P1B weekly news

Hello everyone!


We have learned 2 new sounds this week.

Lucy- “We learned the o sound.”

Shakti- “The o sound is black because we go through the tunnel to the vowel house.”

Lily- “We make a circle with our mouth when we make the o sound”


Connor- “It lives in the vowel house and in the story we try to put the light on because it is dark but the light is broken.”


Emilie- “We learned the e sound this week.”

Joshua- “e is also a black sound which lives through the tunnel in the vowel house.”

Lewis- “The Mummy is cracking the eggs in the kitchen of the vowel house.”

Here are the song we used to practise saying our sounds.




In writing this week we watched a clip of a boy with a book that came to life. We then used our imagination to write about what we would like to come out of a book.

We had lots of lovely ideas-

Adam “Chocolate cake and a rainbow would come out of my book.”

Shakti “I wanted cute bunny rabbits to come out of my book.”

Szymon- “I wanted a cake to come out of my book.”


Well done to our star writers Liam and Joshua we are very proud of you for trying hard to give your writing a go on your own and remembering to have a capital letter, full stop, finger spaces and use your sounds.

In numeracy we started our addition topic.

Joshua- “We have been learning the language add, plus and equals.”

Isla- “We used dominoes to add the dots on each side and then we had to write the sum on a whiteboard.”


We played a dice addition game, we had to roll 2 dice and then add the dots together.


We have been working hard to count on. If we see 2 + 3=

Instead of counting 1, 2 we just say 2 and then count on 3, 4, 5 to get the answer. We have also been practising this in number talks using the rekenreks when counting the beads. This is a quicker strategy.

We liked listening and responding to this song.

In Spanish we have been learning how to respond to Spanish phrases which Miss Boyes uses during our daily routine.

We have been learning the words ¡Escuchad! – Which means to listen and ¡Mirad!- Which means to look.

We now know that “!Haced la fila!” means to line up.


Thanks to Primary 3 for coming to show us how to use our netbooks, we loved the instructions which you wrote.

Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 1B

P1D Weekly Update


On Tuesday, we were writing a recount about what we were doing during our October break. Here is some of the things we wrote about:

Carter: “I went to lego land. I went to Dubai.”

Rojin: “I was in the swimming pool. I was in Spain.”

Luke: “I went to the shops.”

Anna: “I went on my bike.”

Carter: “me and Rojin got the golden ticket.”

Rojin: “Mrs Purdie liked our writing.”



We have learned 2 new sounds this week. The sounds we learned were:

Pati: “o sound.”

Paul: “e sound.”

Shea: “the song is about the lights going off and on.”

Please see the links below for the songs.

Roma: “o is a bouncy sound.”

Carter: “they book live in the vowel house.”

Jane: “I liked learning the ‘o’ sound.”

Layla: “I liked the ‘o’ sound. It is a black sound.”

Michelle: “I liked learning the ‘e’ sound. Egg begins with an ‘e’ sound.



Sight Words

We have been learning some new sight words this week. Your child will be given the next set of sight words when they are able to spell and read all of the sight words on their current list. Mrs Davenport checks how we get on with our sight words every 2 weeks.

This week we were also playing sight word bowling to help us read our sight words. We have some sight words written on the skittles, the skittles that we knock down, we read which sight word is on them when we pick them up again.

Olivier: “I liked bowling and reading words.”

Amelia: “I was writing sight words.”



We have started to learn about addition. We know that when you add things together, the amount gets bigger. We have also looked at the mathematical symbols and talked about the language for add and equals.

Roma: “We coloured in minnie pictures. We had to look at the board for the numbers to colour in properly.”

Shea: “find a number on the tuff table and do finger paints to show how much the number was.”

Freya: “with bowling you had to count how many you knocked over.”

Paul: “make the hopscotch all the way up to 20.”

Scott: “I liked playing with the bowling.”

Celine: “I liked played with the hopscotch.”

Igor: “I liked bowling. I knocked and counted 5.”

Logan: “I liked playing with adding bowling game on the iPads.”

We played a new game on the iPads this week, called counting and addition! In this game, you can practise adding skittles – just like in our bowling we have been doing in class. You could download this on a device at home too. This is a great free app.



We have been looking at data handling and collecting and interpreting bar graphs this week. We visited different classes to do our survey and find out what other people’s favourite Disney character is.

Anna: “you had to pick your favourite character in Disney and asked different classes their favourite.”

In our class, Cinderella was the favourite and Buzz Lightyear was the 2nd favourite.

Mara: “I picked Pluto as my favourite.”


