P1D Class News

Our Classroom Areas

Luke: there is a fire station at the investigation station.

Shea: you can drive the cars.

Logan: you put out the fire and you use the helicopter.

Pati: at the fiddly fingers you can make a picture. I made a symmetrical picture with flowers.

Carter: you can use all the loose parts.

Roma: I made a symmetrical picture by putting a line in the middle and a love heart at both sides.


Rainbow Learning

Scott: At the red rainbow learning you had to write your name 4 times. I wrote Scott Russell.

Shea: you had to make sure you had a capital letter at both of your names.

Jane: you don’t put capital letters in the middle of your name.

Practise writing your full name at home. Make sure you only use a capital letter for your first and surname. Not in the middle of your name!

Anna: the green rainbow learning was on the smart board and you had to beat Mrs Davenport’s score.

Roma: the smart board told you a word and you need to listen to the word and then you have to pick the first sound in the word. All the words started with 2 sounds.

Luke: I scored 70.

Carter: I scored 200. I beat Mrs Davenport.

Amelia: I scored 256.

Layla: I scored 20.

This game focuses on blends at the beginning of a word e.g sm at the beginning of smug. Have a go at home using the link below:


Pati: at the blue rainbow learning you have to count the picture and put a peg on the number.

Luke: I counted 6.

Carter: I counted 10.

Rojin: I counted 17.

Lucas: at the yellow rainbow learning I was counting the numicon. If there was a 10 numicon and a 5 numicon I knew it was 15.

Shea: If there was 10 and 8 it would be 18. I didn’t need to count that.

Mara: if there was a 10 and a 6 it would be 16. I didn’t need to count to it.


Amelia: at the pink rainbow learning you had to draw a picture of your back up team.

Luke: that means people that would help you.

Carter: it is people that you help you if you are sad and that make you happy.

Celine: my mum, dad and granny was in my picture.

Roma: my back up team is my mum, my dad and my friend.

Rojin: my mum, dad and little brother are in my back up team.

Why don’t you send in a photograph of your back-up team or draw a picture of them to give to Mrs Purdie who will put this on our display in the hall.

Cordelle: at the purple rainbow learning you had to make a picture of something that could help you, like a fire engine or a police car.

Michelle: you weren’t allowed to draw pictures but you had to count out different shapes.

Anna: I made a fire engine. I cut out circles and a rectangle.

Logan: I used a triangle and circles and squares for the windows of a fire engine.

Scott: I made a doctor helicopter. I made it with blue paper.

Luke: I used a square and a circle for the windows at the back of the fire engine.



Amelia: I learned the ‘ou’ sound. It is a black sound because it lives in the vowel house.

Carter: you use an ‘o’ then a ‘u’ to make the sound.

We were all learning about the ‘ou’ sound this whilst revising some other sounds which we have found tricky. Here is a link for the ‘ou’ song:


Shea: the ‘ch’ sound is green because it comes from every part of your mouth.

Celine: chomp has the ‘ch’ sound.

Rojin: chip has the ‘ch’ sound.

Pati: the ‘oa’ is an ‘o’ and ‘a’.

Luke: it is a black sound because it lives in the vowel house.

Layla: the ‘ee’ sound is like a donkey sound.

Logan: the ‘oo’ sound is like a ghost.


National Digital Learning Week

Jane: we made a film about people who help. I made a police video with Luke, Carter and Shea.

Roma: Luke was a robber and Carter was trying to get robber. Me and Rojin were doing the work on the computer.

Carter: Luke tried to escape but I closed him in the jail.

Shea: I made the video and I had to press the button to record.

Michelle: I made a video about the hospital.

Anna: Igor fell and me and Michelle picked him up and we bandaged him up. My job was a doctor. Freya was the film maker.

Cordelle: I made a video of the vets. Layla was a cow and she got hurt.

Layla: Cordelle helped me she gave me a jag.

Amelia: I made the video and I shouted ‘action’ and when it was the end I said ‘stop’.

Scott: my group was at the fire station. There was a fire in the shops and the fire engine came to put the fire out.

