Health Week

What a fantastic week we’ve all had. This week the focus has been on health and wellbeing and all activities linked to this. Our timetable has been jam packed and every day has been full of fun.

Check out our class story on dojo for photographs of some of the events and follow us on Twitter for more photographs and video links, @mrsroy16.


We started the week with the daily mile and invited our nursery friends along to join us. We all chose a partner and showed them the route. We then went straight to gymnastics which was good fun, we even got to make a human pyramid at the end with the full class taking part. Amber, Klaudia and Mark were very flexible and showed us some great cartwheels. After break we went straight to cross country with Mr McCurdy and had a practise at pacing ourselves for the fun run on Friday. Mrs Roy was exhausted and couldn’t keep up with some of us! In class we learned about the different parts of the body and the special jobs they all do, we watched a video about this and joined in with a fun song. After lunch it was time for fit and flex, this was a circuit with high intensity activities. Nathan couldn’t stop laughing at Mrs Roy when she tried to pull the stretchy band!


Judo was very popular in the class with many voting for this as their favourite activity. James and Brooke had to help demonstrate some of the moves which we all found really funny. Mrs Stewart did really well too when she partnered up with children! We went over to Dedridge PS for micro fitness, a huge inflatable with lots of challenges. Everyone managed to have lots of turns, it was really exhausting. In dance we learned a short hip-hop routine, Rafay and Ephraim had some impressive moves! The day ended with a nature walk, we spotted lots of signs of plant life and animals, we even met the new cygnets at the pond! In class we used the UNICEF launch pad to learn more about the rights of the child, we focused on article 5.


Before school started we had our parent and child bootcamp, well done to those who made it along.

It was a very relaxing start to the day with a yoga session, Mrs Roy loved how quiet and peaceful we all were!!! Football followed this and we got the chance to work on our dribbling skills and technique. In the afternoon we learned about the Eatwell plate and discussed different food types. We did a carousel which included making our own healthy plates and food technology. At the food technology station we made fruit kebabs, the ingredients we could choose from were : bananas, melon, pineapple, grapes and strawberries. It was great to so many children trying new flavours.


Cheerleading was exciting as we learned a routine and used the Pom poms. We quickly picked up the routine to music and then got a chance to make up our own parts of the routine to two counts of 8, great teamwork everyone! The nursery joined us to learn about measure and we worked in teams to measure how tall we all were creating our own height charts. Boot camp was next, we got the chance to get outside and dirty taking part in different challenges-tug of war, follow the leader, the cone squatting game, walk the tight rope, etc. In the afternoon we had cricket where we got the chance to practise our throwing and batting skills. Isla was very good at this! We then finished off the day with a turn on the trim trail.


The day of the fun run arrived and we all went outside to do our warm ups to music, the whole school were there! Some families came along to support us, thank you. Well done to Ephraim who ran very quickly and finished first for our class.

Mrs Purdie then had a reward for 2 children in our class, Dexter and Isla, they were awarded the Headteacher Award, the theme this week was respect. They enjoyed a healthy smoothie as their reward.

Thank you

A huge thank you to Mr McCurdy for organising such a successful week and thanks to the children for participating so enthusiastically! Mrs Roy is away for a long soak in the bath to ease her aching muscles after all those activities!

P1M Health Week Blog

Kerr and Esmee picked the name for our blog this week, well done.

Below are our health week highlights:

Kaitlyn: I liked cheerleading because I like the pom-poms and it is my dream to do cheerleading.

Rutendo: I liked football because it is my favourite sport. I was good at kicking the ball.

Jakub: My favourite was the fun run because you can run and it makes you healthy.

MacKenzie: I liked football because it is my favourite sport and I practise everyday at my home.

Stefan: I liked making the fruit salad because it tastes nice. My favourite was the strawberries.

Esmee: I liked the inflatable assault course because we got to have race.

Daniel: My favourite is football because I kick the ball.

Adam: Football is my favourite because I am good at tackling and getting the ball.

Kayla: Football is my favourite because you played fun games.

Marcel: My favourite is fun run because there were lots of people there.

Patryk: The cheerleading was my favourite because we were the teachers.

Kerr: Cricket was my favourite because my got lots of things with the balls.

Oliver: Dancing is my favourite because the girl was showing us how to dance.

Adam: I liked cricket because you get to do lots of fun stuff.

Kyle: Dancing was my favourite because I copy the lady doing the dancing.

Casper: Football is my favourite because you can kick the ball and I can do it all.

Poppy: I liked dancing because it was fun.