IDL – Topic

Luke: “we made an aeroplane and painted it.”

Lucas: “we need the aeroplane to get to Disney World.”

Carter: “you can dress up and take photos and get people to sign their name on the autograph book.”

GIRFEC theme for October – HEALTHY

Our House Captains and Vice Captains led fantastic assemblies this week by promoting healthy lifestyle messages. They reminded the children about healthy packed lunch choices and the importance of getting regular exercise. They had also recorded a special video message from Mr McCurdy who was so proud of our 2 PE lessons each week and the numbers of children attending after school clubs.

The Captains have challenged the whole school to start Fruity Friday by bringing in a piece of fruit for snack each Friday. We look forward to seeing everyone’s healthy snack this Friday!

Well done to our Captains. #stninianskidscan

P1B news update!

Hello everyone!

This week we have been consolidating all of the sound which we have learned so far.

We have been singing our Jolly phonics songs and completing activities which help us to develop our ability to say, read, write and recognise the colour of each sound and which mouth part makes it.

We have also been completing blending activities and decoding activities.

We have been decoding words and then making words with the phonics cubes, log slices, play dough or writing the words on a whiteboard to match a picture.

We have loved using our blending ladder again this week and our new car race track to blend to read cvc words.

On the blending car race track we have to move the car along the track and say each sound, we then bring it back to the start and read the word as we move along the track. Miss Boyes asks us if we can identify the beginning, middle and end sound of the word.

Joshua- “The car race track is lots of fun, I like learning to read.”


Well, writing was rather exciting this week because on Wednesday night our class had some visitors (DINOSAURS!!) and they were caught on our class iPad which recorded them learning in different areas of the classroom.

The Dinosaurs left us a dinosaur egg too in Harry’s Bucket!

We decided to use our imagination and write down how we thought they got into our classroom and what could be inside the egg.


We wrote lots of interesting ideas and Miss Boyes was impressed with how we sounded out our words.

We are learning all about capital letters, full stops and finger spaces too as these are very important!


Lucy- “The egg has now cracked, I think there is a dinosaur in the egg.”




In numeracy we have been learning the language of more and less. This will also be continued next week.

We have started to look at amounts using objects and identifying which group has more or less by using our counting skills.

We have also been looking at numbers and working out how we can identify 1 more or 1 less.


We have enjoyed singing along to these songs.

We have gone shopping in the loose parts tray, each shopping bag has a number or dot pattern and we have to put the correct amount in each bag. Our peer will then ask us to add 1 more or make it 1 less then they will ask us, how many items do you have now?


This is a game which could be played when out shopping with an adult but having the adult’s permission to add and take items out of the basket/trolley of course!


We have continued to look at dot patterns and we have been picking up a dot pattern card and then writing the number of dots in the sand, this has also helped us to practise our number formation.


Emilie- “I liked using the sand to write my numbers.”

Outdoor learning-

As you might have seen on Miss Boyes’ twitter page we went on an outdoor learning walk.

On our walk we talked to Trex about road safety. We crossed busy roads by walking safely over the bridge! We told Trex to always stop, look and listen while holding an adults hand.

We have been showing Trex and Harry’s bucketful of dinosaurs our local area on our outdoor learning walk. This has sparked a great idea to draw him a map of our local area so that he knows where everything is.


Our GIRFEC theme this month is healthy. So we thought instead of finding out what the dinosaurs eat, why don’t we show them what we eat! We took Trex and the dinosaurs to our local shop and showed Trex which food is healthy and which food is not.


While at the shop to show Trex and the dinosaurs healthy and unhealthy food we also showed them how to use the digital technology to pay for healthy snacks. When we got back to class after our outdoor learning walk we ate our cheese and crackers! We loved them!


We also went out into our school garden this week and completed lots of Autumn themed activities. We have been learning about the wonder and awe in God’s world and this led us to talk about the wonderful season of Autumn and how things change.

We took photos with the iPads, made Bird’s nests and counted twigs and leaves.

Mrs Heather came in to do watch us do a number talks this week and she was blown away by our ability to talk about numbers. She also loved how we recorded our strategies. Miss Boyes is very proud of us for sharing our strategies and explaining them and showing them in detail!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

P1D Weekly Update

We haven’t been learning any new sounds this week in our phonics. We are spending 2 weeks consolidating our knowledge of the sounds we have been taught and taking part in different activities to develop our blending, spelling and reading ability using these sounds as well as our listening skills to hear the sounds in a word.

