P1B news update

This week we learned the x sound.

Connor- X sound is made up of 2 sounds, c + s.

Lucy- This is why it is light blue and yellow.

We have been learning how to say the sound.

How to blend x with other sounds to say words.

How to write this sound.

Emilie- I know box has the x sound at the end.

Isla- I know that mix has the x sound at the end.



We enjoyed our visit from our local Librarian this week, she came to read us the bookbug stories and we got to pick our favourite. Our favourite was I am bat.


Here is a clip of the story…

We had a special visit from an elf this week, his name is Eddie.

Eddie said that he needs our help with some tasks as it’s very busy in Santa’s workshop.

We had to help Eddie sort lots of toys because the Elves forgot which force you use to make them move. First we had to learn what a force was and then we investigated the toys and sorted them by push toys and pull toys.

We then made our own toys because Eddie said there were lots of lists coming in and they needed help to make enough toys. We used our creativity and imagination skills to design and make the toys.

Some of the toys we made were- a castle, a robot, a boat and a rocket.

Following on from this for our writing lesson we made a poster to encourage children to put the toys being made in the workshop on their list. So we had to write about what the toy looked like and what it could do. Our persuasive posters were super and we think the children will know exactly what to wish for this Christmas.



In numeracy we have been learning all of the ways to make 9.

How many ways do you think there are to make 9.

This game could be played at home to help with learning the different ways to make a number.




We have continued practising for our nativity and we are busy learning our actions and words. Our singing is super and we can’t wait for you to hear all of the songs.


Just a little reminder that costumes should be brought to school by Monday the 3rd of December.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 1B.

P1D News


Shea: we learned the ‘v’ sound.

Mara: the ‘z’ sound.

Anna: the ‘z’ sound is dark blue that means it is a loud sound.

Carter: the ‘v’ sound is a loud sound because it is a red sound.

Roma: we made a zebra for the ‘z’ sound.

Paul: ‘s’ and ‘z’ sound a little bit the same.

Here are the songs for the sounds we have been learning:



This is a game we have been playing this week on the smartboard and on the netbooks too:



Lucas: on the laptop you had to drag the teddy bears into the house. For 4 you could put 2 into 1 house and another 2 in the second house.

Amelia: For 6 teddy bears you could do 3 and 3.

Shea: For 7 teddy bears you could put 6 in 1 house and just put 1 in the other house.

Rojin: You had to pick up a lollipop stick and there was an adding sum. If it was 3+4 you had to start on 3 and then make 4 jumps. This was on hopscotch.

Scott: With bowling we had to roll the ball and you count how many.

Shea: On the tuff table you had to make the numbers with numicon.

Here is the link for the number bonds game we have been playing in class:


We have been practising our subitizing skills by using this song to help us:


We are continuing to practise for our nativity twice a week. We listen to the songs in class every day too. Look out for letters about costumes in homework folders next week.

Roma: we have been talking about going on and off the stage and practising our songs.

Carter: we have to point at me and Roma when the songs are about us.

Freya: we all have a song about the main characters. I like singing ‘shhh’ for King Herod.



We had a little surprise on Wednesday morning when a fairy door had appeared in our classroom. I wonder what is behind the door?

Freya: a fairy door is in our class.

Roma: it has a key in a bottle.

Lucas: I thought a soft play was behind the door.

Amelia: I think a scary soft play.

Mara: I think a magical zoo.

Rojin: I think fairy land.

We loved using our mighty writer board to develop our ideas for our writing.



On Tuesday, we went to the library as part of book week Scotland. When we were at the library, Mrs Campbell the librarian read us the 3 bookbug stories. We then had to vote to see which was the favourite. In our class ‘I am Bat’ was the favourite with 11 votes.

Mara: you picked a book and we are going to read it.

Shea: There was a book competition.

Roma: we read a book called ‘I am Bat’.

Carter: we read ‘Eric makes a slash’.

Rojin: and ‘One Button Benny.’

Freya: the favourite was ‘I am Bat.’


Highlights of the week

Igor: I liked playing bowling and count numbers.

Olivier: I liked bowling and counting numbers.

Layla: I liked dressing up. I dressed up as a dinosaur.

Logan: I liked bowling and count and write the number on the whiteboard.

