Snow Day – Friday 2/3/18

Good morning everyone, hope you have all had a great time in the snow.  Thanks to the children who have sent me fabulous pictures on Dojo, lovely to see such creativity.

Here are some more activities to try out if you want to:

Maths – I have set up a new Sumdog activity all about measurement – feel free to give it a go, will be next week’s homework so a wee head start!

Why not see if an adult fancies doing some baking, you could help to weigh out all the correct ingredients to make sure the mixture is perfect.  I am going to lead by example and make some fairy cakes so I’ll Dojo you all a picture, hopefully they turn out yummy.

Literacy – As Storm Emma is making it’s way to Scotland, why not write a Haiku poem about her.  Write a list of amazing words to describe Storm Emma before trying to create your poem, remember its 3 lines, line one with 5 syllables, line 2 with 7 and line 3 with 5 syllables.  5-7-5.  Challenge – could you include and adverb?

Topic – If you created your Roman character, why not write a story about an adventure that your character has?

Julius Caesar – use your research skills to see if you can find 10 facts about Caesar, you could create a poster to display your finding.

Lent – Continue with your Lent challenges.

Art – Be creative and make something for a gift for your special Mum’s for Mothers day, which is on 11th March.  You could make something using recycled materials or draw/paint a picture.


Stay safe in this wild weather, have lots of fun and drink lots of Hot Chocolate!


Can’t wait to see you all on Monday and hear about your snowy adventures.


Mrs McMullen

Happy summer holidays from Awesome P3! Thanks for a great year, every child in our class has been an awesome member and brought fun and hard work. Thanks for all the beautiful gifts, cards, kind words and happy smiles. Have a great holiday, hopefully we will get some sunshine soon! Stay safe, see you all in August, Mrs McMullen 😃

Awesome P3

This week in Awesome P3 we have been learning and enjoying…

Maliha – In writing we were learning about a nursery rhyme and we were using rhyming words to change some words to make it funny.  I enjoyed trying to think of new rhyming words.

Sophie YM – I enjoyed making the Shamrock tree.

Ethan – We were learning about wind and the different things that make wind.  We looked at windmills, kites and planes.  I enjoyed learning where wind comes from.

Richard – We were learning about the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.  The Earth takes one year to travel around the sun and the Moon takes 28 days/one month to travel around the Earth.  I enjoy learning about science.

Cameron – I enjoyed doing Problem Solving in maths and challenging myself.  I enjoyed using what I know to answer questions.

Emily – I enjoyed talking about what job I would like to do and drawing this in my folio.

Another busy week, with lots of learning and collaborative learning.  We are really excited because next Tuesday we have Sports Day and our trip to the Almondell Park.


Have a lovely weekend, Awesome P3 and Mrs McMullen 🙂

Awesome P3 – Health Week 2017

The end of a truly fantastic week in St Ninians, we are all feeling exhausted after giving maximum effort to all of our activities.

Some of the activities we have worked on this week, include;

Global Goal – gender equality: redrawing the balance clip
This powerful film from MullenLowe London provocatively captures how, early on in their education, children already define career opportunities as male and female …

Read Piggybook by Anthony Browne and discussed.

Global citizenship – Comparing our 5 a day healthy eating to a child in Lesotho in Africa.

Fidget spinners – worked in pairs to read and learn more about why they were created and also designed our own symmetrical ones.

Performed verses of a poem in groups about keeping yourself clean and the parts of your body to wash.

We have also taken part in a huge range of activities; dancing, gymnastics, football training, running, cross country, inflatable fun run, cheerleading and many more.

Here are our thoughts;

Maliha – I really enjoyed Boot Camp and trying all the different stations.

Niamh – I liked Judo because the instructor was really funny.

Sophie YM – I liked doing roly poly’s, at first I couldn’t do it but then I kept trying and I managed it, I was very proud of myself.

Alexis – I enjoyed running round the pond for the Fun Run and I even saw a swan!

Cameron – I liked the Fun Run because I finished third in my class!

Kate – I really enjoyed being on the inflatables with Emily.

Bartosz – I really enjoyed running the Fun Run with Sophie.

Ethan – I enjoyed the Judo because I don’t do it often but I really enjoy it.

Emily – I enjoyed being upside down during the Judo activity!

Lennon – I liked the bouncy obstacle course because it was a good challenge.

Huda – I liked the Judo because I thought I couldn’t do it but then I was quite good.

Here are some pictures from the busy week, more to follow on school Facebook page.

Have a lovely, relaxing weekend, well deserved.

Mrs McMullen 🙂


Awesome P3 – Masterchef!!!


As part of our Food and Farming topic, the children have decided they would like to experiment with some cooking and trying some healthy creations.  Yesterday we made a vegetarian rice dish, which is a traditional recipe from Honduras.  Most of the class thought they would not like it, as we put in mushrooms, but I was so pleasantly surprised to see everyone being so open minded to trying new things and having a taste.

Maliha – I really liked chopping the vegetables and being very sensible when using the knife.

Kate – I really enjoyed learning something new, I know now not to touch my face if I have been touching raw onions.

Cameron – I was surprised that I liked peppers because I never used to like them.