Here are some of the different activities we have been doing:

One of the activities we have particularly enjoyed has been the race car blending game. We have a word on a piece of paper e.g. cat. We drive a car over the word, saying each sound as we go. We make the car drive faster and faster to help us read the word. You could try this at home too.

Carter: “when the cars cross the letters we read them”

Shea: “we have a phonics phone we say the sounds and they go into our hear so you can hear the sounds coming from your mouth.”

Pati has also being practising writing her “name”.

Carter:  “there is shaving foam on the tuff table.”

Luke: “we look at the cards and we write letters on the tuff table like n and a and p and k.”

Home Learning: What can you use at home to practise writing your sounds and sight words.


We have loved number talks this week. We have been using bunny ears to show our understanding of how the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 are made.

Home Learning: Ask your child to show you bunny ears for 2, for 3, for 4 and for 5. Ask your child to show you the game we have been playing with bunny ears.

Anna: “we have been counting bunny ears.”

Freya: “try and copy what Mrs Davenport is doing and get the right number.”


In our numeracy lessons this week we have been talking about 1 more, 2 more and numbers that come before or after other numbers. Here are some of the activities we have been doing:

Olivier: “counting” with numicon

Paul: “playing hopscotch. I needed to set it up myself and I had to put down the number 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 and all the way to 11.”

Layla: “in the tuff tray I was using a paintbrush to write numbers.”

Carter: “I was fixing the number line and putting the numbers in the right order.”

Home Learning: Ask your child what is 1 more or 2 more than a certain number. E.g. what is 1 more than 6? What is 2 more than 3? What number is before 7? What number is after 9?


We have developing our reasoning skills. This week, Mrs Davenport and Mrs Docherty have been asking us lots of ‘why’ questions in lots of different lessons.

A dinosaur egg had appeared in our classroom:

Anna: “a dinosaur egg came into our classroom.”

Roma: “it has hatched now.”

We had to think about why it was here.

Rojin: “the mummy dinosaur and daddy dinosaur aren’t looking after the egg.”

For our writing lesson we had to think about why the dinosaur parents weren’t looking after the egg anymore.

Roma: “I think they were on holiday.”

Luke: “I think they are at the beach.”

Carter: “I think they are shopping getting food for the little dinosaur.”

We found out that dinosaurs eat different food. We wanted to make sure that the baby dinosaur had lots of food for when it hatched out the egg.

Rojin: “we collected food for the baby dinosaur.”

Olivier: “we got leaves.”

Scott: “and grass.”

Carter: “some dinosaurs don’t eat meat.”

Roma: “it would make it sick.”



We had a wonderful trip to the library on Tuesday.

Michelle: “we took books”

Shea: “I picked a book about a spider.”

Logan: “I picked a book about a rocket.”

Jane: “we took our books to the park and we played.”

Carter: “we read our books in the park too.”

We have also been using our reading books in class lots too. Here are the titles of our books this week:

Carter: “A New Dog.”

Amelia: Six in a Bed.”

Primary 1B news update!

Hello everyone, here is our news update!


Adam “This week we have learning the k sound.”

Emileigh- Rose “The k sounds is short and bouncy.”

Emilie- “The k sound is yellow because we make the k sound at the back of our mouths and we have to use the yellow torch to see how we raise the back of our tongues to the back of the mouth.”


Shay “We also learned the ck sound.”

Lucy- “We have learned that c and k joined together makes 1 sound.”


We understand that the ck sound is at the end of a word.

Connor- Kick

Isla- pick

Shakti – “When we write the ck sound we join the letters together.”

Can you think of anymore?

We have been reading words and making words with these sounds. We have been discussing the beginning, middle and end sound in each word.


Use a torch to see how we make this sound at the back of our mouths.

It is important to remember not to say ‘ki’.

Listen to the songs at home…




We loved our trip to the library this week, we listened to a story and then we got to chose a book to take back to the classroom. We took one of our books to Milk and story with the nursery on Friday. We chose to take a book called ‘One Button Benny’ which Shay picked at the library, this book has actually been shortlisted for the Bookbug 2019 prize!

Here is a link to the story so you can listen to it at home.

We pretended we were robots and traveled in different robotic ways around the hall.


In writing this week we wrote fabulous emails back to Harry to tell him all about our favourite part of Primary 1. We have asked the Primary 7’s if they could maybe help us type up our emails to send to Harry.


In numeracy this week we have been learning how to order numbers to 10 and how to find the missing number In a sequence to 10. Over on our twitter page you might have seen some of the fun activities we completed to order our numbers and find the missing number.


You could also be challenged to look at a set of numbers within 10 or 20 for a challenge and discuss which number in the set is the smallest or the largest.

