Spelling supports and tips for parents

As we embark on our home learning I have provided a useful link with tips on how to support your child with spelling. This gives you useful ideas and hints on how to develop spelling and encourage your child to have a go.


If anyone would like a copy of the High Frequency words I have attached a copy of the first and second hundred with ideas on how to use them. These can be extended up to the ninth hundred words if required. Please just send a response and let me know if you require further sets.



Mrs Docherty

Creative Activities to develop fine motor skills

Good morning everyone,

I will be posting some extra activities you could do with your younger children that are fun and will also develop their fine motor skills. If you do any of these activities then please send a response and let me know how you got on.


  1. Using a colander or sieve thread pipe cleaners or spaghetti through the holes and see how quickly you can do this.
  2. Thread spaghetti with beads or pasta shapes to make a pattern.
  3. Using play doh follow this fiddly fingers workout:
  • Roll your play doh into a ball using your hands and not a surface.
  • Using one hand flatten your play doh into a pizza shape onto the table.
  • Create a funny face on your play doh using your fingers to make patterns and by pinching to create different textures. Send pictures of your creation.
  • Roll you play doh on the table turning it back into a ball then begin to roll it like a sausage and make it as long as you can.
  • Now fold your play doh over to make a snail shape.

You can also use this Play Doh disco link to have fun:


Have fun and let me know how you got on.


Mrs Docherty

P2 Home Learning Grid Miss Lydon

Hi there everyone please find an attachment below with learning activities for you to complete over the course of this week.

Use your jotter you were given last week to record your learning.

Check in on the blog every day to see some extended activities and support.  You can always leave a comment for me to respond to and help.

Learning Grid Week 1

Here are some of the information sheets that were in the jotter issued last week, they include spelling activities, key spelling words and website suggestions.

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Website Suggestions

Primary 2 Key Words

Miss Lydon

Primary 2 Learning Grid Week 1 Mrs Currie

Hi there everyone please find an attachment below with learning activities for you to complete over the course of this week.

Use your jotter you were given last week to record your learning.

Check in on the blog every day to see some extended activities and support.  You can always leave a comment for me to respond to and help.

Learning Grid Week 1

Please find attached the information sheets that were in the jotter issued last week just in case you were not able to collect the pack.

Primary 2 Key Words

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Website Suggestions

Mrs Currie

P1 from P1/2 Mrs Currie Home Learning Grid Week 1

Hi there everyone please find an attachment below with learning activities for you to complete over the course of this week.

Use your jotter you were given last week to record your learning.

Check in on the blog every day to see some extended activities and support.  You can always leave a comment for me to respond to and help.

Mrs Currie

P1 from P2_1 Learning Grid Week 1 (1)

P2/1 Update

Do you know who Lizzie Bryce was?

We have been learning about who she was as part of our topic Livingston Links.  This has finished our topic of finding out about people from the past who have a link with Livingston.  We learned that she was born 1776 and that she lived in Raw Cottage in Mid Calder.  Today we have a roundabout named after her in Livingston.

In numeracy this week we have revised our learning of the number processes.  P2 have completed work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  P1 have been adding and subtracting.  We took our learning outdoors because the weather has improved so much, we had our chalk and we wrote our calculations on the ground.  Our playground was maths-tastic by the end of the lesson.

In Literacy we focused on our two Word Boost books,

P1 – Who Flung Dung?

Boost words – culprit, scoff, trample, ridiculous

P2 – Ingenious Jean.

Boost Words – amazing, finally, a mixture, a vehicle, scoop

For art we completed some Spring cards.  We used yellow tissue paper to make a feather texture on our chicks and then made eyes and a beak.

Pupil Voice

Lily – I loved making my chick colouring.

Kevin – I was able to do the Spring wordsearch.

Emileigh Rose – I liked  making the Easter card.

Adam – I scored a brilliant football goal.

Lucy – My sisters tooth fell out.

Szymon – I saved some goals.

Lewis – I really enjoyed doing the outdoor sums.

Khyla – I enjoyed smart start and getting the to use the outdoor toys.

Wojtek – I really enjoyed the colouring sheet.


P2 Weekly Update

Teacher Overview


This week in numeracy we have been revising addition and subtraction. We also continued our learning in fractions and split shapes into quarters, thirds and halves. We continued using games and songs to practise skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and even tried to skip count backwards.


This week we did some spelling focused on tricky words. These are key words that do not follow a spelling pattern. We could choose our activities to practise these and some of these included using pipe cleaners, rainbow writing, fancy writing and typing on an iPad. Pupils are encouraged to try at least three different activities.

We have been using short, thought-provoking clips from the online resource ‘Literacy Shed’ and have been developing our talking and listening skills by asking and answering questions throughout these clips.

