Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

This week our highlights have been:

We loved the tennis festival at James Young High School.  It inspired us to play more tennis and we enjoyed meeting new friends from other schools.

We have been busy making Mother’s Day Cards (sshh, it is a secret!).  Everyone used a range of skills to create beautiful work.

In Art we created Easter pictures with Mrs Young.

In PE we had great fun playing ball and running games.

Miss Young, a B.Ed student, has been working with us this week and we have loved having her in our class.

We have been busy caring for our potatoes in Science and we have been so excited to see them begin to grow.

Look out for our new ladders which we have created to help us when we are stuck.  Everyone brainstormed their ideas then we created our own ladder.

Our multiplication and subtraction skills are really improving and we’re looking forward to moving on to division soon.

We have all got our own ‘fuzzy’ and they help us when we’re sad, as part of our Building Resilience with Skipper programme. Everyone has shared experiences of when their ‘fuzzies’ have helped them this week.

In PM Writing we have continued to work on recounts.  Everyone agrees that it is easier to write our recounts in stages and that our recounts have really improved.  We have loved looking for verbs and adjectives in the texts.

Some children are looking forward to making the Sacrament of Reconciliation tomorrow and have worked really hard to prepare for this important step in their Sacramental journey.

Update from Blake, Mark D., Abu Bakr, Joshua, Lloyd, Paul, Mirren, Nathan and Abby.

Primary 2/3 News

This week in P2/3 we have been writing recounts about our experiences in the lunch hall. We’ve thought about structuring our recounts to include an orientation, a sequence of events and a personal comment.  We’ve thought lots about using past tense verbs and ambitious vocabulary too and were all very proud of our recounts.

In Maths we have used our new rekenreks to make numbers by swooshing the numbers along the number rack.  Everyone loved sharing their strategies with partners and with the class.  Our work on addition, subtraction and multiplication is continuing and it is lovely to see how the children are using their Number Talks strategies to support their work in Maths.

In Science we have planted cress seeds which are beginning to show signs of sprouting already.   We also investigated  the seeds of various fruits this week using magnifying glasses.   There was great excitement when a tiny shoot appeared in our potato bag today and we can’t wait to see how big it is by Monday!  We also developed our Science skills by classifying animals into agreed sets.

Everyone has been delighted to welcome our box of Buddy Bears to Primary 2/3. Thank you to all the kind and talented knitters who have made this possible for us.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P2/3

P2 Update

Here is a snap shot of our learning this week;

Our newly resourced playroom is now in use and we are loving all the new experiences we are having.

For maths this week we have been learning the names of 3D shapes and we worked out which shapes roll because they have curved sides.

In Numbertalks this week we have used the rekenreks.  We have been working out how many swooshes it takes to make a number.  It has been a lot of fun and it is great to use the huge Rekenrek to share strategies with the whole group.

We had our class mass on Tuesday and it was beautiful.  The readers did very well reading the Bidding Prayer and we all sang our prepared hymns with enthusiasm.  Well done everyone.

We used this experience of going to mass to help us learn further how to write a recount.  We all recalled the order of events from Tuesday morning when we went to mass and then wrote a recount of this.  It was great to see all the details the we remembered!

As it was the end of National Science week on 17th March we finished our Science learning by looking at Stephen Hawking.  We used a book we bought as a class during World Book Day and learned who Stephen Hawking is and what he is famous for in the field of Science.  It was great to hear Leon’s own knowledge of Blackholes too!  What super facts Leon, thanks for sharing.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie


P2 Weekly Update

This week have had to say goodbye to Mrs Lauder.  She has spent the last six weeks with us in class helping us with our learning, especially in Science.  She is not fully leaving us though as she will be back after Easter to work with our P7 class.  Good luck Mrs Lauder.

This week we have been learning how to write a recount using our new resource PM writing.  We all decided to recount what we do in the morning when we are getting ready for school.  We have learned to include an orientation, sequence of events and a personal comment. The results have been fabulous and our star writers this week are Victoria and Eve.  Well done girls.

For numeracy we continued to develop our skills of estimating.  We have been trying to place numbers on a number line which only gives us the starting and ending number.  This has proved tricky but we have been practising really hard and using some interactive games to help us.  Try this one out.