We have been playing this game with Miss Boyes to identify the smallest and largest number. If you want to play at home chose- numbers, ordering, to 10 or to 20 for a challenge.


We are all so amazing at counting down from 10 and can do this with confidence now.

We love the big number song and for a challenge Miss Boyes will pause it at different numbers and ask us which number comes before and after.






In RE we discussed how our gifts and talents come from God. Miss Boyes loved hearing about all of our talents and what a talented bunch we are!

We loved our Buddy Mass, it was such a lovely morning and lovely to see P1B and their buddies celebrate mass together.

For European Day of Languages Miss Boyes asked Miss McCormack if we could team up with Primary 7 to research a European country. This went amazingly well and each group found out the capital city, flag, population and how to say ‘Hello’. We loved drawing the flags and saying Hello to our friends in different languages.


Wow another busy week indeed for P1B!


We hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


Miss Boyes and P1B

P1D News


We learned 2 new sounds this week. Use the link below to listen to the song for the ‘k’ sound.

Roma: “we learned the k sound.”

Olivier: “it is a yellow sound.”

Anna: “it comes from the back of your mouth.”

Anna: “we learned the ‘ck’ sound too.”

Carter: “you use this sound at the end of a word.”

Freya: “I made the word cat.”

Home Learning: Can you spell words at home where the ‘ck’ sound comes at the end of a word. Remember the rule!



We have been learning about measure this week. We having been using the words: big/small, heavy/light, empty/fully, tall/short in class to talk about objects. We have taken part in lots of different activities and we look forward to sharing some of these with you at our stay and play event coming soon.

We were using balance scales to weigh objects and Shea told us the scales need “to be the same.”

We were playing with water and sand to help us develop our understanding of capacity and we were trying to use the language of full and empty. At the sink Scott told us that we were “filling up cups.”

When learning about height we had to order our dinosaurs.

Celine: “line up the dinosaurs and you had to put the biggest first and all the way to the smallest.”

We try to measure different objects using things we can find in the classroom. We used pom-poms and Roma told us that we were “checking what size things were.”

Home Learning: Use this language at home when measuring different things. Challenge: we also spoke about the 2nd smallest or 2nd biggest thing; the cups which were half full or half empty etc.


Number Talks

Shea: “we had to make numbers using rekenreks.”

Carter: “we made numbers with rekenreks and we had to guess how Mrs Davenport made the number.”

Home Learning: Adults draw a dot pattern at home but keep number in 2 lines like this:

Image result for 10 frame for 4


Tell your child that you have 4 dots and they have to try and copy your pattern. They may make the dots a number of different ways before the guess your way. Try this with different numbers.



We enjoyed music with Mrs Steele. Here is what we were doing this week:

Pati: “singing”

Rojin: “playing some musical instruments.”



We went to mass on Tuesday at St Philips.

Lucas: “we went with our buddies to mass.”

Luke: “we walked to mass.”

Anna: “we sing songs at mass.”

Freya: “we listened to Father Kenneth.”

Michelle: “we prayed to God.”



Logan: “we got a letter from Trex.”

Jane: “the letter said that he was long and had a tail and sharp teeth.”

Roma: “I was really happy when Trex came.”

Trex is a dinosaur (a T-Rex) who has joined our class. Trex doesn’t know much about school or about the local area. We are going to help Trex settle in at school and teach him about our local area.



We had a special assembly on Thursday to say goodbye to someone special.

Freya: “it was sad because John the Janny is going away.”

Jane: “it is called retiring.”


Outdoor Learning

Outdoor learning was so much fun this week. Here are our highlights:

Shea: “we had to make dens.”

Amelia: “we played with the leaves that had fallen on the floor.”

Roma: “we picked berries and then painted with them in the classroom.”

Freya: “that was yucky.”

Luke: “we picked up sticks and leaves and we were measuring what size they were.”

Carter: “a tree had fallen down and we had to climb over it.”

Freya: “Roma showed us a fairy house.”

Roma: “it was a fairy door in a tree.”

P1B news update



This week we have learned 2 news sounds, the i sound and the n sound.

We now know that

Isla “the ‘i’ sound is a black sound.”

Shay- “It is black because it comes out through the tunnel of our mouth.”

Connor- “This sound lives at the back of our mouth in the vowel house”.

Sophie- “This sound is short and bouncy.”


We now know that

Lily “the ‘n’ sound is dark blue.”

Liam- “It is dark blue because it is a noisy sound”.

Emilie- “This sound is a long stretchy sound.”

