P1B news update


Lily- We learned the y sound this week. The y sound is a green sound.

Szymon- Y for yoyo.

Adam- We sorted the pictures beginning with y. The y sound is at the start of yoga.


Emilie- On the netbooks we played the buried treasure game. Some of the coins were nonsense words and some were real words. If it was a real word you put it in the treasure chest and if it was a nonsense word you put it in the bin.

Here is a link to the game- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/BuriedTreasure2.html

Emiliegh- Rose- We learned about the qu sound this week.

Julian- The qu sound is red and yellow because it is 2 letters joined together to make one sound.

Joshua- quick begins with qu.

Joanna- quack begins with qu.

Lucy- queen begins with qu.


We enjoyed singing along to the songs.




In writing this week we learned how to write a recount. We wrote a recount on 2 highlights of the week.


Lewis- We had to write where it happened.

Emilie- We had to write when it happened.

Liam- We had to write why it was a highlight.

Joshua- We had to include who was there.


Wojciech- This week my favourite was playing tennis with the balloons in PE.

Khyla- This week my favourite was learning about shadows.

Emilie- This week my favourite was learning about Spring in RE. I liked it because Miss Boyes took us into the Garden. We used the iPads to take photos.


In numeracy we have been practising our instant recall of our addition and subtraction calculations for number bonds to 10 or 20.

The flashcards in our home learning folders can be used to practise this at home.


Lucy- This week we have been learning about tally marks. We have been learning to subitize using the tally mark cards. I showed Emilie the cards and she had to tell me the amount.

We really like the subitize song.

Liam- When we draw the tally marks we draw 4 down the way and when we get to 5 we draw a line across those 4 to make a gate.

Joshua- We had to count how many penguins there were and write the tally marks to show the amount.

For free writing Friday we had the opportunity to write our own stories. It is important that when we are writing we remember our core writing skills (capital letters, full stops, finger spaces).

Sometimes if you rush you can forget these core skills. We will continue to practise writing independently during free writing Friday.

This week in Science we have been learning about shadows.

We know that shadows are created when a source of light shines on an object but the light is blocked and does not pass through it.


We used the animal shadow puppets and the torches to make shadows against the wall.

At home we could look at shadows in our garden.

We also completed an experiment using glow sticks, hot and cold water.

We wrote down our predictions in our talking book, completed the experiment and then recorded the results.


Shay- I think the glow sticks in the hot water will turn red and the glow sticks in the cold water will turn blue.


Liam- The glow sticks in the hot water are brighter than the glow sticks in the cold water.


Lucy- The glow sticks in the cold water are dim.


We have learned that the warmth from the hot water sped up the chemical reaction of the glow stick. We saw that the glow stick in the hot water glows more brightly.  We were amazed by how bright it was. The reaction was completed more quickly than the glow stick in the cold water. The glow stick in the cold water glowed dimmer but for a longer time.

We decided to add the glow sticks to our space station and to the control panel in the space station. It looks great!


For RE this week we went out to the garden to look for signs of Spring. We met Mrs Simpson in the garden and she spoke to us about the plants and the flowers.




Have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P1B

P1D News

Our Classroom

Roma: there is a space station. You need to put on a job card and if you have got the manager card you need to tell all the other people what to do.

Pati: the house corner is different, we don’t have bits of food in it now.

Scott: there is a building site, you can build the houses.

Freya: We don’t have an office anymore but we have a writing area. I took some paper and pens and I draw pictures.

Anna: There is an arts and crafts table to make stuff. You have to get the paints and things yourself.

Jane: There is an investigation station too.

Carter: You can mix flour, sugar with glitter and sand and water. You have to write what is in it and see what happens when you mix it and then pour it away and tidy up.

Lucas: All the tables have come apart and we don’t have a seat. We have to put our shoes in the same place as outdoor shoes. There is still a special teaching table for doing work.


Amelia: we learned the qu sound.

Roma: it comes from 2 parts of your mouth – our lips and the back of our mouth.

