Christmas Fair Newsflash!!!

P6/7 are in charge of Santa’s Grotto!


On Thursday 29th of November St. Ninian’s will be hosting a Christmas fair it will start at 5:30 and will end at 7:00. The Grotto will be in the infant area in the Sunshine room!

In Santa’s Grotto it will be £2 entry to do many things like, talking with Santa, writing a letter to Santa ( and who knows Santa might reply to your letter), you will also get an early present from Santa!

During the Christmas fair there will be other stalls like, people from different businesses will be there, different classes will be holding other fun stalls! There will be wee snacks and other fun original games!

There’s no doubt you’ll be bored!

From the Primary 6/7 class, enjoy your time at the Christmas Fair!















P2 Weekly Update

In P2 it is definitely Cool To Be kind!  The children have been learning all about choosing to be respectful this week and I loved all the odd socks!

On Tuesday we had a great trip to the cinema.  We watched the film “Flying The Nest”.  SPOILER ALERT! It was about a young bird called Ploey who could not fly yet and for a few reasons he missed his chance to migrate south for the winter.  So he had to try to survive in wintry conditions and not be caught by the mean bird of prey Shadow!  He learned that through building friendships and being kind, as well as having a growth mindset, he could do anything!  In the end he was reunited with his friends and family.

We were all so inspired by this story that on Thursday we used the Mighty Writer board to help us recount the story.  We tried really hard to use the connective “because” to link our sentences.  Thank you to Leon and Kayla who gave us two WOW opening words in our writing; Meanwhile and Just then respectively.  The results were super and our star writers this week are Christopher, Hannah S and Chloe, well done.

In numeracy we have continued to learn and apply subtraction skills this week.  We created our own calculations and have started to try to work out how we can find a missing number in a calculation.  Try these calculations out at home, if you work out an answer you can post a reply.

12 – 7 =                         15 – ? = 9                      ? – 4 = 8

In PE Mr McCurdy was working on core strength with the children and they were learning about their abdominal muscles.  The children all rose to the task well and demonstrated skill and control on the gymnastic equipment.  Jiya and Chloe had great spring in their work and Oliver demonstrated super strength and control on the rings.  Well done everyone.

What a super week.  Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

Primary 2/3 Weekly update

Primary 2/3 would like to share their learning highlights with you:

Aiden loved writing his story about a fire fighter  in Mighty Writer.

Casper loved working with number lines to 1000 in maths.  His number line was very very big!

Daniel loved doing handwriting because he likes writing letters.  He noticed that his letters were very neat this week.

Abby loved learning about our community this week.

Abigail loved finding numbers on number lines in numeracy this week.  She would really like to make her own big number line.

Freda loved story writing because she loves using her imagination.

Rutendo loved topic because she enjoyed using the netbooks to research the work of the fire station in our community.

Rafay loved spelling words with ch at the end this week.

Bernice loved climbing in PE.

Abu Bakr liked doing number talks because he was blown away by the strategies.

Paul loved maths because he loves addition.

Mark D. loved using a number line to help him round.

Joshua did really well on Sumdog and liked evaluating his reading book.

Oliver loved going to the cinema because it was so much fun.

Lloyd, Wiktoria and Marcel loved PE because they were climbing and playing a game with the nerf gun.

Blake liked making a number line in numeracy.

Poppy liked thinking about strategies in number talks.

Seren enjoyed our revision week in Word Boost because she could remember loads of words.

Isla loved Spanish because she can count really well.

Mark K loved Sumdog and reading.

Nathan loved writing about a fire fighter using Mighty Writer.

Everyone has enjoyed updating their profiles and we’ve tried using the OneNote app to help us.

Congratulations to Casper and Mirren who were our Star Writers this week and loved reading their stories to the nursery.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Keegan and Mrs Caskie.

P2/3 Weekly Update

Here are some of our highlights:

In writing this week we all wrote fabulous stories, recounting the story of Peace at Last.  We worked especially hard to reread our work and worked really well with our partners. Our focus was to use capital letters, full stops and fantastic openers.  Our star writers, Abby and Bernice, were delighted to visit the nursery to share their stories.

Primary 2 children were really excited to begin rehearsals for the Nativity this week.  We’re looking forward to sharing this learning with you.

Everyone worked hard during Smart Start, especially when investigating maths through play. The  children decided that the best way to record their learning was to use digital technology rather than paper – great idea!


