Reading Support and Advice 31.3.20

Good morning,

As part of our reading advice today I will be looking at questioning and how to encourage your child to talk about and share the story. Yesterday we looked at the High 5 Retell Helping hand. When developing reading we look at children’s fluency and word recognition but also their understanding of what they have read. To do this we can ask the children to draw a picture, share their thoughts or record in written form, there are many ways for your child to share.

Today I would like to share some key questions and prompts that you can use with your children when they are reading to you or indeed when you are reading to them.

I have attached a copy of pictorial question prompts for the younger children. These support reading for meaning and the key skills. Have a go and let me know how you get on.

T-C-083-Reading-Prompts-For-Parents_ver_3 (1)

I have also attached a copy of Guided Reading questions you could use with your children when you are reading together. Using a guided reading approach you help develop your child’s thinking skills and also support the development of reading strategies.

t-l-4266-af-guided-reading-questions-mat-_ver_1 (1)

As always know I am here to help and support and it’s great to hear how you are getting on.

Have a good day everyone,

Mrs Docherty


Daily update – 31/3/20

Good morning everyone,

It was lovely to work with our staff team in the HUB yesterday supporting children of key workers.  All the staff commented on how proud they were of all the efforts and work you have been completing at home. We are all missing your smiles and laughter, we hope you appreciated yesterday’s virtual hug on our Twitter page.

Today we are posting some ideas for Messy Play at home, a favourite for the children but often a headache for parents!! Creativity is a key skill we encourage in learners so our challenge to you all is to have a go at one of the messy play tasks together as a family.


Enjoy everyone,

Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith


P2 Mrs Currie Daily Post 31.03.20

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a good first day completing some of the activities from the home learning grid.  I’ve included the attachment of the grid again here to give you easy access.

Learning Grid Week 2

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with creating a dance routine to your favourite song? Feel free to post what song you chose in the comments.  Yesterday I learned a dance routine to the song Cotton Eye Joe.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Both your reading and writing tasks this week are about The Gruffalo.  Click on this link and it will take you to a video of The Gruffalo’s Child being read.

Have a chat with someone at home and compare the two stories by telling them what is similar about the two stories and what is different.


Primary 2 have learned to skip count in 2s. Below is a link to a 100 square and you can ‘splat’ numbers on it. Splat all the numbers in the 2 times table up to 20. For an extra challenge, can you go higher than 20? You can try this with the 10 or 5 times table too.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Currie

P2 Daily Update 31.03.20

Home Learning Grid

Good morning, P2! How are you getting on with your RE task? Have you learned something new about the Feast of Annunciation?

Here are the links to weekly activities posted yesterday:

Learning Grid Week 2

Colour by Number multiplying by 2 and 5

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Let’s look more at spelling. Ck or k.  Watch this youtube video explanation about when to use ck or k.

In the video it talks about weak vowels that need protecting so these need ck, we usually describe the vowel as saying its short sound (like e in bed) and if there are two vowels together which do not need protecting they are making the long sound (like ee in sheep).

Are there any words that are not on the lists that you can think of that end with the k sound, can you work out if they need just k or ck.


I have set up a Sumdog Challenge for all of you. It focuses on the 2 and 10 times tables. It is open for you to complete from today. Your log in details are in your home learning bags and your jotters that you received before the school closed. You have until Friday to complete it. Good luck!

Here is a reminder of the times tables that you can use to help you to practise them:


Reading tips and support for parents 30.3.20

Good morning everyone. Last week we focused on how to support your children with spelling at home. The focus this week will move to Reading where I will share tips to engage your child in reading and how to extend their reading and comprehension skills.

There are  any ways to support reading at home especially with our younger pupils. A great site to support this and share ideas is Reading Rockets with lots of helpful hints about what to do around the house and with everyday routines. Some suggestions include:

  • An essential step in learning to read is good books read aloud. Parents who read aloud to their children are teaching literacy concepts simply by sharing books. Encourage your children to listen, ponder, make comments, and ask questions.
  • Show your child a recipe and go over it together. Ask your child to read the recipe to you as you work, and tell the child that each step must be done in a special order. Let your child help mix the ingredients. Allow your child to write down other recipes from the cookbook that he or she would like to help make.
  • Encourage your child to make a dictionary by putting together several sheets of paper for a booklet. Ask your child to write at the top of each page a new word he or she has recently learned. If the word can be shown in a picture, have him or her look through magazines and newspapers to find pictures that illustrate the words and paste them on the correct pages.