Ethan – I was surprised that I liked raw onions as I had never tried them before.

Sophie YM – I liked trying the vegetables because I never liked mushrooms but now I really like them with rice.

Niamh – I was a little too scared to chop the vegetables but I think I will have a go next time.

Emily – I liked watching the rice cook and the bubbles because it looked nice.

Bartosz – I liked eating the rice with the Soya Sauce becuase it was so good.

Orla – I liked the cooking because it was hard work but it was really fun and at the end it was delicious.

Richard – I liked cutting the vegetables because I had to be really careful and concentrate.

Teegan – I liked cutting the onion because it was fun using the bridge hold.

Emma – I liked trying different vegetables with the rice.

Ola – I really enjoyed pouring the water because it made a big sizzling noise and it was interesting.

 The children will have the recipes home next week so have a try and hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as we did.  I was very impressed with their chopping skills so I’m sure they’d love to help with some cooking at home. 🙂

Have a lovely long weekend, Awesome P3 & Mrs McMullen 🙂

Awesome P3

Another lovely week in Primary 3, even though it’s been short we have been busy as usual.

Roots of Empathy

Big important firsts for Kelsey today even though this is her last visit (Awwwwww!) She has just started nursery and had missed her sleep before coming to P3 for her last visit so she was a little tired! Kelsey also did her first finger painting today, can take a few steps on her own now and has started to clap all by herself! (The boys and girls loved clapping back).

Huda – Can Kelsey say ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’ yet? Leona explained she is trying hard and thinks she will say ‘Dada’ first!

Cameron – ‘How old is Kelsey now?’ – Leona said that Kelsey is now a big eleven months and it will soon be her first birthday.

Primary 3 sang Five Little Ducks and Baa Baa Black Sheep beautifully for Kelsey.

Her mummy measured her to see how long Kelsey is now and she is 74cm. She was 52cm when she first came to visit so this means she has grown 22cm! Mrs Brutin explained that if Cameron had grown 22cm his school trousers would now be so short they would be at his knees and Primary 3 thought this was really funny!

Primary 3 chose one favourite memory of Kelsey and we made it into a special book for her to keep for ever. So many children wanted to present Kelsey with her memories book that Mrs Scott had to put their names in a hat and Sophie R won! She proudly thanked Leona and Neil for bringing Kelsey along to Primary 3, said we have had so much fun and learned lots.  Well done Sophie!

Thank you so much to Leona and Neil for allowing us to share in Kelsey’s first year and of course a big thank you to baby Kelsey herself!



Primary 3 took part in a special experiment to help them understand a little more about the Global Goal ‘No Poverty’.  The idea behind this was to let them see how difficult doing ordinary things can be when you don’t have what you need. Each child was given a slip of paper and they had to fold it into three parts then write their name on it….simple task? Not quite, depending on which group they were in. One group had to complete this task with both hands behind their back……another group had to complete it with their dominant hand behind their back and only using their non-dominant hand….the final group had no restrictions and could complete the task normally. The children really tried to accommodate their restrictions in some innovative ways. However, it highlighted how hard it is to perform a simple task when you don’t have access to everything you need and we will be continuing to discuss this next week. If possible talk this over with your child in terms of how so many people in our world don’t have access to basic food, shelter and water which we take for granted.

Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the sun will shine all weekend!!  Mrs McMullen and P3 🙂

Awesome P3

Another busy week for Awesome Primary 3, Term 4 fully underway and everyone has started off with a great work ethic.

We have started looking at our new topic, which will cover farming, food and our local community.  We had a visit from a local farmer, who brought lots of crops for us to look at and important information.  We learned:

Niamh – Donkeys don’t actually provide us with any food that we need but we can use them to carry heavy things and pull machinery.

Kate – We don’t actually eat cows we only eat bulls.  The cows are used for producing milk after they’ve had a calf.

Richard – The farmer only keeps dairy cows, not beef bulls.

Robbie – Cows enjoy being milked.

Lennon – Cows eat hay.

Huda – We also learned that if a farmer milks by hand they can only milk about 6 in an hour but machines can milk about 100.

Local Community Walk

Teegan – We were looking at our local community to see how the land is used.

Ola – We came home and wrote a report about our local area.

Emma – We saw the land was used for schools, house and parks.

Mathematics – Algebra

The boys and girls have worked really well this week on some simple algebra calculations, I was very impressed and they seemed to really enjoy it! 🙂

Teegan – I really enjoyed doing the take away and adding algebra because it was harder than normal sums.  I liked that we were using much bigger numbers.

Sophie R – I liked it because it was fun and easy.

Sophie YM – I liked doing the adding and taking away because it was more fun than normal sums.


This week we have started to do an intensive Spanish course.  We started off with greetings in Spanish and the days of the week and months of the year.

Cameron – I liked finding the Spanish days of the week in the wordsearch.


If you wish to practise:

Los dias del semana

Monday – lunes

Tuesday – martes

Wedenesday – miercoles

Thursday – jueves

Friday – viernes

Saturday – sabado

Sunday – domingo

Los meses del ano

enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre y diciembre

Happy weekend – Feliz fin de semana.  Remember no school or Sumdog club on Monday, Thanks Mrs McMullen

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