Anna: queen has the qu sound.

Jane: quick has the qu sound.

Lucas: it sounds like it should be a cw to make the qu sound.

Roma: we learned the y sound.

Rojin: it is a green sound.

Anna: that means it comes from all of your mouth.

Carter: for writing the y sound is goes like a u but with a tail.

Amelia: yet has the y sound.

Anna: yes has the y sound.


Carter: in our reading book big boys run up to a little boy and push him and his toboggan over. It is called Village in the Snow.

Rojin: In pirate adventure the pirates go and get the children and they put them in a boat and sail to the pirate ship and they have a party. They were nice pirates.

Jane: In house for sale, Dad looked at a house and wanted to buy because he liked.

Mara: They bought the house and they look at the house and in the bedrooms.

Lucas: In our book called Bob, the cat tries to get the meat and he got it and he climbed up on a chair and pulled down the meat and he bit up.

Pati: In Pam and the Cat, Pip gets a cat and the cat sleeps in a cot.


Carter: I wrote about seeing Mars and that it was red. And I jumped out the rocket.

Logan: I was driving the rocket.

Luke: I was driving the rocket.

Rojin: I walked on the moon.

Roma: I saw sparkly star dust.


Amelia: the sun is not a sun, it is a star.

Anna: the stars make shapes called constellations.

Freya: One of the planets is called Earth and that’s where we live.

Michelle: Earth is the third planet away from the Sun.

Carter: I know Mars, Jupiter, the Earth.

Roma: Mars is red, the mud makes it red.

Luke: the biggest planet is called Jupiter.

Michelle: Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

Carter: Neptune is the planet furthest away from the sun.

Anna: Saturn has a ring around it.

Our Highlights this Week

Olivier: I liked building the home. I used tools and screwdrivers.

Layla: I liked building a castle. I used the bricks.

Cordelle: I liked playing in the house corner. I was cooking macaroni.

Igor: I liked PE and playing basketball.

P1D News


In phonics we have been learning the ‘wh’ sound and the ‘j’ sound. We have been listening really carefully to the difference between the wh and w sounds in words. The wh sound is a digraph. That means it is 2 letters which make 1 sound. We have been working on some activities this week to help us differentiate between the j and i sounds when we write them as this can be a bit tricky. The j sound is a green sound. This means that it comes from more than 1 part of our mouth.


We have been continuing to learn about subtraction. We are also beginning to look at the differences between addition and subtraction and how we can use our knowledge of addition to help us with subtraction and vice versa. We know how important it is to look for the plus or minus symbols in a number story sentence.


We have been continuing to look at symmetry in our environment and make symmetrical pictures. Look for some symmetry homework next week so we can show you how much we have learned with this topic.


We are loving our new topic of space so far. We helped Miss Lydon to create a topic plan where we shared our ideas of what we want to learn during this topic. We have already helped to build a space station in our classroom and we have been having lots of fun playing in it already!

Our Classroom

Today in class, Mrs Davenport told us about the exciting plans to change our classroom a bit. On Monday, we won’t have our own chair anymore! There will only be 1 teaching table and lots of areas in the classroom for us to explore and extend our learning  and imaginations further through play. We are very excited for this change. On Monday, we also welcome a new classmate into our class. Her name is Cordelle and we got to meet her on Thursday. We look forward to seeing Cordelle again on Monday.

Miss Lydon

Today was Miss Lydon’s last day in our class. We have loved having Miss Lydon in our class and we all think she will be a fantastic teacher! We are going to miss having her in our room but we are very pleased we will still see her when she is working with P6/7 and Mrs Roy after the holidays. P6/7 are very lucky.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Davenport and P1D

P1B news update!



This week we were revising some of our sounds.

Emilie- We have been checking our learning of wh and ng.

“I know that ‘whiskers’ has the wh sound.”


Lily- We have been checking our learning of the j sound.

“I know that ‘Jam’ started with j.”


