Daily update – 27th March

Good morning everyone,

We have made it to Friday! What a busy week it has been for everyone and it’s great to see that most of you are now in the swing of learning from home via the blog or TEAMs.

Today we would like everyone (adults too) to join in with Funky Friday, 31 minutes of indoor or outdoor fun, dancing and play at 10.30am. This is always a huge success at St Ninian’s as we all come together at the end of the week.

Here is the playlist our pupils made for this but we would love to hear your musical requests too and we can add it to next week.

Have a great weekend everyone and we will speak to you all on Monday! Remember many of our staff team will be in school on Monday so may not be able to be so responsive on the blog or teams.

Also remember not to add your child’s name when posting on twitter to stay safe online.

Stay safe

Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith

P1 Mrs Davenport Daily Activities 27.3.20

Today is about self-assessing; how have you got on with your learning this week?

This week we are using The Fist Of Five to assess our learning (five fingers mean you have fully understood your task and feel confident with the skill, four fingers means you are nearly there perhaps just a little more practise needed, three fingers you needed some support but then were able to do it, two fingers you needed support to do most of it, one finger you needed support and would still need support in the future with this type of task)

You can either show your score to someone at home or if you have recorded work in your jotter, draw a circle and put little lines coming out of it to represent your fingers.


Home Learning Grid

This week we were focusing on our topic of ‘Space’.


What different things will you see in the sky at night that you don’t see during the day?

Answer: moon and stars.

Can anyone remember what was special about the sun?


Can you find out who the first astronaut was that landed on the moon?

Answer: Neil Armstrong

Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin followed closely after Neil Armstrong.

Did you find out the name of the rocket that took them to the moon?



How did you get on with your story? Using tickled pink, highlight the conjunctions you used (and, because). Also find any describing words (adjectives) and tickle pink those too.  If you used a capital letter and a full stop at the start and end of your sentence draw a pink circle around them.  Using green for growth ask an adult to underline only two words that you have spelled incorrectly, and then underneath write the two words correctly three times.

Did anyone find the mistakes that I had made in my story?

One sunny day a gigantic green spaceship landed in my Garden. a silly alien jumpd out ov the spaceship and banged on my door The alien wanted to come ni my house For tea. I gave the alien a tasty pizza to eat. then he went bak to his spaceship and flew away

I had forgotten some rules of capital letters and full stops. I even managed to spell 2 sight words wrong! Oops!



Don’t forget that the Sumdog challenge is still live until 3pm today, it’s not too late to earn all your coins. I had fun playing along with sumdog yesterday but I wasn’t able to beat any scores in the football goal scoring game! My favourite game was the racing car game!

Here are your answers for the numeracy questions;

3 + 4 = 7 7 – 2= 5 10 – 3=7 6 + 3= 9 4 + 4= 8 6 – 1= 5 8 – 8 =0
5 – 3 = 2 5+5 =10 7 + 0 =7 9 – 0 =9 10 – 8=2 7 + 1 =8 5 + 3 =8

Or these calculations are a bit more challenging:

13+4=17 17–2=15 20–3=17 6+13=19 4+14=18 16–1=15 18–8=10
15–3=12 5+15=20 17+0=17 19–0=19 20–8=12 17+1=18 15+3=18


When completing your number talks for the ten frame or the rekenrek did you use any of these strategies,

  • Counting in ones
  • Five wise (seeing a pattern of five) and counting on
  • Counting in twos
  • Did you complete a number story e.g. 5 + 2 = 7

For the number talks dot pattern did you use any of these strategies,

  • See a dice pattern
  • Spot a double
  • Count in twos

Well done everyone who completed some of these tasks this week, also remember the importance of play and the life skills you can develop from helping out around the house.

I will be posting again on Monday with your week 2 grid.

Thanks again for all the comments on the blog and e-mails with your work or questions – it is lovely to hear from you all.

