1+2 Languages Family Fun Event

Please click on the link below to find out more about a family event taking place on 8th September from 10am – 12noon.

Learn to dance Flamenco and enjoy a croissant in the French café!
Please register your interest with your school by Monday, 3rd September to book your place! Cost per family: £1

1+2 Family Fun Morning Flyer


School Bank West Lothian Clothing Appeal 25th – 29th June

The School Bank are a local charity who help families in need within West Lothian and who provide clothing/footwear to children for the school day.  There are a small number of parents from our school who volunteer with this charity and we are organising a collection of clothing, footwear and school bags to help this local organisation and ultimately to help children within West Lothian.  In addition, it would help us all reduce our carbon footprint by re-cycling.  It’s a win win!

The School Bank are looking for USED SCHOOL UNIFORM AND GENERAL CLOTHING.  This could be:

  • – All school uniform e.g. shirts, trousers, skirts, pinafores, jumpers, cardigans and gingham dresses
    – Gym kit
    – Jackets
    – Shoes and trainers
  • School bags
  • – General clothing – both kids and adults

To help you organise any uniform / clothing to donate we will have dress down days on the last two days of term – Thursday 28th and Friday 29th June.

P1B snow day activities

Complete these Snow themed activities if you wish.

Feel free to post photos on dojo!


Go on a sight word hunt in the snow. Once you have found your word read it and then write it in the snow.


Build a snowman and act out your own snowman story.

  1. Where will the snowman go?
  2. What will he do when he gets there?


  • Read or listen to a Snow themed story on Oxford Owl.
    Complete the following activities:
    Find a word.
    Draw a picture of your favourite character.
    Design a new front cover.

Numeracy and maths:

  • Make different shapes with the snow.
  • Make different sized snowmen e.g. A tall snowman and a short snowman. Use sticks to measure the different sizes. How many sticks tall are each snowman?
  • Subtraction snowballs: e.g. make 7 snowballs, throw 4 of them away. How many do you have left?

Health and Wellbeing:

  • Get wrapped up, think about what you need to wear to keep warm in the snow.
  • Play! Have fun in the snow, build an igloo, make snow angels, throw a snowball as far as you can! What muscles can you feel getting stronger?

P1M Snow Day

Ideas for a snow day if you wish to complete:


Write your sight words in the snow.

Logon to Oxford owl. Can you find a story that has theme of snow? Read or listen to the story. You could create a new character for the story; play ‘find a word game’; create a new book title or front cover.

Numeracy and maths:

Make different sized snowmen e.g. A tall snowman and a short snowman. Use sticks to measure the different sizes. How many sticks tall are each snowman?

Subtraction snowballs: e.g. make 7 snowballs, throw 4 of them away. How many do you have left?

Health and Wellbeing:

  1. Play! Have fun in the snow, go sledging, have a snowball fight, throw a snowball as far as you can! What muscles can you feel getting stronger?

Term 2 Learning Adventures

Term 2 learning adventures have started at St Ninian’s.

Please click on the links below to find out what your child will be learning this term.

Look out for regular updates on Twitter, Class Dojo and your child’s online learning journal.

P1 Learning-Adventure-Overview

P2-3-Learning Adventure Overview

P2-Learning-Adventure Overview

P3 Learning-Adventure-Overview

P4 Learning Adventure Overview

P4-5 Learning-Adventure-Overview

P5 Learning-Adventure-Overview

P6 Learning-Adventure-Overview

P6-7 Learning-Adventure-Overview


P1B Weekly Blog

This week in P1B we have been learning more sounds.

Jiya- “We have learned the a sound.”

Micah- “and the t sound.”


Abu bakr- “The a sound is a black tunnel sound.”

Thea- “The a sound lives in the Vowel House at the end of the tunnel.”
Hannah- “You have to open your mouth wide to say this sound.”
Abigail- “The t sound is blue because it is a tongue tip sound.”

Alasdair- “T is a short, bouncy sound.”


We loves singing the songs to help us learn our sounds.




This week was maths week and we enjoyed taking part in different maths activities.


Our maths activities were learning our number bonds to 10 using the hand frames.

Annabelle- “We had to make 10 with the dinosaurs.”
You had to choose to add on 1, 2, or 3 dinosaurs each time and the first person to get to 10 was the winner.


For the three block tower game
Abigail- “you had to make tower blocks with 3 cubes but they had to be different and then you coloured the blocks in on your sheet.”


Abu bakr- At another station we “used the colourful beads to make shapes.”


For measure this week we have been learning the meaning of the words
Christopher- “full”, “half full” and “empty”.

Cooper- “If it’s full the water will be all the way to the top of the bottle.”

Riley- “The water would be to the middle when it is half full.”


Leon- “If the bottle is empty that means that there is no water.”

We filled bottles to make potions with Miss Boyes and we glued crepe paper onto bottle templates to show the different amounts.

On the smart board we enjoyed playing this game




For science this week we went into the hall with the musical instruments.

Yasmin- “We were finding out how to make quiet sounds and loud sounds.”


Micah- “To make a loud sound with the tambourine you would shake it very quickly.”


Amelia- “If you were making a quiet sound with the tambourine you would shake it slowly.”


Jiya- “If you were hitting a drum to make a loud sound you would hit it hard.”


Yasmin- “If you were hitting the drum to make a quiet sound then you would hit it softly and gently.”


For RE we listened to the creation story.
Hannah- “God made the world in 6 days and on the 7th day he took a nap to rest.”


We went into the school garden to find things that God created and we took photos with the ipads.

God created the-
Christopher “moon and the sun.”
Cooper “Animals”.
Annabelle- “Trees and plants.”

Abu bakr- “ The land and the water.”