Liam- “I noticed that the ng sound is normally at the end of the word. It is at the end of the word  swing.”



Adam – “We were writing a recipe for How to Make Rice Crispy Cakes.”

Julian- “I tried to sound out the word chocolate.”

Joshua- “We had to include the openers from the mighty writer board.”

Emilie- “Our recipe had to be in order so that people knew when to do each part.”

Lucy- “We drew a picture of the ingredients.”


In numeracy this week we have been using our addition and subtraction skills to complete fact families.

Isla- We use 3 numbers to make 2 adding sums and 2 take away sums.


If we had the numbers 5, 2 and 7

Liam- We could do 5 + 2 = 7

Syzmon- We could do 2 + 5 = 7

Joanna- 7 – 2 = 5

Joshua- 7 – 5 = 2


We enjoyed playing the fact families game on the smartboard.


Choose option up to 10 or if you find this easy choose option up to 20 for a challenge!

We also extended our knowledge of subtraction by using it to complete missing number calculations.


If it said       – 2 = 8

We can play this game at home to work out missing number calculations.


Lily- You start at the 8 and work back the way to add the 2. This will help you find the answer which is 10.

In Science this week we have been learning we have enjoyed making moon sand, we used our problem solving skills to figure out how to measure and mix the ingredients.

We have been learning about the rotation of the Earth in relation to the sun. We used a torch to face the globe. We rotated the globe and pointed out that when 1 half of Earth is illuminated the other is in darkness.

We have been making pictures to represent the sun shining onto the earth to make it daytime.

Our learning in science led us to ask how close Earth and other planets are to the sun. So we decided to make our own solar system using the play dough.


Head over to our twitter page to see the photos.

P1D News Update

We have had a wonderful end to a busy week in P1D. Thank you to everyone who came along to our castle banquet today. Have a look on our class twitter page for lots of pictures of the event @mrsd_stnps


We have had a revision week of the sounds we have been learning this week in phonics. We have focusing on the digraph sounds we have learned. We know that a digraph is 2 letters which go together to make 1 sound. Here are the songs for these sounds we have been learning:




Next week, we are going to be learning another digraph the ‘wh’ sound as well as the ‘j’ sound. We will be doing a lots of work on the difference between ‘w’ and ‘wh’ and ‘j’ and ‘i’. Please talk to us about this at home.


We have been continuing to learn about subtraction in our numeracy lessons. We have been working hard using the vocabulary of before, after, more and less to help with our mental subtraction skills. We have been completing written subtraction number stories to put our use of these skills into practise. Here are some games to play at home to help you use these skills further:




Our castle topic has came to an end now and Mrs Davenport is so impressed with how much we have learned during this topic. Next week is British Science Week and we will be beginning a science topic which will take us up to the Easter holidays. Our new topic is all about Space.

There is no pupil voice this week as today we were too busy preparing for our banquet! Don’t forget to look on twitter for lots of photos and thanks again for coming along this morning.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Davenport and P1D.

P1B news update!

This week we have been learning lots of new sounds.

We have learned the sh sound.

Julian- The  sh sound is green.

Lily- It is green because we don’t use the tip of our, or the back of our mouth.


We use the flat centre of the tongue to make this sound.

We have been learning to blend the sh sound in words with other familiar sounds.

Lucy- Ship has the ‘sh’ sound at the start.

Shakti- Shark has the ‘sh’ sound at the start.

Joshua- Push has the ‘sh’ sound at the end of the word.

We were singing the sh song to practise.


Wojciech- We learned the ch sound this week.

Szymon- The ch sound is green.

Liam- It is green because we use the flat centre our of tongue to make this sound.

We have been learning to blend the ch sound in words with other familiar sounds.

Emilie- The word chip has the ‘ch’ sound at the start.


Adam- The word chug has the ‘ch’ sound at the start.

Shay- Catch has the ‘ch’ sound at the end of the word.


Connor- We had to sort the picture into the ship with the right sound printed on it’s sail.

We sorted sh and ch pictures.

