Nursery News

The Nursery children have had quite the exciting week!

Firstly on Monday we celebrated Burns day by learning about Robert Burns and listening to some of his poems and songs. Our favourite song was definitely “Auld Lang Sang” as most of the children were already familiar with this one!! 🙂 We then had a Burns supper of Haggis, neeps and tatties which lots of the children really enjoyed.

Next we prepared for Granparents day, we made calendars, baked cakes and practiced our Scottish songs and poems.





We would like to thank all the families who came along to our Grandparents Day on Thursday, I’m sure you will agree that all the children were spectacular!! We hoped you enjoyed visiting the Nursery and watching the children perform.







These are just a few photographs from Thursday, I will add the rest to our Nursery parents Facebook page.

We have a couple of things that we would like your help with if possible:

(1) If you have any spare logs or bricks in your garden that you are not using we would love to take them off your hands to develop our own outdoor learning environment.

(2) Our school and Nursery Technology week is coming up (8th-12th February) and we would love to hear if you had any ideas or suggestions of any activities that we could plan for the Nursery. If you do have any ideas or expertise in this area please let us know! Any help would be much appreciated.

If you can help with any of the above please speak to a member of our Nursery team who would be delighted to hear from you.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and that you stay safe in the strong winds! Have a look at the fantastic weather display our children created this morning:


The Nursery Team 😀

Nursery News

Another busy week in Nursery. First of all we would like to thank everyone who came along to our Nursery Natters on Thursday and Friday. If you were unable to attend this time there will be more Nursery Natters coming up.

We have continued to learn about Winter this week and we continued to look  for signs of Winter outside. We discovered some ice and discussed how ice was formed and how it changed when it melted. We also looked at patterns on the leaves and how the frost changed their appearance.

Our PM children were worried that the birds were not getting enough food as it was Winter and so decided to make bird cakes. These will be put in our Nursery garden on Monday. We then plan to do some bird watching. We can’t wait to see what birds appear!

We also had a visit from Primary 2M who showed us something amazing on their iPad it was a picture of a rocket which had landed in the playground. They wanted to know if anyone had seen anything but we promised to have a look on the way home. It was all very exciting.

We have also been busy preparing for Grandparents Day which is  on Thursday 28th January at 10 am and 2pm. We are very excited to show you what we have been doing.  We would also be very grateful for any donations of home baking that could be handed in for this special event.  Everyone is welcome to come along .

There is also a Breakfast Blether on Tuesday 9th February at 8:45 am. This is an opportunity for you to  have an informal chat and provide valuable feedback to our Headteacher and members of our Nursery team. We are looking forward to seeing as many parents/carers as possible. If you are available please add your name to the sign up sheet in the Nursery . Breakfast is included!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team.


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Nursery News

Happy New Year from all the Nursery Team.

A warm welcome back to all our Nursery boys and girls and a special welcome to our two new children who have joined our AM session – Blake and Oliver. We hope you both enjoy being at St Ninians Nursery.

As part of our Values and Vision week we revisited our Nursery Charter and how we can help Nin by following the Nursery rules.  He was very impressed that the children could remember most of the rules. We have been concentrating on getting back into our Nursery routine and being able to share resources with each other.

Our learning focus for the next few weeks will be Winter and as part of our responsive planning we will be asking the children what they would like to learn within this topic.

Our Primary 7 Polish buddies continue to visit us twice a week to have a chat and find out what we have been learning in Nursery.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team.



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Nursery News


We were all so proud of our Nursery children this week as they performed in our Nursery Nativity. They were all so confident and expressive. A big thank you to everyone who came along to see and support the children. It was great to see so many and the children loved having you there.

We have been continuing with our countdown to Christmas by opening our Advent tree and are getting very excited about how close Christmas is coming.

The children used their listening skills this week when we read the Stick Man story. Please ask your child if they can tell you anything about this lovely story. Our PM children then took this learning further by going for a walk round the school grounds with Mr McCurdy  to look for shapes and some sticks which they are planning to make into their own stick men or ladies. Our AM children worked with Mr McCurdy developing their coordination skills.

Our AM children have been making some Christmas decorations using natural materials and our PM children finished off their salt dough decorations. Both sessions used the Talking Floor books to record what they had learned from their Nativity.

Well done to our two children who received the Achievement award this time. Joshua from AM and Riley from PM. We’ll done boys!

Nursery children are welcome to wear their Christmas jumpers on Tuesday 15th December. Christmas parties will be Thursday 17th December for PM children and Friday 18th December for AM children. Rumour has it a special visitor may be arriving!

Nursery finishes for the Christmas holidays on Friday 18th December and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday 6th January.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team


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Nursery News

We have had lots of exciting learning experiences this week based around our themes of Christmas and Winter. Most importantly, we have been rehearsing hard for our Nativity show on Tuesday at 10am for the morning class and Tuesday at 2pm for the afternoon class. We look forward to seeing you there! Have a look at some of our children rehearsing on our pretend stage:


We have begun our Christmas countdown which we call Advent. The children have enjoyed learning about the Nativity story and decorating our Advent tree with the very special decorations. During Advent we are learning to listen carefully for information and to take turns. We have also put up our Christmas decorations and decorated our two Nursery Christmas trees. How exciting!

