Nursery News

What an exciting and busy week we have had in Nursery! We have been very busy practising for our Nursery Nativity which takes place this Tuesday 6th at 10am and 2 pm. We are really looking forward to showing all our families our singing and drama skills. There will also be a bake sale half an hour before each performance and any donations of cakes would be greatly appreciated for these.

Our planning wall has changed to Christmas and the children have given lots of  super ideas for this. Please feel free to add any other thoughts or ideas that may come from your child at home.

On Thursday something very strange happened in both sessions. We came into Nursery to find lots of glitter on the carpet and we all wondered how this had happened! It was a very special visitor he was the Elf on the shelf! He brought along with him a very special story which we listened to. We were asked to give  him a name. The AM children decided on Sparkle and the PM children thought of Max. He explained that he was going to be in our nursery till Christmas and every day he would be watching us all to see who was being kind and he would whisper their names to the teachers who would write a letter which he would take back every night to Santa! Every day when we came into nursery we would need to look for him as he wouldn’t always be on his shelf and he might be doing something naughty! The kindness elves are his special friends. Look out for him when you are in the nursery.

Its the turn of the PM children to share their adventures with us this week.

Courtney ” I painted and used glitter.”

Mark ” I like the Artic animals”

Emalie B” I like drawing pictures at the drawing table.”

Kayla ” I made a bed in the brick area.”

Emilie M ” I like playing in the house area and looking after baby Jesus.”

Scott ” I like the trains”

Riley ” I helped make Christmas decorations.”

As well as our Nativity plays on Tuesday we have our Christmas Art Galleries on Thursday 15th at 230pm and Friday 16th December at 1030am where you will get the opportunity to buy your child’s special and individual Christmas art. Any money raised for this will go towards purchasing new nursery resources.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday!

The Nursery Team.

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Nursery News

This has been Cool to be Kind week in both school and nursery.  In Nursery we had two special visitors arrive to help us think about how we could be kind. They were called the Kindness Elves and they had even sent us a letter! The letter said that they would be setting us challenges and looking to see all the kind things we could do in the nursery and we can also write them letters too! We all had a discussion about what rules we could have in our Nursery Charter and wrote some ideas in our talking book. The Kindness Elves are going to help us next week to decide which rules we will put up on our charter which is next to where the elves are going to be staying as they liked being in our nursery so much. There is a picture of the elves on our Facebook page and you are also more than welcome to come and see them in their little house. The children would be delighted to show you😊

As part of this special week’s focus we had an achievement assembly on Thursday and Miss Smyth got a surprise in her office when a letter appeared from the Kindness Elves with the names of the children who had tried really hard this week to be kind and they had even left special certificates for them.

Our AM children were Seren and Isabelle and our PM children were Mark D and Jiya.Well done for being our stars of the week.

We have also started practising this week for our Nursery Nativity which is on Tuesday 6th December at 10 am and 2pm save the date for what will be a very special event😊

To finish off our week we celebrated Children in Need by wearing spots or pyjamas. We made spotty headbands and pictures and danced to Pudsey music. We collected 80 pounds which was fantastic. Thank you to everyone for their kind donations.

We have also been continuing in PE  with improving our fitness and have been working with both Mr McCurdy and Primary 7 to go round different fitness stations. It was great fun but hard work!

This week it is the turn of our PM children to share their learning.

Milena, Hanna and Jiya ” We love playing with the magnets”

Emilie M ” I like drawing pictures”

Mark D and Kayla ” We like building with the big bricks”

Syzmon” I like the sand”

Emalie ” I like doing jigsaws”

Some events coming up soon. This Tuesday 22nd November both AM and PM will be recording Christmas songs which will be put onto a Christmas C.D which will be available to buy at our Christmas Fun Day in school on 2nd December. Every class in the school will also be singing a song for this C.D. On Thursday 24th November will be family and individual photographs.  For parents of new Primary 1 children coming to school next August there will be an information evening on Thursday 1st December at 6p.m.

We are always looking for ways of improving our Nursery and we really appreciate your ideas and feedback. In the entrance of the Nursery we have put up pink and green pieces of paper along with post it notes of the same colour. Pink for things you think we are doing well and green for any ideas you may have for us to take forward. Please write up your thoughts on the post its the Nursery team would love to hear your feedback.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above information please ask any member of the Nursery team who will be happy to help you.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery team.😊

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Nursery News

First of all we would like to say a big thank you to all the parents and carers who came along to our Stay and Play or Come back and Play sessions over the past two weeks. The children loved being able to share their learning experiences with you and show you round our nursery .

