Have your say! How can we use PEF to support all children and families at St Ninian’s?

Last year we received £63,000 funding from the Scottish Government’s Pupil Equity Fund to help close the poverty related attainment gap.

We used this money to:-

  • Have an extra support for learning teacher (Mrs Scott) to provide extra literacy and numeracy support in all classes
  • Employ a Polish Pupil Support Worker to support children who are learning English
  • Run a PEEP (family learning) class for parents and nursery children
  • Reduce the cost of after school clubs, camps and trips
  • Employ a Speech & Language therapist to work with identified groups of children from nursery – P3
  • Provide high quality professional learning for all staff.
  • Purchase new writing resources for P1-7 to improve children’s attainment in writing
  • Employ an extra teacher to support us with Number Talks across P1-7
  • Purchase a numeracy home learning kit for P2-4 pupils – these will be launched in August
  • Purchase new netbooks and iPads for each class

We will receive £60,000 PEF funding this year.

What do you think our school should STOP, START and CONTINUE to do to help all our children make progress and to support all families?

Please add your comments below.

P2 Update

It has been a week of highlights this week in P2.

One of the major standout moments has been our trip to the Owl Centre at Polkemmet park on Wednesday.  The children all really enjoyed their time there and seem to have learned so much.  I have enjoyed listening to their stories and facts and I’m just sorry that I missed the trip due to illness, next time!  However after reading all the stories they have written following this trip I feel as if I was there.  Well done everyone.


This week saw two important dates in our school calendar.  All week it has been Digital Learning Week and also on Wednesday it was National Numeracy Day.  Read on to see how we marked these two occasions.

Digital Learning Week – we used a website based programme called Kahoot and completed an owl quiz using it.  It was such fun because we were in teams (collaborating and using our leadership skills) and each team had a laptop which was linked wirelessly to our class smartboard.  We had to choose an answer to a question using our laptop screen and this automatically registered on the smartboard in class.  We enjoyed it so much we played it twice!  A brilliant way to link our learning across the curriculum and to use technology to support us.

National Numeracy Day – Do you know that we can use our ten fingers to count to 1000?  If you don’t believe us just ask us to show you, we are amazing at counting in 100s!

Have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs Currie


Weekly news from the amazing P2/3

It has been a really busy week in P2/3 and the children would like to share their highlights.

Blake – I liked doing the quiz at the Owl Centre.

Abby – I liked using Kahoot!

Poppy – I liked learning about owls at the Owl Centre.

Rafay – I liked building stamina in PE.

Wiktoria – I liked visiting the play area at Polkemmet Park.

Abu Bakr – I liked sending and replying to emails.

Rutendo – I liked using adjectives in writing.

Casper – I liked construction at Smart Start.

Bernice – I liked making compasses.

Mark K. – I liked using my OneNote profile for my learning conversation.

Nathan –  I liked Fun 31.

Freda – I liked the play area.

Daniel – I liked programming the BeeBot.

Marcel – I liked reading in the reading corner.

Oliver – I liked reading and I love my new book.

Paul – I liked the shop at the Owl Centre.

Isla – I like listening to the story of The Demon Dinner Ladies.

Joshua – I liked helping to take photographs for National Numeracy Day.

Mirren – I liked dividing in maths.  I liked working with Joshua.

Aiden – I liked using Letter Join.

Lloyd – I liked writing a description of my school bag and using boost words.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P2/3


P2 Update

It was lovely to see everyone back after the long weekend.

Read on to find out about our learning this week.

Global Goals – we discussed how The Owl Sanctuary at Polkemmet park are working alongside the Global Goals to help owls that are endangered.  We are looking forward to our trip next week.

Literacy – as part of our IDL we have been using the story Owl Babies this week.  We all enjoyed discussing how the three owlets felt during the story and it was such a lovely happy ending.  If you would like to listen to the story here is the youtube link.

From this we have looked at the life cycle of an owl and sequenced a diagram.

We have also completed a fill in the missing words exercise too.  Lots of fun!

Numeracy – In Numeracy we revised our knowledge of the numbers to 100.  Again we looked at before and after and crossing the decade.  If you would like more practise on ordering numbers to 100.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie


Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

The children in P2/3 would like to share their highlights from this short but busy week.

Rafay – I liked sending emails using Glow during Smart Start.

Wiktoria – I loved hearing the story of the Owl Babies.

Abu Bakr – I loved creating electrical circuits with Wiktoria and investigating which materials conduct electricity.  The answer was metal!

Freda – I loved Free Writing Friday and dividing in maths.

Blake – I loved our Word Boost story of the Highway Rat.

Paul – I liked using Sway on Glow.

Poppy – I liked division in maths.

Abby – I liked our division check up in maths.  I was good at it.

Mark K. – I liked handwriting.  We’re joining our letters.

Marcel – I liked playing Sumdog on the netbooks.

Rutendo – I liked writing about the Owl Babies.

Mirren – I liked working with my talk partner to divide in maths.

Aiden – I liked linking multiplication and division in maths.