Lucy- “We make this sound at the tip of our tongue.”

We could use the songs to practise our new sounds at home.




Practise saying your sounds at home when looking into the mirror or use an iPad, camera or tablet to record a video of yourself saying the sounds and spelling the words (below) out loud. Listen back to your recordings!

We have been learning to read by blending the sounds that we know together. Here are some examples of 2 letter blends am, it, ip, ma, pa, ap, in.

Can you ask your child to spell these out at home? (You could do this with chalk, in flour, with playdough)

We have also been learning to blend 3 letters words- nap, tap, cap, mat, mit, sip, nip. Can you ask your child to spell these words at home?



This week we have been learning how to follow a simple number sequence by completing dot to dot activities.

Trex had left cupcake cases in our tuff tray, they had numbers on the base so we had to use our counting skills to count the loose parts to make Trex some dinosaur cakes.

In number talks we continued to talk about dot patterns, we have now learned lots of ways of looking at the total amount of dots and are building our computational fluency.


We have been loving learning lots of Spanish Greetings. Paulo our class puppet was testing our Spanish by saying a greeting in English and then we had to say it back to him in Spanish.

Going round our circle we all had to say Hello everyone in Spanish (Hola a todos)   and then our friend had to say ‘Hola …’ and the persons name.

Can you practise some Spanish greetings at home?


Buenos días- Good Morning

Buenas tardes- Good Afternoon
Buenas noches- Good night

Hola- Hello

Adios- Goodbye

We have been building replicas of houses you might find in our local area or of our own homes to show Trex where we live. In fact some of us even built a house for Trex which he obviously loved because we are becoming expert builders and all of our constructions are highly creative. Like true builders and constructions workers we have had our safety equipment and have been using our spirit level to check that our blocks are level. Miss Boyes is sure if we had have tested our constructions against Storm Ali they would have with stood the wind.

To finish off our short week Miss Boyes asked the nursery if we could join them on Friday for milk and story.

It was lovely to share a story and sing nursery rhymes with them.

We are hoping to do this again next Friday and will be thinking of a nursery rhyme that we want to share with the nursery children.


Our buddy mass is on Tuesday the 25th of September at 9.30 am, you are more than welcome to join us at St. Philips at the Lanthorn.

We will also be going to the Library on Tuesday and having a little walk around our local area so please can the children dress according to the weather (jackets, wellington boots if necessary).

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P1B!

P1D News

It has only been a short week for us but we have managed to squeeze in so much learning!


In phonics we have been learning the ‘i’ and ‘n’ sound. The ‘i’ sound is another sound that comes from the vowel house. It is a black sound and our mouth makes a tunnel shape when we say this sound. We now know 2 sounds from the vowel house – ‘a’ and ‘i’. We have been learning that the sounds from the vowel house usually come in the middle of a word. We have been thinking really hard about where we hear a sound coming from – the beginning, middle or end.

The ‘n’ sound is a blue sound which comes from our tongue. We noticed that the ‘n’ sound is dark blue and ‘s’ and ‘t’ are light blue. We were learning that this means loud and quiet sounds. The lighter the colour, the quieter the sound. So ‘n’ is dark blue because it is a loud sound.

Here are the songs we have been using this week:



Home Learning: ask your child to spell these words (write them down somewhere, use play-doh to make the letters or be creative)








In numeracy we have been talking about numbers that come before, after and in between. We were using little number lines to help us with this.

Home Learning: ask your child what number comes after 4, after 7 etc.  Ask your child what number comes before 9, 3 etc. Ask your child what number comes in between 3 and 5, 6 and 8 etc. Challenge: go beyond 10!

We have also been working on our counting skills. We have been using these songs to help us:


We made our own dinosaur masks this week as part of our topic. We had lots of fun using different materials as part of the masks. Glitter was definitely the favourite material to use! We had lots of fun during ‘fun 31 (golden time)’ playing with our masks and making stories. We had stories about mummy and big sister and little sister dinosaurs. Did you see our class photo on twitter? @mrsd_stnps


We have been learning to say hello (hola), goodbye (adios), good morning (buenos dias) and good night (buenas noches) in Spanish. We played some fun games and listened to this song too.


Another busy week in P1D.

Next week:

Tuesday is our buddy mass. We would love if you could come to St Philips at the Lanthorn to join us celebrate liturgy with our peers.

Wednesday afternoon we are going a walk in our local area. Please ensure children have a warm jacket (weather depending) and you may wish to provide your child with a pair of trainers in their bag for this walk.

Have a lovely weekend.

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