Lent Challenge – Wednesday 8th March

Charity begins at home, where we daily make the choice to give our time, our attention, our affirming smile, and give generously. But charity must not stop there, because for Catholics “home” is universal, and our family is as big as the world.

Today’s challenge: 

  • Join in our ‘Bags for Malawi’ campaign (details in this week’s Weekly Update) 

  • We are looking for donations of small and light weighing items, for example: pencil cases, bars of soap, notebooks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, sponge balls, pencils, pens, gym rubbers, sharpeners, erasers, small bags of Haribo’s, bubbles, etc

  • Bags can be brought in during Lent and given to Mrs Roy.

Lent Challenge – Tuesday 7th March

Fasting is a path to peace and happiness. That’s right: fasting, the practice of abstaining from food or drink for meals, days, and even weeks at a time, is one of the most powerful ways we have of becoming closer to God and finding true joy. Self-denial leads to a greater sense of wholeness. That’s why Christians have fasted for thousands of years, and it’s why Lent, the 6-week period between Ash Wednesday and Easter, is a time of serious fasting.

Today’s challenge – Give up something you really like. (chocolate, crisps, biscuits, coffee.) 

Remember to comment below and let us know how you get on.


Lent Challenge – Monday 6th March

Prayer, fasting and almsgiving : the three pillars of Lent.


Today we focus on prayer. Take a few moments to talk to God. 

Loving God,
you call us back to you with all of our hearts.
I feel your call for me deep in my heart
and I know you want me back
as much as I want to return.
Please, Lord,
give me the wisdom to know how to return.
Make my journey back to you this Lent
one of grace, forgiveness and gentle love.

Pray together as a family.

Bookworms in P1R

What a busy week it has been, we have lots of things to share with you this week.

As the title suggest books have been a big focus in school as we celebrated World Book Day, lots of us dressed us as characters from books.

Our P7 buddies continue to visit us weekly to do paired reading during smart start time. We always look forward to their visits. The PM nursery also visited us this week for a shared reading session with Mrs Young. The boys and girls from the nursery have started their transition programme so will be visiting us more often. James commented that he remembered coming to P1 for World Book Day when be was a nursery boy. How time flies… We decided to become authors in our writing lesson and made our very own picture books. We had to remember to put a title, author, page numbers and pictures, just like in real books. Here are some of the titles chosen by the children:

Lloyd – The Busy Road

Lucy- The Busy teacher

Brooke – The wizard of Oz

Nathan- The tornado

Everyone wrote independently and some even took on the fantastic challenge to add sentences to their stories. Dawid asked if we could go and share our stories with Mrs Purdie AKA Gangsta Granny so that’s what we did. We have also downloaded some new ebooks on our iPads, ask us what ones we have read this week.

Money has still been the main focus in mathematics. We have been learning about more coins this week, 20p, 50p,£1, £2. We all agree that the pounds are the trickiest to remember. Next week we will focus on number names to 10 as we noticed that many coins have the words written on them but we sometimes found it tricky to read them. One of our favourite activities was coin rubbing although sometimes the coins moved around as we rubbed! Try some more rubbing at home, this is one of the homework tasks on the maths menu this term.

In PE we continued to practise our skills in hockey, dribbling, passing, tackling and shooting. Mr Mc Curdy was so impressed with us that he let us play small matches.

On Tuesday we learned about Shrove Tuesday, a day when we have a feast before the beginning of Lent. Mrs Caskie kindly brought in pancakes for us to join in with the celebrations. Then the next day we changed our altar colour to purple as this is the colour for Lent. We also added some daffodils to our altar to represent new beginnings, a sign of Spring, thank you to James for bringing these in. We all joined in with the Ash Wednesday service then came back to class to do some self portrait pictures using pencils and charcoal for the ashes on our foreheads. P4 also did their class assembly about Lent helping us understand more about this important time in the church year. The week ended with a visit from some boys and girls who go to St Margaret’s but used to come to St Ninian’s, they told us all about Malawi and how we can help children who love there. During Lent we are going to try to fill some bags with gifts for the Malawi children.

One last thing to share, we had some visitors in our classroom on Tuesday, they were impressed with how hard everyone was working on their phonics tasks, well done boys and girls, Mrs Roy is very proud of you all! You are all super stars!


P1M Weekly News

Another busy week in P1M. This week we were learning 2 new phonics sounds – ch and sh. Here are the songs we have been learning to help us remember these sounds.