Logan: Lucas was making the film for my group.

Lucas: when I started it I had to say ‘action’ and press the red button.


Have a lovely long weekend, see you on Tuesday.

Mrs Davenport and P1D

P1B news update from our short week

On Wednesday morning we were…


Szymon- Making words with the igh, ou and oi sounds on the magnetic boards. The words had to match the pictures.

Emilie- We had to write the vowel house sounds in the right place without looking at the vowel house.

Liam- We completed a word spotter, we had to find the words on the picture with magnifying glass and write them on the whiteboards.

Numeracy focus this week…

Lewis- We had to work out numbers more or less to 20.

When you find 1 or 2 less the numbers get smaller.

Adam- 2 less than 17 is 15.

Connor- When you find more the numbers get larger.

Julian – 2 more than 12 is 14.

We also practised our doubles this week and we are trying to recall them in an instant.


We can practise the doubles song at home.

Once we know our numbers and can recall them quickly we will learn what half of each number is.

Double 1 is 2 half of 2 is 1.

We can practise the counting by 2’s song

Joanna-In writing we had to write a description of an animal or a pet.

Joshua- We had to include describing words.

Emilie- I wrote about my Gran’s dog Molly.

Adam- I wrote about having a pet cat. I pretended my cat was called Sam. Sam is white and brown.

Courtney- My fish has a rainbow tail.

Wojciech- My pet dog loves football and drinks water.



Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B!

P1D Weekly News

Roma: At the red rainbow learning you need to write the sounds and you had to trace the sound and the writing was joined up. I was practising the igh sound joined up.

Lucas: you had to join the letters up I was joining the ee sound and the ai sound.

Cordelle: I liked joining the letters together. It was tricky but when I practised I was able to do it. It made me happy.

Carter: On the green rainbow learning you had to make numbers with loose parts. One of my numbers was one thousand, you need 1 and then 3 zeros.

Logan: I made the number ten, you need a 1 and a zero.

Amelia: On the blue rainbow learning was a smart board game. You had to pick a level to play and then you had to listen for the smart board to say a number and we need to press it. I found the number 19.

Here is a link to the game


Mara: The yellow rainbow learning was the tuff tray you need to write 10 sounds in the sand on the tuff tray. I wrote m, ee and e.

Scott: I made some sounds at the tuff tray. I made i and a.

Igor: I liked writing sounds in the sand in the tuff tray. I wrote b, o, c and m.

Jane: For fiddly fingers you had to make puppets. I made a teacher puppet. You need to cut the person out and colour them in and then put pins in to stick the body together. There was also a vet and doctor.

Anna: All the puppets were all jobs. You could make a teacher and police.

Roma: There was a nurse too.


Michelle: we were learning the ‘oi’ sound.

Carter: The oi sound lives in the lift in the vowel house. ‘boy’ has the ‘oi’ sound.

Freya: the ‘oy’ go at the end of a word and the ‘oi’ goes in the middle of the word.

Michelle: if the ‘oi’ sound is at the beginning of a word you use ‘oi’ not ‘oy’.

Rojin: I was playing ‘sh’ bingo. A ‘sh’ word is shoe.

Shea: I was learning the ‘sh’ sound. I know that ‘sh’ is for shark.

Amelia: Me and Anna got the golden ticket because we can read all the sight words.

Anna: We showed them to Mrs Smith. She was happy.

Here is a link to the oi song we have been listening to in class:


We also watched this video to help us think about words with this sound in it:


Carter: we were learning about the word ‘larger’.

Pati: larger means bigger. 11 is larger than 10.

Roma: 19 is larger than 14.


Carter: We went for a little tour at the church, St Phillips.

Freya: Father Kenneth gave us the tour. The light was there and that meant the special things about Jesus were there.

Anna: I saw the clothes that the priest wears.

Lucas: The bowl is where you get baptised.

Rojin: I saw the cup where you put something in it to drink.


Lucas: we were learning about athletics.

Shea: we were jumping like kangaroos. You need to bounce.

