A Fun Filled Technologies Week!

We have had a fun filled technologies week in P1D. We have loved learning about food technology where we made treasure map pizzas and cheese and apple pirate ships! There is no end to our creativity.

We had a special visitor from Morrison construction called Sharon. She told us all about her job and even let us help her design and build a new city! How cool!

We have had lots of fun revisiting different maths concepts this week and you would have been so impressed with how much we have remembered!  We have enjoyed using different materials to explore numbers including rekenreks, ten frames and our favourite is our hidden bunny ears!

We have come on leaps and bounds in gymnastics. Our skills, control, balance and confidence has grown so much during this block. We have some very talented gymnasts in our class.

We have been preparing for Lent this week. We thoroughly enjoyed Shrove Tuesday and loved having a tasty little pancake. We participated well in the whole school Ash Wednesday mass.

We would like to thank you for your support at home with this weeks food technology homework! We loved showing off our Pirate snacks to one another!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Diamond and P1D.

We’re going on a ………hunt!

Wow I can’t believe it’s Friday again, what a busy week we’ve had in P1R!

In reading this week we have been focusing on revising all the sounds we have learned and blending sounds together to make CVC words. We have used a variety of approaches and resources to do this, Miss Smyth even paid us a visit and spent the morning observing us as we worked. She was very impressed at how well the children used the apps on the ipad and their classroom displays as a tool for learning.

Maths has been great fun as we continued to learn about shapes, this week we looked at 3D shapes and spent lots of time exploring the shapes using our sense of touch and sight. We played games on the smartboard, went on a shape hunt, played shape bingo and dominoes and even wrote detailed descriptions for each of the shapes in our writing lesson.

In IDL we looked at how pirates defended themselves when at sea and how they used different weapons in battles. Everyone chose a weapon they would like to make using junk or recycled materials. We have put these on display for everyone to look at, hopefully we won’t have to use them too often!! On Wednesday we went outdoors for learning on a pirate scavenger hunt, we had to listen carefully to the clues and then go and look for evidence of pirates in our school grounds. We worked in two teams and chose names and captains for our crew – The Jolly Rodger and The Squeaky Sail. It was lovely to see everyone working together and helping one another in their search. The fun continued on Thursday when Mr Hunter asked us to create our very own sea monsters which were often a feature in pirate stories. We again took the learning outdoors for this and the children created fantastic monsters! Harry loved making the weapons and pirate play, Matthew enjoyed making weapons and Angelina liked finding pirate things in the school garden.

For Catholic Education Week we spent time discussing how we could show mercy to others, the children enjoyed watching the Pope Francis animation and all produced their very own Hands of Mercy for a whole school display.


Finally we finished off the week with an Achievements Assembly and our committees. Oma was awarded a special certificate for being a reflective learner – well done Oma! When asked how she felt she said, ” I felt really good.”


Well as I said at the beginning of the entry, it’s been a busy week! We’re all looking forward to next week when we have Technologies Week as our focus and Lent begins.

Exciting times in P1D!

We have had a brilliant week in Primary 1D! The highlight of the week was receiving a letter to tell us that Captain Pete Pigeon suspects that there may have been Pirates in the local woods and we had to go on a scavenger hunt to see if they had been in our playground! We found so many clues that would suggest they most definitely have been here! Thankfully we had made our pirate weapons earlier in the week in case we needed them! Kayden our photographer managed to capture some of the magic!

In maths, we have been learning all about 3D shapes! We found some in our classroom, we explored shapes by making different models with them using plastic shapes and creating playdough shapes and we even made shapes from nets! This was really tricky!  Impressive or what! Two of our favourite games was 3D shape bingo and playing shape dominoes with Mrs Simpson!

We are coming on leaps and bounds with our reading! We have been making predictions, hiding the pictures so that we can’t use picture clues to help us and even sequencing pictures to retell the story. We are still trying very hard with our tricky words and making good progress in our weekly tricky word check in with Mrs Gardner.

Have a good weekend!

Miss Diamond and P1D

Fit to burst in Primary 1D!

We are fit to burst in Primary 1D with all of our learning this week! We have been learning about 2D shapes and have loved lots of the activities we have used to help us. Two of our favourites have been using shapes to draw shape pictures and trying to guess the ‘mystery shape’ hidden in a feely bag! This was very tricky!

We are coming on leaps and bounds in PE and are now using the apparatus in gymnastics. We are very sensible but have no fear! We are using lots of different skills and techniques and are supporting one another if someone finds it difficult. We are real team players in our class! Mr McCurdy had to do his forward roll to V-sit twice as he wasn’t happy with his first attempt! We caught him in the act :)!

We love our new story-line approach topic about pirates! This week has been very exciting because we received another letter from Pirate Pete Pigeon! He said we are welcome to join his crew after reading our application forms but we had to build our own Pirate Ship! We have learned about what Pirates do in their spare time and had an afternoon full of activities! Some of them include playing musical instruments, playing cards and building small pirate ships!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Diamond and Primary 1D!

Sailing on the seven seas…

What a hardworking crew we have in P1R, it’s been another busy week!

