P1 Mrs Currie Weekly Learning Grid Monday 20.04.20

Learning Grid Week 3 (1)

Book Review Week 3

Missing Numbers Worksheet Week 3

Good morning everyone and welcome to Term 4.  I hope you all had a lovely time over the last two weeks enjoying some of the sunshine we had.

Please find above your weekly grid with learning activities for you to complete.  There is also another two attachments for you to use; one to write a book report as part of your reading activity, the other to support your numeracy learning.

Remember to check into the blog everyday to see the daily posts which will contain some additional activities to help support your learning from the grid.

Don’t forget you can get in touch with me by using the comments section on this blog post.  You can ask questions, share learning with me or even just say hello!  I love hearing from you and will respond as quickly as I can.

Have a lovely day and have fun!

Mrs Currie

Happy Easter Holiday from Mrs Currie

Well done everyone for all the hard work over the last two weeks.  You have all shown fabulous resilience in the change to our learning environments.

Enjoy the next two weeks spending time with your families and resting up as well as staying safe.

Remember to log back in on Monday 20th April to access your new weekly learning grid.

Below I’ve included 2 links to activities all linked to Easter.  Have fun!

Mrs Currie

Easter Holiday Activities

Mini Vinnies Lockdown Appeal

P1 Mrs Davenport Easter Holidays

Hello P1,

The next 2 weeks will be the Easter holidays and I have attached some Easter Holiday Activities for you to do if you wish.

Mini Vinnies Committee are also running a lockdown appeal to make people smile.

I hope you enjoy the lead up to Easter and spend some quality time with your families.

Mrs Davenport

Easter Holiday Activities

Mini Vinnies Lockdown Appeal

Positive thought for the week 3.4.20

Good  morning everyone. Well done on another successful week of learning and making memories in our new normal routines and with our distance learning.  Life has certainly changed over the past few weeks and as we adjust to this new normal we hope that it will be for a short period safe in the knowledge that we will weather this together.

On that note my positive thought going into the weekend is:


As we all adjust to this new way of life it is important that we try to find alternative ways to make memories and make the most of all the wonderful things we have.  It’s important to make memories that will last a lifetime, laugh at the smallest of things, dance to the music and care for each other holding close in our hearts our loved ones.

One of the most uplifting things I heard this week was a Scottish grandma’s advice to her grandchildren. It brought both a tear and a great big smile to me all at once. Her inspirational message reminds her family  that it’s finding a new way to dance in the rain that will get us all through this to the warmth of the sun and each other. She even made National News and GMB.

You are all doing amazing things from home and we appreciate all you are doing and the contact you are keeping with us. It means a lot.

I’ll end my post with a beautiful poem Mrs Scott shared with me and the staff team called At Home. Please read it as it is truly magical and heart warming and sums up a beautiful positive message of how well you are all doing. Thank you Mrs Scott.


Have a lovely weekend and a wonderful Easter holiday as you switch off and spend time together with your loved ones whether that is in your home or via the phone. You truly deserve a magical time. Keep smiling and dancing!

Happy Easter everyone,

Mrs Docherty

Daily update – 3/4/20

Good morning everyone,

It felt strange waking up this morning on this last day of term, we should have all been having family tea and toast together at school before our Stay, Play and Learn Outdoors morning. It would be great if families could still take part in this today and spend a little time in their gardens or perhaps go for a short walk together.

Here are some ideas for outdoor learning that you might want to use:


Remember it’s also Funky Friday, so get the music on and get dancing!

Today would also have been our last Hot Chocolate Friday of the term so today we nominate………ALL OF YOU!!! Join us at 11.15am for a hot chocolate in recognition of all your hard work these last few weeks at home.

As we approach Holy Week let’s also take time to prepare ourselves for Easter. The Archdiocese of Edinburgh have some useful guides and activities for families to do:




We have also provided some additional materials for over the Easter holidays if anyone is looking for some activities to do as has West Lothian Council:

Easter Holiday Activities

https://www.westlothian.gov.u k/article/51911/Learning-at-home

All that’s left to say is have a restful, relaxing family break for the next 2 weeks and enjoy Easter when it comes. The teachers will be logging off today for their Easter break too and will be back online on Monday 20th April.

Stay safe everyone, take care!

Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith


P1 Mrs Currie Daily Update 03.04.20

Good morning and happy Friday!  I cannot believe how quickly this week has seemed.  Thank you to everyone who has been in touch this week or have logged onto Sumdog to complete the challenge!  If you have not had a chance to complete the Sumdog challenge it is still live until 3pm today.

Today is about self-assessing; how have you got on with your learning this week?

This week we are using 2 stars and a wish to assess our learning. Some of the tasks you have completed you will be thinking about 2 things you done well with your activity and 1 thing you could have done even better. You can talk about this to someone at home or draw the stars beside the things you done well and a wand for a wish beside the thing you could have done better.

Health and Wellbeing

How did you get on with naming the different body parts? I have attached an image below of different body parts. How many of these body parts did you find and label?

Can you complete the 2 stars and a wish self assessment strategy for this activity.


Star – Labelled all the body parts on the face.

Star – I tried to sound out the names of body parts when spelling on my own.

Wish – Think about the body parts that are inside my body.


How did you get on with your research topic? What do you want to be when you grow up? Write a comment below about what you would like to be. When I was at primary school I wanted to be a teacher! And my dream came true, and so can yours!  Reach for the stars and you can achieve anything.


Can you use the 2 stars and a wish tool to self-assess your writing from this week? Did you spot the mistakes I made in my story this week? I have pointed them out below for you.

  1. first get two slices of bread and put butter on one side. I missed a capital letter.
  2. Next grate some chese and put it on the bread I missed a full stop and spelled cheese wrong.
  3. Then carefully cut the sandwich in half.
  4. Finally injoy your cheese sandwich. I spelled enjoy wrong.

I have attached the link for the reading activity for you self-assess your work against.

P1 Reading Activities Week 2 Self Assessment


When completing your number talks for this week did you spot dice pattern of 4 on the rekenrek and the 10 frame? I spotted the dice pattern of 4 and then counted on.

How did you get on using the online rekenrek to complete my number talks? I have given you the answers to my examples from yesterday:

  • Use the rekenrek (in link) to create 6. I made 6 by doing a double. What did I do?

I had 3 + 3 = 6. I had 3 at the top and 3 at the bottom. This also looks like the 6 dice pattern.

  • Use the rekenrek to create 7. I had 2 at the top, how many on the bottom row to make 7?

I had 5 at the bottom. 2 + 5 = 7.

  • Use the rekenrek to create 8. I had 5 at the bottom, how many on the top row to make 8?

I had 3 at the top. 3 + 5 = 8.

Counting in 2’s is another super number talks strategy. On Tuesday, we asked you to have a go at counting in 2’s and completing a counting in 2’s worksheet. I have attached the completed counting in 2’s worksheet to 60. You can use this to self-assess both of the worksheets attached on Tuesday’s blog post. See below:

Counting in 2’s past 60 Self Assessment

How did you get on with completing the pictogram questions this week? I have posted the answers below in the attachment.

Pictogram self assessment

Well done everyone who completed some of these tasks this week, also remember the importance of play and the life skills you can develop from helping out around the house.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Currie

P1 Mrs Davenport Daily Activities 3.4.20

Today is about self-assessing; how have you got on with your learning this week?

This week we are using 2 stars and a wish to assess our learning. Some of the tasks you have completed you will be thinking about 2 things you done well with your activity and 1 thing you could have done even better. You can talk about this to someone at home or draw the stars beside the things you done well and a wand for a wish beside the thing you could have done better.

Health and Wellbeing

How did you get on with naming the different body parts? I have attached an image below of different body parts. How many of these body parts did you find and label?

Can you complete the 2 stars and a wish self assessment strategy for this activity.


Star – Labelled all the body parts on the face.

Star – I tried to sound out the names of body parts when spelling on my own.

Wish – Think about the body parts that are inside my body.


How did you get on with your research topic? What do you want to be when you grow up? Write a comment below about what you would like to be. When I was at primary school I wanted to be a vet! I changed my mind when I got older and decided to be a teacher instead – I am very glad that I changed my mind!


Can you use the 2 stars and a wish tool to self-assess your writing from this week? Did you spot the mistakes I made in my story this week? I have pointed them out below for you.

  1. first get two slices of bread and put butter on one side. I missed a capital letter.
  2. Next grate some chese and put it on the bread I missed a full stop and spelled cheese wrong.
  3. Then carefully cut the sandwich in half.
  4. Finally injoy your cheese sandwich. I spelled enjoy wrong.

