P1D Highlights of the Week

Shea: I have liked the Lego this week because you can build loads of things. I made an alien with a blue brick and 2 heads. I put 2 arms on him and 2 heads then put a brick inside him and then 2 legs.

Roma: I liked going into my new classroom because we got to make bears. You needed to cut out the bits of the bears and then glue it on because we were doing ‘going on a bear hunt’.

Michelle: I liked going to P2 because we got to sit at any table we wanted too. I sat beside Igor.

Cordelle: I’ve liked sports day because you needed to do different activities. I liked when you were throwing the wellies in the big tyre. I think I got 2 in.

Paul: I liked going to P2 today because it was Miss Lydon that was teacher.

Pati: I liked playing in the house corner because it is fun. I was playing with dolls and playing mummy and big sister.

Rojin: I liked the house corner because my friends were playing with me. We were playing kittens.

Celine: I liked reading because it is easy for me to read. My book is ‘In the Garden’. The children got small.

Amelia: I liked playing with the cubes because they are very fun to play with and you can do anything with them.

Jane: I liked being in the P2 classroom because it was nice and I liked making a bear.

Carter: I liked winning the running race at sports day.

Anna: I liked doing writing this week about health week.

Luke: I liked number talks this week because I like talking to my partner.

Igor: I liked playing with the house corner. I was doing food.

Logan: I liked playing with Lego because I like making ships with a car.

Scott: I liked the green rainbow learning where you had to write things on a paper for your teacher for P2.

We are looking forward to a week full of fun next week for the last week of term.

Have a lovely weekend.

P1B highlights of the week


Isla- My favourite sports day activity was throwing the wellington boots into the wheel.

Connor- My favourite sports day activity was throwing the Frisbee into the net.

Liam- My favourite sports day activity was running in the races.

Szymon- My favourite sports day activity was the football activity.

Emileigh-Rose- I liked going to my new classroom this morning.

Lewis- My favourite sports day activity was the quiz.

Adam- My favourite sports day activity was the quiz because I liked trying to answer the question.

Julian- I liked going to see my new teacher this morning.

Ethan- My favourite Sports Day activity was relaxing on the bench and not doing any of the activities.

Emilie- My favourite Sports Day activity was answering the questions and I got one of them write.

Lucy- My favourite Sports Day activity was when we had to run with the rugby ball around the cones.

Khyla- My favourite Sports Day activity was when we had to run with the rugby ball around the cones.

Joshua- I liked meeting my new teacher this morning, it was fun.

Lily- I liked playing rounders this week because I liked trying to catch the ball.

Shakti- I liked getting to meet my new teacher today.

Shay- I liked getting to meet my new teacher today because we got to do lots of fun things.

Oliwier- My favourite Sports Day activity was the races.

Joanna- I liked getting to meet my new teacher today.

Wojciech- I liked meeting my new teacher and hearing the story about the penguin.

Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B!

P1B Health Week Highlights

Shakti- I liked relax kids the best because we got to pretend to be animals.

Lily- I liked relax kids the best because we learned breathing



Emiliegh-Rose – We had a teddy bears picnic this week, we learned about our senses of taste, touch and smell.

Ethan- We got to eat different pieces of fruit and try healthy snacks.


Liam- I liked the yoga class because we got to do different poses.

Khyla- My favourite yoga pose was the butterfly pose.


Joanna- I liked the dance class the best because I liked learning the different moves.

Oliwier- I liked the dance class the best because it was fun and the music was good.

Isla- I liked the dance class the best because we play toilet tig.


Connor- I liked the Taekwondo the best because I liked hitting the pads.

Lewis- I liked Taekwondo the best because I liked learning how to punch.

Adam- I liked Taekwondo the best because I liked ducking under the pad.

Shay- I liked Taekwondo because I liked kicking the pad.


Emilie- I liked the obstacle course because I liked crawling underneath things.

Lucy- I liked the obstacle course the best because I liked jumping over the benches.

Joshua- I liked the obstacle course the best because I liked going round al of the trees.


Julian- I liked singing with the NYCOS lady the best because I like stamping my feet and using the parachute.


Courtney- I liked singing with the parachute.