Joanna- We learned also about the soft th sound this week.

Isla- This sound is light blue, it is a quiet sound.


This sound is in words like:

Lucy- teeth

Emilie- thin

Joshua- thick

Liam- Thumb


Khyla- Our thin pens wrote us a letter to say that they had quit!”

Szymon- They quit because they were sad that their friends had dried up. This happens when we do not put lids on the pens.


Adam—They also do not like it when we make them work so hard that they put a hole in the paper.


Sophie- We wrote the pens a letter to come back to us.


Courtney- I wanted the purple pen to come back because it is my favourite.


Lucy- I wanted the pink pen to come back so that I could draw pink love hearts.

Lily- I wanted the red pen to come back because I like colouring in red butterflies.

We really enjoyed our word boost story this week, The Smart Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.



We like the following subtraction games

http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/4728 Choose the subtraction option


Minus Misson game https://www.arcademics.com/games/mission


Subtraction Balloon Pop



Subtraction fruit splat


Our favourite subtraction activities are

Lucy- I enjoyed the subtraction colour by numbers, I had to answer the problems and colour in the flowers.


Adam- I liked the subtraction bingo game. I was the caller and called out a number up to 10 and my friends had to put a counter on the subtraction word problem.




I like the lego subtraction game. You start with 20 cubes and roll the dice, you move your counter and it lands on a space and tells you how many cubes to takes away.


Szymon- I liked the subtraction jigsaw. One side of the jigsaw had the subtraction sentence and the other side had the answer. We had to match all of them up.



We learned all about Fairtrade products this week and why they are important.


Liam- People who grow food in other countries do not always get paid enough.




Joshua- This means they do not have enough money for their own food and clothes.


Adam- The Fairtrade products make sure that people who grow the food and help make it get paid fairly and get paid enough for the work that they do.


Connor- We completed an activity where we had to sort the Fairtrade food and the non-Fairtrade food. We had to look for the Fairtrade logo.


Miss Boyes worked with us to make a bar graph of our favourite Fairtrade product. We had to choose from, chocolate buttons, orange juice, icecream and the bananas.

Khyla- The chocolate buttons were the most popular.

The Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream was the least popular but Miss Boyes favourite.


This week in topic we wrote our invitations for our Banquet which is on Friday the 8th Of March at 11am.

We look forward to seeing you!


Have a lovely weekend, Miss Boyes and P1B!

P1D Weekly News


Michelle: we have been learning more about the ‘ch’ sound.

Mara: we have been learning the ‘th’ sound.

Scott: it is a cheeky sound because you stick your tongue out.

Amelia: it is a light blue sound in any words.

Anna: it is dark blue too. You use the dark blue ‘th’ sound in a sight word.

Shea: they are different colours.

Carter: that sound is a ‘t’ and a ‘h’.

Freya: the ‘th’ sound and the ‘f’ sound the same. The ‘f’ sound is pink and the ‘th’ sound is blue.

Roma: bath has the ‘th’ sound at the end.

Rojin: path has the ‘th’ sound at the end.

Celine: think has the ‘th’ sound at the beginning.


Please note that next week is a revision week for phonics and word boost – no new sounds in sounds jotter and no parent postcards for word boost.

New sight words or sight words information will be sent home with homework on Monday.



Pati: we are having a party for the castle.

Anna: we are having a banquet and we had to write an invitation.

Luke: you had to write what people would need to know.

Shea: we had to write where it is.

Carter: they had to know when it is. The 8th of March.

Jane: It is at 11am.

Carter: people might not come if you don’t make it exciting.

Some of the exciting things  we included in our invitations:

Luke: There will cakes and castles.

Jane: I wrote that there are books because my mummy loves reading.

Mara: There will be a crown.

Paul: There is cake.


Word Boost

Roma: we were reading a book called ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’.

Carter: the giant gave his belt to the dog who was trying to cross the bog and his trousers fell down.

Anna: he gave his shoe to a mouse because they didn’t have a home.

