into the addition calculation boxes and then add to find a total
  2. EXTENSION : Roll two die and use the two numbers to make a double digit number. (For example if you rolled a 2 and a 6 you could make the number 26 OR 62) Mark this number in the first box and then repeat to get a double or single digit number for the second box. Then add together.
  3. You could work out which total you get most often, is there a pattern?
  4. Encourage your child to talk about the strategies they used to reach their answer.

Your child can use any material that you wish to help with the addition calculations (these can range from cubes, coins, beads…)

If you don’t have any die DON’T PANIC! Here is a link to a website with interactive die for you to use.


Check out the weekly update for more fun Maths family learning activities and ideas.

Happy counting,

Mrs Currie, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Scott

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