P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 02.04.20

Good morning everyone, a little bit of a wet start to the day but hopefully it will brighten  up as the day goes.

If it does get sunny this afternoon why not try some shadow drawing,

You can do this outside or if it is too windy or a little wet you can use the sun streaming in a window in the house to create the shadows on the paper.  Try using different types of toys to make the shadow then draw around them, afterwards you can decorate and colour your drawing.


Remember if you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. I will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with the number talks section for this week? I have added a link for the number rack ‘rekenrek’ below.


I used the rekenrek yesterday and I was wondering if you could try to copy what I made (I’ll only give a few clues though!)

  • Use the rekenrek (in link) to create 6. I made 6 by doing a double. What did I do?
  • Use the rekenrek to create 7. I had 2 at the top, how many on the bottom row to make 7?
  • Use the rekenrek to create 8. I had 5 at the bottom, how many on the top row to make 8?


This is a listening and talking activity today. Today at 12 noon, Blair Drummond Safari Park will be doing a live keeper talk on Facebook. Ask an adult to find this for you. Listen to what the keeper is telling you about the animal. If you have a question, you can ask an adult to type your question into the comments section and the keeper might answer it for you.

When the talk is finished you might want to draw a picture of the animal you learned about in your jotter – you might even wish to write some facts you learned.

I will be listening too – I can’t wait to hear if some of your questions are answered!


I know how much you loved the Sumdog challenge last week so I decided to set you another challenge this week. I was so impressed with how many of you completed the challenge from last week and some of your scores were very impressive!

Log into your sumdog account (login details were in your home learning jotter), I have set you a measure challenge to complete.

Good luck!

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Davenport Daily Activities 2.4.20

Good morning,

I hope you are all getting on well with the weekly grid this week. I also hope that you have enjoyed going outside to play in the garden (in your something fun section of the grid). I was very pleased that it wasn’t raining much this week and I was able to go outside playing in my garden with my dogs too – we even spotted a little hedgehog!

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with the number talks section for this week? I have added a link for the number rack ‘rekenrek’ below.


I used the rekenrek yesterday and I was wondering if you could try to copy what I made (I’ll only give a few clues though!)

  • Use the rekenrek (in link) to create 6. I made 6 by doing a double. What did I do?
  • Use the rekenrek to create 7. I had 2 at the top, how many on the bottom row to make 7?
  • Use the rekenrek to create 8. I had 5 at the bottom, how many on the top row to make 8?


This is a listening and talking activity today. Today at 12 noon, Blair Drummond Safari Park will be doing a live keeper talk on Facebook. Ask an adult to find this for you. Listen to what the keeper is telling you about the animal. If you have a question, you can ask an adult to type your question into the comments section and the keeper might answer it for you.

When the talk is finished you might want to draw a picture of the animal you learned about in your jotter – you might even wish to write some facts you learned.

I will be listening too – I can’t wait to hear if some of your questions are answered!


I know how much you loved the Sumdog challenge last week so I decided to set you another challenge this week. I was so impressed with how many of you completed the challenge from last week and some of your scores were very impressive!

Log into your sumdog account (login details were in your home learning jotter), I have set you a challenge to complete.

The challenge is called ‘Measure Challenge’ and it should come up when you log in. We had been learning about measure in January and this challenge will consolidate and extend your learning about this topic. The challenge will begin at 9am today and will finish at 3pm tomorrow. I am going to be logging in to sumdog to play along with you and see how you are getting on this afternoon.

Good luck!

Sound Sleep 1.4.20

Good morning,

Following on from yesterday’s blog post on sleep today’s focus will be sleep behaviours.

When reviewing our sleep patterns and ability to have a good night’s sleep there are specific questions we can follow to help us build up a picture of what our sleep behaviours are. There may be things we can amend or change that will help to support good sleep routines and patterns. Some of the questions we can ask ourselves over a two week period  are:

  1. In the past two weeks how often have you felt tired or sleepy during the day?
  2. In the past two weeks how often have you stayed awake until after midnight?
  3. In the past two weeks how often have you gone to bed because you could nit stay awake any longer?
  4. In the past two weeks how often have you watched TV or played a console, used a phone or tablet in bed?
  5. In the past two weeks how often have you felt tired or sleepy during the day?
  6. In the past two weeks how often have you found it hard to fall asleep?
  7. In the past two weeks how often have you felt tired or sleepy during the day?
  8. In the past two weeks how often have you woke up during the night and found it hard to get back to sleep?