Digital learning has been a focus this week and the children have worked hard to login to Glow at home.  We have been so impressed to read about the children’s wider achievements and to see the photos as well as to receive emails from the children.

In Number Talks we have been using the Rekenreks online to build our understanding of number.  “How many can you see?  How do you know?”  have been key questions in class. The children have been really confident in sharing their strategies.

We’re looking forward to Cool to be Kind week next week, especially Odd Socks Day on Monday.  You can get a sneak preview of the  Choose Respect song for Odd Socks Day 2018 by clicking the image below.  We can’t wait to join in with the song!

We’re also looking forward to our cinema visit next week.  Please remember to complete the permission slip and return it to school.

P2 Weekly Up date

This week our learning has been sparkling, as we rocket our way through our lessons, glowing as bright as the stars!

In numeracy this week we have started to look at subtraction.  We learned that there are different words that mean take away; subtraction, less than and fewer.  We have been using cubes, counting beads, number lines and our heads and fingers to help us solve calculations. We noticed that if you are using the number line you have to count in the opposite direction (to the left) because taking away makes a number smaller!  Great learning everyone.

Use the above link to go the game Hit The Button, and choose subtraction within 20 to practise some more.

For our spelling this week we have revised our vowel house story and focused on three of the patterns, oo, ee and ai (ay at the end of a word) and we learned the following words – book, look, shook, sheep, keep, seek, rain, pain, gain (play + day).  We completed a range of practical activities to help us learn these patterns.

In our “Our Community” topic learning we have been creating a Map Of Me where we learned about our place in our world.

These flip books start with a picture of ourselves, then a picture of our house, then a picture of our community Livingston, then a picture of Scotland and finally a picture of the Earth.  Thank you Mrs Burchill for helping us produce these.  They have really helped us to understand where our community Livingston is and how it is part of the community of the world.

Next week we will be visiting the cinema on Tuesday, please remember to complete the permission slip and return it to school.  Our writing next week will be all about this trip and the film we see.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

P2/3 Weekly Update on our Learning Adventure.

Another busy week in P2/3.

In our outdoor learning we were nature detectives and used magnifying glasses to look at a variety of things in the school garden. We had to work in teams and draw the object as it looked with our eyes and then draw it after using the magnifying glasses. It was amazing what we found and as it was frosty it was even more exciting.


In Literacy this week we read Hiccup The Viking which was our Word Boost book. We had to listen out for the following words ocean, spine, shriek, ancient, immediately and peculiar and remember if they were nouns, verbs or adjectives. In our reading we worked on our higher order thinking skills of Remembering where we had to write down the setting of our story, the main characters and what happened at the beginning of the story. We also worked on Understanding using our word boost knowledge of adjectives we had to write three adjectives to describe the main character, think of the main idea of our story and describe why the title was appropriate to our reading book.

We continued to work on our addition and counting in Numeracy and are becoming super at our number talks.

Here is a link to a game we used to help us with our addition.

In our number talks we sometimes use ten frames and we can come up with lots of strategies of what do we see and how do we see it. Here is one you can try at home and you can post your strategies too!

In P.E. we are working on a fitness block and this week we became teachers and worked alongside P1D in a fitness circuit. We followed our school rules of READY, RESPECTFUL AND SAFE. We really enjoyed working with them and want to say a big thank you to Mrs Davenport for inviting us to join in.


In Digital learning this week some of us have logged onto Glow and we will continue with this next week. This will also be part of our Homework for next week and we are excited to be digital learners.

We have also been working very hard  during our Smart start in the mornings with lots of focus and great collaborative learning.



Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.

P2 Weekly Update

It has been a spooktastic week in P2!

We completed some spooky Hallowe’en art this week.

Firstly we made hallowe’en lanterns.  This focused on our cutting skills.

Then we used the outdoors to inspire some skeleton making.  We went into the school garden and foraged for useful material which we could turn into skeletons in class.  This was so much fun and it helped us to develop our creativity skills.  We hope you don’t get too frightened checking out these pictures!

In our Numeracy we had a chance to be the teacher.  We did a Find It and Fix It lesson.  Winnie the Witch was at witch school and she was given a worksheet of addition calculations to solve.  We had to check Winnie’s work  for her and fix anything that she got wrong.  We put a big version on our Maths Working Wall and used tickled pink and green for growth to help her.  We hope Winnie will grow from her mistakes just like we do in class.