I have attached the link for the reading activity for you self-assess your work against.

P1 Reading Activities Week 2 Self Assessment


When completing your number talks for this week did you spot dice pattern of 4 on the rekenrek and the 10 frame? I spotted the dice pattern of 4 and then counted on.

How did you get on using the online rekenrek to complete my number talks? I have given you the answers to my examples from yesterday:

  • Use the rekenrek (in link) to create 6. I made 6 by doing a double. What did I do?

I had 3 + 3 = 6. I had 3 at the top and 3 at the bottom. This also looks like the 6 dice pattern.

  • Use the rekenrek to create 7. I had 2 at the top, how many on the bottom row to make 7?

I had 5 at the bottom. 2 + 5 = 7.

  • Use the rekenrek to create 8. I had 5 at the bottom, how many on the top row to make 8?

I had 3 at the top. 3 + 5 = 8.

Counting in 2’s is another super number talks strategy. On Tuesday, we asked you to have a go at counting in 2’s and completing a counting in 2’s worksheet. I have attached the completed counting in 2’s worksheet to 60. You can use this to self-assess both of the worksheets attached on Tuesday’s blog post. See below:

Counting in 2’s past 60 Self Assessment

How did you get on with completing the pictogram questions this week? I have posted the answers below in the attachment.

Pictogram self assessment

Well done everyone who completed some of these tasks this week, also remember the importance of play and the life skills you can develop from helping out around the house.

Reading Advice and Support 2.4.20

Good morning,

Today we will complete our Reading advice for this week. I hope you have found the hints, links, strategies and resources helpful. Please look back for these posts for all of the information and as always remember I am here to help so please leave any comments or questions.

A great website to use for ideas and book recommendations is Book Trust. The site is split into ages and provides recommendations of books for all ages.


On this page you will find lists of books for your children depending on their age and stage of reading. I loved looking through it as my children are older so it keeps me in touch with what’s out there! Some new books added to my reading list!

A great resource on the Book Trust website is the link to Waterstones Children’s Laureate Cressida Cowell BookTrust Home Time. I have included a word document which explains what this amazing initiative is all about. It is very exciting and offers a digital hub  with a wealth of resources to support reading and illustrating. Definitely worth a look.


We will revisit Reading and Spelling support in the coming weeks. The next focus I will be supporting is writing.

Have a great day everyone,

Mrs Docherty

Daily update – 2nd April 2020

Good morning,

Hope you all had a good night’s sleep and feel ready for the day ahead! Mrs Docherty has been posting some really helpful information about the importance of sleep for our wellbeing via the blog.

It has been lovely seeing some of our families at the HUB on a Monday and then talking to pupils via the blog or TEAMS.

The theme we have been working on in school for Building Resilience is ‘Talk things over’ and never has there been a greater time to do this! Mrs Smith and I have been calling parents to check in for a chat and we will continue to do this today and tomorrow. We are also available via email each day for any questions or concerns.

Have a good day everyone, we have almost made it to the Easter holidays!

Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith



Mindfulness 2.4.20

Good morning everyone,

You are all doing so well with our new normal and engaging so well in all of the activities and learning online.

In these times we also need to remember that it is equally important to look after our wellbeing. Last week I posted helpful hints on mindfulness with ideas and strategies to help us have that all important downtime.

Thursdays are now such important days where we all stop at 8 o clock and thank our NHS. This is a time for reflection. These times are important for ourselves and our own wellbeing daily also. Today I have included a link for a great resource to use with your children at this time.

There are 5 themes to explore on this site. They are Calm, Focus, Kindness, Sleep and Wake up.  Your child will be introduced to simple fun breathing exercises, how to practise a relaxed precise kind of focus, will be taught about openness and generosity, how to get a good night’s sleep with relaxed mindfulness activities. These simple meditations will help your child start the day of right.



As today is Thursday I have also included a Mindfulness NHS Heart picture to colour as a family and to say thank you. This is a little challenge from Mrs Docherty and one I’d love to see you share. I’m going to do one and display it in my house to remind me about what  the most important things in life are and to remind me to stop and have quiet time.

NHS Mindfulness colouring

Please take times in your day to stop and think about you. Take time to stop and switch off and take time to relax your body and mind.

Have a lovely day everyone. I’m thinking of you all,

Mrs Docherty


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