Sleep Advice and support day 2

Yesterday I posted a blog about sleep and shared with you the parent’s presentation for School and Nursery children. As life is ever changing I know there will be routines you will want to continue so I am going to post some ideas to help support your child’s sleep routine during these times.

This will include sleep diaries, sleep routines and activities you could use to continue to support the health and wellbeing of everyone.

Please post any questions or comments in the box below.

02 Checklist for Sleepy Children

07 Helping Others to Sleep Well

Take care everyone,

Mrs Docherty

Daily update from Mrs Roy 25.3.20

Good morning everyone,

Hope you are well and had a good sleep last night.

We have some ideas for you to work on at home with your families in addition to your daily/weekly learning activities provided by your class teachers. I will add to this daily:


Daily morning workout with Joe Wicks 9am



Daily Lent thoughts on Twitter @StNinianPS

Additional Numeracy and Maths activities on Twitter:


@CountOnUsEd or

Literacy activities:

Enjoy an Audio story with David Walliams 11am

@BBCScotLearn 10.20am Draw along poetry event
Free audio books
Free Minecraft Education


Parents can also create a free Twinkl account at where you can download resources to use at home.

Have a good day everyone!

Mrs Roy



Spelling Support Day 3

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all keeping well. I will continue with our spelling advice and helpful hints today to help you support your child with spelling.

Yesterday I talked a little about mnemonics and so will continue with these today.  This is a great way to support the spelling of tricky words, words which we can find difficult to spell. I have included examples of some of these below:

Some:     Sit    On     My     Elephant

Come:    Climb    On     My     Elephant

Said:        Sam       And      I      Dance

Because:    Billy    Eats      Carrots      And        Usually      Some       Eggs

For the next set of words pretend you are at the dentist:

You:         You       Open      Up

Our:         Open      Up        Richard

Your:         You       Open      Up        Richard

More mnemonics to follow tomorrow.


Some other strategies for supporting spelling include:

Does it look right?:   Write the word on a piece of paper and see if it looks right – try it another way

Rules:    Is there a rule you know that could help?

Ex:    Skip+ing =  Skipping remember to double the last letter of there is a single short vowel before it when adding on your suffix

Lok – looked: remember it’s ed

Best guess:   Have a go, underline your guess and then check it later


Tomorrow we will continue with mnemonics and move onto writing support also.


Mrs Docherty


P2 Miss Lydon Daily Update 25.03.20

Good morning everyone.  Please find below some ideas/activities to support your weekly grid learning.  I have also copied the link for the weekly grid again here to save you from having to scroll down to find the first post from Monday.

I am about to do PE with Joe Wicks at 9:00. How many of you are starting your day in the same way?

Learning Grid Week 1

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your fact file for your Global Goals section of the grid?

I would love to hear what animal you have chosen to research and write about.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Let’s use our art skills to help us understand more about the importance of the front cover on a book.  The front cover contains a lot of information; title, author, illustrator, publisher and a picture that helps you know what the book might be about.

Look at the front cover of a book and see if you can find this information.

Either, copy the front cover of the book as it is OR you can create your own front cover for the book (remembering to include all the relevant information).


In our learning grid this week we are practising partitioning, the following activity is designed to consolidate and extend this skill.  Copy and paste this link into your search engine for the BBC Bitesize website.

The video gives an explanation of how to partition numbers (even big numbers that have hundreds tens and units).

On this website there are two levels of quiz for you to try.

Keep in touch and keep safe,

Miss Lydon

Mrs Currie P2 Daily Update 25.03.20

Good morning everyone.  Please find below some ideas/activities to support your weekly grid learning.  I have also copied the link for the weekly grid again here to save you from having to scroll down to find the first post from Monday.

Learning Grid Week 1

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your fact file for your Global Goals section of the grid?

I would love to hear what animal you have chosen to research and write about.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Let’s use our art skills to help us understand more about the importance of the front cover on a book.  The front cover contains a lot of information; title, author, illustrator, publisher and a picture that helps you know what the book might be about.

Look at the front cover of a book and see if you can find this information.