At the beginning of the week we had a visit from our local librarian, Mrs Campbell to read us a story, we all had to vote for a book which she then read to us. We’re hoping to visit the library shortly to have a look at all the other books they have.

In maths we started a new topic learning all about shapes, we spent lots of time exploring 2D shapes. We used the feely bag to try and feel the shapes then describe them to our partners. We sorted shapes using the smartboard and flashcards, Mrs Roy was amazed at how quickly we could sort them! Our challenge of the week was to think of other 2D shapes and where we might see them in the environment.

We received another letter from Captain Pete this week who was delighted with the applications we had completed for homework to join his crew. He asked us to build our very own ship to use on our Pirate Adventure which we were really excited about. We had to learn about the different parts of a ship and try to recreate this in our design. Our crew have had great fun using the ship for pirate play. We also learned about Pirate life and spent an afternoon trying out some activities which pirates would do in their spare time – playing music, dancing, making things out of wood, playing cards, reading, etc.

The Olympics are beckoning for some of our budding gymnasts, we were are getting really good now at using the large apparatus. This week we focused on being responsible, leadership and core strength.

We ended the week with Ninian’s Natter where every child had a learning conversation to discuss their goals and progress. I will send a photograph to the parents who were unable to make it today of your child with their goal. You can use this as a tool for discussion at home.

Reading books… what a hoot!

Mrs Wassell and some of primary 1 had a fantastic first week at the lunchtime book club. We read the story ‘The Gruffalo’! Some children had heard the story before but were delighted to hear it again as it was “OUR FAVOURITE”

We could recognise the rhyming patterns and the link the animals to the sound they make.

Anna: “This has been the best ever! I can’t wait to come back!”

Julia: “I loved listening to the Gruffalo!”

Leo: “The book was fantastic!”

We can’t wait to see what the story will be next week!!


A pirate’s life for me homework task.

Next week the children in both P1 classes are being asked to spend an evening in role as a pirate. We have been learning about what a pirate does to keep them busy or entertained. Ask your child about what they have learned. We’d love it if you could post a description of how you spent the evening for us all to read in class.

Here are some ideas:

Pirate dances


Playing cards.


Reading or making up pirate stories.

Making things out of wood.

Making pirate food.


Enjoy me hearties and remember to leave us a comment below!!


Busy Bees in P1D!

We have had a great week in P1D!

We have been learning all about fractions in maths using shapes, pizza, flags and chocolate!

One of the highlights was when we had to cut a mini roll in half trying to make sure they were both equal. We were all very good at it so as a little treat, we got to eat the mini roll!

We have loved learning more about pirates and even know about two famous pirates! We made pirate hats as Captain Pete Pigeon won’t accept us into his crew if we don’t look the part.

We have been making such good progress with reading that we are now answering written questions about what we have read. This was a tricky task but we all enjoyed it.

Have a good weekend!

Wanted…harrrd sailin’ children…last seen in P1R!!

Ahoy there mateys, good to see ye all!

It’s been a grand ole week in P1R with lots of learning and fun. It all began on Monday when we learned a new sound, ‘ai’, we’re flying through the sounds now and getting better every day at blending. We used letterjoin to practise joining the a and i together to remind us that even though it is two letters it only makes one sound.

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In maths we continued the sharing theme but focused on learning all about fractions/halves. Chocolate was aplenty in our lessons, we were given a challenge of working out how to share 1 mini-roll with our partners, we decided to cut them in half meaning each person got 1 piece. On another day we looked at whole chocolate bars and counted all the square pieces, we then had to work out half. We even found out that half of 5 is 2.5!! The best bit was getting to eat our share of the chocolate!

We also had a go at making fraction flags using 2 colours and decorating half a pizza (don’t worry they were pretend pizzas!)

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In PE we were trying to combine the skills we had been learning and apply this to the different apparatus.

Famous pirates were the talk of the class this week. We learned all about Blackbeard and Anne Bonny. Ask your child to tell you one of the facts they found out. We made Wanted Posters for our class display, puppets and pirate hats for role play, sang Pirate songs, danced like a pirate, wrote some facts about famous pirates and used the Morfo app to create talking and moving pirates.

Outdoor learning was also part of our week although unfortunately the rain changed this slightly, we brought the outdoors indoors! All the children were set a challenge by Mr Hunter to make a ‘Crow’s Nest’. They had to think about which of our school values would be important, the children thought ‘teamwork’ would be the best way to approach the challenge.

We’re all now looking forward to tomorrow’s skills academies and going along to the dress rehearsal of the ‘Great Scots’ show!

Back in full swing!

We are back in action in P1D after our first full week. We have been learning new sounds and have loved reading and building new words. We really enjoyed word bingo!

We have enjoyed lots of different activities which have helped us learn more about sharing equally! Sharing the ‘Counter Soup’ was a real favourite!

Anther highlight of our week has been our gymnastics lessons! We have done lots of exercises to strengthen our core and this week, we moved on to rolling! We had a go at pencil rolls and forward rolls! Some of us even managed to stand up onto our feet after our forward roll! Can you believe it?

We hope you have enjoyed looking at out learning!

Have a great weekend!

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