P1 Mrs Currie Friday Post 29.05.20

Good morning everyone.  Mrs Currie is back today, thank you to Mrs Docherty who looked after our blog post yesterday.  Remember if you want to send me any examples of work or share something you have done this week use the email address at the top of the weekly grid.

This week we are using The Fist Of Five to assess our learning.

Use this FREE Fist to Five poster to introduce a quick check ...

You can either show your score to someone at home or if you have recorded work in your jotter, draw a circle and put little lines coming out of it to represent your fingers.

I have completed the ai and oa spelling activity below. How did you do with this activity? What fist of five would you give for your understanding of the ai and oa sound?

I have shared my free writing story with you. I decided to write a story about swimming in the sea because it is one of my favourite things to do when I am on holiday. Can you spot any mistakes in my story?

I tried to include all of the success criteria in my story too:

  • A capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of every sentence
  • Use at least one conjunction (joining word eg and, because)
  • Use at least one adjective (describing word eg a colour)
  • Make sure you form your letters correctly

Did you manage to include all of the criteria in your story? Show your fist of five for this.

Number Talks

I looked at the 2 jars for number talks and have shared my strategies with you. Did you use the same strategies as me or something different?

Counting on is a very good number talks strategy. This episode of numberjacks explains counting on well. Why don’t you watch it:

How do you feel about using the counting on strategy for number talks? Show your fist of five for counting on.

The weekly grid for next week will be getting posted this afternoon to allow parents time to prepare for the following week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Davenport 29.5.20

Happy Friday everyone!

This week we are using The Fist Of Five to assess our learning (five fingers mean you have fully understood your task and feel confident with the skill, four fingers means you are nearly there perhaps just a little more practise needed, three fingers you needed some support but then were able to do it, two fingers you needed support to do most of it, one finger you needed support and would still need support in the future with this type of task)

You can either show your score to someone at home or if you have recorded work in your jotter, draw a circle and put little lines coming out of it to represent your fingers.

Use this FREE Fist to Five poster to introduce a quick check ...

I have completed the ai and oa spelling activity below. How did you do with this activity? What first of five would you give for your understanding of the ai and oa sound?

I have shared my free writing story with you. I decided to write a story about swimming in the sea because it is one of my favourite things to do when I am on holiday. Can you spot any mistakes in my story?

I tried to include all of the success criteria in my story too:

  • A capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of every sentence
  • Use at least one conjunction (joining word eg and, because)
  • Use at least one adjective (describing word eg a colour)
  • Make sure you form your letters correctly

Did you manage to include all of the criteria in your story? Show your fist of five for this.

Number Talks

I looked at the 2 jars for number talks and have shared my strategies with you. Did you use the same strategies as me or something different?

Counting on is a very good number talks strategy. This episode of numberjacks explains counting on well. Why don’t you watch it:

How do you feel about using the counting on strategy for number talks? Show your fist of five for counting on.

The weekly grid for next week will be getting posted this afternoon to allow parents time to prepare for the following week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Davenport


P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 28.5.20

Good morning boys and girls. It’s Mrs Docherty this morning and I’m covering for Mrs Currie. I hope you are all having a good week and enjoying the sunshine.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section above. I have added your links for the week below.

Week 8 beginning 25th May 2020

oa worksheet

ai worksheet

What Is In My Net

Shadows in the Sun

Goldilocks and the Clever Plan

Animal Homes

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your literacy task this week of consolidating the ai and oa sounds?

I think I managed to fix the mistakes using the ai and oa sounds below. Can you help me check?



You could watch these videos about the ai and oa sounds too:




Use this link to visit the alphablocks website. You can complete games and quizzes and watch video clips of alphablocks to consolidate your knowledge of sounds you know. My favourite games are the alphablocks jigsaw and the missing letter quiz. There are lots of games and videos for you to explore on this website.



Today’s numeracy task is a building task. Get building! Can you build a model of something using construction materials you have in your house? You could build a Lego model, a tower of playing cards or something else! When you have finished your building, can you estimate how many pieces of lego/blocks etc. have been used in your building? Estimate the number of pieces and then count to check how many you used.

Have a great day and make sure you are enjoying the sunshine,

Mrs Docherty

Mrs Davenport P1 Daily Update: 28.5.20

Good morning boys and girls.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section above. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to. I have added your links for the week below.