Sophie- My favourite was playing races and rounders outside with my class.

Wojciech- I like rounders the best because I got to run around.

Szymon- I liked working in a group to sort the healthy and unhealthy food to make a healthy packed lunch.



Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary1B!

P1D Health Week

Relax Kids

Lucas: we played a game, when the lady lifted up the elephant or the chipmunk you had to act like it.

Shea: we stretched.

Freya: there was a ball and it went out and in and it done it as the same time as us.

Anna: we were doing back rubbing, we were in a line and we had to back rub.


Outdoors Play

Logan: we tried to get the ball in the hula hoops and someone could steal the balls. I was in the yellow team but we didn’t win.

Cordelle: you steal from the other team if you ran out of balls.

Rojin: we played on the trim trail, I went fast on it.


Roma: we done a butterfly, you have to put your feet together and then you flap your legs.

Paul: we done boat pose, you lie on your tummy and put your feet up and try to hold your feet up.

Carter: we done a gorilla pose, you have to swing your arms at your chest.

Freya: we were doing the bird pose, you lie on your tummy and put your feet up to the sky and make a triangle shape with your hands and hand and try to lift your legs up without shaking.


Health Week Maths

Layla: we had to take the skin off bananas and cut up pieces – two of them.

Celine: you made the banana in half, half needs to be the same size.

Shea: you then cut it into quarters – you cut it into 4.

Scott: then we eat the bananas.

Jane: we had to sort the food from the very hungry caterpillar story. We sorted it in healthy, unhealthy or in the middle.

Rojin: the apple was healthy.

Amelia: cupcake was unhealthy.

Anna: cheese would be in the middle because if you eat too much then it can be unhealthy.



Carter: someone had to sing if you have the ball. If I had the ball other people would sing ‘Carter has the ball’ and I would sing ‘can you catch it Shea’ or who I wanted to catch it.

Shea: you had to make a circle and someone was sitting in the middle and there was a drum. Someone played the drum and the person in the middle had to guess who was playing the drum.



Pati: 1 person would spin the wheel and it had a number and the lady told us what to do. I done star jumps.

Lucas: We I spun the wheel it landed on air punches.

Layla: we didn’t have time to get to 24!


Food Tasting

Roma: we were eating food. We ha watermelon, it is a fruit. It was very yummy.

Pati: we had carrot. It is a vegetable and it was good.

Logan: we had cucumber, it’s a vegetable. It was delicious.

Anna: we had raspberries, it is a fruit. They are my favourite fruit.

Cordelle: we had mango and it’s a fruit. It was delicious.

Lucas: we had red pepper. I liked it a little bit. It was the first time I tried it.


Tough Mudder

Amelia: we had jump over the seats.

Roma: you needed to go under the parachute.

Cordelle: you went in and out the tyres.

Carter: you had to go through the bamboo sticks.

Paul: you had to jump over benches.

Anna: we went over 2 tunnels.

Shea: it was raining, it was wet.

Jane: my trousers got muddy!



Michelle: you had a partner and 1 person had a pad. The other person had to run over and punch the pad.

Mara: you had to kick the pads. I kicked the top of the pad. My partner was Jane.



Carter: at the end you had to jump and do a cool pose. I done a hand stand.


Our Highlights

Scott: my favourite was tasting the food. My favourite was the carrot.

Michelle: I liked tough mudder because you got messy.

Mara: I liked tough mudder because you went under the parachute.

Celine: My favourite was tasting the fruits and vegetables because it was healthy.

P1B news update

P1B news update


Isla- We wrote information reports about vehicles. I chose to write about a fire trunk and I got the golden ticket because I wrote lots of sentences all by myself.

Connor- We were learning about the job of coast and life guards. We made our own lifeboats. We re-used plastic from the lunch hall.

Liam- I enjoyed learning how to stay safe with Mrs Scott. We learned about substances that we should stay away from and we learned about medicine and who can give us medicine.


Szymon- I enjoyed matching the digital times to the analogue times.  6 O’clock is the same as 6:00


Emileigh-Rose- I enjoyed PM writing because we were learning how to write an information report.


Lewis- I liked making the boats and taking them to the nursery.


Adam- I enjoyed learning about the the ay sound that is at the end of words.