Jane: in the story a goat needed a sail and the smartest giant gave his t-shirt away for the sail.

Shea: the giraffe’s neck was cold so he gave away his tie to the giraffe because it looked like a scarf.

Luke: a boost word is smart it means you look tidy.

Rojin: a boost word is perfect it means it can’t be any better.

Michelle: a boost word is comfortable it means you are very very warm

Jane: you would feel cosy too

Anna: a boost word is match it means that it is the same as something else.



Shea: you can use your fingers to subtract.

Roma: the rekenreks and the blocks help if there was a tricky sum. You could have 12 then you took 11 away the rekenreks and blocks would help you.

Carter: we have been doing take away and 12 take away 11 is 1, I just knew it because 11 is 1 less 12.

Amelia: you can use your head to do subtraction. You put a number in your head and use your fingers to count back.

Lucas: if you subtract the number gets smaller.



Anna: we were learning about Edinburgh castle.

Paul: there is a 1 o’clock gun it makes a bang noise at 1 o’clock.

Luke: there are stairs they aren’t straight they are a wee bit bendy.

Jane: there is a crown in the castle.

Shea: we made our canons with a balloon, tape and a toilet roll tube.

Luke: you have to pull the balloon and you let go and the ball comes out.


Our castle banquet is on Friday. Please arrive for 11am and make your way to the infant hall (lunch hall).

Thank you

P1B news update


Liam- This week we wrote leaflets.

We looked at the leaflets in our own Castle Visitor Centre (roleplay area). We have leaflets for Glamis Castle, which is one of the Castles Hamish visited.

Emilie- We wrote the leaflets to encourage people to visit Edinburgh Castle.

Connor- We were giving people with information.

Khyla- We wrote facts.


Lucy- The Castle has a Scottish Flag.

Lily- The Castle has a cannon.

Courtney- The Castle has a flag which is blue and white.

Szymon- We drew pictures of the Castle, the volcano, the flag and the Cannon.

Liam- The Cannon fires at 1 o’clock.


In numeracy this week we have continued to learn about subtraction.

Liam- I like playing the Mathopoly game because I can use my addition and subtraction skills.

Lily-I liked being the teacher by hiding ten counters and then taking some away.

Courtney- I liked playing with the skittles, you knock some over and then write down the subtraction sum.

Joanna- I liked using the ten frames to learn how to subtract.

We also were learning about subtraction word problems. We were learning to understand language and phrases…

Find the difference.

Subtract 5 from 10.

How many are left?

Take away 3 from 7.



In topic we were comparing life in the past to today.

Isla- My group had to sort pictures of food.

Lucy- In the past the royal Kings and Queens ate fruit and ham at banquets.

Khyla- We had to sort pictures of transport. The horses and carriages were used in the past.

Joshua- My group sorted pictures of clothing, in the past Knights wore armour.

Julian- They wore shields in the past.


We went to see the P3- P5 dress rehearsal for their show Blast from The Past.

Emileigh-Rose- I liked the singing.

Sophie- I liked the dancing

Joanna- I liked the signing.

Szymon- I liked the costumes.



Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 1B

P1D Update

We have had a busy week this week – a highlight has definitely been learning more about castles and adding more features to the castle in our classroom.


We are continuing to consolidate our knowledge of the ai and oa sounds. We will be learning more sounds next week. We have used this game in literacy this week to extend our learning:


We also visited the local library where we have started to explore non-fiction books and their features. We have been successfully using an index page to find out information about castles.


We are continuing to learn about numeracy. We enjoyed singing along to this song:

This helps us with our mental subtraction strategies of counting back. It would be great if you could practise counting back from 10 or 20 (as a challenge) at home.

We used this game to enhance our learning this week:


Weekly Highlights

Here are our highlights of the week

Lucas: I liked learning about jesters. They make people laugh.

Luke: I liked learning about knights. Knights fight other castles.

Paul: I liked learning about the jesters.