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 27.03.20

Good morning everyone and happy Friday.  I can see some of you have even been on Sumdog already this morning, well done to those early risers!

Today is all about self-assessing; how have you got on with your learning this week?

Each week we will use a different method of self assessing.  This week we are using The Fist Of Five to assess our learning (five fingers mean you have fully understood your task and feel confident with the skill, four fingers means you are nearly there perhaps just a little more practise needed, three fingers you needed some support but then were able to do it, two fingers you needed support to do most of it, one finger you needed support and would still need support in the future with this type of task)

You can either show your score to someone at home or if you have recorded work in your jotter, draw a circle and put little lines coming out of it to represent your fingers.

Home Learning Grid

The IDL challenge this week was to match the names with their links to Livingston, here are your answers.

People From The Past

*Sir Walter Scott – The street names in Dedridge named after the characters and places in his books.

*James Young – A High School named after them.

*Saint Margaret – A High School named after them

*Saint John – A Hospital named after him.


How did you get on with your story? Using tickled pink, highlight the conjunctions you used (and, because). Also find any describing words (adjectives) and tickle pink those too.  If you used a capital letter and a full stop at the start and end of your sentence draw a pink circle around them.  Using green for growth ask an adult to underline only two words that you have spelled incorrectly, and then underneath write the two words correctly three times each.


Don’t forget that the Sumdog challenge is still live until 3pm today, it’s not too late to earn all your coins.

Here are your answers for the numeracy questions;

3 + 4 = 7 7 – 2= 5 10 – 3=7 6 + 3= 9 4 + 4= 8 6 – 1= 5 8 – 8 =0
5 – 3 = 2 5+5 =10 7 + 0 =7 9 – 0 =9 10 – 8=2 7 + 1 =8 5 + 3 =8

Or these calculations are a bit more challenging:

13+4=17 17–2=15 20–3=17 6+13=19 4+14=18 16–1=15 18–8=10
15–3=12 5+15=20 17+0=17 19–0=19 20–8=12 17+1=18 15+3=18

When completing your number talks for the ten frame or the rekenrek did you use any of these strategies?

  • Counting in ones
  • Five wise (seeing a pattern of five) and counting on
  • Counting in twos

For the number talks dot pattern did you use any of these strategies?

  • See a dice pattern
  • Count in ones
  • Count in twos

Well done everyone who completed some of these tasks this week, also remember the importance of play and the life skills you can develop from helping out around the house.

Mrs Currie

Spelling Support Day 4

I thought today I would continue with my mnemonics strategies as a way of helping to develop our understanding and spelling of tricky words. I hope you have ad success in using this strategy and would love to hear if you have thought of any yourself. If so please share them through the comments section below.

Today’s words are:

Could:      Could       Old      Umbrellas       Leak      Drips

Should:      Should       Old      Umbrellas       Leak      Drips

Would:      Would       Old      Umbrellas       Leak      Drips

Who:          We         Hang       On

Any:           Add     No        Yellow

Many:          Mum      Adds     No        Yellow

Remember I have also posted other mnemonics and strategies every day that might e helpful plus packs of the first 200 High Frequency Words to support you spelling and reading.

I’ll finish with my spelling strategies tomorrow and move onto writing/reading over the coming weeks. We will revisit all of the strategies together over the weeks ahead.

Please comment below if you have any questions, would like any support or have used the mnemonics and or made up your own and you would like to share these.

Take care everyone,

Mrs Docherty

Daily update – 26/3/20

Good morning everyone,

Hope you are all well and supporting one another at home. We can’t keep up with all the amazing learning that has been going on this week so far, fantastic effort everyone!

We have now collated a list of additional activities that can be used at anytime during this school closure. Please make sure that you are balancing learning and family time. Remember one of our school priorities this year has been about the importance of play, both indoors and outdoors so we are keen for everyone to continue this priority at home.

Additional online learning resources

Remember that we are all here for you during this difficult time, stay safe everyone, miss you all!

Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith xx


HWB Advice and Support using MIndfulness

Good morning I received an email this morning from the West Lothian Health and Wellbeing Hub and thought it was  a good one to share with you all. There is some lovely advice for parents to support your children during these times using a mindfulness approach on the Stop Breathe and Think Kids App.  You’ll need to download the app to access the links below.  Thank you to the West Lothian Health and Wellbeing Hub for sharing.


With schools temporarily closed and many of us hunkering down at home with our kids, we thought it’d be helpful to feature a series of recommended mindfulness activities for the entire family.

Here are several ways you can practice mindfulness to bring more kindness and compassion into your home during these swirling times!

Just like the grown-ups in their lives, your children will likely experience some big emotions during this time. The activities recommended below are ideal for children ages 4 – 10, and can help address a specific emotion to work through these feelings — together.

These activities are available in the “For Kids” section of the All Ages app, with premium tracks now free for the next 60 days!

Feeling Anxious

  • For a lot of our team members, we’re feeling the anxiety rising, especially as parents.  We’ve had kids describe anxiety as a sense of butterflies in the stomach, or having a hard time falling asleep because the mind can’t stop thinking. Rather than get caught up in worried thoughts or feelings, kids can focus their attention on something they can do to address their emotions, like these activities here:

Feeling Restless

  • Being stuck at home, kids may have a lot of energy they just don’t know what to do with! Here are two ways for everyone to use their bodies and all of their senses to work off some energy:

Feeling Angry or Annoyed

  • If your child is feeling frustrated by someone or something, they might want to scream or yell or lose their cool. When big emotions come up, these activities can help kids cool down:

Feeling Gratitude & Kindness

  • Whenever we are having a hard time, there’s always something we can do, like remembering a few good things that make us feel happy and grateful or practicing kindness. Here are a few recommendations to focus on the good stuff:

Having a Hard Time Sleeping

  • With so much going on, it can be challenging to put kids down to bed or create an environment for them to get a truly restful slumber. These activities are especially great at the end of the day:

Remember, when practicing mindfulness with kids, it will almost never go as planned. That’s okay! Here are some tips that might help things go more smoothly:

Check in every day with yourself and your family.
Encourage your family at meal time or before bed to share how they are feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally. You can even use our app to check-in with how you’re feeling together.

Allow your kids to experience mindfulness their own way.
We recommend that you encourage your children to try meditation or mindful games, rather than insisting or forcing it.  Doing these activities with them is a great way to inspire participation. Whether your child is being uncooperative or distracted, or if they’re fully engaged and happy to be playing a mindful game, either way, allow them to experience their own journey.

Approach the activities with openness and curiosity.
While it might seem like there’s a “right” way to practice mindfulness, the good news is that there’s actually no way to get it wrong! The experience is different for everyone. Notice how you feel in the moment without necessarily trying to change anything or judge what you observe. You may feel more settled after an activity; you also may not. Both are normal and okay.

Learn to be with whatever’s happening.
With mindfulness, it can be tempting to “fix” a problem, yet we’re here to remind you to “let go” of any agendas or goals. It’s actually more supportive to learn how to be kind and compassionate with yourself – especially with whatever thoughts or feelings that come up – and the more you can accept whatever is happening wholeheartedly in moments of mindfulness, the more you can bring that approach to all experiences in your life.

As parents ourselves, we’re here alongside you in learning how to navigate all the ups and downs of being human.

We can do this,

The Stop, Breathe & Think team

P.S. We’re offering ongoing opportunities to connect LIVE via our Facebook channel—using this time at home as an opportunity to dive deeper into mindfulness practices to keep us healthy and at peace.

  • Every Tuesday at 12pm PDT/3pm EDT, we’ll host a live guided meditation led by your favorite narrators from our app.
  • Every Thursday at 10am PDT/1 pm EDT, we’ll host a live family mindfulness activity parents and children can do together.

