Daily update – 2nd April 2020

Good morning,

Hope you all had a good night’s sleep and feel ready for the day ahead! Mrs Docherty has been posting some really helpful information about the importance of sleep for our wellbeing via the blog.

It has been lovely seeing some of our families at the HUB on a Monday and then talking to pupils via the blog or TEAMS.

The theme we have been working on in school for Building Resilience is ‘Talk things over’ and never has there been a greater time to do this! Mrs Smith and I have been calling parents to check in for a chat and we will continue to do this today and tomorrow. We are also available via email each day for any questions or concerns.

Have a good day everyone, we have almost made it to the Easter holidays!

Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith



Mindfulness 2.4.20

Good morning everyone,

You are all doing so well with our new normal and engaging so well in all of the activities and learning online.

In these times we also need to remember that it is equally important to look after our wellbeing. Last week I posted helpful hints on mindfulness with ideas and strategies to help us have that all important downtime.

Thursdays are now such important days where we all stop at 8 o clock and thank our NHS. This is a time for reflection. These times are important for ourselves and our own wellbeing daily also. Today I have included a link for a great resource to use with your children at this time.

There are 5 themes to explore on this site. They are Calm, Focus, Kindness, Sleep and Wake up.  Your child will be introduced to simple fun breathing exercises, how to practise a relaxed precise kind of focus, will be taught about openness and generosity, how to get a good night’s sleep with relaxed mindfulness activities. These simple meditations will help your child start the day of right.



As today is Thursday I have also included a Mindfulness NHS Heart picture to colour as a family and to say thank you. This is a little challenge from Mrs Docherty and one I’d love to see you share. I’m going to do one and display it in my house to remind me about what  the most important things in life are and to remind me to stop and have quiet time.

NHS Mindfulness colouring

Please take times in your day to stop and think about you. Take time to stop and switch off and take time to relax your body and mind.

Have a lovely day everyone. I’m thinking of you all,

Mrs Docherty


P2 Daily Update Miss Lydon 02.04.20

Home Learning Grid

Good morning! How are you getting on with your work on Global Goals? I would love to see pictures of your ideal schools that you have created.

Here is an active challenge for you:

f you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Last week we changed season and now it is Spring. Your challenge today is to go on a treasure hunt in your house! Try and find something in your house that begins with each of the letters in Spring, such as sugar, pepper etc.

You could take a picture of your objects and send to the school email account or draw pictures and label them in your jotter.


Making arrays can help us to work out multiplication problems. Watch the video on the link below that will remind you how to make arrays:


Below the video are two different challenges you can try using a device.

Miss Lydon


P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update 02.04.20

Good morning everyone, a little bit of a wet start to the day but hopefully it will brighten  up as the day goes.

If it does get sunny this afternoon why not try some shadow drawing,

You can do this outside or if it is too windy or a little wet you can use the sun streaming in a window in the house to create the shadows on the paper.  Try using different types of toys to make the shadow then draw around them, afterwards you can decorate and colour your drawing.

Remember if you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. I will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your work on Global Goals? I would love to see or hear about the pictures of your ideal schools that you have created.  When I was in the Hub on Monday one of the tasks we did was to draw our ideal bedrooms; my room had a bed with the slide coming from it, it also had lots of storage underneath the bed for my high heel shoes!  My room also had a chocolate fountain in it!  What will your ideal classroom have in it?


Last week we changed season and now it is Spring. Your challenge today is to go on a treasure hunt in your house! Try and find something in your house that begins with each of the letters in Spring, such as sugar, pepper etc.

You could take a picture of your objects and send to the school email account or draw pictures and label them in your jotter.


We are using the skill of making arrays today.


Making arrays can help us to work out multiplication problems. Watch the video on the link below that will remind you how to make arrays:


Below the video are two different challenges you can try using a device.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Currie



Sound Sleep 1.4.20

Good morning,

Following on from yesterday’s blog post on sleep today’s focus will be sleep behaviours.

When reviewing our sleep patterns and ability to have a good night’s sleep there are specific questions we can follow to help us build up a picture of what our sleep behaviours are. There may be things we can amend or change that will help to support good sleep routines and patterns. Some of the questions we can ask ourselves over a two week period  are:

  1. In the past two weeks how often have you felt tired or sleepy during the day?
  2. In the past two weeks how often have you stayed awake until after midnight?
  3. In the past two weeks how often have you gone to bed because you could nit stay awake any longer?
  4. In the past two weeks how often have you watched TV or played a console, used a phone or tablet in bed?
  5. In the past two weeks how often have you felt tired or sleepy during the day?
  6. In the past two weeks how often have you found it hard to fall asleep?
  7. In the past two weeks how often have you felt tired or sleepy during the day?
  8. In the past two weeks how often have you woke up during the night and found it hard to get back to sleep?

