P1D Weekly News

Thank you to the children for helping to write the blog post this week and letting you know what we’ve been up to.

What sounds have we been learning?

Roma: ‘a’ and ‘t’ sounds this week.

Anna: ‘a’ is a black sound.

Shea: it comes from the tunnel in your mouth.

Freya: it lives in a house at the end of the tunnel.

Carter: it is called the vowel house.

Luke: ‘t’ it is a blue sound.

Paul: the sound comes from your tongue.

Shea: the tip of your tongue.

Roma: I spelled the word ‘cat’ using the letter mats and letter cubes.

Freya: We played bingo and we had put coins on the pictures that begin with the sound. I won the game.

Here are the links for our songs for the sounds this week.



We also really enjoyed maths week too. Here are some of our highlights of the activities we took part in:

Scott: I played with the cars and playing on the road. We had to drive the cars on the numbers.

Jane: you had to start driving the car at zero.

Celine: in the sand you had to get the correct number onto the circle shape.

Rojin: it is like being a pirate looking for treasure.

Paul: you had to play on the pond and try not to fall into the crocodiles. You had to roll the dice and find the number to stand on.

We were also experimenting with sound this week in a science lesson.

Luke: we picked musical instruments to make loud sounds and tiny sounds.

Freya: a drum could make a loud sound but if you tap it very gently it can also make a quiet sound.

In our writing lesson we watched a story called ‘Partly Cloudy’ (link below). We then wrote about our own creations using describing words. Have a look at some of these fantastic descriptions:

Rojin: a rainbow dog.

Anna: a rainbow cat.

Carter: a funny dog.

Shea: a rainbow dog.

Michelle: a colourful unicorn.

Roma: a rainbow and glittery dog.

Amelia: a rainbow cat.

We had lots of fun in PE with Mr McCurdy this week.

Luke: we were running, skipping, bear crawls and duck walks.

Layla: I can do crab walking.

Don’t forget to check twitter too for lots of photos from the week: https://twitter.com/mrsd_stnps OR @mrsd_stnps

Primary 1B news update!


In writing this week we have been using our sounds to make words.


We used pictures as a stimulus for our writing; these pictures allowed us to use lots of the sounds that we know so far.


We had to choose one of the pictures about the cat to write about.

Some of us chose to write about a cat on a mat and some of us chose to write about a cat who had a cap.

We are really trying to have a go and have been talking about important things to remember when writing- capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

This week in phonics we have been learning the ‘a’ sound and the ‘t’ sound.


Connor- To say the ‘a’ sound you need to open your mouth wide.

Can you practise saying this sound at home or forming it with some loose parts?


Sophie- “This sound is black.”

Lucy- “It is black because you make a tunnel with your mouth.”

Isla- “The vowel house is at the end of the tunnel and the ‘a’ sound lives in the basement.”


Lily- “When you say the ‘t’ sound you can feel it at the tip of your tongue.”

Lewis- “The ‘t’ sound is blue.”

Syzmon- “It is a blue sound because your tongue has 2 blue veins”.





This week was maths week and we have completed lots of activities.

We have been using our loose parts to measure objects in the classroom.


We have been using the language- largest, smallest, larger and smaller when building houses with our blocks. We worked as a team to build the houses. We measured our structures.

We used the language empty, full and half full when measuring water into bottles.

We had to colour the correct amount on the picture of the cups to show Miss Boyes our understanding.


We loved using this game because it let us use all of the words we have learned to use when measuring.



We have been counting total amounts and asking our friends to find 5 shells, 3 pebbles or 7 pegs in the loose parts tray.

We have also been using our loose parts to form our numbers.


For Science this week we have been learning how to predict and investigate ways to make sounds louder and quieter. We have been finding out where sounds come from.



We closed our eyes and listened carefully to the sounds around us.

Miss Boyes asked us questions to encourage our thinking-


Were they loud or quiet sounds? Were they high or low sounds? How often did you hear the sound?


We played with the musical instruments and played an imitation game, in which Miss Boyes drummed a different rhythm each time, and then we had to copy it.


Can you listen for sounds at home, what do you hear?


We have discussed the GIRFEC theme safe. We spoke about how to stay safe at school and at home.


We played an interactive game with Miss Boyes (http://www.switchedonkids.org.uk/electrical-safety-in-your-home)

where we had to find all of the things that weren’t safe with the electricity in a house.

We spoke about how to keep safe around electrical items and wrote all of our thoughts in our talking book.


We also linked it to our 3 key words of our class charter, ready, respectful and safe and discussed why it’s so important.



