P1R weekly news

Although it’s been a short week we’ve managed to cram it full of learning!

In maths we have been ordering numbers within 20 and identifying largest/smallest numbers. We worked independently, with partners or as part of a team.

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In our CLIC lessons we have been doing lots of counting. Here is the link for our favourite song, give it a go over the weekend!

In literacy things have got pretty tricky as we are now learning initial blends focusing on ‘s’ blends this week, eg. sm, st, sw, etc. The children quickly picked this up and could guess what the word was going to be from its initial sounds. We also got some time to do a Fry’s word spelling test and some us can now spell 32 words independently – good job everyone! Try this game which helps you learn blends. Here is a picture of Ana playing it in class.



In IDL and RE this week we have been discussing our families and how they are all different. It was lovely hearing the children talk so lovingly about their families. We made some lovely family trees using collage materials and different coloured handprints for every family member.


Last week the children made some ‘Me’ bags as part of their IDL homework, we presented these to one another this week and had fun looking at all the things that made the children happy, eg. photographs of memories, sweets, toys, jewellery, etc. Well done to all the children that made these, you earned extra dojo points!

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We continued our inter house championship in PE and learned about sprinting this week. We all had a go at racing one another making sure we were using our arms and legs properly. Next week we hope to go outside and try sprinting on the new tracks on the upper field.

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To finish off the week Miss Meechan brought some surprise visitors to our class, Jinky and Joey, her pet guinea pigs. Some of us had a cuddle with them. Thanks Miss Meechan!


I hope you are all outside enjoying the warmer weather, hope to see some of you tomorrow at our Summer Fayre 10-12pm!


A short but busy week in P1D!

We have had a nice first week back after our long weekend! We have been doing lots of number work trying to sequence numbers from largest to smallest and vice versa! We have used number cards, games on the smart board and our bodies to try and help us as we are finding this quite tricky!

We enjoyed sharing our ‘all about me’ bags which had 1,2, or 3 things which show what we are good at, interested in or are special to us! We were all super confident when standing up and sharing our bags with one another! We also learned about consonant blends and tried to make different words with the letters ‘s,n,i,p’! We had lots of fun during this activity, especially when we had to beat the clock!

We had a chat about our families and how they are all different. Some of us have lot’s of brothers and sisters, some of us have none! We made our very own hand print family trees to represent our family! They look beautiful.

We celebrated the feast of the Ascension on Thursday by attending a whole school mass. We all tried hard to participate and really enjoyed the final hymn, Sing It In The Valleys, which we pretty much sang for the rest of the day!

We have a very busy week next week trying to prepare for our class assembly!

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P1D.

A week full of emotion in P1D!

This week we have been looking at our feelings and emotions in P1D and how we are all unique. We have had lots of great discussions about what affects the way we feel and how we can recognise if someone is down. One of the highlights was using ‘mood music’ and trying to decide how it made us feel. We then used the music to make a feelings wheel in art using colour and line! You will see these on display at parents night. Miss Diamond was very impressed with our efforts.

In maths we have been counting objects and looking at different spot patterns to help with our numbers to 20. We have been sharing our ‘thinking skills’ with one another to given each other new ideas. Julia said ‘I counted 3 and 3 because I know that’s 6 and added 2 more on to make 8’.

In literacy we have been learning the ‘ng’ sound! This is a tricky one but we were able to read it, write it and build words using this sound! Are you impressed?

We enjoyed having the nursery in our class this week as part of the transition program. We love being able to help them and show them how much we have learned since starting Primary 1! They were all super stars!

Have a great weekend :)!

Feeling happy in P1R

What a busy week it’s been.

In literacy the children have been learning the ng sound. They have been playing sound bingo, reading sentences with ng words and playing games on the smartboard. They are really confident at recognising Fry’s words and punctuation as you can see from these pictures.

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In maths we have been counting objects up to 20 and have enjoyed some noisy warm ups with our counting songs.