Try and build a picture of your sleep routines using the questions above over a 2 week period. If you can find things that are regularly coming up try and change some of the routines and see if that makes a difference to how you get over to sleep and how good a sleep you have.

Have a great day.

Mrs Docherty

Reading Support and ideas 1.4.20

Good morning,

Welcome to April. This week’s focus has been Reading with helpful hints on how to support reading and reading for meaning.  As we are all at home I have included some helpful hints on how to create a reading environment and continue to foster a love of reading in our own houses.

  1.  Routine: Make reading part of your daily routine. This links in well with our Sound Sleep advice. It could be part for our evening and downtime hour to allow us to switch off in preparation for sleep.
  2. Read at home: Reading regularly at home promotes a love of reading and supports your child in becoming a great reader. Your children could even read to their siblings, pets and even toys!
  3. Make a special reading spot: Designating a special reading spot for your child to read with you is not only fun, but is also a great way to create a distraction-free zone where they can concentrate.
  4. Be a great reading partner: As parents you could read aloud and track the words with your finger as you are reading.  Read the story over and over and try using different voices to do this. Ask questions as you are reading. You can find hints on how to do this on yesterday’s reading blog.
  5. Bring books everywhere: Bring books wherever you go. In the car, on a picnic, in the garden
  6. Be a positive example: In school we have ERIC time which is everyone reading in class, this includes the teacher.  A good way to continue this is by us as parents being caught reading and also during that downtime hour reading our own book as our child reads theirs.

Have a great Wednesday and as always stay safe.

Mrs Docherty

Daily update-Wednesday 1st April

Good morning everyone,

Can you believe that we are now into the month of April, hopefully Spring has arrived and we will all be able to get out into our gardens more.

Tradition states that on the 1st April we should play pranks on one another and be a bit silly, we think that we should honour that tradition today and all make a pledge to have fun with our families with plenty of laughter.

We have also been set a challenge from our parish which encourages creativity and problem solving, 2 key skills. We have also posted this on our school Twitter page @StNinianPS.

We have also posted an Active Coping Calendar for April.

Have a good day everyone and Happy April Fools Day!

Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith

P2 Daily Update Miss Lydon 01.04.20


Home Learning Grid

Good morning! How are you getting on with creating a dance routine to your favourite song? Feel free to post what song you chose in the comments.

Learning Grid Week 2

Colour by Number multiplying by 2 and 5

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Both your reading and writing tasks this week are about the Gruffalo.  The following link will take you to a video of The Gruffalo’s Child being read.


This is the follow up story to The Gruffalo.  Comparing the two stories together have a chat with someone at home and tell them what is similar about the stories and what is different.


Primary 2 have learned to skip count in 2s. Below is a link to a 100 square and you can ‘splat’ numbers on it. Splat all the numbers in the 2 times table up to 20. For an extra challenge, can you go higher than 20? You can try this with the 10 or 5 times table too.


Have a lovely day!

Miss Lydon

P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update 1.04.20

Learning Grid Week 2

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Good morning everyone,

please find below some additional tasks and activities I have for you today (including a Sumdog challenge!).

As always, please remember that if you would like to share anything with me or want to ask a question or just to say hello you can use the comment section below or use the school office email address.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your RE task? Have you learned something new about the Feast of Annunciation?


Let’s look more at spelling. Ck or k.  Watch this youtube video explanation about when to use ck or k.

In the video it talks about weak vowels that need protecting so these need ck, we usually describe the vowel as saying its short sound (like e in bed) and if there are two vowels together which do not need protecting they are making the long sound (like ee in sheep).

Are there any words that are not on the lists that you can think of that end with the k sound, can you work out if they need just k or ck.


I have set up a Sumdog Challenge for all of you. It focuses measure, shape and fractions (1/2 and 1/4), can you earn 50 coins?  Remember when you log on to look for the challenge. Good luck!




Sound Sleep Advice 31.3.20

Good morning,

Following on from last week’s sleep advice this week we will look at how to support a good routine. To do this it is worth having a look at what our evening routines look like.  We have two routines, one on school days and the other on non-school days.

Questions to ask yourself  for school day routines are:

What will I do after school?

What will I do after dinner?

When will my wind down hour start?

What will I do in my wind down hour?

When will I go to my bed and sleep?

What will I do if I wake up during the night?


Similar questions to ask yourself  for non-school day routines are:

What will I do during the day and in the early evening?

What will I do after dinner?

When will my wind down hour start?

What will I do in my wind down hour?

When will I go to my bed and sleep?

What will I do if I wake up during the night?

These are some of the questions that will help us to look closely at what our routines look like and what is helping or stopping us from sleeping.  You could keep a little diary to help you determine what you do and then have a look at the link below which supports a good evening routine.

05 Example of a Good Bedtime Routine

We will continue to provide Sleep support tomorrow and the main focus will be sleep behaviours.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Mrs Docherty

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