Jane: I liked hopscotch. You had to pick a lollipop stick and see what the adding sum is and jump on the numbers that there was.

Celine: I liked learning the ‘v’ sound.

Michelle: I liked bowling because I like to count numbers.

P1B news update



Connor- This week we learned the z sound.

Liam- The Z sounds is dark blue because you make this sound at the tip of your tongue.

Lucy- The Z sound is dark blue because it is a loud sound and the s sound is light blue because it is quiet.

Isla- I know that zip starts with z.


Emilie- We have been learning the v sound.

Lily- The V sound is loud and I know this because the red sounds are loud.

Khyla- Valley begin with v, when you write v you pretend to go down one side of the valley and up the other side.

Joshua- Van begins with v.

Here are our jolly phonics songs…




Joanna- In writing we wrote posters for our baking stall at the Christmas Fair.

Lucy- We designed beautiful cupcakes on our posters.

Emileigh- Rose- We hope you can bake treats for our stall.

Shakti- We had to make our posters colourful.

Ethan- We had to check that our writing made sense.



To learn our addition sums we have been completing lots of fun activities.


Joshua- My favourite adding activity is the bus ten frame. We have to complete the adding sum to find out how many people are on the bus and how many tickets they will need.


Emilie- I really enjoyed using the ten frames this week to find different ways of making 7.

Isla- I liked playing hit the button so that I can recall my addition facts quickly.

Szymon- I like playing the football addition board game.


Courtney and Khyla “We liked choosing a flashcard and making the sum on the ladybird with numicon, counters, ten frame and rekenreks.”

We liked working with our buddies to learn our boost words. This was lots of fun.

Today we are going to complete fun activities that are linked to the book bug books and we are looking forward to Eileen the librarian  coming to visit us next week to ask us about our favourite book bug book.

Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B!

Christmas Fair Newsflash!!!

P6/7 are in charge of Santa’s Grotto!


On Thursday 29th of November St. Ninian’s will be hosting a Christmas fair it will start at 5:30 and will end at 7:00. The Grotto will be in the infant area in the Sunshine room!

In Santa’s Grotto it will be £2 entry to do many things like, talking with Santa, writing a letter to Santa ( and who knows Santa might reply to your letter), you will also get an early present from Santa!

During the Christmas fair there will be other stalls like, people from different businesses will be there, different classes will be holding other fun stalls! There will be wee snacks and other fun original games!

There’s no doubt you’ll be bored!

From the Primary 6/7 class, enjoy your time at the Christmas Fair!















P1B news update

Hello everyone,


We have continued to learn the Spanish colours.

Connor- “We played pass the parcel- Miss Boyes put a picture of a Spanish colour in the envelope and every time the Spanish colour song stopped we had to open it and say the colour in Spanish.”

Lily- “Rojo is red.”

Julian- “Verde is green.”

Shakti- “Rosa is pink”.

Joanna- “Azul is blue”




This week we have been learning the d and g sounds.

Emilie- “The d sound is dark blue.”

Liam- “We make the d sound at the tip of our tongue.”

Sophie- “The d sound is a loud sound.”


Lucy- “The g sound is orange.”

Adam- “The g sound is orange because it is a loud sound.”

Joshua- “goat has the g sound at the beginning.”

Connor- “Our boost word gobble has the g sound.”

Lewis- “Dad has the d sound at the beginning and the end.”

Here are our songs





We used the rekenrek on the smartboard during number talks. We moved the beads and had to say how many we saw and how we saw them.

We made addition sums from looking at how many beads there were altogether.

Could you make these addition sums using the rekenrek at home?

2+8   3+7  4+6   5+5

Here is a link to the rekenrek



We have been playing the hit the button game. You can choose number bonds and then pick addition to 10, this is a fun way to practise our adding.

Here is a link to the game



This week was cool to be kind week. We listened to the story of Superworm and we shared all of the things Superworm did to help other characters in the story. We then wrote a recount of something which happened in the story.

Lucy- “Superworm was very kind and he made himself into a skipping rope for the bees.”

Here is a link to the superworm story so that we can listen at home.


We listened to a song all about RESPECT.

We liked talking about the scenarios in this song.

Being respectful is one of our school rules.