For our Literacy we did a character a study from our reading books.  We all had to choose one character from our book and draw a picture of them, then list some adjectives to describe our chosen character and say what they did in the story.  This really helped us use our higher order thinking skills as we had to Understand our reading books and then Apply what we had found out to complete a character study.

Our Alien story this week was so much fun, we had to describe what an alien would see if he landed on our planet on 5th November.  We used our Mighty Writer to develop our story.  Here are the star writers from this week; Kayla, Jiya and Leon.

Next week we will be writing a story about a police officer and the jobs they have to do in our community to keep us safe.  This will be part of our Community topic and will help us answer Ibad’s pupil voice suggestion for this topic (“What are the jobs of a Police Officer?).  Have a chat at home about the types of jobs a police officer in Livingston would need to do.

As an extra try this Number Talks at home with your child.  How many beads are there on the left hand side, how did you count them?  Did your doubles knowledge help you at all?  As always if you get answer and a strategy feel free to share it with me by replying to this blog.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie

P2/3 Weekly update

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a lovely break. It has been a short but busy week in Primary 2/3.


We made a start on our new topic, “Our Local Community of Livingston”   by investigating our needs and wants and creating posters.  We then made videos to share our opinions and developed our digital literacy skills by using the iPads. There was lots of great discussion and sharing of ideas.


Everyone enjoyed spelling this week as each child chose the words they found particularly tricky to work on.  There was a choice of activities – word building with straws, finger painting the words using autumn colours of paint, creating word searches and working with whiteboards. Lots of great individual learning went on.

We have continued to build the reading culture in P2/3 and everyone loved BEAR time today.  Don’t forget to bring your bear every Friday!  The concentration and focus in the class is lovely as all the children read to their bears.

Maths and Numeracy

In numeracy this week we have worked on our addition skills and learnt to write lots of number words.  Everyone liked playing the Fruit Splat game to help us read number words quickly and we worked on ordering numbers on the net books using a Topmarks game.


Have  a lovely weekend from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.


P2 Weekly Update

It has been great being back this week.

We have started our new class topic – Our Community.

Within this topic we are going to be learning about the jobs and skills of people in our community.  The children have identified the areas they would like to learn more about;

Yasmin – Learn about vets

Amelia – Sports in Livingston

Evie – Dentists

Ibad – what are the jobs of a police officer?

Kayla – hairdressers

Amelia – working in hotels

Oliver – what kind of scientist jobs are there?

Abigail – working in the Vue cinema

Cooper – Universities and West Lothian College

Eve – Learn about St John’s Hospital

This week in Literacy we have started to use our new writing resource called Mighty Writer.  Here is photograph of what it looks like.

We use the pictures, punctuation and sentence starters to build up a sentence.  This will really help us with our learning about how to extend our stories to include a beginning, middle and end.  It will also highlight clearly when to use punctuation in our stories.  One of the main areas of focus this term in our writing is imaginary stories.  Next week we are going to write about a little alien who comes to our planet for the very first time just in time to see fireworks.  Have a chat with your child about what they might include in their story.

In our numeracy learning this week we have been practising our addition skills.  We have been using all the concrete material in class to help us prove our answers!  We then became the teachers and showed others in class how we could prove our answer.  In our Number Talks we have started to use the interactive Rekenrek.  Our focus for this is doubles/near doubles (within 20).  Here is an example of one of our Number Talks from this week.

In PE we are focusing on Fitness.  This will include core strength, stamina and flexibility.  We can’t wait to see what new ideas Mr McCurdy has for us to develop these skills.  Our PE days will remain the same for this term; Tuesday and Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

GIRFEC theme for October – HEALTHY

Our House Captains and Vice Captains led fantastic assemblies this week by promoting healthy lifestyle messages. They reminded the children about healthy packed lunch choices and the importance of getting regular exercise. They had also recorded a special video message from Mr McCurdy who was so proud of our 2 PE lessons each week and the numbers of children attending after school clubs.

The Captains have challenged the whole school to start Fruity Friday by bringing in a piece of fruit for snack each Friday. We look forward to seeing everyone’s healthy snack this Friday!

Well done to our Captains. #stninianskidscan

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