When you read with your child a good way to help them share their understanding of what they have read is by using your Helping High 5 Retell Hand. Every finger on your hand has a different theme:

  • Characters: Talk about the characters using their names and maybe describe their personality, behaviours and role in the story.
  • Setting: Where is the story taking place, describe the setting and how this helps to set the scene for rest of the story.
  • Beginning: What was the main event at the start of the story, who were the characters involved in the beginning. What do you think will happen next.
  • Middle: What happened in the middle, was there a problem that needed resolved, did any new characters get introduced, did the setting change. How to you think the problem will be resolved.
  • End: How did the problem get resolved. Could you change the ending

You can ask your child questions using these themes about what they have read. I have included 2 templates to help you support your child with retelling and to use as a cue to help them remember the key events.


Tomorrow we will look at specific questioning such as Understanding, Analysing and  Evaluating using Blooms with a different theme each day.

As always please don’t hesitate to leave a comment if you have any questions or would like more resources or ideas to help you support your child.

Have a good Monday,

Mrs Docherty


HWB: Song of the Week: That’s What Friends Are For

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all keeping well, looking after each other and staying safe. As equally important I hope you are able to make nice memories along the way too.

Over the weekend I spent my time thinking about how life has changed but also how much we need people and things to help us along the way on this new journey we are on at the minute. It is so important to stay positive and to be there for each other.

I have always found that Music is something that really helps and songs can send such a powerful message of hope and positivity. So with that in mind I started to listen to songs I hadn’t listened to in a long time and realised that it made me feel better. I have decided that on  Mondays I will share a song that has a powerful message and one which will reinforce to you how much we are missing you all and thinking about you and your families daily.

It also made me think about how much we are all in this together and that our friendships and teamwork which are key themes for our school will get us through this. As a team and together.

So the song I have chosen for this week is Dionne Warwick and Friends: That’s what Friends are For. Probably giving away my age with this one!!

The chorus has a very powerful message for us all and rest assured that you can count on us at St Ninian’s. So please keep smiling and shining as these are equally important messages to hear! Please listen to song number 1 on the songlist below through Spotify.

I’d love to hear if you have any songs that we could add to our Monday list.

Mrs Docherty

Please know we are here for you and remember:


Daily update 30/3/20

Good morning everyone,

Hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend with your family and managed to get out in the sunshine for a little while.

Today your teachers will be posting new activities for you to work on at home, please remember to take your time with these and don’t worry if you don’t manage to complete everything. If you need any help or support with tasks please get in touch with your teacher via the blog or TEAMs.

Many of the St Ninian’s staff team will be working at the St Ninian’s HUB today so we may not be as quick to respond but we will do our best.

At 11am today we are asking all of our families to log onto for an online assembly which will lift your spirits. We use these songs at assembly and in our classrooms so the pupils will help you out at home! We will also be logging in at the HUB today.

We have also sent you all a virtual hug via Twitter @StNinianPS to say we are missing you all! 


Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith

P2 Home Learning Grid Miss Lydon – Week 2

Good morning,

I hope you are ready for another week of learning and fun from home!

I have attached your weekly learning grid below as well as a colour by number numeracy sheet (see numeracy section on the grid).

Learning Grid Week 2

Colour by Number multiplying by 2 and 5

Remember if you want to share any work or ask a question you can use the comments section on this blog page or you can send an email to the school office.

I have attached the general suggestions again below:


Spelling Activity Suggestions

Website Suggestions

Primary 2 Key Words

Have a great day!

Miss Lydon

P2 Mrs Currie 30.03.20

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are ready for another week of learning and fun from home!  It’s a beautiful bright morning so hopefully you can also get outside in the garden or on a walk to enjoy that too.

I have attached your weekly learning grid below as well as a colour by number numeracy sheet (see numeracy section on the grid).

Learning Grid Week 2

Colour by Number multiplying by 2 and 5

Remember if you want to share any work or ask a question you can use the comments section on this blog page or you can send an email to the school office

I have attached the general suggestions again below:

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Website Suggestions

Primary 2 Key Words

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Currie

Coronavirus advice and support link

Please find attached below a link to the Educational Psychology Services resources around COVID-19 with useful resources and supports for schools and families.


Mrs Docherty




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