Awesome P3

Good afternoon.

Thank you so much for coming along to our Egyptian Assembly, it was wonderful to see that so many of you were able to come along and share in our learning.  I’m sure you will agree that the children were fantastic in remembering all the important facts about Mummification.  Here are some pictures:


Here are some more of our highlights from this busy week.

Maths – Division

Cameron – We completed tests to see if we have been practising our tables – it was quite hard.

Emily – I enjoyed it because it showed what we are working on.


Sophie YM – I really enjoyed adding on the money and finding out the change.

Alexis – I liked the counting out the real money and working out change from 20p.

Writing – To an imaginary friend in Egypt

Kate – I enjoyed it because we got to write about anything we wanted.

Niamh – I enjoyed choosing a girl or a boy to write to.

Richard – I liked writing where my friend was in Egypt.


Robbie – I enjoyed reading with Mrs Chirinos and looking for adjectives.

Bartosz – I enjoyed reading my book about the lost treasure.

Egyptian Assembly.

Emma – I enjoyed it because we all got to speak and we had a fun dance at the end.

Teegan – I enjoyed doing the mummy dance.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone and have a lovely weekend, thanks again for coming along 🙂


Awesome P3

Primary three have had a great start to Spring, we have been very busy and learning lots.

We have been really working hard on our Times Tables.  Lovely to hear about children practising at home at all different times of the day.  Would be great to see some pictures of them in action, feel free to post some on the blog.

Sophie YM enjoyed counting in 3’s and 4’s and now feels she knows those tables.

Jack it was hard but fun

Emily – saying them to mum and dad

Niamh – practised at home on paperEmma – Singing tables songs

Alexis – tables on the wall

Division – continued to learn

Writing – The children wrote about what they would see if they were going down the Nile on a boat.  Lots of great ideas and imaginations.

Kate – learning about the life on the Nile was very fun

Richard – could see the farmers working at the river

Cameron – we learned that different crops make different things, for example wheat makes bread

The children have continued their learning about money this week, with much more challenging problems.  They have been doing very well, so well done.

Niamh – was challenging but fun

Alexis – using numicon to count out change

We have also been working very hard on creating our Assembly for 17th March.  We are so excited to see you all if you’re able to make it.


Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the sunny days continue for us to enjoy, Mrs McMullen and P3 🙂

Awesome P3

The end to our short week, it was lovely to see all of the children in Awesome P3 today.

Catholic Education week 2017

The children have been learning about the Beatitudes.  They chose one and linked it to a movie character to show their understanding.

Sophie YM – I enjoyed writing about the beatitudes, although it was a little bit difficult.

Kate – I thought learning about the Beatitudes was very fun.

Alexis – I liked it because people were helping me and it was fun.

Father Kenneth – Assembly about Jerusalem

Father Kenneth visited us this week and shared photographs and interesting information from his recent trip to Jerusalem.

Ola – Very interesting and I liked the pictures.

Robbie – I enjoyed saying prayers with Father Kenneth.

Richard – I liked singing the hymns

Emma – I enjoyed it as I learned information about Jerusalem I didn’t know before.


This week in maths the children have continued to develop their understanding of equivalence in coins.  They have been working really hard and enjoyed using the money in ‘real-life’ situations.

Cameron – It was hard at first to use all the money but then I got better at it

Michael – We were learning about money that was greater than and less than.

Library – Primary 3 had a lovely trip to the library today, they were able to have some free time to explore the books and to choose one that they wanted to read in class.

Emily – I enjoyed choosing a book because there are so many to pick from.

Maliha – I enjoyed looking at the books to choose one I could read

Kate – I enjoyed getting to choose a book that can challenge me

Orla – It inspired me because it made me think that i should read more.

Ava – I like it as it can help me to read harder books and not get my words mixed up.


Have a lovely weekend everyone and looking forward to being back to normal again next week


Mrs McMullen & Awesome P3

Awesome P3

Happy 40th Birthday St Ninian’s from all of us.

