Keeping Our Children Safe

wellbeing wheels
During the month of September children in all classes will be learning about being SAFE.

Here are some links for parents to help promote and discuss safety with your child:

General Safety

Internet Safety

Pokemon Go Safety

Fire Safety

Road Safety

Activities for Nursery children

Dangers in the Home (4-6 years)

Alcohol and Tobacco (7-11 years)


P1M Weekly News


We have had another fantastic week in P1M. Everyone has been working so hard and Miss Meechan is so impressed with how well we have all settled in and how much everyone is engaging in their new learning experiences.

We started off our week with our first phonics lesson. During phonics lessons we learn new sounds. This week our sounds were ‘m’ and ‘c’. The ‘m’ sound is made from our lips, this is why it is a red sound. We put jam on our lips and made the ‘m’ sound, rubbing our lips together to taste the jam. This was a very fun activity and we enjoyed participating in this. We then took part in a range of different activities to help us learn these new sounds. We have been listening to, singing along and doing the actions for these ‘m’ and ‘c’ songs to help us remember them. Why don’t you try this out at home?

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In numeracy we are continuing to learn all about numbers to 10. We having working on our formation of the numbers as well as counting out objects (dinosaurs!) to represent this number. We have even been making numbers with play-dough and showing the amount of fingers to represent this value. We have also been doing a lot of counting aloud. This is one of our favourite songs at the moment!

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This week we have also took part in the daily mile. Here is a picture of us enjoying the sunshine this week during the daily mile.


Next week, our homework tasks will be sent out on a dojo message. Look out for this on Monday! Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Meechan and P1M

Full timers in P1R

As the title says, P1R were in full days this week and lasted well, the children had bags of enthusiasm and energy for learning across the week. They enjoyed having lunch in the hall with the other classes.


Our phonics focus was ‘m’ and ‘c’ and the children learned about where in their mouth the sounds came from and how to form the letters correctly. They went on a sounds walk around the school looking for objects beginning with ‘m’ and ‘c’ taking it in turns to photograph what they found. Ask your child what colour the sounds are and I’m sure they’ll be able to tell you. They also enjoyed the carousel activities where they were able to use the smartboard and ipads, playdough, strawberry jam and lots more!

In maths we continued to practise our counting through games and songs. What great movers we have in P1R! We also used our book study topic in maths and spoke about the size of dinosaurs using mathematical language – tall, short, long, big, small. We had a great idea to then measure our dinosaur drawings from a previous lesson using cubes, I thought this was a good suggestion! We have put our findings on our classroom displays for you to have a look at.

In IDL we also went on a tour of the school as we have some children who went to different nurseries and were keen to have a look around. Mrs Purdie let us all go into her office, it was a bit of a squeeze but we managed to all fit in. Thanks Mrs Purdie! We also made our very own school ties.


The children designed some really nice book covers for Harry and the Dinosaurs and they learned about some of the important features of books – when you’re reading at home see if you can find some of these features.

We wrote our very first stories about our favourite things in big school with a little bit of help from the grown ups, it was great to see all of the children having a go at emergent writing.

PE and the Daily mile was good fun, we only managed half a mile this week but some of us chose to include this in our goal for the term. We played lots of teambuilding games and got used to the big hall. Well done to everyone for remembering their gym kit.


We finished the week with a whole school assembly and then set our personal goals for the term. Come along to Ninian’s Natter and discuss this goal with your child.

We’re all looking forward to next week!



Settling into P1M

P1M have had a great start to their education. All of the children have enjoyed their first week and have very quickly picked up our classroom routines. We have participated in lots of different activities this week and we have enjoyed getting to know each other.

We started our first topic which is a book study. We are using the collection of ‘Harry and the Dinosuars’ books. The children have really enjoyed this and we have lots of fun activities based on these stories planned for next week – watch this space.

We are working on holding our pencil correctly and tracing and completing some simple patterns. Why don’t you practise holding your pencil correctly and drawing something at home?