Lloyd and Casper- I liked Free Writing Friday.

Oliver – I liked doing high jumps in PE.

Abigail – I loved all the Owl Babies activities.

Bernice – I loved using the play room and making model furniture.

Seren – I liked being the teacher in Number Talks.

Joshua – I liked showing Mrs Roy my Glow account.

Mark D. I liked Number Talks because I like numbers.

Nathan – I liked writing about Owl Babies.

from P2/3, Mrs Keegan and Mrs Caskie




P2 Update

We have had a busy week.  Read on to find out more.

Numeracy – we have looking at number sequences and working out patterns.  If the numbers are going up in value we have learned that this means we need to add and if they are going down we need to subtract.  Then we had to work out what the intervals were between the numbers so that we could continue the pattern.  We have also been exploring our understanding of “doubles”, we then have linked this to our two times table!  so we now know that 3 + 3 = 6 can also be written as 2 X 3 = 6.  Ask us a 2 x table equation and we’ll solve it using our doubles.  As a challenge discuss how halving could be linked to this?

Literacy – we have started to learn how to write an effective description.  We read a description about The New Girl.  We then applied this to help us write a description of someone we know.   We learned that using the conjunction “because” was really useful to allow us to give examples of a characteristic.

RE – we have learned all about when Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.

Global Goals – we have been learning how to look after our planet Earth by using the messages from the Global Goals to help us.  The children also all received a letter today about our class trip to Polkemmet Owl Sanctuary that will link with this topic.

Have a great long weekend,

Mrs Currie

P2/3 Weekly Update

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3 and the children would like to share some of their highlights.

Abu Bakr and Blake – my highlight was learning fractions in our Fractions Factory.

Abby and Wiktoria – I loved listening to the story of the Demon Dinner Ladies.

Casper – I loved using the netbooks to write stories using Microsoft Word.

Bernice and Lloyd  – I liked doing the high jump in PE.

Aiden – I loved using the Chatterpix app then showing Abu Bakr how to use it.

Freda – I love Free Writing Friday.

Poppy and Seren – I like BEAR time.

Mark K and Mark D – I loved building with Kapla.

Oliver and Rafay – I like Fun 31.

Mirren – I loved learning to divide.

Daniel – I liked using the play area.  I like to use the kinetic sand.

Marcel – I loved gymnastics in PE.

Joshua – I loved making electrical circuits.

Rutendo – I loved seeing my name on the praise board.  My name was on it 3 times!

Nathan – I liked using numicon in the Fraction Factory.

Paul – I liked using the iPad to write a story during Smart Start.

Abigail – I liked learning about getting a sound sleep at night.

Isla – I liked writing a description.

Everyone has brought home a letter today about our exciting trip to the Scottish Owl Centre on Wednesday 15th May. Completed forms should be returned on Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P2/3

P2 Update – End Of Term

It has been a busy final week of term.

The children have been busy this week with Easter inspired lessons.

Hopefully you have been thrilled by some of the Easter art that the children have been bringing home.  When completing these activities we have been linking our learning across the curriculum.  For example, to make our Easter baskets we used our knowledge of 3D shape (cubes) to help us construct our baskets.  Well done everyone.

This week we met a new pupil who will be joining us after the Easter holiday we look forward to having a new member in our class family.

We have spent some time reviewing our work from this term and have evaluated our goals.  We then all had a learning conversation with Mrs Currie where we discussed what learning we think we have had great success with this term and also looked at what aspect of our learning we would like to continue to develop.  Lastly we discussed what our favourite lesson from this term was, it was great to spend some time talking about our favourite memories.  We took a photograph of our learning conversation sheet and it has been uploaded to our One Note profile page.

Have a lovely Easter holiday.

Mrs Currie

1+2 Spanish Word Boost

Here are the recent Spanish phrases we have all been learning  in class:


Can I have a pencil please?

 ¿Puedo tener un lápiz por favor?


Can I go to the toilet please?

¿Puedo ir al servicio por favor?


I’m having a packed lunch today.

 Yo tengo lonchera hoy. 


Can I get a drink of water please?

 ¿Puedo tomar agua por favor?


Keep practising!

Mrs Reeves and the 1+2 Language Ambassadors

P2 Weekly Update



This week we had a visit from Super Movers and they were teaching us the importance of keeping moving when we’re learning to stay fit and healthy.  They brought with them the SPL league trophy and also the Mascot Lomond.  It was so much fun dancing with Lomond.

In Maths this week we continued to learn about the properties of 3D shapes.  We also looked at the strange spelling of the word sphere, we learned about ph saying f and also about magic e.

We have also been busy making and creating some Mothering Sunday surprises.

As part of our Literacy work we tuned into an Authors Live event run by the BBC and watched Lauren Child, the author of Charlie and Lola and Poet Laureate, discuss how she got her ideas to write.  It was great to revisit a class topic that we learned about earlier in the session.

In our numeracy work we have been developing our skills in tackling holistic questions which require us to use a variety of skills.  We had to use our reading for understanding skills, problem solving skills and our multiplication/addition skills.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

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