Wishing you all a lovely weekend, looking forward to having you back on Wednesday!


Primary 1B news!

Primary 1B

Wow, we can’t believe it’s Friday already!


This week in literacy we have learned 2 new sounds, the s sound and the p sound.


The s sound is light blue because it is a quiet sound which you feel at the tip of your tongue.

S is a stretchy sound, can you feel it sizzling?


The P sound is Pink because it is a quiet sound which we make with our lips.

Put one finger in front of your lips

Pretend that it is a candle.

Say p quietly .


Can you feel the air that could blow out the flame on the  candle?

We have been singing our songs to learn our sounds.




After painting our pictures of a dinosaur last week, we followed on from this by making our dinosaur with clay. We used the iPads to record stories with our dinosaurs. In our writing jotters we draw a picture of our dinosaur and then wrote about what it looked like. We used great describing words. We are trying to use the sounds that we know in our writing and have been reading our writing to Miss Boyes.



We have been learning about the numbers 8 and 9. We have been learning how to write the numbers using the rhymes.

8- Draw a ‘S’ and close the gate, now I’ve made the number 8.

9- Draw a circle and add a line, now I’ve made the number 9.

It’s important to remember not to lift our pencil for the number 9. Sometimes we are going the wrong way with our pencil and it is starting to look like a p.

In number talks this week we have been investigating different dot patterns. We have been explaining to Miss Boyes what we see and how we see it.

During a number talks we put our fist on tummies to show we are still thinking, we put 1 thumb up if we have a strategy.

You could practise talking about dot patterns at home. Miss Boyes will include some examples in our homework folder in case we want to practise.




We have been learning to how to measure objects and describe their weight using the words heavy or light and heaviest and lightest.


Can you use this language at home?



This week Harry from the story “Harry and the Dinosaurs” sent Miss Boyes an email. Miss Boyes told us what an email was and showed this to us on the laptop. Harry said that he has a special mission for us to look after his dinosaurs and teach them lots of new things. We made a map of what we want to teach the dinosaurs and what we want to learn from/about them.


Trex is Harry’s favourite Dinosaur, he wants to learn about how to be a great P1 (just like us) and all about our local area. If you have anything you would like to tell Trex leave a message and we will read it to him.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P1B!

P1D Update

We have had another busy week in P1D. On Thursday we had to look after Ninian the Minion for the day because Mrs Purdie wasn’t in her office and we were worried that he might get lonely. He had a very busy day in our class.

First of all, Ninian had to order his lunch. He wanted the blue tray for his lunch.Image may contain: indoor

During our soft start he was playing in the office.

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He joined in with our circle time and he was very impressed with all of the describing words we were using to describe our dinosaurs. He heard super words like ‘dangerous’ ‘colourful’ ‘spotty’ ‘stripey’ ‘spikey’ ‘lovely’ ‘happy’ ‘nice’.

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Ninian then helped Mara to write her story about a dinosaur using some of the super describing words.

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After we all had finished our writing, Ninian wanted to listen to everyone read their stories to the class. He loved listening to the super describing words in our stories.

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

This week we have been looking at different dot patterns in numeracy and talking about how we can see the dots. You could try this at home too using dots, stickers, grapes etc. Arrange them out in a random order and ask your child how many they can see? Then ask how do you see them? If you lay out 4 dots, they may be laid out with 1 at the top and 3 at the bottom. This game also helps us with this:


We have been learning the ‘s’ and ‘p’ sounds this week. Here are the songs we have used to help us enhance our learning of these sounds. S is a blue sound and p is a pink sound. Ask your child why these sounds are these particular colours?



Next week we will be learning the ‘a’ and ‘t’ sounds. We’ve already had a sneak peak at the songs!

Finally, we would like to share with you our favourite parts of the week.

Carter: I liked PE and playing the big ball game and we were in groups and we had to try and score a goal at the bench and the game was over.

Rojin: I liked yoga

Lucas: I liked PE and playing tig

Anna: I liked listening to stories

Roma: I liked making dinosaurs and then a video

Amelia: I liked PE and playing tig

Freya: I liked playing turtle tig

Shea: I liked writing my story

Michelle: I liked learning new sounds

Pati: I liked learning the ‘p’ sound.

Logan: I liked PE

Luke: I liked playing outside

Scott: I liked playing in the office with the telephone

Celine:  I liked writing and playing in the office

Layla: I liked playing outside

Mara: I liked playing with cars

Jane: I liked playing

Olivier: I liked playing outside

Igor: I liked playing outside

Paul: I liked playing on the smart board

Have a lovely weekend.