We have been learning some rhymes to help us with number formation. This is something you could practise at home too. For the number 2, our rhyme is: “half a heart says “I love you”, add a line, now I’ve made the number 2.” Add the class favourite for number 3: “around the tree, around the tree, now I’ve made the number 3.”

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Remember to bring in your photographic approval forms – as soon as all children have completed these we can post photos on the blog!


Settling into P1R

What a fantastic start we’ve had to the new school year in P1R! The children have settled in nicely to the routines of the classroom and have kept themselves very busy. Time has been spent getting to know one another and where things are kept in the classroom.

In literacy we have been working on our pencil control making different patterns in preparation for starting our phonics lessons next week.

The children have also been introduced to our book study ‘Harry and the dinosaurs’. We read a story about Harry starting school and shared our own feelings about starting school. We have started a display and played with our class bucket of dinosaurs.

In maths we are developing our understanding of numbers to 10 – counting, sequencing, number formation and lots more.

We went to our first whole school assembly today and earned dojo points for being well behaved and responsible. We then started making our class charter deciding what rights we felt were important to us in our class.

We are all looking forward to starting our full days next week finishing at 3pm, Monday-Thursday.

PE lessons will be on Monday and Wednesday, full gym kit needed on those days.

Here is a glimpse of some of the children in action this week. Individual photographs have also been sent via class dojo – hope you like them!



The end is near!

So we are almost at the end of Primary 1! We can’t believe it! We have made lots of great friends and have made super memories along the way!

Some of our favourite memories have been:

“When me, Wojciech and Lennon were being fox ninja’s” – Leo

“When the egg appeared in our classroom and we filmed it to find out what it was and it was a dragon!!!” – Chloe

“When we made chocolate cakes for Easter” – Vanessa

“When we had the pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk” – Lennon

“When we watched the video of the fire blowing Dragon!” – Wojciech

“We got to see Treasure Island” – Maja

“All the fun we have had during golden time!” – Lilly

These are just a few of our cherished memories!

Primary 1 has taught us that ‘Teamwork makes the Dream work!”


Have a great weekend, P1D and Miss Diamond.

Memories of P1R

I can’t believe I’m writing the final blog post for P1R this year and what a year it’s been! The children have been amazing and have achieved so much which we are all very proud of.

This week we have enjoyed Sports Day (photographs on dojo), a surprise performance of Treasure Island where we could all show off our pirates knowledge, making memory mindmaps and a Moving Up afternoon with our new teachers.

The children would like to share their favourite memories of P1 in this final blog:

“I have liked science, when we made the 3 little pigs houses and tried to blow them down.” Matthew

” I liked going to the Tall Ship because I got to clean and scrub the decks.” Harry

“I loved Sports Day because I was first and got a special sticker.” Oma

” I have enjoyed playing with my friend Angelina and she let me play on her magic watch.” Alice

“I liked learning about life in the 1950’s and all about pirates.” Angelina

“My favourite memory was going to the Tall Ship because we got to ring the bell and I found the treasure.” Ahmad

“The funniest thing was when Miss Proudfoot wore the dunce hat.” Dominic

“I liked making scarecrow puppets and paintings.” Madison

“My favourite memory was meeting Santa.” Alishba

“I love PE especially when we go outside.” Filip

“I liked going to the Tall Ship because I found some treasure.” James

” I enjoyed going to the Tall Ship because we got to look for mice hiding in the ship.” Maeve

” I liked dressing up, especially as a pirate.” Ryan

“I liked going to the Tall Ship because it was fun.” Ana


As you can see the children have many memories to treasure as I will too! It has been a privilege getting to know each and everyone of them this year and I wish them every success for the future!

Have a safe and happy holiday! (Remember we still have 3 days of school next week.)

Mrs Roy



Strength and determination to succeed!

I can’t believe that our time in P1R is almost ending, we’ve been using the time we have left to consolidate our learning and prepare ourselves for next session.