On Monday there was a spooky atmosphere in nursery as we had our Halloween parties. We all had a great time dooking for apples, trying to eat doughnuts and listening to a spooky story. We even managed to visit the library and pick some spooky stories to bring back with us.

We have been making firework pictures this week using paint, glitter and cardboard tubes. They look fantastic. We have also been discussing what we like and don’t like about fireworks and putting our ideas into our talking books. These books are on display and you are welcome to have a look at them at any time. We have also been having great fun in our leaves sensory box where we can walk on the leaves and listen to the sound we are making and look at the patterns  in the leaves.

This week it is our PM children who will share their learning with us.

Mark, Riley and Luke ” We liked painting the Firework pictures”

Robert ” I liked playing in the sand.”

Courtney ” I liked playing in the water with the spiders! ”

Kayla ” I liked playing with the trains.”

Emileigh Rose and Lilly  ” We liked playing in the kitchen and house corner ”

Emilie M and Jiya ” We love building things with the magnets ”

Szymon ” I love snack.”

Next week is National  Nursery Rhyme week. We will be looking at a different nursery rhyme each day and there is a quiz which you can take home and try with your child. These will be given out on Monday. Good luck.

Parental appointment times have now been given out for either Wednesday 9 th November or Thursday 10th November. If you have not received a time and would like to talk to your child’s key worker please just ask any member of the nursery team who will be happy to help you.

We are also wanting to update our Nursery Behaviour Policy and we would really appreciate your thoughts and ideas. Please join Mrs Purdie and some of the Nursery team on Tuesday 8th November for Breakfast Blether at 10.30 or Afternoon tea at 2.15 to have a chat regarding this. We will also be asking for the children’s ideas and we have some exciting small visitors who will be coming to our Nursery to help us. Watch this space!

As you know the children also experience outdoor learning at Nursery and we are looking  to build on the resources we already have to enrich further learning opportunities. If you have any of the following  items to spare we would really appreciate it if you could hand them in to any member of the team.

Nuts and bolts, nails and screws, bricks, small hammers, saws and screwdrivers, pieces of wood, curtain hooks or rings, jars with lids and pieces of material. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe with Firework and Bonfire night.

The Nursery Team.

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Nursery News

It’s been a hectic a week at nursery!! We have been very busy preparing for Halloween and decorating our nursery. The children have enjoyed choosing the decorations and working together to put them up.

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We had a very special visitor in nursery this week too. A guide dog called Olive came to visit us with her owner. Olive helps people who have impaired vision. They told us all about how she was trained and why she wears a collar with tags and a harness. We talked about how to cross the road safely to keep ourselves safe.

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This week it’s the AM class turn to share their learning on the blog:

Lucy “I have my own pumpkin at my gran’s house”

Amelia “I have my own pumpkin too! My mummy took out the nuts and we put a candle inside”

Abu Bakr ” This week I liked playing Spider-Man with Blake and Joshua. I played some of the new Apps on the IPads too”

Micah “I played Kings and Princesses with my friend Abigail”

Oliver ” I like playing houses with Seren and Cats with Victoria”

Roma ” I like pretending to be asleep and then my friends wake me up! I have been dancing with Lucy”

Anna “This week I have liked drawing”

What a busy bunch this week! 🙂

Don’t forget that Monday is Halloween and the children can wear costumes if they wish. (no masks or weapons please) We will be walking to the library too so please keep that in mind!

We look forward to seeing all the costumes on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend everyone 🙂

Please read the invitation below to participate in updating our nursery behaviour policy,



Parent Discussion

We would like to update our nursery behaviour policy and we would appreciate your thoughts and ideas. Please join Mrs Purdie and some of our nursery team on:


Breakfast Blether @ 10:30 am


Afternoon Tea @ 2:15pm

Nursery News

We can’t believe that’s the first term finished in Nursery. All our new children have settled really well into our Nursery routines with our older children helping them so much. We look forward to welcoming some more new starts after the October break. This week it’s the turn of the PM children to share their learning.

Mark ” I like to play the doggy game.”