Stay, Play and Be Well was a huge success in our class.  It was so lovely to see everyone and it is always special for the children to share their learning and classroom environment with their families.  Thank you again for the huge turn out.

Next week we have our class mass on Tuesday at 9.30am in the small chapel at the Lanthorn.  This is open to all to attend.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie


P2 Update

Happy World Book Day everyone!

We had a great time in class during World Book Day making book marks and drawing our favourite characters.  We even got to choose some new books for our class.


This is one of our new books.

We made bunting out of our drawings of our favourite books/characters.

In numeracy we have been learning about estimating numbers on a number line.  Try out this online game using the link. Try estimating within 0 – 10 to start with and then increase this to 100 if you feel confident.  Have fun.

In Literacy we have started using a new writing resource called PM writing.  This is going to help us learn how to complete functional pieces of writing.  This week we are focusing on a recount.  We have already learned about the structure of a recount; title, orientation, sequence of events and personal comment.  Next week we are going to be writing our own recount of what we do in the morning before we come to school.

For science we have explored our senses and had great fun completing a range of activities prepared for us by Mrs Lauder.  The taste test was interesting as we had to first taste with our noses pinched and then taste again with out it pinched…what a difference it made!  The feeling/touch test really made us think how much we rely on this sense because we firstly had to feel in the box wearing a rubber glove and then do it again without a glove!  Fabulous learning through discovery.

Have a lovely week.

Mrs Currie

Primary 2/3 update

This week we had a lovely visit from Arch Bishop Leo Cushley.

On Tuesday we investigated Shrove Tuesday traditions and sampled some pancakes.  This led us to write imaginative stories about a runaway pancake on Wednesday.  We also  took part in our  Ash Wednesday service to mark the beginning of Lent. We have spoken about our Lenten promises.

We celebrated World Book Day and had a super DEAR (drop everything and read).  We also listened to one of our favourite authors, Alex T. Smith, speak about how he finds inspiration for his writing and then visited ‘Story Detective Stations’ to create our own stories.  The stories we created were fantastic!  There was much excitement as Mirren and Abby headed off to Waterstone’s to choose some new books for our class library and our new books have been much in demand.

Karen from RHET visited us on Friday and helped us to plant potatoes as part of our Science topic.  We’ve entered a competition with other schools to see who can grow the heaviest crop of potatoes – but we’re most excited about eating our potatoes.

Another highlight on Friday was our story massage session when Mrs Stewart and Mrs McCabe taught us how to use massage.  We all agreed that it helped us to feel peaceful and calm.

Our work in writing this week has focused on recounts and we’re developing our skills in using nouns, past tense verbs and time and sequence words.  Look our for our recounts next week.

In maths we’ve been working on subtraction and multiplication. P2 developed their digital skills during maths when they made videos to demonstrate how we use arrays to solve multiplication problems.

Have a great weekend.

From Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P2/3

P2 Update

This week P2 have been amazing scientists.  They have been learning about GERMS.  They completed an investigation in how germs can be spread.  Christopher was our willing volunteer to be infected (hand gel and glitter mixture) on his hand and then he had to shake hands with someone in class.  We observed how the germs spread from one person to another.  We discussed how to sneeze hygienically, into a tissue or into the inside of our elbow.  We also talked about good hand washing.  We then became GERM BUSTERS and wrote some rules on how to reduce the spread of germs.  Super learning!

In numeracy we continued to look at fractions and we worked on finding half of a given amount.  We used our division (sharing) skills the we learned recently to help us do this.

In literacy we have been using ‘peer assessment’ in our reading, we have been listening to each other and giving positive feedback.  The children have also been using the traffic light system to self-assess their own performance in reading, they have been using the traffic light stamper in their green diary.

For Number Talks we have been using Maths Splats to discuss and share our strategies.  This involves counting a number of dots in a random pattern (when counting we look for dice patterns and we use a variety of strategies such as counting in 2s) and then a number of the dots get covered by a splat.  We have to work out how many are under the splat and explain how we worked it out.  Have a go at this one.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

P2/3 Weekly Update

This week the children in P 2/3 want to share their highlights of their learning adventure.

Wiktoria” I liked playing football in P.E.”