Hayley: Dancing is my favourite because it was so cool and I loved it.

Check out the school facebook page for all our pictures of health week. We will make an album ‘P1M Health Week’.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Meechan and P1M

P1R weekly news

Another busy week in P1R,so busy that we didn’t get a chance to take many photographs.

In reading we are having a final push over the next 5 weeks to try and read all of our P1 sight words. We like to use the whiteboards when taking part in the Frys word challenge and when it was sunny we went outside to practise as well. We have also been learning about ‘cloze’ sentences, we have to choose the right word from the word bank to finish the sentence. It can be tricky but we just have to be confident and use our knowledge of phonics to help us read the sentences.

In numeracy we are developing our understanding of numbers to 20. We practised sequencing them and putting them into order. We also learned about the language before, after, and between. Outside we wrote numberlinds with chalk and then played a before, after, between game. We all had fun in the sun.

In RE we continued to learn about Mary our Mother and were really thankful to all receive our own rosary beads to use in class. We also spent time finishing our display to Mary, some of us made stained glass windows and others chose to make a bunch of flowers for her. Everyone behaved really well at the Feast of the Ascension mass and joined in with the prayers and singing.

During transition we took the nursery children out into the ‘big’ playground to show them around and introduce them to our outdoors toy box. It will soon be time for us to start our transition to P2. Over the coming weeks we will find out about our new classes and get to meet our new teacher, it’s very exciting.

Remember Health Week starts on Monday,come prepared for all weathers and sports! It should be a great week!!


P1M Blog

Marcel picked the name for our blog this week, well done Marcel.

Our favourite parts of the week:

Romera: “I liked learning about the Gruffalo and singing the song and doing the actions.”

Sophie: “I learned a new sound. The ‘ow’ sound.”

Jakub: “In number work we were learning about numbers before and after. Before numbers are smaller and after numbers are bigger.”

Daniel: “I liked assembly because my mum and dad were there. I was singing about the Gruffalo.”

Casper: “I liked number work. I liked big maths beat that because I want to move to the next level.”

Kerr: “I liked reading ‘The Treasure Chest’. I liked when they found the treasure chest.”

Kaitlyn: “I liked the daily mile. We also played on the trim trail and played duck, duck, goose. We had to take a drink outside with us because it was very hot.”

Rutendo: “I liked reading. I was reading ‘Ken, the Rat’. Bob chased him and he hid in a log.”

Adam: “I liked golden time and I play with my fidget spinner.”

MacKenzie: “I like big maths beat because I finished all the adding sums.”

Stefan: “I liked number work. I was learning about numbers before and after. Before 19 is 18 and after 15 is 16.”

Oli: “I liked assembly. I sing about Gruffalo.”

Marcel: “At assembly I see my friends. I was speaking at assembly.”

Patryk: “I liked assembly. It was our assembly about the Gruffalo and I was speaking.”

Esmee: “I liked milk and story and listening to the peep story.”

Jarred:”I liked assembly and seeing mummies and daddies.”

Kyle: “I like golden time and I will be playing in the shop.”

Kayla: “I like play time with my friends. It was been very sunny and it made me feel hot.”

Kaimee: “At golden time I will play with the ipads or go in the story corner.”

Remember health week next week. Uniform does NOT have to be worn, you can wear sport clothes next week.

Hard at work in P1R

Another week passes with lots of learning and fun!

Fractions was our new topic in maths and we learned about halves, quarters and sharing fairly and equally. We started the learning with some chocolate! Mrs Roy gave us a challenge to cut a mini roll into halves then quarters, we had to be very accurate with our slicing. As we did so well we then got to eat the pieces, if only maths could always involve chocolate!!! Our learning continued when we learned about sharing fairly and equally. Mrs Roy was very naughty and shared sweets with all of us but it wasn’t fair! Some children got 1 bag, some got 2 bags and some got 3 bags! So we had to use our thinking heads and solve the problem,we came up with lots of good ideas and tried them all out. We decided the best way to do it was by giving each person in turn 1 bag then another bag and so on until all the sweets has been handed out. We have a good understanding of fair shares and as a reward got some Haribos which we shared fairly.

We continued to discuss the Gruffalo story and this week worked on sequencing the order of the story in preparation for making our own Gruffalo storybooks to share with the nursery,this was Dexter’s idea from our learning wall. Everyone worked really hard on these and when Mrs Scott popped in we took pride in sharing them with her. In Art we made ‘big’ Gruafflos which again was another idea from our learning wall. We used coloured sugar paper to do this, we made connections in our learning as we folded paper in half and then in quarters, we made also made different 2D shapes for our Gruffalo.