Emilie M ” I like to use the spying glass to see the leaves”

Emalie B ” I like to see the leaves falling down”

Jiya” I like making things with the magnets”

Robert” In Autumn leaves fall down”

Luke ” I like playing at the play dough table”


An update from the AM children. They went on their Autumn walk this week and identified lots of signs that Autumn had arrived. Our planning wall has taken on Autumn too with some photographs and ideas of what the children have been doing and what they would like to learn. If your child mentions anything that they would like to learn about Autumn please add this to our planning wall. It’s great to see the children taking ownership of their learning.

Just a little reminder that our Stay and Play sessions take place the week beginning 25th October and Come back and Play week beginning 31st October. There are sign up sheets available in the Nursery. This gives you the opportunity to see and experience the Nursery activities with your child.

If you are having problems logging onto your child’s online Learning Journals please email our deputy head Miss Smyth on

We will also be having the Nursery Halloween parties on Monday 31st October. More details to follow but could we please ask that no masks be worn to these as some children get frightened by this. Thank you for your support with this.

We hope you all have a lovely holiday and we look forward to welcoming the children back to Nursery on Tuesday 25th October.

The Nursery Team.😊

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Nursery news

We have absolutely loved learning about Autumn his week! Please click on the link above to hear our favourite Autumn song! We have started to go out on our Autumn walks and have collected items for our Autumn feely table, please continue to bring in items from home if you are out and about over the weekend.

We would like to say a big thank you to the parents and children who came along to our numeracy workshop on Wednesday evening, we hope you found it useful. If you were unable to make it, please speak to a member of our team who can give you a parent pack.

this week it is the AM class turn to share their learning on the blog:

  • ” I like making patterns with the coloured magnets” Abu Bakr
  • “I love playing with Roma and Yasmin in the house corner” Lucy
  • ” I can build with the bricks” Leon
  • “I love playing with my friends” Seren
  • “I had fun playing mummies and daddies with Isabelle and Oliver” Yasmin
  • “I saw Autumn acorns on the way to nursery” Chloe
  • “I saw acorns too! It’s Autumn time!” Annabelle
  • “I was helping my friend Blake at tidy up time, we make a good team” Joshua

Fantastic work AM class! They also told me that their favourite part of the week was when Miss Smyth popped in to read them a story! How exciting!


Miss Smyth reading us the Gruffalo!
Miss Smyth reading us the Gruffalo!


Our Stay and Play and Come back and Play sessions are starting the week beginning 25th October, if you would like an opportunity to stay for part of the nursery session to see what your child gets up to, please sign up for a slot using our sign in sheets in the cloakroom area. If you would like more information on this, please speak to a member of our nursery team.

Today we said a very sad goodbye to our teaching students, Mr Slater and Miss McGuire 🙁  They have both been outstanding and we will definitely miss them lots. We are looking forward to them coming back to visit us in a few weeks time.

We have lots of photographs to share with you this week so we will post them on our Nursery Parents Facebook Page.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone,

The nursery team 🙂


Nursery News

First of all we would like to thank everyone who came along to our MacMillan Coffee morning and afternoon.  We have raised £135 for this fantastic cause.  Thank you.

Both sessions had their first visit to the library this week and they both chose story books about wolves! The children really enjoyed this learning experience and can’t wait till they go back next week. Their chosen story books were then read at Nursery and the children were very good at listening and discussing the storyline.

There was a lovely smell in the Nursery on Wednesday and Thursday when both AM and PM children helped bake lovely cakes for our MacMillan fundraiser. They learned  to measure out the ingredients and also talked about why we were baking these cakes. They also developed their cutting skills and were very creative when making invitations too for this.

All areas of the Nursery have been very busy this week in particular the construction area and the house corner . The children have continued to engage in their planning wall putting up their own ideas. Next week our focus for learning is going to be Autumn and we plan to have group time where we can get the childrens’ views and ideas on how to take this forward. If you are out and about at the weekend we would appreciate any signs of Autumn that the children could bring in. We would also love to have any ideas from parents or carers on this topic or if your child discusses any ideas with you which can be added to our planning wall.

Just a little reminder that we are having a Numeracy workshop on Wednesday 5th October one from 6.00 till 6.20 and the second one from 6.30 till 6.50. Both workshops are the same and this will hopefully give those parents and carers who have children in the school an opportunity to come to one.

Have a lovely weekend and thank you all for your continued support in all we do.


The Nursery Team.

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Nursery News

Its been a short but productive week here in nursery! We talked about the term “peace” and we discussed what this word means to us. We decided that Peace meant to be kind to each other and to play nicely with our friends. We also made class posters for the international day of peace. We were able to recognise that the symbol for peace is a dove, how clever are we!!! 🙂

Image result for peace dove


This week the AM class will be sharing their learning:

Seren- “I have painting pictures of flowers to give to my mum and dad.”