Roma: I liked the Elmer colouring in. You needed to do the subtraction sum and check the colour for the answer and then colour it in.

Freya: I liked the Elmer colouring in too.

Olivier: I liked learning about the jester. He lives in the castle.

Mara: I liked colouring in a castle. I had to make sure I had to stay in the lines.

Carter: I liked learning and knights. The knights would fight the baddies and try not let them in the castle as they might try to steal the castle.

Igor: I liked learning about Jesters. Jesters wear a hat with bells.

Celine: I liked learning more about the ‘ai’ and ‘oa’ sounds. They are black sounds.

Jane: I liked the show. My favourite was when the cat got kicked.

Pati: I liked the show and the dancing.

Amelia: I liked doing subtraction. 9-6=3.

Rojin: I liked playing at the tuff table and playing with the cars.

Shea: I liked watching the show and when the cat got kicked.

Anna: I liked the car game in the tuff tray for number work.

Scott: I liked playing in the tuff tray too.

P1B news update

We have continued to learn the oa and ai sound. We want to be able to read and with these long vowels confidently.

We have been sorting sentences that have words with the oa and ai sound.

We have still like playing the dinosaur egg game to practise listening for the ai, oa, ee and oo sounds.


It is really important that we only practise these sounds on the dinosaur egg game as we haven’t learned the others yet.


The cvc balloon pop game is also good practise too.





Lucy- In writing we wrote imaginative stories, we had to pretend that we woke up in a castle.

Connor- We could choose to be a King, Queen, Knight, Jester, Prince or Princess.

Emilie- We had to write about what the character wore, how they felt and what they ate.


Julian- I was a King in my story and I felt happy.

Shakti- I was a beautiful princess in my story.


Word Boost

The word Boost story this week was

How to Grow a Dinosaur

Emileigh-Rose- Rip was a boost word this week. If you rip something you tear it without being careful.



Lily- Scatter was a boost word this week. If you scatter things you throw them or drop them so that they spread out.



Adam- Gigantic was a boost word this week. If something is gigantic it is very very big.


Joshua- Glare was a boost word this week. If you glare at someone you look at them with an angry face.



Shay- We are now learning all about subtraction.

We really enjoyed singing the subtract with a pirate song.


It helped us understand what subtraction is and what happens when you subtract. We also learned language linked to subtraction- subtract, minus, takeaway, find the difference.

Szymon- We played different subtraction games.

Here are some of them so we can play at home.


https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=SpringNumber Choose Match addition and subtraction to the answer. Complete within 5 or within 10.

Within 20 is a big challenge!

Khyla- When we take numbers away they get smaller.


Sophie- We pretended we were the teacher; we hid 10 counters under the sheet and told our group how many we subtracted. Our group had to guess how many were left over?


Courtney- We played ten pin bowling, you had to knock some over the pins and then write the subtraction calculation on the whiteboard.”


Isla- We have started to learn about weather in Spanish this week. We learned new words for the different types of weather and sang some songs.



For topic we learned how to identify 2 different types of evidence which can tell us about the past.

We learned the historians, find evidence to learn about the past too.

Miss Boyes read us the story Hamish McHaggis and The Great Glasgow Adventure.


In this story Hamish and his friends, have to make up clues for a treasure hunt. To do this they visit different museums in Glasgow, we think museums would be a great place to find evidence about the past because they have artefacts.

We also think that you could learn about the past from…



“the internet”

“books at the library”

“visitor centres”

We looked in non-fiction books to learn about Castle life in the past.


Connor- Non-fiction books tell us real facts.

Miss Boyes challenged us to find different pictures in the books.

Emilie- They have a contents page and an index which tells you where to find specific information in the book.

We have decided to design a museum about ourselves, of all of our favourite things.


Also this week we were learning about symmetry through art. We looked at pieces of art, buildings and animals which were symmetrical and then we created symmetrical stain glass windows by using different coloured tissue paper. We will look at symmetry in more depth soon.

Look at our twitter page for photos. @_MissBoyes



Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B!

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