Mark D ” I liked doing handwriting this week”

Poppy ” I liked doing my bidding prayer at our Class Mass.”

Blake ” I liked doing multiplication in maths.”

Abigail” My favourite this week was P.E. and maths.”

Rafay ” Playing with my friends at break was my favourite.”

Abu Bakr ” This week I liked doing maths and spelling.”

Paul ” I loved Free Writing Friday.”

Isla ” Learning my times tables was my favourite.”

Casper ” Free Writing Friday and using the magnets at Smart Start was brilliant.”

Bernice ” I liked everything this week.”

Mark K ” I love FUN 31″

Abby ” Going out in the garden to learn about plants as this is our new topic.”

Aiden ” I liked Mighty Writer at Smart Start as I wrote a fabulous story with Bernice.”

Joshua ” I liked construction and magnets at Smart Start.”

Freda ” I liked P.E. and Free Writing Friday.”

Daniel ” My favourite was P.E. and FUN 31.”

Rutendo ” My favourite was P.E. and R.E. this week.”

Oliver ” I liked learning about all the parts of a plant.”

Lloyd ” I like going to the park after our Class Mass.”

Mirren ” I liked every single thing this week.”

Marcel ” My favourite was learning about multiplication and doing the Daily Mile.”

Nathan ” I loved the magnets.”

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan were very proud of the class at their Class Mass on Tuesday. They behaved so well and sang beautifully.

Have a lovely weekend.

P2/3 Weekly Update

How quickly this week has flown by and super busy !

On Tuesday as part of Safer Internet Day we attended an assembly given by the Digital Learners. We followed this up in class by watching a short clip of children playing a game online, they had to make some choices and we all discussed what the safe options were and how we keep ourselves safe when online. It was also Chinese New Year and we found out that this year was the year of the pig.

We have really enjoyed having our Mighty Writer board up in class and as part of Smart start activity we got the opportunity to work collaboratively to compose a story using the board and put super openers and great conjunctions which we had as one of our success criteria in our writing.  We then read our stories to the rest of the class. In our writing lesson we wrote fabulous wintery poems using lots of exciting adjectives.

In Numeracy we looked at quarter past and quarter to the hour and started to work on subtraction. In number talks we looked at different strategies to work out how we reached the total.

Our wordboost book this week was Mr Beast Charlie and Dad go Monster Mad and our words were delay, pleasure, lug, lurk, satisfy and yank.

P2 continued to work on their People of the Past topic and learned about St John who has the local hospital named after him. They have written invitations to their P3 classmates to their showcase this week where they will share their learning.

P3 have been working so hard this week on their show A Blast from the Past and performed their dress rehearsal today. They are so excited to perform on Tuesday and Wednesday in front of families and friends. You are in for a treat!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.


P2 Weekly Update

We have finished our week with a real treat, we watched the dress rehearsal of the P3-5 school show…IT WAS AMAZING!

This week in class we have also been AMAZING learners.

As we had snow last week we wrote about snowflakes this week in our literacy learning, we created our own poems.  To write our poems we learned that we needed to start each new line with a capital letter and how to use a comma at the end of a line.  We also explored as many adjectives as we could to describe snowflakes and we used these throughout our poems.  The results were fabulous!  We wrote our first two stanzas this week and next week we are going to write the next two stanzas, wouldn’t it be great if we could have a little snow to help inspire us…but not too much !

In our numeracy learning we continued to share equally.  However this week sometimes we had one or two left over at the end that we couldn’t share between our groups because it would make our groups unequal!?  We learned that these left over amounts were called remainders.  Try out these calculations and see if there are any remainders,

15 shared equally between 2 groups

19 shared equally between 3 groups

Our historical person that we learned about this week was St John.  We found out that he was alive at the same time as Jesus and that he was one of his Jesus’ Apostles.  Our local hospital is called St John’s Hospital.

Next week we are starting our new Science topic and we will be starting with The Sun as our focus.  Have a think about what you would like to learn about the sun and post your idea as a reply.  I will then add your idea to our Pupil Voice planning sheet in class.

Everyone in class have finished setting themselves learning goals for this term and they have all been uploaded to each child’s OneNote profile.  Log in to have a look at your child’s goal and have a chat with them to help them achieve it.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

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