P1 Mrs Davenport Daily Activities 26.3.20

Good morning everyone.  Thank you to everyone for working so hard on all their activities, it has been lovely to receive comments on the blog; posts on twitter and e-mails with what you have been doing.

Below you will find some more ideas (and a challenge) for you to complete at home today.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with the writing section in the home learning grid? I finished my story yesterday and I’ve typed it for you below. I think I made a few mistakes though. Can you spot the mistakes I made?


One sunny day a gigantic green spaceship landed in my Garden. a silly alien jumpd out ov the spaceship and banged on my door The alien wanted to come ni my house For tea. I gave the alien a tasty pizza to eat. then he went bak to his spaceship and flew away



Find the website ‘teach your monster to read’. There is also an app for this resource which needs to be paid for but the full resource is free from the website. Create your account as a parent and then add your child onto this account. Your child can then customise their own monster. When asked to select which stage/level to begin with either select the ‘fun with words’ section for those children who are more confident readers or the recommended first section if you would like your child to refresh their learning of some initial sounds e.g. s, p, t etc.

Enjoy the story and the games – I had lots of playing along yesterday testing it out for you all to use today!


Log into your sumdog account (login details were in your home learning jotter), I have set you a challenge to complete. The challenge is called ‘Money Challenge’ and it should come up when you log in. This challenge will test your understanding and knowledge of money and coins – there are even prizes to be won if you complete the challenge. The challenge will begin at 9am today and will finish at 3pm tomorrow. I am going to be logging in to sumdog to play along with you and see how you are getting on this afternoon.

Enjoy and good luck!

Have a lovely day P1 and I’m looking forward to seeing how you are getting on with the extra activities today.

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 26.03.20

Good morning everyone.  It is a bit misty this morning but that won’t dampen our spirits.  Here are some suggestions to compliment your weekly learning grid.  Have fun.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.


Home Learning Grid

Have you managed to play a board game with your family yet.  I’d love to hear what game you played and who won, you can post a comment below.  I played Cluedo with my family last night and I WON!


Find the website ‘teach your monster to read’. There is also an app for this resource which needs to be paid for but the full resource is free from the website. Create your account as a parent and then add your child onto this account. Your child can then customise their own monster. When asked to select which stage/level to begin with either select the ‘fun with words’ section for those children who are more confident readers or the recommended first section if you would like your child to refresh their learning of some initial sounds e.g. s, p, t etc.



Log onto Sumdog, I have set you a challenge to extend your money skills.

I can’t wait to log in and see some of your success, good luck.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Currie

Sleep Advice and support day 2

Yesterday I posted a blog about sleep and shared with you the parent’s presentation for School and Nursery children. As life is ever changing I know there will be routines you will want to continue so I am going to post some ideas to help support your child’s sleep routine during these times.

This will include sleep diaries, sleep routines and activities you could use to continue to support the health and wellbeing of everyone.

Please post any questions or comments in the box below.

02 Checklist for Sleepy Children

07 Helping Others to Sleep Well

Take care everyone,

Mrs Docherty

Daily update from Mrs Roy 25.3.20

Good morning everyone,

Hope you are well and had a good sleep last night.

We have some ideas for you to work on at home with your families in addition to your daily/weekly learning activities provided by your class teachers. I will add to this daily:


Daily morning workout with Joe Wicks 9am




Daily Lent thoughts on Twitter @StNinianPS

Additional Numeracy and Maths activities on Twitter:


@CountOnUsEd or https://www.countonus.org.uk/resources/

Literacy activities:

Enjoy an Audio story with David Walliams 11am

@BBCScotLearn 10.20am Draw along poetry event
Free audio books
Free Minecraft Education


Parents can also create a free Twinkl account at https://www.twinkl.co.uk/search?term= where you can download resources to use at home.

Have a good day everyone!

Mrs Roy



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