We have had a lovely week celebrating the 40th birthday.  Primary 3 felt so honoured and delighted to attend such a special Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley.  They felt it was very special, especially as they make their journey towards the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Sophie YM really enjoyed singing the Hymns at Mass.

Teegan felt very happy to be blessed by Archbishop Cushley.

Ola really enjoyed meeting Archbishop Cushley.

School Show 

Final rehearsals and preparations have been made this week for the School Show next week – Primary 3 are delighted to be opening the show and are looking forward to showing off their beautiful singing voices and funky dance moves.

Dress Down Fun Day

We all really enjoyed a special day dedicated to having fun and being creative.  Primary 3 really enjoyed the movie.  It was an Awesome day.

In Maths this week we have continued to work on our Times Tables.  Still lots of practice to become more fluent with these.  All children are learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables so be sure to quiz them at home.

We are so excited to seeing all our St Ninian’s families next week as they enjoy our fabulous performance,


Have a great weekend everyone, from Awesome P3 and Mrs McMullen. 🙂

Awesome P3

Good afternoon,

I cannot believe we are at the end of another week, and what a great week it has been.

Pupil evaluations.

Kate – I enjoyed reading and writing about the ‘Snail on the Whale’.

Ola – It was nice to have a chance to talk with Father Kenneth about the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Niamh – It’s been fun practising the times tables.

Kate – I liked making an Egyptian Bracelet – pictures to follow when they are finished.

Primary three also really enjoyed learning the different parts of the body in Spanish – quiz them at home and let us know how much they remember, I’m sure you’ll be as impressed as I was.

Friday Committee Day

Teegan – enjoyed the STEM committee.

Sophie YM – enoyed being in Mrs Young’s committee today.

Cameron – felt proud to make posters about reminding the children to keep our school tidy by using the bins for litter.

Richard – Is really enjoying making the Chinese Dragons

Bartosz – It was good fun to make posters for the bake sale.

This week we have also been learning the songs we will be singing for the 40th Show in February.  The children are sounding great already but it would be great if they could also practise at home, please see links below.



I will send out a Dojo next week to confirm the costumes we will need for the show, any problems or questions feel free to post here or on Dojo.


Have a great and safe weekend, looking forward to Monday,

Mrs McMullen and Awesome P3 🙂

Awesome P3

Welcome back everyone and a very Happy New Year.  It was lovely to see all the children today after our Christmas break.  All set for another busy term in Primary 3.

This is what we have been doing this short week:


Sophie Young Murray – We were doing tiling with shapes, looking out for which shapes can tile with no gaps in between.

Alexis had fun doing tiling as she found it very interesting.

Maliha – We used the netbooks and real 2D shapes.


Daniel – We wrote about New Years Day.

Michael – We wrote about what we enjoyed from last year and would like to do again this year, we also wrote about our resolutions for this year.


Richard  – My group got a new reading book and I am enjoying reading it.

Support resource for next week (09/01/17)

Next week our focus for writing on Thursday is the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  If possible, could you either read this story to your child, discuss it with them or watch the story online    This will be a huge benefit to the children when writing.


We are really excited about our new term and about the new challenges it will bring.

Mrs McMullen & Awesome P3 🙂

Awesome P3

Another busy week of learning and fun in Primary 3 this week:

Seamus – In writing we were writing about what’s happening inside Santa’s workshop.

Kate – We were writing about the different jobs that the new Elf could be doing in the workshop, it was good fun.

Emily – In Art we were making Rainforest masks, we made; tiger, leopard and monkey masks.


Robbie – We were doing subtraction and I liked it.

Primary 3 were very lucky this week, we got to be the audience for the dress rehearsal of the Nursery and the Infant Nativity plays.

Cameron really enjoyed listening to the nursery singing the wonderful songs, they were great.

Ola – I liked the nursery because I liked their acting, well done.

Richard – I liked the infant singing, the P1’s and 2’s were very good at singing.