“ai in the middle ay at the end”

Julian- I liked number talks because I was counting.

Sophie- We learned about the Seasons with Mrs Howley. We thanked God for the seasons.

Ethan- We showed Miss Boyes all that we have learned about counting by 20.

Emilie- I liked going over the months of the year again and singing the songs.

Lucy- I enjoyed the O’clock and half past board game because it lets me learn the difference between O’clock and half past.

Khyla- I liked learning about the months of the year. I want to keep practising the order.

Joshua- I enjoyed singing with the NYCOS lady because we got to sing to the puppets.

Lily- I enjoyed writing about the ambulance in my information report. The Ambulance can save people.

Shakti- I liked PE because we had balloons and the balloons couldn’t touch the floor.

Shay- I enjoyed  the seasons with Mrs Howley and drawing the pictures in the boxes.

Oliwier- I liked learning about number talks because I learn different ways of making a number.


Joanna- I liked number talks because we can count different groups.

Wojciech- I liked writing because I liked drawing a picture of a fire engine.

Clips that you could use to practise at home.



Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B!

P1D Highlights

Our highlights of the week are:

Celine: I liked the yellow rainbow learning. You had to read the number word on the smart board and press the number on the fruit. I scored 30.

Here is the link for the game for you to play at home:


Paul: I liked the green rainbow learning. You had to get a story and write your favourite bit of the story and write the title and draw a picture of what happened in the story. I picked Shark in the Park. I liked the end bit when they were walking over the bridge and there was a tail of a shark under it.

Roma: I liked the party for my mummy. We had a party because she went somewhere. She went to awards and she won a trophy because she is the best head teacher. I was happy. I liked the balloons at the party.

Igor: I liked PE and playing bean bag scramble. You had to take the bean bag from the middle and take one from another person. I was in the green and then yellow team. I won.

Check out our twitter for another video of one of our PE activties @mrsd_stnps

Layla: I liked playing in the house corner playing dolls. I was putting shoes and boots off the dolls and then back on again and took her a walk. I took her to the pretend park and went on the slide. She is called Sarah.

Anna: I liked the tuff tray. I was making food. There was chef stuff.

Scott: I liked the yellow rainbow learning and press the numbers on the smart board.

Jane: I liked the green rainbow learning and doing the book review. I picked ‘Eric Makes a Splash’. I liked it and my favourite bit was when Eric gets invited to the swimming pool party.

Rojin: I liked RE. I liked learning about the seasons.

Shea: I liked the pink rainbow learning. You had to play the toys in the calming corner. Then you add to answer the question ‘how do you feel about moving to P1’. You had to cut out the picture of how you were feeling and stick it on.

This would be a good opportunity to speak to your child about changes next year.

Lucas: I liked the party with Mrs Purdie because she went to a place and she won an award because she was the best head teacher. I liked that there was music at the party.

Luke: I liked the blue rainbow learning. You had to put the number words in order.

Pati: I liked the red rainbow learning. You had to do the 1 minute timer and write some sounds.

Logan: I liked the yellow rainbow learning and you press the numbers on the smart board. I scored 21.

Michelle: I liked the red rainbow learning. You have to write sounds and you have to get a timer and write the sounds but when the timer runs out you stop.

Freya: I liked the pink rainbow learning. You had to think about how you were feeling. I was feeling happy and I stuck it on the white piece of paper then you could play with some calming toys.

Amelia: I liked RE with Mrs Howley because I learned about seasons. I learned what is in the seasons.

P1B News Update

P1B’s favourite activities this week…

Isla- My favourite was going to the Judo taster class and learning the different moves.

Connor- My favourite activity this week was PM writing because I like listening to the words in the big book. This week we were learning how the author wrote an information report on bikes.

Liam- My favourite activity was the O’clock and half past board game. I liked this because I enjoyed reading the times.

Szymon- I liked number talks the best because I like talking about numbers.

Emileigh-Rose- I enjoyed playing the days of the week snap game as it let me have more practise of how to order the days of the week.

Lewis- I enjoyed colouring in the clocks the correct colour, we had to read the times to do this. The clock with half past 6 had to be orange.