September GIRFEC theme – SAFE

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)

GiRFEC is the national approach in Scotland to improving outcomes and supporting the wellbeing of our children. To help make sure everyone – children, young people, parents, and the services that support them – has a common understanding of what wellbeing means, we describe it in terms of eight indicators. (see wheel)

Each month we focus on one of the indicators in class and at assembly. This month we will focus on SAFE.

In school some of the activities we will do the develop this theme are:

  • House Captain assemblies to look at being safe in school 
  • Fire alarm drills to make sure children know what to do in the event of a fire 
  • Every child will identify 5 key adults they can talk to – at school or at home

Working together at home is a really valuable part of this topic. Below are some ideas for family learning around this theme. We would love you to share how you get on!

  • Repeat a road safety routine whenever you are out and about.
  • Introduce your child to people who help us in the community.
  • Discuss how to make an emergency call and the dangers of doing this when there is no real emergency.
  • Make a list of people and their phone numbers your child could contact in an emergency and display it in your house.
  • Discuss the best way to react/respond to this situation with your child – a stranger makes contact with your child online and asks for their personal details. What should they do?


P1D Weekly Update

We have had another busy week in P1D. Here are some of our highlights:

In literacy we have been learning some sounds. We were learning the ‘m’ and ‘c’ sounds. We were learning about the name of these letters, what sound they make and where about in our mouth we make these sounds from. The m sound comes from our lips. We put jam on our lips and made the ‘mmmm’ sound because the jam was tasty! It turned our lips red. This helped us to learn that sounds that come from the lips are red sounds. The ‘c’ sound is a yellow sound. It comes from the back of our mouth. We had to shine a torch in our mouths to see all the way to the back. The torch turned the back of our mouth yellow. We also learned some songs to help us remember these sounds. You could practise these at home too.



We also started our book study topic ‘Harry and the Dinosaurs’. We have enjoyed listening to 2 of the Harry and the Dinosaur stories so far. In one of the stories there is a boy called Jack-osaurus. We thought that this was a good name so we decided to draw and paint our own dinosaurs and give them names too. Here are some of  our names:

Shea’s dinosuar is called ‘Shea-osaurus’

Pati’s dinosaur is called ‘Pati dinosaur’

Roma’s dinosaur is called ‘Love Heart-osaurus’

Freya’s dinosaur is called ‘Mummy-osaurus’

In one of the Harry and the Dinosaur books, Harry starts school. Some of his friends are feeling excited, others are feeling sad, nervous and shy. We spoke about how we were feeling starting school and if we were feeling nervous and sad what we could do to make ourselves feel better.

In numeracy we were learning the correct formation for numbers 5, 6 and 7. Here are the rhymes and sayings we used to help us.

5 – “the neck, the tummy and the hat”

6 – “bend to low to pick up sticks, now I’ve made the number 6.”

7 – “across the sky and down from heave, now I’ve made the number 7.”

We also started ‘number talks’ this week. We were looking at different patterns of dots and talking about how many spots we could see and how we saw them.

When we saw 6 spots Carter told us:”3 dots at the top and 3 dots at the bottom is 6.”

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.


Wow, what a busy week it has been in Primary 1B!



We have learned 2 new sounds this week.

First we will tell you about the m sound.

This sound is made by pressing your two lips together and holding them. This sound is red because we make it with our lips.

It is a long and stretchy sound…mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


The second sound we learned this week was c. The c sound is yellow because we use the back of our mouth to say this sound and we need a yellow torch light to see how the sound is made at the back of our mouths. When we shine the torch we can see that the back of the tongue lifts, ‘scraping’ the back of the mouth when we say the sound.  This is a short, quiet, bouncy sound.


We love singing our jolly phonics songs to help us remember how to say our sounds.

Follow the links below to the songs.



Numeracy and Maths


We have been learning about the numbers 5, 6 and 7.

Here are the rhymes which we use to remember how to form these numbers.

Number 6 is- Bend down low to pick up sticks, now I’ve made the number 6.

Number 7- Across the Sky and down from Heaven. Now I’ve made the number seven.


We have also been ordering the numbers to 5 and had to cut and stick the numbers into the correct order in our maths jotter.

We have been using this game to practise our ordering skills.




We have been learning how to count backwards from 10 using this song.

We would like to sing it to you at home.


In measure this week we have been learning the language of Largest, smallest, larger and smaller.

Miss Boyes showed us pictures of different sized dinosaurs, she asked us to circle the largest or the smallest.
Using the dinosaur toys we put them in order from the smallest dinosaur to the largest and largest to the smallest.