Rojin: we were playing with the parachute.

Freya: we played the cat and the mouse game with the parachute. I was lying down under the parachute so no one could tig me but they did.

Paul: I liked playing with the parachute because we made it like a tent.

P1D Highlights

Here are our highlights this week:

Pati: I liked reading this week. My book was about Sam and Tam going to the mud.

Luke: I liked the red rainbow learning. You had to match the eggs with words that rhymed that means they sound the same. I matched wall and ball.

Can you think of any other words that rhyme?

What rhymes with man? Shop? Yellow?

Igor: I liked the blue rainbow learning. I had to count numbers with cereal. I counted 11.

Can you find something exciting to count with? How long would it take you to count all of your breakfast cereal?!

Layla: I liked PE, I was jumping. I jumped really high.

Anna: I liked doing our topic about jobs. I learned what peoples jobs help us with. A teacher helps boys and girls learn.

Who would help you if you found an injured animal?

Who would help you if you didn’t feel safe in the water at the swimming pool?

Roma: I liked the blue rainbow learning. You needed to get cheerios and glue them on to the 20 frame. A 20 frame is like 10 and 10, I made the number 19 so I had one empty bit on my 20 frame.

Michelle: I liked doing the high jump in PE. I jumped over the rope.

Mara: I liked the high jump in PE because I jumped very high.

Paul: I liked the red rainbow learning you had to match the Easter eggs with rhyming words. A rhyming word has the same letters at the end of the word. I matched wig and pig.

Jane: I liked the green rainbow learning. You had to listen to the word on the smart board and then you had to find the word that matched because it rhymes. Tree and bee rhymes.

Here is a link to the game we played:


Scott: I liked writing about going to the desert island. A monster went to the desert island and he liked shells and the whale took him to the waves and he found a ship wreck and a treasure chest.

What would happen if a cat went to a desert island?

Shea: I liked doing the green rainbow learning, you had to match the rhyming words on the smart board like wall and ball. The same letters at the end makes words rhyme.

Carter: I liked the builders site this week. I was building lots of things, so many that I can’t remember but I did build a house. It had a big roof but looked like a space rocket.

Lucas: I liked the pink rainbow learning. You had to match up the things that people would help you with. A policeman could help you find someone if you get lost.

Amelia: I liked making the horse in the tuff tray. I used a big stick and I put on the horses head and the tail. I stick up with cellotape.

Rojin: I liked going to the library, we had to take back our books then we picked new books. I picked a book about a green dog and a green squirrel.

What was the book that you picked from the library?

P1B news update!

We have learned the ‘oi’ sound this week.

Miss Boyes- The children developed their ability to establish their understanding that these two letters make one sound. They have  established  letter formation skills that reinforce this understanding by joining the sounds. They have developed more explicit awareness that oi  consists of 2 sounds = o+ee
It is therefore a described as a moving vowel sound and lives on the lift!


Shay- I know that ‘boil’ has the oi sound in it.

Adam – Soil has the oi sound in it.

Szymon- this week we have also learned the ‘ou’ sound.

Miss Boyes- The children developed their ability to establish their understanding that these two letters make one sound. They have established letter formation skills that reinforce this understanding by joining the sounds. They have developed more explicit awareness that ou  consists of 2 sounds = a+oo
It is therefore a described as a moving vowel sound and lives on the lift!


Emilie – The ou sound is a moving  sound which lives in the lift.

Ethan- The word ‘out’ has the ‘ou’ sound in it.

Joanna the word ‘house’ has the ‘ou’ sound in it.

Lily- ‘Mountain’ has the ‘ou’ sound in it.

Liam- An activity that we enjoyed this week was when we had to sort lots of pictures into the box labelled with either igh, ou or oi.

Connor- These long vowel sounds are usually in the middle of the word.


Last week we learned the ‘igh’.

Adam- ‘sight’ has the ‘igh’ sound in it.

Joshua – ‘might’  has the igh sound in it.


We enjoyed playing the dragon’s den phonics game.


We chose the  oi and ou sound options.





