Article of the Week

Message from UN Ambassadors:

Article of the Week: You should be able to keep things private, unless the law says there’s a reason you can’t. (Article 16)

This is a good article for discussion this week as Safer Internet Day 2017 will be celebrated globally on Tuesday 7th February with the slogan ‘Be the change: Unite for a better internet’. It is important that we promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.


UN Ambassador’s update

Today we had some visitors from St Margaret’s Academy to speak to us about the ‘St Margaret’s for Malawi’ project.

We learned about a school in Malawi and how cramped some of the classrooms are. They are not brightly decorated like ours and rely on natural light as there is no electricity. The children are fed one bowl of porridge and for many of the children this is their only meal for the day, often eaten outside on the dirty ground. There can be over 90 children in a P2 classroom with only one teacher compared to our P2 classroom of 25 pupils and one teacher.

St Margaret’s staff and pupils have been working on the Malawi project to support these children in their lives and education. They are going over in July to help build a classroom and are planning on raising funds and taking over bags for every child that they visit. We are going to support them with this project during Lent. Watch out for more information on the weekly updates, dojo and Facebook.

A huge thank you to our visitors for taking time in their busy prelim week to come down and speak to us!

Celebrate World Religion Day – Wednesday 18th January 2017

Article 30 of the UN Convention states that: You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion – or any you choose. Minority and indigenous groups need special protection of this right.

Whether you’re Hindu, Jewish, Catholic, Shinto, Buddhist, or one of a million other faiths, World Religion Day is your chance to share your culture with others and take an opportunity to learn from others about theirs.

World Religion Day is easy to observe, you need merely take the time and effort to study the faiths of the world around you with an open mind. World Religion Day is about learning about the religions that shape the world around you, and becoming aware of how many there are.

Take some time to share openly and learn about what those around you believe, and maybe do a little research into your favorite culture to learn a bit about its foundational religions.

Whether you’re learning about the Hindu faith with its thousands of Gods, or precisely how the thousands of denominations of Christianity grew out of the Judaic faith thousands of years ago, World Religion Day is your opportunity to broaden your horizons.

Speak to another with an open heart and open mind, and share what your religion has to say, and then take the time to listen to them talk about theirs from a place of understanding and love.

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Article of the Week-Talk task

As we are celebrating all things ‘international’ this week in school we have chosen Article 30 as your talk task:


In St Ninian’s we are very proud of all the different nationalities we represent. If you know someone who comes from a different country to you, talk to each other about your language, culture, etc.

Article of the week ‘talk task’

Did you know that it’s Scottish Inter-faith Week from the 23rd-30th of November?  If you haven’t already, it would be a great time to explore Article 14 of the UNCRC which protects every child’s right to freedom of thought, belief and religion.

Outright 2016 campaign

A huge well done to our UN Ambassador’s committee for organising this week’s Cool to be kind focus. All classes have taken part and are currently selecting evidence to send to UNICEF.


Thank you to P6 for leading a class assembly for P4-P7 and families, it was very interesting and informative.

We would also like to thank Amera and Catherine’s mum for speaking to us about her work with refugees. She very kindly gave up her time to come along and share her stories and answered lots of our pupils and staff questions.

Keep an eye on facebook, class blog posts and Twitter for further news.

UN Ambassador’s Update – Outright 2016 campaign

OutRight is a special campaign for schools in the UK that lets you speak out about children’s rights and celebrate the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We have decided to join this campaign and speak out about children’s rights, particularly those of refugees.  All classes will be taking part in this campaign in different ways, eg. writing letters, making posters, having debates, making videos, etc. Ask your child next week what they have been learning in class.

The UN Ambassador’s committee will be gathering a selection of evidence to send to UNICEF to gain recognition for their campaign. They also hope to reach out to their local community via the P6 class assembly on Friday 18th November and through Twitter and Facebook. The committee are also hoping to make a short video which they will share with you next week. Please take the time to engage with the campaign as we really need your voice too!! It would be great to hear your thoughts on the refugee crisis via our blog page, facebook, twitter or dojo.

‘All about rights’ talk task

The UN Ambassadors committee have decided to start a weekly blog post that is “All about Rights”. Each week there will be an article from the UN Convention for you to discuss at home. It would be great to see some comments below about what you have discussed.

This week the Articles are:

Articles 28 and 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child focus respectively on a child’s right to an education and on the quality and content of education.

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