Adam- I liked learning about O’clock and half past. We made a large clock with our loose parts at the tuff tray.

Julian- My favourite activity was PE because we played with the parachute.


Sophie- My favourite activity this week was PM writing because I liked learning about the bikes in the big book.

Ethan- I liked the clock board game.

Emilie- I liked going to the music class and singing “Hickety Tickety bumble bee, can you sing your name to me?”

Lucy- I liked playing the days of the week game on the smartboard because I can put them in the correct order.

Khyla- I liked playing the O’clock and half past game because we took turns.

Joshua- I liked the Judo because we learned how to defend ourselves.

Lily- I liked the days of the week snap game because I learned the names of the days of the week.

Shakti- My favourite was learning the sounds because I like putting the cards in the correct bin.

Shay- I liked learning how to Reduce Re-use and recycle. We were learning about global goal 13 Climate Action. I liked putting the objects in the correct bins.

Oliwier- I liked when we went to Mass in the Lanthorn because we were learning about Jesus.


Joanna- I enjoyed learning about the days of the week in Spanish.

Wojciech- I liked PE because I like to run round and round.



In writing this week we wrote about what we wanted to be when we grow up. We listened to the story Zog, the Princess and Knight in the story want to be Doctors.

Time songs and games

Our word boost story this week was

Listen out for the Boost Words.



We have enjoyed learning the days of the week in Spanish.

Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B! 🙂

P1D News

Here are the areas of our classroom which we wanted to tell you about this week:

Board Games

Scott: there is a piggies game. You have to roll the dice and build the house. If you land on the wolf you blow the house down and steal a house from someone else.

Amelia: in the beanie boos game there is a little elephant. You start the game in the yellow star and you roll the dice and move spaces. Then you need to land on a shape and pick the shape and look if it is the colour. If it is your colour you get to keep it, if it’s a different colour you put it back.

Roma: I liked that game too.

Carter: I liked the animals jigsaw because it was quite hard and challenging for us.

Investigation Station

Lucas: there are wee bugs and you could play with them.

Anna: there were cards that you could read about the insects and you could find out information about them. I found out that butterflies lay 50 eggs in a season.

Carter: I learned that every year an ant goes up a tree and find food to hibernate.

Layla: I learned that butterflies can fly.

Freya: We could take the little cups outside and to put animals into the cup and then close the lid and then take them back into the classroom. I found a snail so people could see it.

Logan: I saw a baby snail.

We used the story ‘Superworm’ as our inspiration for this. Here is a link to the story:


Numeracy Area

Pati: there are clocks because we were learning about time. I can make 5 o’clock. The little hand at the 5 and the big one at the 12.

Celine: we learned about half past too.

Lucas: Half past 5. The big hand would be at 6 because it went half way around the clock and the little hand would be a little bit past the 5.

We enjoyed playing this game to support our learning this week:


and we really enjoyed this song:

Tuff Tray

Shea: it was a clock. We used pipe cleaners for the clock and you had to make a time on the clock. 5 o’clock would be the big hand at the 12 and the small hand at 5.

Fiddly Fingers

Cordelle: there were pegs and marbles and you put pegs on the blue board and then put marbles on the pegs.

Rainbow Learning

Paul: you had to find all the sounds in the story. I was finding the ‘oa’ sound.

Carter: I was looking for the ai sound – the ‘a and i’ and ‘a and y’. One word was snail and the other was nail.

Rojin: I was looking for the ‘th’ sound. One of my words Beth, the ‘th’ sound is at the end.

Logan: I was looking for the ee sound. It is 2 e’s.

Igor: Bee was in the tree.

Each group were given a printed story where they had to find as many of the sounds they have been working on as possible. The sounds we have been working on this week are:





Michelle: for the green rainbow learning you had to write some sounds on the computers or the ipads.

Luke: you had to remember what letters to do.

Do you have a whiteboard app on a device at home where you could practise writing your sounds? We were also using microsoft word to type our sounds too.

Roma: the yellow rainbow learning was a time game on the smart board. You had to look at the clock and then you had to press the time that matched it.

The link for this game is above and was also shared on twitter.

Mara: the analogue clock is the clock is the one with hands and the numbers one is digital.

