P1D Weekly News


Roma: we are still learning the oa sound and the ai sound.

Amelia: they are tricky sounds to learn.

Carter: I was spelling the word train, it has the ai sound.

Amelia: I was spelling boat, it has the oa sound.

Lucas: there were socks filled with different things and your partner had to listen to the sound that it made and they had to tell me what the sound was.

Freya: we were practising writing sounds on the teacher whiteboard and the chalkboard. I was practising the k and p because they are a bit tricky for me.

We played this game to help us with our reading skills:


Word Boost

Carter: Our word boost story was about a growing dinosaur.

Rojin: Glare means you look at someone with an angry face.

Michelle: scatter means if you drop something it would spread out

Roma: rip means you open something but not carefully.

Paul: gigantic means bigger than enormous.


Carter: There was a dentist in our classroom on Tuesday.

Lucas: we were writing about brushing our teeth.

Celine: we were writing instructions.

Shea: we used the words first, next and then.

Jane: you are not allowed to use the word I when you are writing instructions.


We have started learning about subtraction in our numeracy lesson. We loved the subtract with a pirate song to help us understand what subtraction is:

Shea: I liked doing the teddy bear game. You had to take away teddy bears. If there 5 teddy bears and you took away 2 you would have 3 left.

Anna: I liked the smashing the play-doh because I liked making 10. Then you had to roll the dice and whatever the dice landed on you had to smash that many. I had 10 and rolled a 5 and smashed 5 and I had 5 left.

Pati: I liked the tower game. You build a tower with 10 bricks and you had to roll a dice and if it was a 5 you would take away blocks. You would have 5 left.

Freya: I was playing subtraction games and adding games on the smartboards. There was a dragon adding game I liked.

Rojin: I liked bowling and you had to count how many you knocked over. You started with 10 skittles and I knocked over 6 and I had 4 left.

Michelle: On the computer there were balloons. One time there was 5 balloons and you had to pop 2 and there were 3 left.

Here is a link for the game:


Scott: I liked playing the bus. You had to roll the dice to see how many people you get. If you get an adding bit people get on your bus.

Igor: I liked playing the bus stop game with Shea.

Lucas: If you land on take away you have to take away people off the bus.


Lucas: we made a coat of arms.

Roma: it is a picture on a shield.

Shea: castles have different coat of arms.

Jane: I had a unicorn on my coat of arms.

Olivier: There was a heart on my one.

Anna: we are going to hang them up in our castle.

Check out next week’s homework menu for the link to make your own coat of arms. If you would like a head start on this activity. Here is the link to create your own:


Mara: I liked playing in the castle.


Freya: I was doing handstands a back handstand and a forward handstand.

Carter: I done a vault and jumped onto the springboard and jumped on the platform and done it with no hands.

Roma: we were making a sequence.

Amelia: A sequence is more than 1 thing.

Anna: In my sequence I did a forward roll, then a balance and then a jump.

P1B news update

SkaktiWe learned the ai sound this week.”

Connor- “ai is a long vowel sound and I stretch my lips to make this sound.”

Emilie- “ai is 2 letters but it makes 1 sound.”

Liam “I can blend this sound with other sounds. I know that ‘rain’ has the ai sound.”

Lucy- “When writing this sound we join the two letters together.”



Joanna- “This week we learned the oa sound, the boy in the vowel house says oa for “OH NO!” because the light will not turn on and it is dark.”

Lily “Our lips are round like a circle when we say the ‘oa’ sound.”

Adam –“boat has the oa sounds.”



Julian- “We went to the library this week. Miss Boyes read us a story.”

Miss Boyes read us ‘A library Book for Bear’.


Our Wordboost book this week was “The Train Who was frightened of the Dark.”

Joshua- “One of our boost words was passenger.”

A passenger is someone who goes places in a bus, boat, plane or train.

Khyla “Terrified was another boost word.”

If you are terrified you feel very, very frightened.


Emileigh-Rose “Entrance was a boost word.”
The entrance to a place is the way into it, for example a door or a gate.


Adam- “Cosy was the other boost word.”
If something or someone is cosy

they are warm and they feel nice.


Isla – “In writing this week we listened to the story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea”.


Ethan- “I wrote a story about a panda who came to tea.”


Sophie- “I wrote a story about a dolphin who came to tea.”


Emilie- “A unicorn cam to tea in my story and ate chocolate cake.”


We loved playing in our role play corner, where we acted out the story. We also enjoyed writing invitations at the writing table and drawing what we would give the animal to eat.