We hope that everyone has a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P1B

P1D Weekly Update


Carter: we learned the ‘g’ sound. It is an orange sound.

Roma: it was a loud sound. It comes from the back of our mouth.

Luke: we learned the ‘d’ sound.

Anna: it is a dark blue sound.

Luke: it means it is a noisy or loud sound.

Shea: we were using cubes to make words. I made the word ‘gut’.

Carter: Your gut is in your tummy.

Mara: we made ‘d’ for dog. I coloured the dog in dark blue because ‘d’ is a loud sound.

We have been playing this game this week to help us listen carefully for the end sounds in a word:


Here are the songs we have been listening to too:




Celine: we were using 10 frames.

Scott: we all had a partner for number talks.

Paul: when the teacher asks you to do something with the 10 frame you try to copy the teacher.

Shea: we were making numbers with numicon. I made 5 with a 2 and a 3 to make 5.

Layla: roll the dice and move the play-doh tub at snakes and ladders. I landed on 3 and 4 and 7 and up to 10.

Freya: we were playing with building bricks with numbers on them and what you needed to do was find 0, 1 then 2 and me and Shea made a big tower.

We have been playing this game in numeracy this week:



Cinema Trip

Anna: we watched Flying the Nest

Roma: the little bird got stolen.

Carter: a bad bird came along and fox tried to eat them. It was nice ending.


Our highlights of the week

Michelle: I liked learning new sounds. I know the ‘g’ sound. It is an orange sound.

Lucas: I liked playing snakes and ladders.

Amelia: I liked writing sight words. ‘Was’ is one of the sight words.

Rojin: I liked learning new sounds. I know the ‘g’ sound. A word that begins with ‘g’ is a goat.

Logan: I liked doing number work. I liked doing bunny ears.

Igor: I liked using rekenreks. I can make 3.

Pati: I liked counting the cubes. I put them in adding machines. I done 5 + 10.

Olivier: I liked playing snakes and ladders.

Jane: I liked going to the cinemas because it a good movie.

P1B news update

Hello everyone,


Lucy- “This week we have learned the h sound.”

Emilie- “The h sound is yellow because we make it at the back of our mouth and we need a torch to see it.”

Joshua- “We made words with the h sound. I can make the word hot.”
Connor- “We coloured in pictures that had h at the start. I coloured in the horse.”


Emileigh- Rose “We learned the u sound this week.”

Liam- “The u sound lives in the vowel house.”

Lily- “The picture for u is an umbrella because we need to put our umbrella up so inky’s ink does not drip on us.”

Adam-“The u sound is usually in the middle of a (cvc) word.”

Lewis- “I made words with u in the middle using the magnetic letters. I can make the word hut.”

Here are our songs…



For writing this week we wrote about our experience of seeing fireworks. We used our mighty writer board for the first time.


We were able to use our mighty writer board to help us structure a sentence. It showed us where to put our capital letter and it had picture reminders for what to write.


Khyla- “ I wrote about sparkly fireworks.”
Isla- “The star on the board meant you had to use a wow word.”

Ethan- “I wrote about the loud fireworks.”

Emilie- “I wrote about colourful, rainbow fireworks.”


We continued to learn how to add numbers this week. We have been completing written calculations. We have been counting on and trying to do this in our heads.

We enjoyed reading the number sentences and then using the numicon to identify the total amount.


We also completed addition challenges using the cubes this week. We had to read the cards and add the correct number of cubes together.

We have been using our ten frames to add 2 amounts within 10.


In number talks using our addition knowledge we have been finding the best strategies to make a total.

Can you find different ways to make 3?

Can you find different ways to make 4?

Can you find different ways to make 5?

Can you find different ways to make 6?


We used our bunny ears (fingers) to show Miss Boyes different ways of making an amount.


We have started practising for our nativity, this week we have been learning about the nativity story. We have been learning who was in the story, where it took place and what happened.

In music  we have started practising our nativity songs. We are loving our songs and are going to practise lots.



Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B

P1D Weekly News


We learned new sounds this week.

Celine: ‘u’ sound.

Anna: it comes from the vowel house.

Freya: your mouth makes the same shape for ‘u’ and ‘o’ – a long tunnel.

Carter: ‘u’ is black sound.