Check out our video of ‘A Dug A Dug’, by Bill Keys.  The children worked very hard to recite this in Scots language.  (Apologies for bad camera person 🙁 )  Please let me know if you enjoy it.

Fabulous week as always, have a great weekend, looking forward to next week,


Mrs McMullen & Awesome P3

Awesome P3

Another very busy week this week in Primary 3 – we have been working very hard and learning lots of new things.

This week we have really enjoyed….

Emma- I enjoyed writing because we were looking at different parts of a bike and writing about them.

Cameron – I liked the Eco Committee today as we were making bird feeders for the birds and we put them out in the garden.

Kate – We finished off our Christmas stockings in art this week, I liked sticking on all the sequins to decorate it.

Jack – I enjoyed Mass, I liked the singing and watching everyone taking part.  I sat next to a little boy during the Mass.

Sophie YM/Emily – I really enjoyed the Committee today, making a special box with a sweet inside.  I am thinking about who I want to give mine too.

Orla – In Committee we learned all about Graham Bell because he invented the first ever telephone.

Richard – We made candle holders today in our Committee and it was really good.  We used clay.

Lennon – Really enjoyed learning about chimney sums and also talking about other ways to find the answers.

Maliha – It was really fun to go outside and to learn about Carroll Diagrams – we were sorting stones into rough, not rough, grey and not grey.

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Wow! Such a busy and successful week with lots of different learning styles.

Primary 3 really enjoyed the Mass this week and were so thankful to see lots of family members who joined us too, thanks very much for coming along if you could, especially in this cold weather.

We have also been extending our knowledge and confidence in talking about numbers and different strategies for answering sums.

Our Topic work this week has allowed us to investigate the four different layers of the Rainforest and to find out the different animals in these layers.  Why not ask your child what they remember about the different layers, it would be wonderful to read some of the responses on our blog.

On top of all of this we have also recorded a song on CD this week!  We learned ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ and sang this in a visiting recording studio at St. Ninian’s.  It was amazing, what an experience! The children sounded like true professionals, we cannot wait for you to hear it when it’s released.  Awesome P3 have the X-Factor!!

Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend 🙂

Mrs McMullen and Awesome P3


Awesome P3

Thank you so much to all the parents for coming along this week and discussing all your children’s strengths and next steps.  It was great to see so many and to share news and get your feedback, thanks again.

Primary three have had a very busy week, lots of wonderful learning and it has been great having Miss Ross this week to help us with our learning.

In maths this week the children have been doing lots of revision and reinforcement on telling the time.  The focus has been o’clock, quarter to, quarter past and half past.  Be sure to ask your child the time if there is an opportunity for them to use their skills.

Our Topic focus this week has been all about skeletons.  The whole class have made a life size skeleton for the class, i’m sure lots of you were able to see it at Parents Night.  Fabulous work, well done to everyone.  The children have learned about the different bones and structure of the skeleton, I’m sure they will impress you if you quiz them!


Thanks to Mrs Scott who’s been in class all week, was so nice coming back today and chatting about everything that’s been going on in class, really looking forward to next week, happy weekend everyone 😃 Mrs McMullen

Awesome P3

The end of another fabulous week in Primary 3.  We have been very excited this week as it has been our STEM week.


This week we made some spiders webs, using string and glue on black card.  We were exploring the engineering of building a web but also the different patterns and shapes they make.  We had a lot of fun making these creepy webs.  Emily found it difficult to cut the string but really enjoyed making them.

Here are some pictures of us hard at work.

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We have also created a Robotic Finger.  Please ask your children to explain the purpose of the string and how it works.  It would be fabulous if you could post on the Blog their responses.  Good luck!

This week we also had a wonderful experience at our local Library.  We learned all about the books and also that a library card allows us to borrow up to 10 books at a time.  We were so interested and well behaved during our library visit that we were allowed time to play at the park.

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We have learned so much this week and had so much fun, even though it was only a short week.

Happy Halloween everyone, feel free to share pictures on our blog of all our Awesome P3’s all dressed up for Halloween.

Mrs McMullen & Mrs Scott 🙂

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