We went to the library this week.

Miss Boyes, Mrs Kinnaird and our parent helpers read us a story. We got to choose which story we wanted to listen to.


Lily- “I loved the story ‘Mad about Mega Beasts.”

Adam- “I enjoyed listening to ‘Plunge into the pirate pool.”

Emilie- “I enjoyed listening to ‘Hugless Douglas and the Big Sleepover.”


Lucy- We were writing instructions for how to brush our teeth.

Julian- We had to use the word first at the beginning of our sentence.

Lewis- They had to be in the correct order.

Joshua- We had to use the word next.

Adam- We used the word last or finally.


This week in number we were learning to;

Emileigh-Rose: order the numbers 0 to 20.

Shakti- We had to write the numbers that were missing.


We enjoyed playing these games






Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B!

P1D Weekly News

Here is what we have enjoyed doing this week:

Luke: I liked the squirrel game because the squirrel pops out. I was playing it with Logan and Mara and Logan made the squirrel pop out.

Roma: At the investigation station you got marshmallows and you made a constellation with them. It’s a shape that stars make. I called my constellation ‘star’.

Anna: I counted to 28 in 2’s at the numeracy station.

We watched this counting in 2’s video to help us:

Jane: I was playing with slime in the tuff tray. There was purple slime and blue slime. It felt slimy.

Michelle: At the fiddly fingers I was swirling the pipe cleaner around the sticks. I made a snake with it.

Pati: At the blue rainbow learning I was counting on in 2’s on the smart board. I bet Mrs Davenport’s score.

Here is the link for the game we were playing:


Amelia: At the green rainbow learning I need to read the sentence and when we read the sentence you draw the picture.

Shea: At the red rainbow learning you had to make 10 sounds with the pipe cleaners. I made the ‘n’ and ‘b’ sound.

Lucas: At the purple rainbow learning you had to draw lines on the rocket. I drew squiggly lines, dotty lines, spiraly lines an dotty lines.

Try this at home, it is trickier than you think. Find a picture but don’t colour it in – only use lines to fill the design. What other types of lines can you think of to use?

Freya: At the yellow rainbow learning you had to fill in the missing numbers when counting in 2’s like 2, 4, 6, 8.

Carter: I liked my reading book this week. It was called ‘In the Garden’. They were playing in the garden and then Kipper had the key and it was starting to glow and they had an adventure in the garden because that takes them on an adventure wasn’t there. They tried to get there but it was too late.

Rojin: We saw P6 and P7 doing their show. We got to actually see what happened to Jesus. I liked the good Samaritan part of the show.

Logan: We made an alien story on mighty writer. The alien went on a rocket to Earth. Then he went back on his rocket and went back to his planet and put a flag on it.

Can you remember what happened in your alien story?

Paul: In the 20 green bottles song, if 1 fell there would be 19 left then another 1 fell and there would 18. It went all the way down to 0.

We listened to the 10 green bottles song below, and then to make it a bit more challenging we thought about what would happen if there were 20 green bottles! Here is the song we used to begin with:

Layla: Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon.

Mara: We learned about Easter in Spain. There are lots of eggs. We saw videos of people carrying something heavy. Here is one of the videos we watched about the Easter procession:

Igor: We went on an egg hunt in the nursery and we need to find the egg. Then we eat it. It was chocolate and yummy.

Cordelle: I made a symmetrical picture with peg boards. That means it’s the same on both sides.

Have a lovely Easter break with your families.

P1B term 3 highlights

We wanted to share with you our highlights from this term.

Connor- I have enjoyed learning about fact families.

Emilie- I liked learning about tally marks.

Adam- I enjoyed writing about our Easter Egg hunt this week.

Shakti- I liked when we made our crispy cakes this term.

Lily- I liked learning words and phrases for the weather in Spanish this term.

Lucy- I liked writing a story about an animal who would come to my house for tea and listening to the story the Tiger who came to tea.

Szymon- I enjoyed going on our Easter Egg hunt.

Liam- I enjoyed writing a recount of The Bird and the Cat story.