Jane: for the pink rainbow learning you needed to paint a picture of someone who could help you. I painted Mrs Davenport.

Logan: they are heroes.

Luke: I painted a police man.

Anna: I painted a teacher.

Amelia: I painted a teacher.

Lucas: for the purple rainbow learning you had to close your eyes and pick someone’s name. Then you got a heart and drew a picture of the person you picked. You had to cut it out. Mrs Davenport helped us write what was special about that person.

This activity is part of our ‘building resilience’ block of learning about our class family. Did you see our video on twitter about our partner obstacle course which also promoted our class family.



Layla: there was a bear in our classroom on a chair he was holding a book about a bear.

Cordelle: we read the story that he had it was about a bear and a house.

Here is a link to the story:

Freya: the words in the story all rhymed. We talked to our talking partner about rhyming words and then when we figured out our rhyming words we were writing them.

Shea: I wrote “a dog walked into the fog and ate a log.”

Luke: “Mouse in the house.”

Carter: “the fox in the box wearing socks.”



On Tuesday, we participated in a session of NYCOS with Mrs Curl. We have 2 more sessions of NYCOS to go and we really enjoyed it. Mrs Curl was very impressed with all the boys and girls who wanted to sing on their own!

Roma: we read a story about a frog sitting on a log.

Freya: in the book there was a frog and he didn’t know what to sit on. Then the cat said that frogs sit on logs.

This is the story we are talking about:

Carter: we played with the parachute.

Anna: there was a bee in something and it grew out of the stick.



Carter: we were going to mass to hear the readings.

Shea: Jesus went up to heaven.

We went to mass at the Lanthorn to celebrate the feast of the Ascension.


Have your say! How can we use PEF to support all children and families at St Ninian’s?

Last year we received £63,000 funding from the Scottish Government’s Pupil Equity Fund to help close the poverty related attainment gap.

We used this money to:-

  • Have an extra support for learning teacher (Mrs Scott) to provide extra literacy and numeracy support in all classes
  • Employ a Polish Pupil Support Worker to support children who are learning English
  • Run a PEEP (family learning) class for parents and nursery children
  • Reduce the cost of after school clubs, camps and trips
  • Employ a Speech & Language therapist to work with identified groups of children from nursery – P3
  • Provide high quality professional learning for all staff.
  • Purchase new writing resources for P1-7 to improve children’s attainment in writing
  • Employ an extra teacher to support us with Number Talks across P1-7
  • Purchase a numeracy home learning kit for P2-4 pupils – these will be launched in August
  • Purchase new netbooks and iPads for each class

We will receive £60,000 PEF funding this year.

What do you think our school should STOP, START and CONTINUE to do to help all our children make progress and to support all families?

Please add your comments below.

P1B news update



Adam- We revised the ou sound this week.

Lewis- We have revised the oi sound this week.

Joanna –We have been revising the igh sound this week.

Szymon- My favourite phonics activity this week was the igh bingo.

Emilie- My favourite phonics activity was the buried treasure game.




Liam – This week we were writing a description of an adult who works in St. Ninian’s.


Lucy- I wrote about Mrs Purdie. She wears lovely high heels.


Emileigh-Rose – I wrote about Mrs Purdie. She wears fancy necklaces.


Connor- I wrote about Mrs Stewart. She has a green and black coat.


Joshua- I wrote about Miss Boyes. She has long brown hair.

Julian- I wrote about Mrs Kinnaird. She is tall and has a white top.

Wojciech- Mrs Kinnaird is lovely and fun.

Shakti- I wrote about Mrs Purdie. She has sparkly shoes.

Emilie- Mrs Purdie has colourful high heels.





Lucy- Today in numeracy we were learning about numbers and their names.


Liam- We had to match the number to the correct word.


Lily- We played a game where you have to match the word to the correct number.




Khyla- I liked the washing line activity were we had to hang up the numbers in the correct place.


Emilie- We were learning to find the numbers before, after and inbetween at the washing line.

Ethan- We ordered number cards to count by 2’s

We are looking forward to our trip next week. The children should come to school dressed appropriately for the weather that day.

Have a lovely long weekend from Miss Boyes and P1B!

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