Either, copy the front cover of the book as it is OR you can create your own front cover for the book (remembering to include all the relevant information).


In our learning grid this week we are practising partitioning, the following activity is designed to consolidate and extend this skill.  Copy and paste this link into your search engine for the BBC Bitesize website.

The video gives an explanation of how to partition numbers (even big numbers that have hundreds tens and units).

On this website there are two levels of quiz for you to try.

Keep in touch and keep safe,

Mrs Currie

Daily check in

Good morning everyone,

We hope you are all well and managing to work from home. It has been busy here at St Ninian’s PS as we are opening for children whose parents are key workers and providing free school meals to those who need it.

It has been great to hear about how your learning is going at home via the blog, Teams and Twitter. We are all very proud of you, it is great to see how you are all showing resilience and supporting one another in your classes and families.

Remember to take time to have fun as a family and make special memories.

Mrs Smith and I will be posting daily and your teachers are all very busy responding to your emails and Teams files.

Have a good day everyone, and we will keep in contact!

Mrs Smith and Mrs Roy


HWB: Sound Sleep Advice

As a School and Nursery, Health and Wellbeing is at the core of everything we do and we have been learning all about healthy lifestyles and resilience. The importance of a good night’s sleep is part of this learning and so I have attached a copy of the Sleep Scotland presentation for Nursery and Primary parents with additional notes for you to have a read over. This advice and information helps to support good sleep routines which has a huge impact on our children’s daily lives.

Please contact me if you have questions on any of the Powerpoints or if you would like more information. I will upload different pieces of information and resources over the coming days and weeks to support bedtime routines, how to get a good night’s sleep and also checklists to support your child with this.

SS Parent Presentation with notes

SS Nursery Parent Presentation with notes

Mrs Docherty

P2 Day 2 Mrs Currie


How are you getting on with thinking of 3 different ways to solve our Number Talks? Try to explain your 3 different ways of solving these to someone at home. If you want a challenge, try creating your own Number Talks by drawing a dot pattern and see if you can come up with 3 different strategies for solving it.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Take a look at the blog post titled ‘Spelling Support Advice’ from Mrs Docherty and try out making up some of your own mnemonics for tricky words. Feel free to post some of your ideas as a comment on our weekly learning blog post.

Home Learning Grid

Have any of you tried to build a den at home? Make a list of the resources you used.

Please remember if you weren’t given your home learning jotter last week this is available to collect from school.


P2 Day 2 Miss Lydon


How are you getting on with thinking of 3 different ways to solve our Number Talks? Try to explain your 3 different ways of solving these to someone at home. If you want a challenge, try creating your own Number Talks by drawing a dot pattern and see if you can come up with 3 different strategies for solving it.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Take a look at the blog post titled ‘Spelling Support Advice’ from Mrs Docherty and try out making up some of your own mnemonics for tricky words. Feel free to post some of your ideas as a comment on our weekly learning blog post.

Home Learning Grid

Have any of you tried to build a den at home? Make a list of the resources you used.

Please remember if you weren’t given your home learning jotter last week this is available to collect from school.


Spelling Support Advice Day 2

Good morning,

Following on from yesterday’s spelling advice and link I am sharing further strategies to support your child with spelling.

Some ideas/strategies that are useful for children are below:

  • Syllables: Break the word into syllables. Most syllables will contain a vowel sound.  Examples of this  include:                            fish-ing,              yes-ter-day,            be-gin.


  • Say the word slowly and write the sounds you hear:                            c-a-t,                  sh-i-p,                 w-i-th


  • Listen/look for smaller words that you know are inside the word:   yes– ter- day


  • Prefixes and Suffixes: Think if the word has a special beginning or ending that you know:                                                                                          hope-ful,            hope-less,              un-happy,                    dis-agree


  • Mnemonic:  Is there a rhyme or phrase that could help you:                The:    Ten  Happy   Elephants.                                                                                 Put:    Put   Up     Tents

I will add more mnemonics tomorrow for tricky words to support spelling.

Mrs Docherty

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