Week 8 beginning 25th May 2020

oa worksheet

ai worksheet

What Is In My Net

Shadows in the Sun

Goldilocks and the Clever Plan

Animal Homes

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your literacy task this week of consolidating the ai and oa sounds?

I think I managed to fix the mistakes using the ai and oa sounds below. Can you help me check?










You could watch these videos about the ai and oa sounds too:




Use this link to visit the alphablocks website. You can complete games and quizzes and watch video clips of alphablocks to consolidate your knowledge of sounds you know. My favourite games are the alphablocks jigsaw and the missing letter quiz. There are lots of games and videos for you to explore on this website.



Today’s numeracy task is a building task. Get building! Can you build a model of something using construction materials you have in your house? You could build a Lego model, a tower of playing cards or something else! When you have finished your building, can you estimate how many pieces of lego/blocks etc. have been used in your building? Estimate the number of pieces and then count to check how many you used.


Have a great day,

Mrs Davenport

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 27.05.20

Good morning everyone.

Here are your links for this week

Week 8 beginning 25th May 2020

oa worksheet

ai worksheet

What Is In My Net

Shadows in the Sun

Goldilocks and the Clever Plan

Animal Homes

Have you managed to spot any birds yet?

I have had a lot of Jackdaw birds visit my garden.  At first I thought they were small crows but then I researched some information and found out about what makes them different from a crow.


If you want to do a little more practise on ai and oa use the following resources.

Here is a video link for a clip about the sound ai.

What oa words can you make using these beginning sounds, the oa middle sound and then the end sounds.


To continue to practise your estimation skills try this simple Pasta Game (you do not need to use pasta, you could use lego bricks, sweets, coins, counters etc.)

Pasta Estimation

Resources – 2 players (or more), Bag of pasta

  • Using a bag of pasta, put your hand into the bag and take a handful out
  • With your eyes closed spread out your handful on the floor and then open your eyes and estimate how many pieces you have (give yourself a short time limit to do this otherwise you will end up counting and we want to estimate first!)
  • Once you have estimated, then count to get an accurate answer
  • How close were you? However many your estimate was away from the accurate answer then this is your score
  • The next player then repeats this process
  • Whoever has the lowest score at the end is the winner
  • You can decide how many times you repeat these steps in one game

Don’t forget you can get in touch using the email address at the top of the weekly grid or use the comment section below.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Davenport 27.5.20

Good morning,

It is lovely to be back again. Mrs Docherty has told me how  hard you have been working Monday and Tuesday. Well done! I will be getting through all my e-mails today at some point and responding to you all.

Here are your links for this week.

ai worksheet

Animal Homes

Goldilocks and the Clever Plan

oa worksheet

RRS Article of the Week P1-3 25.05.20

Shadows in the Sun

Week 8 Week beginning 25th May 2020

What Is In My Net

Have you managed to spot any birds yet?

I have had a lot of Jackdaw birds visit my garden.  At first I thought they were small crows but then I researched some information and found out about what makes them different from a crow.


If you want to do a little more practise on ai and oa use the following resources.

Here is a video link for a clip about the sound ai.

What oa words can you make using these beginning sounds, the oa middle sound and then the end sounds.


To continue to practise your estimation skills try this simple Pasta Game (you do not need to use pasta, you could use lego bricks, sweets, coins, counters etc.)

Pasta Estimation

Resources – 2 players (or more), Bag of pasta

  • Using a bag of pasta, put your hand into the bag and take a handful out
  • With your eyes closed spread out your handful on the floor and then open your eyes and estimate how many pieces you have (give yourself a short time limit to do this otherwise you will end up counting and we want to estimate first!)
  • Once you have estimated, then count to get an accurate answer
  • How close were you? However many your estimate was away from the accurate answer then this is your score
  • The next player then repeats this process
  • Whoever has the lowest score at the end is the winner
  • You can decide how many times you repeat these steps in one game

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Davenport

Mrs Docherty HWB: Feelings 27.5.20

Good morning everyone. This week’s Health and Wellbeing theme will be feelings and how we can explore them with our children. There are so many feelings for children to name and recognise and it is good to encourage our children to begin to both recognise these and how they make us feel.