Wojciech- I liked learning about planets and making them with playdough.

Joshua- I liked the glow stick experiment and learning about light and dark.

Ethan- I liked learning my new key words and doing key word activities.

Emileigh- Rose –I liked learning about Castles and life in the past.

Julian- I enjoyed making a crown out of clay.

Khyla- I enjoyed lying beside William Wallace’s sword and measuring against it.

Courtney- I liked learning about shadows and using the shadow puppets this term.

Sophie- I have enjoyed learning about day and night. I liked holding the torch to the globe like the sun and spinning the globe around. When the torch wasn’t shining on one half of the globe it was dark.

Isla- I liked sorting picture of life in the past and life today on the venn diagram.

Lewis- I liked learning my sounds. I have learned the ch, sh and j sounds this term.

Joanna- I liked learning about subtraction and I enjoyed playing the subtraction skittles game.

Shay- I enjoyed making stained glass window for the castle.


We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter break. From Miss Boyes and P1B!

1+2 Spanish Word Boost

Here are the recent Spanish phrases we have all been learning  in class:


Can I have a pencil please?

 ¿Puedo tener un lápiz por favor?


Can I go to the toilet please?

¿Puedo ir al servicio por favor?


I’m having a packed lunch today.

 Yo tengo lonchera hoy. 


Can I get a drink of water please?

 ¿Puedo tomar agua por favor?


Keep practising!

Mrs Reeves and the 1+2 Language Ambassadors

P1B news update

This week in phonics we have been revising our set 4 sounds.


Liam- We learned the difference between the tr sound and the ch sound.


Some children have been getting mixed up with these sounds.

We must remember that train starts with tr and not ch.

Emilie- ‘Tree’ starts with tr and not ch.

Szymon- ‘track’ starts with tr and not ch.

Connor – ‘trick’ starts with tr and not ch.


Lily- We had to sort pictures into the tr or ch box. We had to listen for the first sound in the word.

We have been learning all about syllables this week.

Joshua- A syllable is like a beat. We have been clapping out the syllables in words.

Julian- There are 2 syllables in apple.

Emilie- You can clap the syllables in a name. There are 2 syllables in Szymon’s name.



Adam- In writing this week we wrote a recount.

Emileigh-Rose- We wrote a recount for the story the Bird and the Cat.


Connor- We had to write what happened.

Courtney- The cat was asleep on the Chair.

Shakti- The little bird was in the birdbath.

Wojciech- The cat ran to catch the bird.

Lewis- The bird flew away into the tree.


Liam- We had to include where it happened. It happened in the garden.


Szymon- We wrote when it happened. It happened in the morning.

Isla- We had to make sure we wrote who was there.

The big cat and the little bird were in the Garden.




Adam- We have been learning about fact families, we have to do 2 adding sums and 2 takeaway sums.

Joshua-The biggest number when you are adding goes at the end and when you are taking away it goes at the start.

Some of us have been finding this tricky and forgetting that we can only use the numbers in the triangle.

We have continued to learn how to find the missing number in addition and subtractions calculations.

Isla – If it was something    + 3 = 7

You put the number that is not missing in your head and you can count on until you reach the total. However many you counted is the missing number.


7 –       = 4

Joshua- To find the answer for this missing number sum you would start at 7 and take away the 4 to get 3. 3 is the missing number.

-4 = 5

Joanna- You work back the way, I started at 5 for this one and added the 4 to get to 9.


We have been enjoying counting in 2’s


Connor- We were learning about Constellations, since we learned about day and night we have been speaking about what we see in the sky at night.

Lily- The stars make different shapes and patterns in the sky.

Shakti- We drew different constellations on our paper and we learned their names.


Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B


P1D Update

This week we have fully embraced the changes to our classroom. Each week some of the main areas in our classroom are changed to offer different learning experiences. We are going to share the highlights of these areas:

Investigation Station

Learning focus – measuring, ordering, sorting

Rojin: You need to put the things in the plates in the thing to make the balance.

Lucas: it is a measuring thing.