Monday started off with a fun filled judo session with our friends in P1D where we got to show off our moves. We worked with a partner using our strength and determination to try to defeat one another. I can’t believe how strong everyone is!!

In literacy we have been focusing on the alphabet – revising all the letter sounds/names, putting the alphabet in order. We were very creative with this and made letter shapes using pipecleaners, used the drawing apps and small whiteboards on the ipads to write the alphabet, played alphabetical order games on the smartboard.

Our friends from P6/7 visited us on Thursday morning for some paired reading which we always look forward to, the older children were amazed at how well we are all reading now, some of can even read with expression!

Maths this week has been about addition and subtraction as it has been a little while since we worked on this. Everyone remembered the strategies to use, eg. counting on or back, using the numberline, using our fingers. I tried to trick the children by giving them challenging missing number sums but as always they rose to the challenge and completed them successfully. As the children are so clever they took it in turns to be the teacher at addition bingo, they did a better job than me!!

We ended the week with Ninian’s Natter and our class bake sale. Thank you to everyone who supported this event, the total raised was £172 which will be shared with the nursery as they also donated cakes. The children will decide how best to spend this money next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Another fun filled week in P1D!

The end of term may be near but in Primary 1D the learning is still going strong! We had a great start to the week when we had a Judo workshop! It was great fun working with a partner and you would be surprised how strong we are for being so small!

In maths, we have been revisiting addition and subtraction as it has been a while since we covered that in P1! Miss Diamond was blown away with how much we had remembered and how we were able to share different strategies that we used to work out the answers! Marcus enjoyed taking on the role of the teacher in our bingo game.

We enjoyed learning about minibeasts recently and linked this to our art this week! We made minibeast finger print gardens! These will be coming home at the end of term but here is a sneaky peek!

To end the week, we had our final Primary 1 Ninian’s Natter! We had one group correcting any green for growths in our writing jotters, one group completing our Learner’s Journeys and one group choosing something to work on using the iPad’s!

A VERY exciting time for us was finding out our new classes and who was going to be our new teachers!!

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P1D!

Busy bees in P1R

This has been a very busy week for P1R as for two mornings they worked in the P7 classroom to allow the nursery children to spend some time in the P1 classrooms in preparation for next session. The children enjoyed sitting on the ‘big chairs’ and working at the ‘big tables’. As always the children showed how responsible they were and continued with their carousel activities in the P7 classroom.

In literacy we have been revising all the sounds we have learned by doing lots of word building and spelling activities. Next week we will focus on the alphabet particularly looking at vowels/consonants/alphabetical order/letter names in preparation for P2. Mrs Gardner was working with the children on their Fry’s words and they all ‘blew her socks off’ as they know so many words now -well done everyone!!

In maths we have been learning about estimation, which to begin with was tricky. We have been estimating in our carousel activities, here are some of the activities we did: guess how many cubes will fit in our shoes?, measuring with cubes, estimation games on the smartboard, and many more. We all agreed that we are making more ‘accurate’ estimates now.

In IDL we started a mini-topic about minibeasts and enjoyed playing guess who?, writing our very own clues for a guess who game, matching minibeasts, drawing minibeasts and learning about minibeast habitats.

Here were some of the clues the children made up, see if you can guess the minibeast they are describing:

” I have 8 legs and I make webs. I eat insects. I am creepy and black.” Dominic

“I fly beside water. You can almost see through my wings. I have a sharp tail.” James

“I have black spots and I can fly. I have six legs. I am red and black.” Alice

“Butterfly’s are beautiful and pretty and they can fly. They are colourful. They like to go to warm places.” Oma

PE was great fun as we learned a new game, ‘Rounders’. Everyone listened carefully to the rules then split into 2 teams – fielders and batters. I was really impressed at how quickly everyone picked up the rules and we all had good fun out in the sunshine.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!! (Sorry no pictures, technical issues with blog this week)

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