In writing and RE we learned all about St. Patrick and wrote some facts about his life. Ask your child to tell you something they have learned about St. Patrick.

Health and Wellbeing

Our next unit in Building Resilience was launched this week, which is called ‘Talk Things Over’. We have been trying to resolve our own problems in a calm way.

We love to do daily exercise in P2 and tried some of the Les Mills videos on Youtube that were created specifically for 6-7 year olds. They were really fun and included some jumping yoga and dance styles from around the globe.


We finished off our People in the Past topic this week by learning about St. John and Lizzie Bryce. We focused on people that have a link to Livingston. Try asking your child if they can tell you anything about the people we have learned about this week.

Parental Involvement

Try this game at home to help with identifying fractions –  https://www.splashlearn.com/fraction-games

Hand Washing – keep up frequent hand washing at home and ask your child to show you how to wash hands correctly and for some top tips.

Watch this clip on BBC Bitesize –  Curriculum for Excellence that helps us to learn what we can do when we feel angry. Have a discussion about the ideas from the clip. It ties in with our Building Resilience work – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z9v3kqt

Pupil voice

Roma – We made cards. We made them for Mrs Campbell. She reads us stories when we visit the library.

Emilie – It was St. Patrick’s Day. We learned and wrote all about him. He is the patron saint of Ireland.

Connor – In PE this week we were practising hula hooping skills. We did all different things. We used our waists, our arms and jumped.

Roma – We did Lizzie Bryce in topic.  I saw the roundabout called Lizzie Bryce.

Joshua – We wrote about the future and what achievements we will make.

Cordelle – We had activities for cutting and had to cut out lots of parts to make a bunny.

Shea – We had to go around stations. We had to draw on whiteboards one of word boost words and someone had to guess the word.

Joshua – We also did some new exercise. It included a superhero song.

P2/1 Update

Overview of learning

This week we have learned about St Margaret as part of our topic Livingston Links.  We now know that she married King Malcolm III of Scotland and became the Queen.  She was a very kind and caring Queen dedicating much of her time to helping those in need.  We have a local High School Named after her.

In Literacy this week we have continued to focus on our reading skills.  As well as continuing to build on our decoding and fluency when reading aloud we have been developing our comprehension skills too.  We have learned to use scanning techniques to find specific words to complete a cloze procedure, we have also used true and false statements to deepening our understanding of the text we are reading.

In Numeracy and Maths we have been completing work on data handling.  P2 have learned about tally marks and how to record data using them.  P1 have been looking at simple bar charts and working out how many from them.

Home Learning

P2 – For home learning this week read a story with someone and try to make up some true and false statements about it to see how much they can remember and understand about it.

P1 – We have learned about sh and ch over the last two weeks.  Try to find five words that begin with ch and five that begin with sh.

Pupil Voice

As part of our Learning Conversations this week the children were asked what was their favourite thing to do at school;

Courtney – I love colouring in.

Adam – Building towers in the play area.

Emileigh Rose – I like mindfulness colouring when you try not to make two parts that touch the same colour.

Ethan – I am getting stronger at the school mile.

Isla – I like making things in the creative area.


P2/1 Update


World Book Day was a great success.  The class engaged in different activities on Thursday to celebrate the day.  Next week we can’t wait to hear about each child’s favourite text when they deliver their class talk that they have prepared as part of home learning over the last two weeks.

In numeracy and maths learning this week the focus for P2  is symmetry, for P1 they have continued their subtraction learning as well completing some symmetry activities too.  For symmetry the children have learned about using a mirror to help them identify if an image has a line of symmetry.  They have also had a go at completing a picture to make it symmetrical.  One of the favourite activities this week was the digital learning that we used to support our practise of symmetry.  Have a look at the home learning section to see the links to the games we used.

In literacy this week we read a story called How To Grow A Dinosaur.  This inspired us to think about what we could grow if we had some imaginary seeds that could grow anything in the world.  There were some fabulous ideas…Mrs Currie would grow a Shoe Tree, Adam would grow a Football Tree, Isla a Glitter Plant, Lucy a Sweetie Plant and Courtney a Unicorn Tree!  Well done to these children who were our Star Writers this week!  When we were writing our procedures on how to plant our imaginary seeds the children were learning to use numbers to order their instructions as well as using time openers such as First, Then, Next, After and Last.

Home Learning

Try out some of these web links to practise symmetry.  The programme Symmetry Drawing Peg and Cat was a HUGE favourite in the class!




Pupil Voice

Shay – I love outdoor learning

Julian – I really like Peg and Cat drawing on the ipad

Kevin – I loved having Hot Chocolate Friday

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie

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