Feelings have been the theme in IDL and we’ve had some great discussions. We listened to some music and had to guess what emotion it sounded like then drew feelings faces. We then made a feelings wheel using lines and colours for different emotions. These are now on our class display.


The competition continued in PE and this week we learned how to throw a javelin. Ask your child the rhyme which helps them remember how to do this. Kyle and Filip were very good at this and threw their javelins the furthest.

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I was very proud of all of the children this morning when they led mass at St Philip’s. They all showed how responsible they could be and the parishioners commented on this. WELL DONE BOYS AND GIRLS!


A credit to St.Ninian’s PS!

What a great week we have had in Primary 1D!

One of our highlights this week was attending and participating in our class Mass at St.Philip’s on Thursday morning. The children were all fantastic and fully participated in the mass which was recognised and highly commended by the parishioners, parents and Father Paul. As a little reward for our hard work, we had a little trip to the park on our way home. The sun was shining and we all had a blast!

In maths, we have continued to develop our understanding of number looking at numbers before, after and in between! This was tricky but were super at it! We have enjoyed playing different games and singing number songs to help us learn. One of the activities we really enjoyed this week was during our CLIC session, we had to work out how many dots there was in a pattern and explain our answer.

We have just started our new ‘All about Me!’ topic which we had lots of ideas for to help Miss Diamond plan. We really focused on appearance and how we are all different. Two of our favourite activities were making  self portraits using torn paper and using a pictograph to record the different eye colours in our class. Are you impressed?

These are just a few highlights from our week. We hope you enjoy reading about them.

Last but not least, a HUGE thank you to the parents/carers/grannies/grandads who donated cakes for us to sell at our class bake sale. We received £45 which we can use to buy some new exciting resources for our class. Thank you again!

Have a great weekend,

Miss Diamond and P1D!


Counting fun in Primary One!

It’s been a busy week in P1R with lots of learning and fun!

In maths we have continued to develop our understanding of numbers and have been using songs and games to help us achieve this. One of our favourite games has been paint splat, working out numbers before, after and between. Try it out for yourself on our maths resources blog.

We also enjoyed looking for dot patterns and explaining to the rest of the class how we worked out the answer. Here’s what some of the boys and girls said about this pattern:

“I counted the dots one by one”

“I just knew it was 5”

“I counted the 4 on the outside, then added the 1 in the middle”

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Look at this dot pattern and tell someone how many dots there are and explain how you worked out the answer. Leave us a comment below.

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In IDL we planned our new topic, “All about me”, the children came up with some really good ideas which we’ll keep you posted about in our weekly blog posts. This week the focus was on ‘We are all different’, the children took part in discussions, listened to songs, wrote personal descriptions, made a torn paper portrait and did an eye colour survey. I think you’ll agree that they managed to cover a lot of subject areas using their IDL theme.

We also started our inter-house championship in PE, this week’s event was high jump. Everyone tried their best to master the scissor jump and the children loved when the bar got higher and higher! Well done to Oma, Alice and Dominic who were our house winners this week for the event.


Next week we will be trying out the new route for our daily mile, watch this space for an update on how we get on. Some of the route will now be on grass so try to remember trainers for next week.

Well done to all the children for participating in Ninian’s Natter this week, all the children have now had a learning conversation with myself to review last term’s goals and set new ones. If you didn’t make Ninian’s Natter ask them about their goals, we will continue to review these as the term progresses.

Last thing to mention is today’s Achievement Assembly, our class winner was Harry who was chosen for showing creativity in his work – well done!

See you all next week, remember our class mass is on Thursday 28th April at 9.30am in St Philip’s (wee chapel), it would be nice to see some parents/families there to support the children.

Creativity in P1R

As the title suggests this week the focus has been on ‘being creative’. P1R have been working on a joint project with the nursery as part of the transition programme this year. Our chosen theme was ‘Rhyme Time’ and we linked the learning in literacy and the expressive arts subjects.

We chose Dingle Dangle Scarecrow as the song we would perform for the nursery.