Amelia: ‘h’ sound.

Anna: it is a yellow sound.

Pati: it is a quiet sound.

Shea: we were writing the ‘h’ sound in the tuff tray.

One of the activities we were doing this week was to listen for the beginning sound in a word and sort objects into groups based on the beginning sound of the word.

Roma: we needed to put hat and hangers in the yellow tray because ‘h’ for hat and ‘h’ is a yellow sound. The bear went in the red tray because ‘b’ for bear and ‘b’ is a red sound.

We played this game too to help us read 3 letter words:


Here are the songs we have listening to:




In number talks we used:

Olivier: bunny ears

Scott: 2 and 2 make 4.

Lucas: 4 and 1 make 5.

Shea: 5 and 1 make 6.

We were playing lots of games this week to help develop our addition skills.

Roma: in jenga you needed to grab one bit out and you needed to read the sum.

Mara: count the ladybirds to make 5 spots. 1 bit of the ladybird at 3 and the other had 2. That makes 5.

Freya: you needed to roll 2 dice and add the spots. It made the number bigger.

Paul: on snakes and ladders you started at 1 and if ou get to 100 you won. You go up the ladders and down the snakes.

Jane: I liked the game on the smartboard.

Here is a link to play this game at home too:


We have been listening to the big numbers song too to count past 20!


Our nativity is called ‘Stargazers’.

Rojin: we started to practise our nativity.

Carter: I am King Herod.

Celine: I’m going to the party.

Shea: I’m going to tell the party what to do.

Roma: I’m a star.

Freya: I’m Mary.

Jane: I’m Herod’s girlfriend.

Carter: She’s my wife.



We have been writing about fireworks in our writing lesson.

Anna: my story said “the fireworks are pink and red. They go bang.”

Roma: “the fireworks were gold. They go boom.”

Lucas: we were drawing pictures of the fireworks in the tuff tray.

Mara: paint was in the bag and we made fireworks pictures. Fireworks are loud.


Outdoor Learning Walk

We created a bar graph to show what transport we saw whilst on our walk. We also spoke about transport that wasn’t on our graph. We saw a mobility scotter, prams, bicycles, cars and taxis.

Michelle: we needed to find aeroplanes and buses. When we found them we drew a tick.

Luke: I saw an aeroplane.

Shea: I saw vans.

Carter: I saw 8 buses. I filled the whole column up.

Roma: I saw 1 aeroplane. Just 1 and that’s it.

Pati: we went to the park too.

Michelle: I liked going on the big silde.

Rojin: I liked sliding down the slide with Roma.

Paul: I liked swinging on the wheel.


Our highlights of the week

Igor: I liked number work. I can make 3 bunny ears.

Luke: I liked bunny ears. I can make 5. 3 and 2 is 5.

Layla: I liked bunny ears too. 6 is with 5 and 1 it makes 6.

Logan: I liked number work. I made 6 with 5 on one side and 1 on the other.

P1B weekly news

This week we learned the f and b sound.

Connor- “I know how to form this sound because you draw around the flamingos neck then draw a line down to the flamingos feet and lastly a line across his body.”


Emilie- “F is pink because it is a quiet lip sound.”

Adam- “The b sound is a lip sound but it is not pick it is red.”

Lucy- “It is red because it is a loud sound.”

Liam- “The p hangs under the line and the b sound sits on the line.”

Khlya- “f is curved at the top but t has a curve at the bottom.”

We have been learning how to write words with our sounds and have been identifying the which sound is at the beginning, middle and end.

Here are the songs which we have been listening to this week to help us learn our sounds.





We were excited to start word boost this week. We were introduced to 4 new boost words and their meaning. We have been completing activities which help us remember the meaning of the words. Can you listen for the words in the story?

We enjoyed learning our words at home too with our parent postcards.

We have been learning how to count on when adding. During number talks we have been sharing strategies for adding numbers together and have been finding out the quickest and easiest ways to add. We are trying to hold the  number in our heads and count on.


We have enjoyed playing different types of games in our plenaries to show what we know.

Try this game at home.


In Art this week we learned about different types of lines- long, thick, thin, wavy and broken.

We used lines to draw pictures of the train station near our school. We wanted to include other features of our local environment so we decided to draw the river Almond and hills.