Try and build a picture of your sleep routines using the questions above over a 2 week period. If you can find things that are regularly coming up try and change some of the routines and see if that makes a difference to how you get over to sleep and how good a sleep you have.

Have a great day.

Mrs Docherty

Reading Support and ideas 1.4.20

Good morning,

Welcome to April. This week’s focus has been Reading with helpful hints on how to support reading and reading for meaning.  As we are all at home I have included some helpful hints on how to create a reading environment and continue to foster a love of reading in our own houses.

  1.  Routine: Make reading part of your daily routine. This links in well with our Sound Sleep advice. It could be part for our evening and downtime hour to allow us to switch off in preparation for sleep.
  2. Read at home: Reading regularly at home promotes a love of reading and supports your child in becoming a great reader. Your children could even read to their siblings, pets and even toys!
  3. Make a special reading spot: Designating a special reading spot for your child to read with you is not only fun, but is also a great way to create a distraction-free zone where they can concentrate.
  4. Be a great reading partner: As parents you could read aloud and track the words with your finger as you are reading.  Read the story over and over and try using different voices to do this. Ask questions as you are reading. You can find hints on how to do this on yesterday’s reading blog.
  5. Bring books everywhere: Bring books wherever you go. In the car, on a picnic, in the garden
  6. Be a positive example: In school we have ERIC time which is everyone reading in class, this includes the teacher.  A good way to continue this is by us as parents being caught reading and also during that downtime hour reading our own book as our child reads theirs.

Have a great Wednesday and as always stay safe.

Mrs Docherty

Daily update-Wednesday 1st April

Good morning everyone,

Can you believe that we are now into the month of April, hopefully Spring has arrived and we will all be able to get out into our gardens more.

Tradition states that on the 1st April we should play pranks on one another and be a bit silly, we think that we should honour that tradition today and all make a pledge to have fun with our families with plenty of laughter.

We have also been set a challenge from our parish which encourages creativity and problem solving, 2 key skills. We have also posted this on our school Twitter page @StNinianPS.

We have also posted an Active Coping Calendar for April.

Have a good day everyone and Happy April Fools Day!

Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith

P1 Mrs Davenport Daily Activities 1.4.20

Good morning,

I hope you are all getting on well with the weekly grid this week. I have attached the grid below to help you access this. Here are some further activities/suggestions to extend and deepen your learning today.

Learning Grid Week 2

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with making a rocket? I made my one yesterday! Here is a list of the items I used when I made it:

Large cardboard box

Yoghurt cartons

Coloured paper

Sticky Tape


One way to write a list is when you write items one underneath the other.

Have a go at writing your own list, it could be about your rocket too or about anything you have made/built.


I decided to write a set of instructions for my favourite sandwich but I think I have made a few mistakes, can you spot them?

  1. first get two slices of bread and put butter on one side.
  2. Next grate some chese and put it on the bread
  3. Then carefully cut the sandwich in half.
  4. Finally injoy your cheese sandwich.

CLUE – There is one missing capital letter, one missing full stop and two spelling errors



Here is a link to a pictograph interactive game.

When you open the link click on the option of either Vertical or Horizontal unit = 1.  This way each picture on the graph represents 1.

You can then choose from How many?, How many More….than…? and How many fewer… than…?

Good luck.

P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 1.04.20

Good morning everyone,

I have included below all the attachments  that were given in yesterday’s blog to make it easy for you to find them.

P1 Week 2 Weekly Learning Grid

P1 Reading Activities Week 2

Counting in 2’s to 20

Counting in 2’s past 60

I hope you are all getting on well with the weekly grid this week.  And remember if you have anything you want to send me or ask or even just to say hello you can use the comment section below OR you can send things to the school office email address.  Here are some further activities/suggestions to extend and deepen your learning.


Have you made a rocket yet?  Here is a list of the items I used when I made my rocket yesterday,

Large cardboard box

Yoghurt cartons

Coloured paper

Sticky Tape


One way to write a list is when you write items one underneath the other.

Have a go at writing your own list, it could be about your rocket too or about anything you have made/built.