On Monday we had to identify the rhyming words in the song using highlighters and we played rhyming games on the smartboard. We also used the wooden spoons we had brought in from home to make scarecrow puppets. Then on Tuesday in our reading lesson we had to visualise a scarecrow from the descriptive poem we heard. On Wednesday we played rhyming bingo and washing line rhymes on the netbooks. Thursday was a bit trickier as we  had a go at writing acrostic poems about a scarecrow and then did some watercolour collage paintings. Friday was our big performance where we dressed up and sang our song to the nursery children then we went over to the nursery to hear their performance. We all enjoyed ‘Rhyme Time’ and look forward to welcoming the nursery children to our carousel activities over the coming weeks.

In maths this week we have progressed onto developing our knowledge of numbers within 20, this has involved counting forwards/backwards, sequencing and ordering. The children enjoyed using the number flowers to play games, the favourite was when they got to steal flowers from the garden and the other children had to guess what flowers were missing!


Our PE block this term will be athletics focusing on running, throwing and jumping. We will be practising these skills every week in the lead up to Sports Day in June where we will take part in the inter-house championship.

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In RE we have started to prepare for our class mass which will be on Thursday 28th April in St Philip’s. Next week the children will bring home a copy of the hymns we are learning and some children will be selected to read the bidding prayers or be a part of the offertory procession. I would be grateful if you could assist your child in these preparations.

Next week we look forward to starting our new IDL topic which will focus on Health and Wellbeing.


Summer Fair


Our Summer Fair is on Saturday 7th May 10am till 12noon. Pupils were issued a leaflet in school bags this week.

The event needs a large number of volunteers to man the stalls and we really struggle to get people to help. May be you could help for 1 hour or may be 2 hours? Volunteers can be parents, carers, grandparents, aunties/uncles – all family members are welcome to lend a hand. Get in touch via facebook or leave your contact details at the office – WE NEED YOU!

Message from Fundraising/Parent Council

Time goes quickly in P1R!

Sorry we can’t post photographs this week but there is no media space on the blog, hopefully I can add these later.

As you may have guessed from the title we started a new topic in maths – time. The children have been learning about daily routines, clocks and recognising o’clock times. They have enjoyed taking part in a variety of activities this week to help them learn, eg. making a clock, playing time apps, using small clocks to make times, being teachers and checking others clocks, time bingo and using the time playdough mats. It has been great to see everyone making links in their learning and the children are now using the class clock with ease, especially to remind me when it is lunchtime!!

A game which we used for our plenary sessions was Stop the Clock, Oma is the current class champion with 18 seconds to beat. Try playing this at home and see how quickly you can match the times.


In phonics we were learning about ‘sh’ and ‘ch’, these are not easy yet the children were confidently reading and spelling words with these sounds very quickly. Some of the activities which helped us were glitter tray writing, sounds bingo, interactive games on the smartboard and much more! Here is a game to try out which practises sh,ch and th.


In IDL this week the focus was on Scottish produce – we had a great afternoon on Wednesday tasting lots of different Scottish produced food – salmon, tablet, porridge, raspberries, shortbread, oatcakes to name a few! Everyone had to choose their favourite which we then wrote about in Thursday’s writing lesson. It was interesting to see so many different foods being chosen, shortbread was very popular! My favourite was the tablet, delicious!!

PE was good fun as we continued to learn about travelling with objects, we introduced some new equipment this week and we are now using basketballs, footballs and tennis bats/balls. Some of the boys were showing off their dribbling skills they have learned at their out of school football clubs.

We ended the week with some outdoor learning, Mr McCurdy joined us on an environmental walk in our local area. We were able to spot many signs of spring and at the same time increase our fitness levels by walking 2 miles, yes that’s right, 2 miles! We used a map and followed the signs as we walked. It was only fair that the children were rewarded with some time at the playpark on the way back to school.

Thank you also to P7 for teaching us about the Stations of the Cross on Friday, we learned a lot about the Easter story. We will continue to learn about Easter next week.


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