Isla- “You pass some hills when on the train.”

Miss Boyes was impressed by how good our drawings were and all of the different types of lines which we used.

We have used google maps this week to show Trex different places he could visit in Livingston. We said that he could visit the train station to see what the train looks like, this discussion led us to the idea of  Trex  getting the train to Edinburgh. We used google maps to show Trex Edinburgh Castle, The Zoo and The Royal Botanic garden. We think Trex would learn lots if he visited these places and we thought about what he would learn when there.

We ended this lesson by asking Miss Boyes how Trex would find out the price of the train so we visited the Scotrail website.

Have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P1B

P1D Weekly News

Word Boost

We started word boost this week. Most weeks we will be learning 4 new boost words. Some weeks we will have revision weeks where we don’t learn new boost words. On a Tuesday, children will bring a ‘parent postcard’ home with details of the words we are learning that week in class.

Scott: we read a book.

Jane: it was called ‘the lamb who came to dinner’.

Lucas: the wolf wanted to eat the lamb.

We learned 4 boost words. Here are our boost words:

Scott: gobble is one of our boost words it means you eat quickly.

Anna: trudge means that you walk all sad.

Rojin: delicious means something that is tasty.

Luke: howl is a noise that would be sad.

Here is our word boost story. Can you listen carefully for the boost words:


Roma: we learned the ‘b’ sound. It is a red sound that comes from lips.

Amelia: ‘b’ is a loud sound.

Shea: we learned the ‘f’ sound. It is a pink sound that means it is a quiet sound.

Here are the videos for you to use at home too:



We also played this game in class this week:



We are continuing to learn about addition and numbers within 10. All of our numeracy activities this week were Halloween based activities.

Olivier: I played bowling on the ipads and had to count the skittles.

Carter: we played a game with a partner and we had to count spiders.

Carter: we made potions at the tuff table.

Roma: we had to tick how many colours we used but you couldn’t have the same twice.

Paul: we had to roll a dice and if it was 6 then you had to put 6 arms on the legs. If you rolled again and got 5 you would have to put another 5 on. It looked funny.


Number Talks

Freya: we tried to copy Mrs Davenport’s rekenrek. For 5 you could do 2 at the bottom and 3 at the top.

Celine: for 6 you could make 3 and 3.

Amelia: for 4 you could make 3 and 1.

Rojin: you could also do 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom for 4.



We used a picture of a haunted house as our writing stimulus this week. We were thinking about who lives in the haunted house. We were learning that ‘imaginative’ means stories don’t need to be real. It can be pretend and silly!

Shea: I wrote about a zombie.

Roma: I wrote about a horrible witch.

Luke: I wrote about a vampire.

Paul: I wrote about a mummy.

We used story stones to develop our ability to tell stories orally. We also use apps on the ipads to help with this too. You could download some of these at home too to make stories. We really like the apps puppet pals, morfo and sock puppets.

Shea: Me and Lucas made a big story using the story stones. It was about a frog that turned into a wizard.

Roma: Me and Pati done a big story using the story stones too.



We are really enjoying learning about airports and we have turned parts of our classroom into an airport. We have a check-in desk, baggage weighing, first aid, café and even a runway and an aeroplane!

Carter: we could pack our suitcases and go on the aeroplane. I was going to legoland.

Luke: you needed a ticket and a passport to get on the aeroplane

Carter: we had a café in the airport.

Roma: we needed to measure our suitcases to check they were light enough to get on the aeroplane. It couldn’t be heavier than 10. I wonder what would happen if it was 10?

Layla: there are big suitcases and small suitcases.

Freya: at the airport we were pretending to be at doctors in case you hurt yourself.



Pati: we learned about flamenco dancing. I was twirling.

Shea: There was a boy dancing too.

Carter: escucha means to listen.

Anna: si means yes.

Mara: no means no, that is an easy one to remember!


Our Favourite Parts  of the Week

Igor: I was bowling on the ipads.

Michelle: I liked learning new sounds. I learned the ‘f’ sound. It is a pink sound.

Logan: I was playing Spanish games on the ipads.

Lucas: I liked PE, we were doing yoga.

Mara: I liked writing my ticket at the airport.

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