This week we were inspired by the Autumn leaves. We talked about the Autumn colours and used these in pictures and then P2 started to write poetry about the leaves falling from the trees, this will be completed next week. P1 wrote a sentence describing the leaves using colour or touch adjectives.
In Numeracy P2 have been continuing their work on subtraction and also starting to look at how many more are needed to make an amount. P1 have continued their focus on addition within 10 by focusing on all the different ways they can make the same amount.
As a class we have also been learning about time, this week we focused on the past side of the clock and the vocabulary “quarter past”.
Most children from P2 have now completed their personal talk in class. We all learned so much about some of the important jobs people do in our community. Well done everyone your feedback sheets will be in your home learning jotter next week.
At Home
Practise telling quarter past times.
Highlight the difference between words that begin with f or v and s or z.
When reading at home, once you have read a book try to use three statements to retell the story (beginning, middle and end) in your own words.
Pupil Voice
Khyla – I have completed my numeracy goal (numbers to 100) and I have set myself a new goal (telling the time).
Lewis – I made the boost word scowl out of play dough.
Lucy and Hareem – We earned the golden ticket this week for our writing about Autumn leaves.
It has been a very chilly week but our learning in P2/1 has been keeping us warm. This week we have continued to learn about our topic of Our Community and we have focused on Fire Fighters. We heard the story of Charlie the Fire Fighter, we learned about her uniform and the skills she has to have to be the best Fire Fighter she can be.
In literacy;
P2 – We have rounded up our work on writing descriptions, we have used lots of adjectives and learned that colour and number words can be used as adjectives to describe things. We used our PM Writing programme of work to help us with this.
P1 – We have learned the sounds g and d this week. We have been colouring pictures that show these sounds.
In Numeracy;
P2 – We have been adding this week. We explored how numbers get bigger when we add. We used rekenreks, counting beads and ten frames to help us. We developed our learning of adding on ten and nearly ten, and we could do this in our heads.
P1 – We have been exploring through play and concrete material as well as pictorial representation addition within 10.
This week P2/1 have been exploring their new topic of People In Society. We have looked at where we live in our local community but also explored how we are part of our country’s community as well as the world community. We have started to recognise important jobs that people do in our community and we have been given the opportunity to learn about some of the skills that these jobs require. This is reflected in our P2 playroom where there are many opportunities for us to explore these skills and investigate how we can develop these. P1 have been taking in part in some of these activities too as well as engaging with some of the Fairyland activities in the P1 playroom too.
In Literacy this week we have all been very spooky and P2 wrote a description about a haunted house and the P1s wrote about who lived in the spooky house. Some great imagination from everyone!
In numeracy we have started learning and exploring addition. P1 have been using pictures to add this week (with numbers to 10) and P2 have looked at using cubes and ten frames (with numbers to 20). P2 have focused on sister/switcher calculations, they have learned that 2 + 3 makes the same altogether as 3 + 2. We have also discussed a lot about ODD and EVEN numbers and used our outdoor learning this week to make our playground look chalktastic with odd numbers!
In Number Talks we have been becoming much more focused on EFFICIENT strategies, the children know that they are looking to find a quick and easy strategy to count. We have used skills such as counting in 2s, grouping in 5s and 10s and counting on from a number we know.
In P2/1 this week we have been discussing our Growth Mindset and how we are always striving to be positive learners even when we are finding some aspects of our learning difficult. We have been listening to two songs to help us realise the importance of perseverance and resilience, click the links to have a listen
Most days in class near home time we have our Spanish learning time, we have been learning some basic Spanish vocabulary, we have focused on saying hello and asking how someone is feeling. To do this we have been using this catchy song. Try it out at home.
P2 – For literacy this week we have started our PM writing programme of work. This programme helps us focus on different types of genres and purposes for writing. The genre we have looked at this week is a recount. We read a recount by a little boy who had helped his mum in the house with some jobs. This made us think about a time that we have helped someone and what we did to help them. We have written a plan which includes a title, orientation, sequence of events and a personal comment. Next week we are going to turn our plan into a full recount. We have also focused on the spelling pattern _ay. This makes the same sound as -ai-, so we learned that ay usually comes at the end of a word (there are always exceptions such as crayon) and ai in the middle of a word. Watch this little teaching video, it gives us some good advice about adding tails onto words such as _ing or _ed or _ er, this is something we will be looking at in more depth over the course of P2. For our reading our comprehension work was based on finding the title, author and blurb on the book. Keep practising this at home everytime you are reading together.
P1 – In literacy P1 have been using the sounds they have learned to blend and make CVC words. The phonic sounds we have learned are s, m, t, p, c, a, i, k and ck. To learn to blend we have used our magnetic boards, written on whiteboards, jumped in lettered hoops and match pictures and words. Try asking your child to either tell you the sounds or write the sounds they hear in the following words; mat, map, cat, cap, sit, sip. For writing this week the children were thinking of something or someone who might be sitting on a mat and they wrote a short story and drew a picture of it.
P2 – In Numeracy for our learning about numbers to 100 we have been looking at counting backwards as well as identifying the largest/biggest number and the smallest number. The children learned a dice game where you make one of the dice the tens die and the other the units (ones) die. When you roll them you put the two digits side by side to make a two digit number, your opponent then repeats this and whoever gets the largest number wins a point (or takes a counter). Have a go at this game at home. For number talks we have been looking at dot patterns, the children are given some dots to count and we are trying to find efficient ways to count them. They have realised that it can be quicker and easier to not lose count if you group them, however you have to be able to add the groups together as you go, that is the tricky part. Have a go at this number talks;
P1 – For numeracy P1 have reached the number 10 and are now learning about forward and backward sequences when counting out loud. Some children have started to group amounts into a bundle of ten and then count on from this to reach a total within 20.