Carter: it is called scales.

Shea: it is space rocks in the plate.

Roma: you need to make them balance. I put 3 little beads in one bit and 3 green beads in the other bit and it didn’t balance. One bit went down when I added another and that meant it was heavy.

Logan: I made it balance with rocks and beads.

Table Top Games

Learning focus: counting, addition and subtraction skills. (Jigsaws – developing visual perceptual skills.)

Anna: one was a magic game. It was magic because when you rubbed on a bit then it would leave a number. You had to answer the question and find the answer.

Roma: I done the animal jigsaw with my friends – Rojin, Freya and Jane.

Scott: There is a space jigsaw. I had to put the pieces all together.

Carter: Me and Anna finished that jigsaw. Anna started it and I came to help. It was quite tricky.

Paul: Earth is third planet away from the sun.

Maths Table

Learning focus – symmetry

Jane: we had to make symmetrical pictures.

Luke: it means it has to be the same on the 2 sides.

Roma: I put 2 flowers on one side and put 2 gems on the bottom and I copied it on the other side too.

Carter: I done green beads and put a chain in the middle and a flower at one side and a flower at the other side.

Tuff Tray

Learning focus – creativity, reinforcing the names of planets

Igor: we had to build a rocket for an astronaut. The rocket would go to Earth.

Shea: My rocket went to Mars. First I had 2 full big ramps at the bottom of it and a head at the front and a massive long red bit at the side on top of the little hills.

Layla: Mine went to the moon. It had yellow on it.

Fiddly Fingers

Learning focus: fine motor skills

Pati: there were small things put it together. It made a necklace.

Lucas: they were paperclips.

Rojin: I made a bracelet. It was tricky putting them together.

Roma: We had the marbles and the colourful pegs that you stick in the blue mats and you have to get the marble and balance on top.

Rainbow Learning

Scott: For the red rainbow learning you had to write sight words.

Anna: For the yellow rainbow learning you had to do a subtraction colouring in.

Pati: On the blue you had to catch the fish.

If the subtraction story was 8-4, you would have 8 fish to start with and you would take away 4 and you would have 4 left.

Amelia: On the green rainbow learning we played a smart board game tells us a word and we need to find it. When you finish you write down the score. I bet Mrs Davenport’s score.

Here is a link to the game. Mrs Davenport’s score was 379, can you beat this?

Amelia’s sore was 400, can you beat this?


Lucas: On the pink rainbow learning we were thinking about what we want to be when we grow up. You had to draw a picture of what you wanted to be when you grow up.

Freya: You need to get a glue stick and stick the pom-poms or stars and you would need to make the shape and pick out the picture and stick the pom-poms on. It was called a constellation.


Luke: We have been taking away.

Anna: You had to roll the dice and the biggest number had to write in and then the smallest number next. You were making a subtraction story.

Shea: The biggest number needs to go first because if it was 2 – 5 it wouldn’t make any sense. It would need to be 5 – 2.

Try this at home – roll 2 dice and put these numbers into a subtraction story. Challenge: roll 4 dice (first add together 2 of the dice and add together the other 2 side), use these numbers to create a subtraction story.


Carter: we learning about syllables.

Lucas: it is clapping that makes a word.

Shea: the words are split up.

Amelia: my name has 4 syllables.

Layal: my name has 2 syllables.

Jane: my name has 1 syllable.

We loved watching this video to help us understand syllables:

Topic – Space

We were learning about astronauts.

Anna: The astronauts have to sleep in space. They sleep in a bag because if they didn’t they would float away.

Shea: There is a rope that attaches them to the bed.

Carter: Astronauts sleep in their own room.

Carter: They have to pee a tube!

Rojin: They take food to space and it gets kept in a bag.

We watched these videos to help us understand more about what astronauts do in space when they are on a space station:



Highlights of the Week

Olivier: I liked playing in the house corner making fruit with Lucas, Scott and Igor.

Mara: I liked learning about space. I learned about rockets and planets.

Michelle: I liked the rainbow learning. My favourite was the pink one.

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