This s the creation story video which we watched in class.


We loved going to mass this week at the Lanthorn with our Buddies. We sang hymns, prayed and listened to Father Kenneth.

Have a lovely long weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 1B!

P1M Weekly News


Victoria: “the a sound is black.”

Liam: “the a sound comes from the vowel house. You get to the vowel house through a black tunnel.”

Mark: “we used black play-doh to make the ‘a’ sound.”

Kayla: “we learned the ‘t’ sound too.”

Oliver: “the ‘t’ sound is blue because it comes from our tongue, there are blue veins on the bottom of our tongue.”

Eve: “we played ‘t’ sound bingo game and I won 2 times.”

Maths and Numeracy

Isabelle: “we made plates and put pom-poms on them. We had to write a number in the middle of the plate and put on that many pom-poms.”

Seren: “I made a plate with 11 pom-poms.”

Joshua: “we sorted out emojis into crying and not crying.”

Mark: “I sorted shapes into squares, circles, triangles and rectangles.”

Oliver: “we matched them all together.”

Eve: “we made caterpillar bodies using green paint and our fingers. There was a number to tell us how many parts of the body a caterpillar needed.”

Isabelle: “I made a circle using beads.”

Oliver: “I made hands to show that I had 10 fingers.”

Kayla: “we made potions for a witch.”

Isabelle: “she wanted a full bottle and a half full bottle.”

Evie: “she wanted an empty bottle too.”

Evie: “I put pink stars into the potion for the witch.”


Blake: “we went to the Lanthorn to go to mass with our buddies.”

Hanna: “I sat beside my buddy.”

Chloe: “we watched a video about God making the world.”

Blake: “it took God 7 days to make the world. On the 7th day He had a rest because He was tired.”

Victoria: “we took the ipads outside to take pictures of  what God made.”

Liam: “I took a picture of plants.”

Mark: “I took a picture of bugs.”

Eve: “I took a picture of flowers.”


Liam: “we played instruments and checked what were loud and what was quiet.”

Oliver: “we all closed our eyes and someone had to play an instrument and then someone had to guess what instrument they played.”

Mark: “I picked the guitar to play.”

Blake: “I picked a beater and a sound bar to play.”

Joshua: “Miss Meechan told everyone to get a quiet or a loud instrument. The loud instruments were really loud and the quiet instruments were quiet.”

Remember to follow Miss Meechan on twitter for lots of photos – check your child’s learning journal for more personalised photos and comments.


Below are some links and ideas you can use at home this week to support learning:

Write a number on a paper plate and ask your child to put that amount of grapes/raisins/maltesers etc. on the plate.

Write a number on a small piece of paper, get some paint, a paint the correct number of finger dots beside that number.






P1B weekly blog

It’s been another busy week for Primary 1B.


In phonics we have been learning 2 new sounds the ‘s’ sound and the ‘p’ sound.

Hannah- The ‘s’ sound is blue because You feel s’ at the tip of your tongue.
The tip sound is blue because we have two blue veins under our tongue.

This is a stretchy sound which you will feel sizzling at the tip of your tongue.

This song really helped us this week with the ‘s’ sound.

The next sound we learned was the ‘p’ sound.
Micah- “It is a lip sound”
Alasdair – “It is a quiet sound.”

Abigail- “The quiet, lip sounds are pink.

You can feel your lips quietly popping when you say the ‘p’ sound.

Why not practise this song at home to help you with the P sound.

On the smart board Miss Boyes showed us a picture of different objects we had to tell her if it started with a S or a P and then we had to tell Miss Boyes which part of our mouth made this sound. We checked if we were correct.

We sorted the objects that began with ‘s’ into the blue tray and the objects that began with ‘p’ into the pink tray.

Also in literacy we have been writing simple descriptions for our dinosaurs, we began by drawing a picture of a dinosaur and then we spoke about how our dinosaur looked with our friends.

Cooper- “My dinosaur has horns.”
Abu bakr- “My dinosaur has stripes.”
Annabelle- “My dinosaur is green with spots.”

For our short read we  have made a front cover for Harry and the dinosaurs. We were learning the title, author and illustrator.

We tried to use the sounds which we know so far in our writing and when we can hear a sound but we aren’t sure what it is we draw a squiggly line.

In numeracy this week we have been learning the numbers 7, 8 and 9.

Why not play this game at home. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/underwater-counting

We have been using the rhymes to help us remember our number formation.

Thea- 7- “Across the sky and down from heaven, now I’ve made the number seven.”

Yasmin 8 – “Around the gate, around the gate. Now I’ve made the number 8.”
Riley 9- “Make an oval and add a line. Now I have the number 9.”

We had a special grab bag this week. We got to put our hand in the bag and choose a number card. Once we had our number we had to find that number of cubes and lay them out.


Abu bakr- “In measure we were learning about the words “heaviest and lightest”.

Jiya- “We stood on the scales to find out how much we weighed.”

Cooper- “We had to look at the pictures and tick the heaviest.”

You could play this game at home-


We loved making dinosaur masks, we had to use our cutting skills to cut out the dinosaur and then we coloured it in. Once we had coloured our dinosaur we got to choose different craft materials to glue onto our mask.
They are going to look amazing on the wall and I’m sure all of the teachers will get a fright when they walk by our dinosaur masks.

On Thursday we got to spend time doing structured play activities with our buddies. This was our chance to share our learning about our topic “Harry and the dinosaurs.” The buddies also taught us how to play snakes and ladders and they helped us write in our talking book.

Leon- “I enjoyed playing with my buddy.”

Amelia- “I liked playing dinosaur dress up with my buddy”.

Christopher- “I liked playing snakes and ladders with my buddies.”

Another fantastic week in P1B! Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B.

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