As it is the month of May we have been learning about Mary our Mother. As a class we started to make a special altar for Mary at the front of the classroom and discussed the meaning behind the different symbols. We will add to this next week. Then we all shared our thoughts about Mary and wrote them down.

During nursery transition we flipped it around and we went to the nursery instead of them coming to us. We went out into the nursery playground and buddied up with a nursery child to play and have fun with. We are being really responsible and helping the children prepare for coming into P1.

We also had a visit from the UN Ambassadors and they talked to us about Global Goals. They asked some of us to have our say by writing a tweet for our new Global Citizenship display in school. Have a look when you are here next week for Parent’s Evenings.

P1M Weekly News


Kerr: There are ‘oy’ words on my whiteboard. I used ‘oi’ and ‘oy’.

Sophie: ‘oy’ is at the end of a word and ‘oi’ is in the middle.

Jarred: ‘oyseter’ breaks the rule because the ‘oy’ is at the start and it’s usually at the end.

Jarred: I had to think what the faces are and write a word in a box. A face was angry or surprised.

Kaitlyn: There was a happy and unhappy face.

Kerr: There was a tired face too.

Casper: We were working on our blooms buttons this week.

Adam: We were working on blue and green blooms buttons.

Jakub: We were working on blue and purple blooms buttons questions.

Esmee: We listened to the story of Snail and the Whale.

Kerr: We had to sort out who was saying different things.

Kaitlyn: They were all in speech bubbles.

Esmee: I was doing an ‘oy’ wordsearch. I found 10 ‘oy’ sounds.

Jakub: I was writing a sentence down. I made sure I had capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Sophie: The sentence was all mixed up. We had to order to words in the right place.

Rutendo: We were playing a game with the ‘th’ sound. I won the game.


Casper: I made a bracelet. It was a pattern.

Jarred: I was writing a numberjacks book. It was a special edition.

Hayley: I was playing sumdog.

Adam: I was playing a football game on sumdog.

Patryk: I was cutting the cake.

Jakub: We cut the cake into half a quarter.

Oli: The cake was tasty.

Stefan: I was cutting the cake in halves or quarters.

Kayla: If your cake is in half you have 2 pieces.

Marcel: If your cake is in quarters you have 4 pieces.

Adam: There was a hole in the pizza and you had to make some extra.

MacKenzie: You made an extra half of the pizza.

Esmee: You had to half the numbers in your game.

Sophie: Half of 10 is 5.

Rutendo: Half of 6 is 3.

Jarred: Half of 100 is 50.

Kerr: Half of 40 is 20.

Patryk: Half of 12 i 6.

Kayla: Half of 18 is 9.

Stefan: We had partners and had to share the grapes.

Kaimee: Everyone had to get the same number as your partner.

Marcel: I had 4 and my partner had 4.

Sophie: You can get 1 each.

Jakub: I had 15 and my partner had 15.



Poppy: I was making a candle.

Daniel: We were making them for Mary.

Kaitlyn: I was making a flower.

Patryk: We were making these for Mary because she is Jesus’ mum.

Kerr: Mary is very special.

Adam: We all love Mary.

Our weekly news

What a great week we’ve had in P1R this week, where shall we begin…

In literacy we have now learned all our P1 Sounds so have been focusing on revising the ones we found tricky, eg. Digraphs and oa/oi. Some of us even learned about alternative spellings of the vowel sound ai/ay. We played games in pairs, used letter join on the iPads, did some cut and stick word tasks, did a team task in our Talking Book and practised spelling in our journals. Lucy and Isla wanted to share this funny video with everyone:

In reading we are all progressing well and are quickly getting through different books. We enjoy our paired reading on a Tuesday with P7 and Mrs Docherty is now joining us for reading too which has been lovely!

Maths has been good fun as we continued to learn about time using little clocks, matching digital to analogue times, Stop the Clock (Dexter was our champion) on the smartboard and time bingo. We are all reminding Mrs Roy about lunchtime-12 o’clock and hometime-3 o’clock! You can download the Stop the Clock app onto your tablet or iPads at home if you want to try and beat your fastest time!

The Gruffalo continues to be our topic and we worked with the nursery to share our favourite characters, we all drew a picture and labelled it for our display while listening to the Gruffalo song. During Art we got out the paints and then created paintings of our favourite characters for our Art Gallery. We also finished our Gruffalo collage, we can’t wait to share it with you at Parent’s Night.