I decided to write a set of instructions for my favourite sandwich but I think I have made a few mistakes, can you spot them?

  1. first get two slices of bread and put butter on one side.
  2. Next grate some chese and put it on the bread
  3. Then carefully cut the sandwich in half.
  4. Finally injoy your cheese sandwich.

CLUE – There is one missing capital letter, one missing full stop and two spelling errors.


To extend you learning about pictographs or pictograms use this link below to an interactive game from Topmarks.


When you open the link click on the option of either Vertical or Horizontal unit = 1.  This way each picture on the graph represents 1.

You can then choose from How many?, How many More….than…? and How many fewer… than…?

Think about all the different numeracy skills you have to use when working out information from a graph.

Good luck.

Mrs Currie

Sound Sleep Advice 31.3.20

Good morning,

Following on from last week’s sleep advice this week we will look at how to support a good routine. To do this it is worth having a look at what our evening routines look like.  We have two routines, one on school days and the other on non-school days.

Questions to ask yourself  for school day routines are:

What will I do after school?

What will I do after dinner?

When will my wind down hour start?

What will I do in my wind down hour?

When will I go to my bed and sleep?

What will I do if I wake up during the night?


Similar questions to ask yourself  for non-school day routines are:

What will I do during the day and in the early evening?

What will I do after dinner?

When will my wind down hour start?

What will I do in my wind down hour?

When will I go to my bed and sleep?

What will I do if I wake up during the night?

These are some of the questions that will help us to look closely at what our routines look like and what is helping or stopping us from sleeping.  You could keep a little diary to help you determine what you do and then have a look at the link below which supports a good evening routine.

05 Example of a Good Bedtime Routine

We will continue to provide Sleep support tomorrow and the main focus will be sleep behaviours.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Mrs Docherty

Reading Support and Advice 31.3.20

Good morning,

As part of our reading advice today I will be looking at questioning and how to encourage your child to talk about and share the story. Yesterday we looked at the High 5 Retell Helping hand. When developing reading we look at children’s fluency and word recognition but also their understanding of what they have read. To do this we can ask the children to draw a picture, share their thoughts or record in written form, there are many ways for your child to share.

Today I would like to share some key questions and prompts that you can use with your children when they are reading to you or indeed when you are reading to them.

I have attached a copy of pictorial question prompts for the younger children. These support reading for meaning and the key skills. Have a go and let me know how you get on.

T-C-083-Reading-Prompts-For-Parents_ver_3 (1)

I have also attached a copy of Guided Reading questions you could use with your children when you are reading together. Using a guided reading approach you help develop your child’s thinking skills and also support the development of reading strategies.

t-l-4266-af-guided-reading-questions-mat-_ver_1 (1)

As always know I am here to help and support and it’s great to hear how you are getting on.

Have a good day everyone,

Mrs Docherty


P1 Mrs Davenport 31.3.20

Good morning everyone. I hope you have had a good first day with the new home learning grid. If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with learning the ‘y’ sound? Have you been practising writing this sound? Make sure you keep the tummy on the line and the tail underneath when writing this sound. It should be like a ‘u’ to begin with and include smooth curved lines, not pointy lines. This image shows you start and end points to help.



Logon to the phonics play website using the login below:

Phonics Play – Username – march20

Password – home

The login details will give you free access without needing to subscribe.

Click on resources at the top. Try the games ‘tricky words truck’ or ‘flashcard speed trial’.

Note for Parents – if your child says the correct word or sound click correct if not click incorrect. I recommend to select ‘pick individual graphemes (sounds)’ or ‘pick individual tricky words’ to select which sounds or words appear in the game.


Today we are focusing on counting in 2’s (skip counting). This is an excellent strategy to use to count quickly and we had started to learn about this as a number talks strategy when we were in school. I know that you all loved this counting in 2’s video:

Here is a trickier counting by 2’s song which goes all the way to 100!

I have attached 2 different counting by 2’s worksheets below. If you have a printer at home you may wish to print these out and complete or you could ask an adult to copy into your jotter. One of these worksheets counts in 2’s to 20 and another beyond 60!

Counting in 2’s to 20

Counting in 2’s past 60

Enjoy and good luck!

Have a lovely day P1 and I’m looking forward to seeing how you are getting on with the extra activities today.

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