This week I enjoyed playing the money bingo game. The caller says an amount and you have to count the coin to see if you have it on your board.”


Liam- “I have enjoyed finding out different ways to make an amount this week and completing lots of fun challenges.”


Lewis- “I enjoyed counting the money to save  in the piggy bank.”


Wojciech- “I liked buying toys at the toy shop with the money.”


We started our topic about life in the past. Hamish Mc Haggis came to visit us and he has been sending us his books. Some of his books are visits to famous castles in Scotland so we have decided to learn about these castles.

We made a topic plan so that we can start our adventures with Hamish.

We have been making our own castle in the classroom and we decided to make it gold on the instead and painting bricks on the outside with a sponge.

We celebrated Burns day by learning about Robert Bunrs and having a Burns Supper.

Khyla- “He was a famous poet.”

Isla- “We ate Haggis, shortbread and oatcakes.”

Sophie- “I thought the highland dancing was really fun.”

Connor- “I liked listening to the bagpipes and listening to Auld Lang Syne.”


Check out our twitter page with photos from this week!

Have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P1B!


P1D Weekly News


We learned 2 new sounds this week.

Anna: the oa sound, you make it with a ‘o’ then a ‘a’.

Celine: goat had the oa sound in it.

Amelia: the ai sound, it is an ‘a’ then an ‘i’.

Shea: they are both black sounds because they are from the vowel house.

Logan: I was learning the ‘f’ sound this week.

Lucas: I was learning the ‘f’ sound too, the f is in the middle of the word elephant.

Carter: all the sounds in the vowel house are black.

Freya: we were trying to sort out the words in our jotters. We put the ai words on one page with the ai sound and the other page had oa sound words.

We used this game to work on spelling the ‘ai’ sound.


This are the songs we used to support our learning this week:




Jane: we were cleaning money because lots of people touch the money with their dirty hands. We used salt and vinegar to clean the coins and it went nice and shiny.

Scott: we put money into a boat and if you put lots of money on the boat it would sink.

Roma: we had to stick the coins in order. The order was 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p.

Anna: I liked colouring in the piggy bank for the credit union competition.

Shea: I liked in the tuff tray. You had to find money and put the coin into the right box.

Rojin: I liked making a money caterpillar.

We used this game on the netbooks this week:



Word Boost

Carter: The story was a train who was scared of the dark.

Pati: cosy is a boost word. This means you are warm not cold.

Freya: passenger is another boost word. Passenger is someone on a vehicle but the driver is not a passenger.

Anna: terrified is a boost scared. It means you a very, very, very scared.

Rojin: entrance is the last boost word.

Roma: it means like a door.

Here is the story here. Can you hear the boost words? What word did you hear lots of times?


Lucas: the elf left a letter. He said that he had never been to the shop. We had to write instructions for him so he could go to the shops.

Scott: He told us he had lots of 50p’s.

Mara: He gave us 50p for everyone for hard work and we could buy a treat.

Amelia: we used words like first, next and then when we were writing our instructions. We weren’t allowed to use the word I.

Carter: I wrote “first go and buy a toy. Next pay. Then go home.”



Rojin: we started painting for our castle.

Scott: we are building a castle.

Shea: we used a sponge to paint the bricks for the castle.



We were learning about Jesus healing others. We listened to this story about the Ten Lepers:

Lucas: we were learning to take care of the bible.

Roma: the people in the story were sick and Jesus said to go to the priest and they went and felt better.

Shea: only 1 person said thank you to Jesus.

Pati: Jesus felt good.


Outdoor Learning

Roma: we went to the shop because the elf gave us 50p.

Scott: we picked a sweetie.

Mara: I picked a spray.

Amelia: I picked a sweetie.

Michelle: we paid in the shop.

Carter: we went onto a hill at school to slide. I went really fast.

Roma: me and Freya were sliding and Freya get falling and she was rolling and rolling and then I was sliding and rolling and rolling too.

Mara: I was sliding on the ice. It was fun.

Jane: we went to the park and I played.

Roma: We were playing and I was sliding down the slide. It was really slippery because it was all icy.

Logan: We were wearing welly boots because we were walking in the water.

Olivier: I liked playing in the football pitch.

Paul: I like playing outside with my friends.



Amelia: we are doing gymnastics.

Scott: we have been rolling in PE.

Shea: we have been balancing.

Rojin: I was doing a handstand.

Carter: I went on the rings and Mr McCurdy helped me do a handstand.

Igor: I done bunny hops.

P1B news update


Liam- We learned the r sound this week.

Emilie- r is dark blue because it is a loud sound.