Our Winter Display.
Our Winter Display.
Special Advent tree.
Special Advent tree.
One of our Christmas trees!
One of our Christmas trees!

From exploring the themes of Christmas the children have developed an interest in writing, stamping, posting and delivering letters to Santa. The children have loved using our postbox and post bag! We will be continuing this theme next week too.

Our Nursery postbox and post bag.
Our Nursery postbox and post bag.

If your child has shown an interest in writing letters at home, please bring them in to show us and we can pop them in our postbox! We look forward to seeing you all at the Nursery Nativity. Have a fantastic weekend,

The Nursery Team 🙂

Nursery News

Firstly we would like to thank everyone who came along to our Art Gallery this week. We made the fantastic amount of 200 pounds which is all going to Yorkhill  Children’s Hospital Christmas appeal which is going towards a new heart scanner. This appeal is special to the St Ninians family this year. We really appreciated your generosity and the children were so proud to show their amazing Art work. They were all superstars.

On Wednesday morning we were very lucky to have a special visitor. Marcus’ dad who is a postman came in to talk to the children about his job and how busy he is just now getting ready for all the letters to Santa. A big thank you goes out to him especially as he had been working all night. All the children were very focused and asked lots of relevant questions.

Some of our PM children have been busy making salt dough decorations and they plan to finish these next week.  In both sessions next week also we plan to bake our Christmas cakes after discussing all the ingredients.

In our new heuristic area the children have been using their curiosity and creativity to make binoculars and games from the natural resources on our Treasure table.

As well as making things for our Art gallery this week the children have started practising for the Nursery Nativity. Next week will be very busy with lots of rehearsals.

Just a small reminder that the Nursery Nativity is on Tuesday 8th December at 10am and 2pm. Tickets costing 1 pound each can be purchased from any of the Nursery team. It is also our school Fayre tomorrow between 10 and 12.

Lastly we love to get your feedback on our Blog so please feel free to comment. Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend.


The Nursery Team.

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Nursery News

Firstly, we would like to thank everyone for their kind donations last week for Children in Need. We raised £57 which is an amazing total!! Thank you 🙂

This week the children we were lucky enough to have a visit from the Scottish SPCA, Scotland’s Animal Welfare Charity. We learned all about the different types of animals who live in Scotland and also what to do if we come across an injured animal. All the children were very focused and listened extremely well to our visitors!! Well done boys and girls you were fantastic!!!







We have set up an exciting new heuristic area in our Nursery, this will help develop the children’s natural curiosity, strengthen their cognitive development and help improve their hand eye coordination. We have named this area the “Treasure Table.” We are very excited for the children to start using this resource on Monday. If you would like more information on heuristic play please speak to a member of our Nursery team.

Treasure Table
Treasure Table

Also this week the boys and girls have been very busy preparing and creating lots of interesting items for our Nursery Art Gallery next week. Please pop along if you can. The items will carry a small price and all proceeds will be donated to Yorkhill Children’s Hospital. Just as a reminder the times are as follows:

PM Class- Thursday 26th November at 2pm
AM Class- Friday 27th November at 10am

We look forward to seeing you there!

Have a fantastic weekend!
The Nursery Team 🙂

Nursery News

This week in Nursery we have been learning about Diwali the festival of light. Our AM children made flower necklaces and our PM children made lanterns all associated with this festival. We also continued with People who help us which was responsive planning from the children after we had discussed fireworks and fire safety. On Thursday we had a special visitor linked to this topic PC Welsh very kindly came in to see us on his day off and spoke to both sessions about Stranger Danger and Road Safety. All the children listened very well and answered lots of questions. They also got the opportunity to try on a policeman’s safety vest which we discovered was very heavy. Watch this space for more visitors whose jobs are about helping people!

Also on Thursday our AM children took part in a minute silence for Remembrance Day and they were all very respectful and thoughtful.

Children in Need was celebrated by both sessions by wearing their pyjamas to Nursery with crazy hair. The children seemed to enjoy wearing their pyjamas as did the staff!  Thank you all very much for your support and donations for this.

Just a little reminder that Nursery photographs are on Tuesday 17th November. A list of upcoming dates for Nursery was available this week in paper form. If you didn’t receive one please speak to any member of the Nursery team and they will be happy to get one for you.

Thank you to the parents/carers who came along to our Parents evenings. It was lovely to get the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and all the learning that is taking place in Nursery.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Stay safe out of the horrible weather.

The Nursery Team

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We are supporting Children in Need!

children in need

The Communty  Links and Charities Committee are holding a dress down/ non-uniform day on  Friday 13th of November to support Children in Need.  If your child would like to take part , a £1 Donation will  needed.

Please give the £1 donation to your child to give to their class teacher on Friday morning.

Colin P5/6 (Community Links Committee).


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