I have included a lovely link below for a story all about feelings called In my Heart. Please listen to the story and share it with your child as a way of supporting them to recognise feelings:


For today I thought it would be good to share ideas about how we can talk about feelings.

Knowing your Feelings:

It is easy to talk ab out feelings when we know how we feel and why we feel that way. Some ways to achieve this with your child include:

  • Think of the name for how you feel. (Maybe you feel upset.)
  • Think of why you feel that way. (Maybe you feel this way because of how much things have changed for us and because our routine is different)
  • Get your child to put these two points together into words. (Say to yourself, “I feel upset about Coronavirus.”)
  • If your child doesn’t know why they feel a certain way, you can still talk about it. You can say, “I feel upset but I don’t know why.”


Pick someone to talk to:

It is good for your child to choose someone to talk to. In school we do this using the helping hand approach. On each finger the child identifies someone they can talk to. Try this at home too. It is a good way for your child to know there will always be someone to talk to.

  • Let them know that the other person will listen
  • They might give them advice or they might even make them laugh
  • Let them know they have someone to share their worry or indeed their excitement with as all feelings are good to share.

Taking time to talk to someone and taking the time to listen is such a key part of allowing your child to explore and identify their feelings . I hope you have enjoyed the story and if you try any of the ideas please let me know.

Have a great day everyone,

Mrs Docherty

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 26.05.20

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are getting on well with the grid this week.  Please find below the links needed for this week.

Week 8 beginning 25th May 2020

oa worksheet

ai worksheet

Active Learn :

What Is In My Net

Shadows in the Sun

Goldilocks and the Clever Plan

Animal Homes


Last week we introduced Reading Wise, a group call email will have been sent to you with your log in details.  Please find the instructions below.

Reading Wise Login Information

Continue using this site to work on your phonics and decoding skills.


You have been set a Maths challenge to look at the length of spoons.

Here are spoons from my kitchen in order of size, smallest to largest.

I used pasta twirls to measure my spoons.


I noticed that not all my pasta twirls were the same length, is this a good measuring device? Why?

Here is a game you can play which will help you with the maths language largest/biggest and smallest.


Have a lovely day everyone,

Mrs Currie

P1 Daily Update Mrs Docherty 26.5.20

Good morning everyone!

Its Mrs Docherty again for my final day on your blog. What an amazing few days I have had. Its been great seeing all of the fabulous work you have been doing and doing to such a high standard. Thank you.

I hope you are getting on well with the grid this week.  Please find below the links needed for this week.

Week 8 beginning 25th May 2020

oa worksheet

ai worksheet

Active Learn :

What Is In My Net

Shadows in the Sun

Goldilocks and the Clever Plan

Animal Homes



Last week we introduced Reading Wise, a group call email will have been sent to you with your log in details.  Please find the instructions below.

Reading Wise Login Information

Continue using this site to work on your phonics and decoding skills.



You have been set a Maths challenge to look at the length of spoons.

Here are spoons from my kitchen in order of size, smallest to largest.

I used pasta twirls to measure my spoons.



I noticed that not all my pasta twirls were the same length, is this a good measuring device? Why?

Here is a game you can play which will help you with the maths language largest/biggest and smallest.


Have a lovely day everyone,

Mrs Docherty


Mrs Docherty’s Positive Song for the Week I’ll be There for You: 25.5.20

Good morning and welcome to another week of online learning. This week’s song is a positive upbeat song about Friendship. It is a song that also sends a positive message to each and every one of our St Ninian’s families and staff. Friendship is the bond that is supporting and guiding us through these times. It is what helps us to check in, share good news, provide support and has made us smile since the start of lockdown.

Please have a listen to the song by clicking the link below:


The words in the song definitely suit the times we are living in just now and also convey exactly what we as a staff would like to say to each and every one of you:


I’ll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I’ll be there for you
Like I’ve been there before
I’ll be there for you
‘Cause you’re there for me too


Every week I share messages about being the rainbow in someone else’s storm and how important it is to appreciate the little things in life and without a shadow of a doubt one of the simplest and most important things to focus on going forward is Friendship. On that we would like to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your ongoing friendship and support and know that you too have ours.


Have a great week filled with love and laughter and of course Friendship.

Mrs Docherty

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