In writing we wrote a recount of our trip to the woods,congratulations to James and Klaudia who were our star writers.

As the sun was shining we took some learning outdoors for PE and Structured Play. We are all enjoying Athletics and are preparing well for Sports Day.

P1M Weekly News

We really liked the way we shared our blog with you last week so we are giving it another go this week.

Here are our highlights:

Kaimee: “I wrote about the Gruffalo. I wrote that he had purple prickles.”

Stefan: “I wrote about the snake in writing. I was writing that the snake was small and he is super green.”

Rutendo: “I wrote about the fox. I said he had pointy ears.”

We were writing character descriptions.

Kyle: “When the hand is pointing is pointing to the 12 it is o’clock.”

Marcel: “When the hand is pointing to the 6 it is half past.”

Kerr: “For digital time you need at 30 for half past and two zeros for o’clock.”

Jarred: “3 o’clock is 3:00”

Esmee: “half past 6 is 6:30”

Sophie: “We were jumping in PE.”

Kayla: “We are learning about athletic in PE.”

Patryk: “We went outside for PE. It is so much doing PE outside.”

Jarred: “I remember listening to wheels on the bus in music.”

Poppy: “I have been learning more about the ‘ch’ sound.

Stefan: “We have been learning about the ai/ay sounds.”

Kaitlyn: “ai comes in the middle of a word and ay comes at the end of a word.”

Jakub: “My reading book is Jed Swims.”

Adam: “My reading book is In the Garden.”

Patryk: “My reading book is I am Sam.”

MacKenzie: “My reading book is The Fib. Fib means lying.

Casper: “In RE we are learning about Mary,

Patryk: “Mary is Jesus’ mum.”

MacKenzie: “We learn about Mary in May.”

Adam: “There is a ‘r’ in Mary but not in May.”

Kerr: “We are learning about Spanish animals.”

Jarred: “We are learning about the days of the week in Spanish.”

A short week in P1R

Time continued to be the focus in mathematics and we welcomed some of the AM nursery children into our lessons. We learned about o’clock and the important job the hands on the clock do. We discussed why do we need to learn about time and sang a time song. In carousels we made clocks, played bingo taking turns to be the bingo caller, worked in pairs to match times and lots more.

During topic time we invited the nursery PM gps over to continue our work on The Gruffalo. We listened to the Gruffalo song as a warm up then discussed the characters from the story. We each made a Gruffalo story wheel which we will use later to retell the story in our own words.


On Friday we attended our committee groups,here are some of the highlights:
I learned all about cooking equipment-Bernice
I learned about Marie Curie, we are planning a tea party for charity-Paul M
I was outside and had to think of how we could make our playground more fun-Isla
We made posters about Fairtrade-Ephraim and Dawid
I was talking about my favourite thing this year – Lucy
I went on a litter pick-Amber
I listened to the Rainbow story and worked with Paige- James

P1M Weekly News

Our thoughts on this weeks learning:

Sophie: “I liked doing the play. I liked the rhyme robbers game because you rob words from people.”

Patryk: “I like learning about the Gruffalo. I made my own Gruffalo story. There was a big Gruffalo in my story and a big machine in the water and the Gruffalo put somebody on the boat.”

Adam: “I liked number work. I liked cutting out the numbers to put on the clock. I liked play time too.”

Rutendo: “I liked doing the daily mile. It was so fun because we were running on the grass.”

Kerr: “I liked the daily mile because we went on the grass. I liked big maths beat that because it’s good to do sums.”

Jarred: “I liked play because you get to make your own story. I made the “Fox’s Party” and in the story the Gruffalo and the little mouse and the owl and the fox and the snake were on the bouncy castle and then they had pizza to eat at the party. I liked doing maths too and saying prayers.”

Kaitlyn: “I like golden time because there is so much things to play with.”

Kaimee: “We learned the ou sound this week. We learned the action for this sound.”

Sophie: “We done Spanish. We learned Spanish words for animals.”

Esmee: “We learned colours in Spanish too.”

MacKenzie: “I liked to do maths. I put the numbers on the clocks.”

Kyle: “I liked doing number work. I like counting.”

Sophie: “We have been learning to say the prayer ‘Hail Mary’.

Sophie: “I like reading. My book was called ‘The Glum Cat’.

Patryk: “My book was called “Sam, Tam, Tim”.

Adam: “My book was called ‘Village in the Snow.”

MacKenzie: “My book was called ‘Pam and the Cat’.

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