Leon- “I was building a castle with Chloe.”

Victoria- “I have been playing with Abigail.”

Christopher- “We were learning to brush our teeth, my nursery toothbrush is blue.”

Abu Bakr- “It was so much fun brushing our teeth! My nursery toothbrush is orange.”

Oliver- “I am learning to play nicely with my friends.”

Blake- “We found a book about drawing dinosaurs, I loved learning that!”

Yasmin- “I love dinosaurs too! I saw them at the museum.”


Next week will develop our interest in dinosaurs and toothbrushing! 🙂


A little update from the PM class-

The children really enjoyed a music workshop on Wednesday afternoon.. They sang number songs, learned about breathing properly while singing, listened for their names in songs and acted out a musical story. The children are looking forward to attended these workshops over the next 12 weeks. The PM class also had their first experience of a whole school assembly on Thursday afternoon and they all sat quietly and listened really well! Well done boys and girls! 🙂

Here are a few photographs from the past few days-

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Don’t forget that next week we are having our MacMillian coffee morning/afternoon

PM Class- Thursday 29th September at 2:00pm

AM Class- Friday 30th September at 10:00am

Image result for macmillan coffee morning

Please pop along with a cake and enjoy a tea/coffee and a chat with other nursery parents. We have arranged this event during the nursery session to allow you to enjoy a child free tea or coffee. 🙂

We look forward to seeing you there!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

The Nursery Team 🙂


Nursery News

First of all we would like to thank all the parents and carers who came along last night to our Ninians Natter. It was lovely to see you all and  we hope you found it helpful and informative. Don’t worry if you didn’t manage along please ask any member of the Nursery Team and they will be happy to share what we discussed.

This week it is the turn of our PM children to share what they have enjoyed doing in Nursery.

Mark ” I learned about making things. I made a house in the construction area.”

Kayla ” We made a stage so we could all sing and play instruments.”

Liam” We have made rainbow fish for the wall”

Riley and Emilie ” We like playing in the sand”

Jiya ” I like the play dough”

Robert ” I like building things”

A little update from our AM children they have been very busy in all areas of the Nursery and have even been  writing their own plans for our new Planning wall which is fantastic.

We continue to welcome new children to our St Ninian’s  family and we are very proud of our older children who have made them so welcome and looked after them. You are all superstars.

In P.E. with Mr McCurdy  the children were learning how to use all areas of the hall and developing their coordination skills using hoops. Even the teachers had a go!

Just to let you know that paper copies of  the Nursery calendar for the year are now available in the Nursery. However if you receive our weekly Nursery update via email on a Monday you will receive an electronic  one plus the Nursery handbook in the next few weeks.

A little reminder that Nursery is closed on Monday and Tuesday. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday 21st.

Have a lovely holiday weekend.

The Nursery Team.

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Nursery News

This week we welcomed even more friends to our Saint Ninian’s family and again, everyone has settled in extremely well!! Well done boys and girls!!

Today the AM class are helping to write the blog for the first time! We talked about what we had enjoyed learning about this week.

Seren said “I was building fairy castles in the brick corner.”

Abigail said “I liked drawing pictures of my family.”

Amelia said “I liked playing cooking in the house corner, I was making eggs.”

Micah said “I dressed up like the Smartest Giant in Town!”

Lucy, Roma and Lewis said “We had fun!!” (This has been their first week at nursery 🙂 )

Abu Baker and Isabelle said “we are making plans and putting them on our planning wall.”

Doesn’t our planning wall look great????


Nursery Planning Wall
Nursery Planning Wall

Next week our PM children are going to help to write the blog, but a little update from them is that they harvested the potatoes that they planted last session and they  enjoyed eating their home grown potato as wedges for snack on Wednesday afternoon! Farmers in the making!!

PM potatoes
PM potatoes

We also had a visit today from Mr Slater and Miss McGuire who will be working with us over the next few weeks. They are teaching students from Edinburgh University and they are excited to develop their knowledge of the Early Level. We are sure they will have lots of fun with us!

Please remember that next Thursday Evening (15th September) will be our Ninian’s Natter and information evening. Please come along at 6pm to find out about all the exciting things happening in our school and nursery. We look forward to seeing you there!

Have a lovely weekend,


The nursery team 🙂



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