We have been completing lots of activities based around these sounds. We really enjoyed using the magnetic letters and boards this week to work on our spelling. Did you see Kerr’s tweet on our twitter page? Follow us Saint Ninians page – @StNinianPS and Miss Meechan’s page – @missm_stnps

We try our hardest to upload a few tweets each week.

We have been loving the start to our hockey block in PE. This week we started to transfer our skills of hockey into matches. With Miss Meechan we participated in a fun game to work on our dribbling skills. Can you spot the champions of this game?!

As we are getting better and better at reading we are beginning to work more on our understanding and comprehension skills in reading. We have been using ‘blooms buttons’ for 2 weeks now. These are tricky questions which we relate to our reading book and work on our higher order thinking skills. We have also been completing written comprehension tasks too. We are super stars! Have a look at some of the questions we have been working on this week – you could work on these questions at home too. Check out twitter next week for a sneak peak of our ‘blooms buttons’ questions next week.

It was also a fun week too. On Tuesday we topped some pancakes with our favourite toppings. We were learning all about Pancake Day and why people eat pancakes on this day. On Wednesday we all received our ashes at our Ash Wednesday Service. We know that Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and Lent is the preparation for Easter. We have been thinking about what our Lenten Promise could be and we have put these on display in our classroom. Have a look next time you are in.

We had a super literacy themed day for World Book Day. Did you see our tweet about our learning? What super costumes from everyone! We based our learning on two stories this week, both by Julia Donaldson. ‘Room on the Broom’ and ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’. Have a look for these on youtube.

Here are some links we have been using this week to enhance our learning:




P1M Weekly News

We’ve had a busy week in P1M.

We have really enjoyed the start of your money topic in numeracy and maths. Did you hear all about our sweety shop that we have set up to help us learn more about money. This week we have been thinking about all the different reasons as to why we need money and the different places we keep money.

Kyle “you need money to pay for a taxi”

Sophie “you need money to get on a bus”

Kaitlyn “grown ups have credit cards”

Kayla “10 pound notes are paper money”

Adam “banks have money”

Jarred “you keep money in a piggy bank and you can open it to get the money out”

Stefan “people keep money in their house”

This week we also started our new play sessions. Here are some of the highlights

Stefan “I was playing on the ipads and reading tricky words”

Rutendo “I was playing a game with tricky words”

Adam “I made a book about pirates”

Marcel “I was painting the j sound. It’s a green because it comes from all of your mouth”

Jarred “we were telling pirate stories. I want to film the stories on the ipad”

Casper “I was looking for letters in the sand.”

Keep up the hard work week P1M.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Meechan



Money, money, money

This week we have continued to celebrate Catholic Education Week in our school and discussed how we are developing as a community of faith.

We thought about how we could develop as a faith community at home, school and in our parish. We also made a beautiful display ‘Recipe for a faith community’ then wrote our very own recipes. We finished the week with a whole school faith assembly.


Real life contexts have been the focus in maths as we have started learning about money. We have learned to recognise coins from 1p to £2, ask us what colours they are or to find some in your purse! We have also been working out different ways to make totals, Paul M knew that 100 pennies makes £1 and Ephraim knew that 200 pennies made £2 – aren’t they clever!! Our pirate sweet shop opened this week which has allowed us to use money in a real life context and we have been sorting coins in the emergency money banks. Mrs Roy also let us look in her purse to identify what coins she had, this was great fun. She taught us about notes and bank cards too.

In literacy the sounds are getting harder, this week we learned ‘qu and j’, everyone worked really hard to learn these new sounds through our carousel activities – letterjoin magic words on the ipads, choice and challenge tasks, making jellyfish, qu bingo and lots more! Ask your child what challenges they chose this week in literacy and how they self-assessed themselves.

Mr McCurdy tried something new this week, you had to use a large stick and a ball…..it was hockey. We all impressed him with our dribbling skills and keeping our eyes on the ball when moving around the hall. Nathan really got the hang of this and earned an extra dojo point.

Mrs Purdie asked to see some of our jotters this week, she was really pleased to see how hard everyone had been working and how busy everyone had been.  Thank you to the families who came along to Ninian’s Natter to have some learning conversations in the classroom, the children were really proud to show off their learning!

Next week we will be welcoming some visitors to our school and are looking forward to them visiting our classroom to join in with our learning.

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