For our IDL topic we have completed our learning about water by exploring the three states, solid, liquid and gas and we used our pupil voice to help us plan some activities. Thanks to Isla’s question about how does water help food cook, we boiled pasta in class to see the changes and why they happened…we then got to taste it too!
This week we have started our new science topic, our first focus is Wonderful Water. We have learned about water turning into a gas when it is heated up. We used our observational skills to watch a kettle boil and we noticed a gas coming out of the kettle as well as the water inside the kettle moving and bubbling. At first we thought the gas coming out of the kettle was smoke but we then learned that it is actually still water but it had changed state into steam. We have also used this topic to inspire us in art too. We looked at a George Seurat painting of a boat on the water and we noticed that he used an art technique called pointillism (lots of dots of paint) to create his picture. We had a go at using the technique pointillism to paint a picture of a boat on the sea. We used a cotton bud to make the dots of paint. The colours we used were red, blue and yellow, and learned that these were the primary colours. We were all very proud of our pictures.
P2 – In Numeracy we have continued to look at number sequences up to 100. We based a lot of learning on the board game Snakes and Ladders. This helped us to start at any number within 100 and continue to count. We found starting on a number which we then had to bridge the decade the trickiest. For extra practise try counting on from 59 up to 79. In Literacy we have been using the word boost book “Billy Monsters Daymare”, the boost words are; gloomy, tiny, wail, soothe and stroke. For a challenge try to use one of these words when you are having a conversation. For spelling we focused on ‘ai’ words, we used our outdoor learning time on Thursday to complete a word hunt around the playground (Mrs Currie had hidden ai words for us to find and we had to write them on our whiteboards.) For our reading comprehension work we explored characters from our reading books and completed a profile for them.
P1 – In Numeracy we have continued to consolidate our knowledge and understanding of the numbers to 10. Through our play room investigations we were ordering numbered lollisticks by sticking them into play doh and we have been counting pictures and matching them to the correct numeral using peg cards. We have also been improving our written formation of the numbers too. At home for extra practise try writing the numbers 0 – 10. In Literacy we have learned the three sounds c, k and ck, we have discussed where we see and hear these sounds in a word and we have found out the ck doesn’t start words it only comes at the end of a cvc (consonant, vowel, consonant). We used our outdoor learning time to consolidate this using large letter cards to build words.
P2/1 have used their Author study of Julia Donaldson to link up their learning. They have all learned and written some facts about Julia Donaldson and then they used her story of The Stickman to help them develop their skill of retelling a story. We used her story Paper Dolls to help us strengthen and develop our fine motor skills, we have all created our own set of paper dolls which involved us having to fold the paper and then cut out one doll that when you opened it out it created a series of dolls holding hands.
In Numeracy we have been focusing on the number before and after up to 100. We have been using 100 squares to help us with this. When we use the 100 square we have discovered that we can see patterns within the numbers; the last column going down shows us the decade numbers etc.
In class we have been using “I Love Literacy” and “I Love Numeracy” practical tasks to help us consolidate our learning by using many different skills and learning techniques. Ask us to explain some of our tasks to you and how we complete these within our school day.
From 6th September to 3rd November we will be joining in with this event. Families can collect their Team GB stickers when they spend over £30 in Aldi stores. These stickers can be sent into our school office to be added to our school poster. We are aiming to collect 300 stickers which would earn us an exclusive free sports kit and would also enter us into a prize draw to win £20,000.
Primary 2 have been busy across the curriculum this week. We have been exploring shapes for mathematics and finding numbers that come before, after and in between up to 100. We watched The Lorax film and thought about things that were similar and different to the novel.
Some pupil highlights are below:
Scott – I loved playing in our play corner. I made train tracks really long and they were rectangles and triangles. We learned about shapes in maths.
Anna – We watched The Lorax. It was fun.
Freya – We got to bring our teddies to the movie and have some snacks.
Cordelle – We had to make a colourful ticket to get into the cinema in our class for the movie.
Michelle – We did writing about our book called ‘Who’s at the Door’.
Paul – We got to try our big play area with magnetic sand. I made loads of tools with it.
Lucy – We have free writing Friday jotters. I wrote about my little sister’s birthday today.
Roma – We made our brains in growth mindset and we learned to not give up and keep trying. A yucky brain means you’re not working hard and a colourful brain means you work really hard.
Joshua – Our Truffula Trees we made are now up on our window.
This week we have continued our Author study of Julia Donaldson books. We have engaged with the story of The Gruffalo and were inspired to write some sentences and to create our own Gruffalo faces.
P1 have learned the phonics sounds c and p and have had a lot of fun learning what colour each of the letters are. Ask your child what colours c and p are and why?
P2 have started to learn the P2 key words, these are words which they will work on learning to read and write over the course of P2. Some of these words can be sounded out but others we need to take a photograph of in our mind and learn them. The words we have covered so far are;
can, came, all, for,had, as, at, but, be, are
Continue to practise these at home by looking out for them when you are reading together.
For numeracy we have started our Number Talks sessions. We are looking at how to count larger amounts by grouping. Look at this Number Talks picture and discuss with your child how many different ways you can work out how many.
P1 have learned the numbers 4, 5 and 6 and have been practising writing them. Have a go at home.
I’m sure you’ll agree the children have all worked hard this week. Well done everyone, especially Khyla who was our Hot Chocolate Friday Nomination for the week.