Szymon- r is a long sound.

Joshua- I know that ‘run’ starts with r.

We consolidated the l sound and did activities for l and r.

Lucy- I liked the l and r bingo game because it helped me learn lots of words that start with l or r.

Lewis- I made the word rat at the blending line using the sound cards.

We were sorting sentences that were jumbled up. The sentences included words with l and r.

Here is the r song to listen to at home.



In writing this week we listened to the story “My Granny is a Pirate”.

Here is the story to listen at home.


After listening to the story we used our imagination to write about one of our family members and what they could become.

Shakti- “One day my mum was a queen and she wore a crown.”

Connor- “One day my Dad was a footballer and scored lots of goals.”
Shay- “One day my dad was a superhero.”

Emileigh-Rose-“My Mum is a mermaid.”




In Maths this week we have continued to learn about money.

Joshua- We have been colouring coins to show an amount.

Isla- We have also been thinking about different ways to make an amount.

Liam- We have been matching coins to the correct value.

Lucy- We have been adding different amounts of money together and finding the total.


This week we spoke about the different types of weather. We recorded the weather on Tuesday and were discussing different words which can be used to describe the weather. We watched clips of different types of weather and we know that we can find out what the weather might be from the weather forecast online or on tv.


Lewis- I liked learning Spanish outside at my committee.

Sophie- I was singing loudly at my committee.

Joshua-I liked designing a game in my committee.

Adam- I liked painting in my arts and crafts committee.

Have a lovely weekend!

Happy New Year from P1B!

Happy New Year everyone, we hope you all had a lovely festive break!

We have been busy learning lots on our return to school!

This week in phonics we have been learning to blend the ee and oo sounds with the set 2 sounds that we learned last term.

We have also been learning to blend the l sound with ee and oo this week.

Here is the song for the l sound.


Emilie- We practised our formation in the glitter trays this week.

Lily- We have been making words on the magnetic boards. I made the word peel.

Also this week we have been sorting sentences that were all jumbled up. We had to put the words into the correct order so that the sentence made sense. This motivated some children in our class to try to write their own sentences on whiteboards.

Connor- Miss Boyes was very impressed with the sentences we wrote.

There are clues to look out for when we sort the words for the sentences.

Adam- “Look for the word with the capital letter because it will go at the beginning.”

Joshua-“Look for the full stop because this will go at the end of the sentence.”


Khyla- On Thursday morning there were slimy, green, glittery alien footprints on the floor In our toy shop in front of the till.

Emilie We thought it was  alien footprints because Miss Boyes got sent a picture of a dancing alien and a moving spaceship.

Lucy- So for writing this week we decided it was a good idea to write instructions for the Alien to tell it how to buy a toy at our toy shop.

Liam- The instructions need to be in the correct order.

The mighty writer board helped us with the order of our instructions and we even learned how to use super openers.


Liam- Next

Lucy- First

Our instructions were great and we are hoping the Alien will be able to buy the toy he wants.

Khyla- We were learning about money this week.

Julian- We were learning to save money.

At the tuff tray our partner had to show us a picture of a pig with an amount on it. We had to then choose the correct coins to make that amount and put them in the piggy bank.

Sophie- We were counting the money.

We were using our toy shop role play area to count coins to buy toys. We also made and attached prices labels and made a sign for the shop.

Emileigh-Rose- We sorted money.

All of Miss Boyes coins were mixed up, so we have been sorting them.

Courtney- I liked playing at the shop and using money to buy toys.

Here are some games which can be played at home if we wish. Follow the links below.





We discussed our school values and vision. We reflected on what we could do to be like Christ.

We also thought of values that we think reflect our class.

We chose to draw the values on jigsaw pieces. We drew pictures to represent happiness, fun, respect, kindness, pupil voice and love.


We completed an emotion works activity this week. We spoke about the feeling of being scared because we had listened to the story “The Rabbit Who was Afraid of the Dark.”

We decided that the trigger for the rabbits emotion was the dark.

The body sensation was shaking.

The emotion words we thought of were-scared, frightened, and terrified and we also thought about relief and happiness when the Rabbit saw Percy.

The emotion behaviours were running, hiding and  jumping.

We drew pictures and even tried to write the words under each cog. We were very good at reflecting on the characters feelings and we thought about what might make it feel better too.


We have started our gymnastics block in PE and everyone has been raving about us!

Mr McCurdy and Mrs Purdie couldn’t wait to share with Miss Boyes how amazing they thought we were at our rolls this week. We have been doing a pencil roll, egg roll and forward rolls.


Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B!

P1D News


The sounds we have been learning this week are…

Anna: the ee sound and the oo sound.

Carter: both the sounds are black.

Shea: that means they come from the vowel house.

Layla: you need two ‘e’ for the ee sound.

Luke: you need two ‘o’ for the oo sound.

Lucas: the ee sound in the vowel house has a donkey.

Celine: the donkey makes the ee sound.

Rojin: the oo sound in the vowel house has a ghost.

Amelia: joining the sounds on paper – ee and oo.

Freya: we were writing names too.

Here are the ee and oo songs to help us with our learning:



Search for ‘Geraldine the Giraffe’ on you tube to find different videos of sounds to support understanding of sounds in words.



Roma: 1p is a wee circle and has a number 1 on it and 2p is a bigger circle and has a 2 on it. They are brown.

Michelle: 5p is small and is silver. 10p is big and is silver.

Freya: I liked writing how much money there was in the piggy bank.

Olivier: I liked playing in the shop.

Jane: There is a till in the shop and money.

Igor: I was buying a pen in the shop.

Carter: I liked playing with the magnet and catch the money with the magnet because it is metal and then you say what money you catch.

Scott: I liked finding the money in the tuff tray.

Luke: On the smart board you had to put the money in the right box.

Here is the game we have been using to enhance our learning this week:



Individual Talks

All individual talks have been completed now. Over the next week, your child’s talk and feedback will be uploaded to their online journal.

Carter: I liked telling everyone about my trumpet.

Shea: I liked telling everyone about my robot.

Freya: I liked Carter’s trumpet.

Luke: I liked Carter’s trumpet.

Rojin: I liked telling people about my toy – kitten surprise.



Roma: We went to the nursery to play with toys. We were looking for things that could push or pull.

Pati: In the see-saw you had to push your legs.

Anna: On a scooter you had to push.

Luke: The wheel swing – you can push and pull.

Freya: In the garden I found ice and we brought it back to the classroom. We watched the ice melt in a tub. We put the tubs back outside to see if the water would turn into ice overnight. When we checked in the morning it was still water because it wasn’t cold enough at night time.

P1B Making Shapes

In class we have been learning about 2D and this week we will be learning about 3D shapes and how to complete patterns.

We have been learning to recognise the shapes and their names.

Can you find these shapes in your home environment with an adult?









We have been listening to lots of shape songs.



We enjoy singing about the properties of the shapes.

How many sides does it have?

How many corners?


We have also been learning how to complete a pattern.

Here is a game that you could play at home.



Choose level 1


Enjoy exploring shapes at home with your children.

Miss Boyes and P1B

P1D Highlights of the Week

We have learned the ‘ee’ and ‘oo’ sound this week. When we have been writing these sounds we have trying joined up writing to join these sounds together. This was quite tricky for the ‘ee’ sound but a bit easier for the ‘oo’ sound. Here are the songs we have used this week:




Here is a link for a game we have been playing to help us develop our spelling skills:


In maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes as well as patterns. We played this game to develop our learning this week. We have been using level 2.


In Spanish we were learning about Spanish Christmas traditions and we have been learning to say Merry Christmas – Feliz Navidad. We enjoyed playing a game whilst listening to this song:

Next week, at the Christmas sing-a-long, we are going to be singing the ‘Little Snowflake’ song. It would be great if you could practise singing at home too. Here is the song:

Here are our highlights of the week:

Luke: I liked playing in the football pitch at lunch time and playing tig and hide and seek.

Lucas: I liked dancing for PE this week and we did Scotland dancing.

Igor: I liked playing with the dressing up. I dressed up as a police car.

Mara: I like counting numbers. I can count to 100.

Roma: I liked playing with my friends outside. We were playing reindeers.

Pati: I liked learning about shapes. I built an elf with shapes.

Paul: I liked playing with the costumes.

Shea: I liked doing play time because I like playing outside.

Olivier: I liked playing football on the football pitch.

Scott: I liked learning about shapes. I liked building things with 3D shapes.

Celine: I liked playing in the office. I was writing.

Jane: I liked making an elf with the shapes.

Michelle: I liked learning about joining the sounds ee and oo together.

Logan: I liked the nativity and being the donkey.

Layla: I liked going to cake and carols.

Carter: I liked the nativity and I liked my lines being King Herod.

Rojin: I liked learning new sounds.

Amelia: I liked the nativity and I like singing.

Freya: I loved nativity because I liked being Mary.

Anna: I liked learning about shapes and I liked picking the shapes out the bag.