To show our understanding we cut three houses out and stuck them into our maths jotter in order from largest to smallest.

Can you find items at home and measure them?

This week we had special visitors, Harry’s Bucketful of Dinosaurs came to visit us and they brought Trex who is the leader of their pack.

We have decided that it would be a good idea to teach Trex and the dinosaurs all about St. Ninian’s and the local area.


So we took them on a tour of our school, to meet all of the teachers. We have also created a small world play area of our Local environment with our loose parts.


We wanted to create our own dinosaurs, so this week we painted a design for our dinosaur. We have dinosaurs with spots, stripes and spikes.


We have been practising changing for PE. We are learning how to undo our buttons and then button our shirts back up after PE. We have been finding this tricky but we will continue to practise so that we can be super quick when getting ready.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P1B

Family Fun Morning – 1 plus 2 Languages

Please click on the link below to find out more about a family event taking place on 8th September from 10am – 12noon.

Learn to dance Flamenco and enjoy a croissant in the French café!
Please register your interest with your school by Monday, 3rd September to book your place! Cost per family: £1

1+2 Family Fun Morning Flyer

Welcome from Primary 1B and Miss Boyes


The children have all had a super first week in Primary 1 and I am so proud of them all for how they have settled in.

PE days-

Our PE days this term are Tuesday and Thursday.
Children will need their PE kit- yellow top and back shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings.
The children can leave their PE kit in their gym bag on their peg.

Their black indoor gym shoes can be left in class on their chair.

Children in P1-3 are entitled to free school meals and these can be ordered using ipay impact online system. If you are not able to access this, your child will be asked in the morning to order their own lunch.

Children should bring a small snack for playtime and choose a school lunch or bring a packed lunch.


We have been learning our class routines- how to sit on the carpet, how to change our shoes, coats and prepare for lunch.

We have begun to learn how to hold a pencil, we have been practising different strategies-

  • nipping our pencil with thumb and index finger, flipping our pencil and gripping our pencil.
  • Crocodile fingers

We have been practising different patterns through our letter-join resource.

I’m sure the children would love to show you this at home and we will continue to practise this in class.

In class we have been talking about our rights for our class charter and Primary 1 have come up with their own rules (to be ready, respectful and safe) which they are putting into practise.

  • I will sit with my legs crossed and hands in my basket when on the carpet.
  • I will not shout out at my teacher and will wait my turn.

You could ask your child if they can remember the other responsibilities which they chose to match their rights.

We have been learning to right our numbers.

This week we have been learning how to write the numbers 2, 3 and 4.

Here are the rhymes which we use to remember how to form our numbers.

2- Half a heart says “I love you”. Add a line. Now I’ve made the number 2.

3- Around the tree, around the tree, now I’ve made the number three.”

4- Down and across and down once more, now I’ve made the number four.

We have been practising our counting using playdoh and counting teddies etc.

We loved this our smartboard games and songs this week.








Wow, what a fun and busy week it has been.

I wish all of Primary 1B a fantastic weekend!



Welcome to P1D!

We have had a fantastic first week of school and I am so proud of every single one of the children for the way they have settled into school life.

A few points to consider for this term:

Our PE days will be a Tuesday and a Thursday (at the moment, if this changes you will informed immediately). On these days children should bring PE kit with them – yellow PE top and black shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings etc. You may wish to get your child to leave their PE kit in a bag on their peg. This will ensure that PE kits are not forgotten on PE days.

All children should now have a pair of black indoor shoes which are to be left in the classroom to change into at school.

Children in P1-3 are entitled to free school meals and these can be order using ipay impact online system. If you are not able to access this, your child will be asked by myself in the morning to order their lunch.


This week in class we have been working on our daily routines and what to do in class. We have made our class charter and thought about  the rules for our classroom and how we can follow these.

We have been developing our pencil control by following patterns and we have been learning how to hold a pencil correctly. We know how to use the crocodile fingers to hold a pencil or we can nip it and flip it. Ask your child to show you these different strategies.

In numeracy we have been focusing on number formation and counting. We have been counting lots of different objects from dinosaurs to cubes to grapes and loom bands! What can you count at home?

We have learned some rhymes to help us form some numbers correctly.

2 – half a heart says ‘I love you’ add a line, now I’ve made the number 2.

3 – around the tree, around the tree, now I’ve made the number 3.

4 – down and across and down once more, now I’ve made the number 4.

Can you practise these too? Could you write the numbers using a pencil, chalk, play-doh, on a mirror (after a bath or shower) – be creative!

We have had lots of fun playing this game on the smart board in class too:



Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week!

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