Mrs Davenport: My highlight of the week has to be the Nativity. The children performed 3 wonderful Nativity plays and I am so proud of them all. Well done! I would love to go to King Herod’s party!

P1B news

Joanna- This week in phonics we have been learning about the long ee sound.

Emilie- We now know that two letters can make one sound and for the ee sound two e sounds are together.

We have been working on our letter formation skills and showing our understanding of how to join the two letters.

Lucy- The two e sounds join when we write the ee sound.

Joshua- ee is is a stretchy vowel and our lips ‘smile’ when we say this sound.

Lucy- ee + e make different sounds

When we sing the ee song we do not sing ‘or’ as the donkey in the vowel house has a sore throat so can only say ee.


Adam- We have also been learning the oo sound.

Shakti- Two o sounds make the oo sound.

Shay- The o sound and oo sound are different.

Lewis- oo is a long stretchy sound.

Lily- The ghost says the oo sound in the vowel house.

When we write oo we join the 2 o sounds together.


We will continue to practise blending these sounds with other sounds.

This week we had our nativity performance. Miss Boyes thought that we were amazing!

Joshua- I liked being Joseph and saying my lines .My favourite song was The King of All Kings

Adam- My favourite song was Don’t tell Herod.

Shakti- My favourite song was Stargazing.

Khyla- I liked dressing up as an angel.

Shay- Stargazing was my favourite because I liked the actions.

Liam- My favourite song was Heaven on Earth.

Connor- I loved being the first person to speak and introducing the whole show.

Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 1B!

P1D Weekly News

Word Boost

Carter: the story was called I don’t want to go to bed.

Shea: in the story the tiger wanted to go to bed and he stayed up all night.

Mara: the tiger doesn’t like to sleep.

Jane: instead of staying up he went to play during the night and he saw his friends.

Lucas: scurry was one of the boost words. It means you run away if you’re scared.

Amelia: belong is a boost word. My eyes belong to me.

Roma: disappear is a boost word. It means you can’t see something.

Luke: staring is a boost word.

Rojin: stare means you look at something a long time.



Anna: we learned the ‘x’ sound. It is a yellow and a blue sound.

Lucas: it sounds like the c and s sound like ‘cs’.

Roma: six has the ‘x’ sound.

Luke: box has the ‘x’ sound.

Pati: ‘x’ is a quiet sound.

Mara: fox has the ‘x’ sound.

We have been playing this game this week to help develop our reading skills.


This is the song for the ‘x’ sound:



Shea: in the tuff tray you had to make numbers using the numicon and that made the numicon messy.

Luke: on the bus game, you roll the dice and see what number you get. If you get 6 you move 6 and there was a sum on the square and you need to do the sum. If the sum was 2+1 it would be 3.

Roma: with the cups game, you needed to throw a ball in the cup. Me and Freya played it. We got 1+0, that made 1.

Amelia: I made my own ten frame. I made 4 + 4 for 8.

We have been playing this game this week to help develop our addition skills:




Mara: It is called ‘Stargazers’.

Luke: I like singing the songs especially ‘Don’t tell Herod.’

Carter: I like singing about Herod having a party.

Layla: I like doing the actions.

Roma: I like speaking on stage.

Shea: I like singing ‘Don’t tell Herod.’



We were inspired after watching a clip of the movie Wall-E to design our own robots. We then wrote about what our robots would do. Here is the clip we watched:

Jane: My robot made butterflies.

Shea: My robot would do my homework.

Luke: My robot would do my homework.

Carter: My robot would make my dinner.

Logan: My robot would drive me to school.

Michelle: My robot would fix my bike.


Christmas Fair

Shea: We made reindeer food.

Carter: we had to scoop the food into bags, tie it and put labels on it.

Roma: We made a big poster. It said ‘Reindeer Food £1’.

Rojin: we made stockings to decorate the hall.

Carter: we had to set up the stall. We put the reindeer food on the tree and we had to put more on it when it was selling out.

Lucas: we had to sell the reindeer food.

Roma: I liked helping and collecting the money.

Lucas: I liked all the money as well.

Shea: I was shouting ‘who wants some reindeer food’.

We will be selling reindeer food next week if you didn’t get the chance to buy some at the Christmas fair. Please bring £1 to school next week if you wish to buy some reindeer food.


Our Highlights of the Week

Scott: I liked singing the Herod song.

Celine: I liked hanging reindeer food on the Christmas tree.

Olivier: I liked writing about the robot that would make my dinner.

Igor: I liked decorating the Christmas tree.

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