P1 News

Learning Highlights 


  • One of our rainbow learning activities this week has been writing a letter to our naughty elf – Snowflake.
  • We have been listening carefully to the difference between the b and d sounds.
  • We have been finding the ‘g’ and ‘u’ sounds tricky and we have extending our knowledge of these by spelling and reading words with these sounds in  them.
  • During our reading activities, we have been developing our higher ordering thinking skills and answering tricky questions about our book.
  • Our reading aloud was excellent this week and we had a discussion about what different strategies we could use if we find it tricky to read a word.


  • We have been using the rekenreks to show different amounts during number talks. This has been helping us with our mental addition.
  • One of our rainbow learning activities was an addition smart board game. We have been trying to put a number in our head and count on. Link for this game is below.
  • We enjoyed playing some fairy tale games which helped us to count on when we rolled a number on the dice. We would try to guess what number we might land on by counting on.


Pupil Voice

Chloe: I liked practising for the Nativity. My favourite bit is the singing.

Sophie F: I liked making the stockings and using the new pens. A snowman was on my stocking. My made the stockings for the Christmas Fair.

Sophie J: I liked practising the Nativity because I like singing.

Carly: I liked when I got the golden ticket because I done really good work.

Grace: I liked colouring in with the pens.

Ollie: I liked drawing the stockings.

Reka: I liked PE, we were playing fruit basket.

Max: I liked making the stockings.


Parental Involvement 

We played this game as one of our rainbow learning activities:


We are going to be singing this song for the ‘Cakes and Carols’ event next week. Please have a go singing along at home.

We are looking forward to sharing our Nativity performance with you all next week.

Have a nice weekend,

Mrs Davenport and P1

P1 Weekly News

Teacher Voice

Our literacy highlights this week have been:

  • Listening to the difference between the v and f sounds. These sound really similar – we sorted out pictures of things with the v and f sounds at the beginning. We repeated this activity with the z and s sounds as these sound familiar too.
  • We created a wanted poster for the missing three little pigs. We had to ensure our sentence had a capital letter; full stop; finger space; included the word ‘and’ and had a describing word or phrase.

Our numeracy highlights this week have been:

  • Learning about doubles to help with our mental addition skills.
  • Creating a bar graph on our outdoor learning morning. We then using our adding skills and use the information we gathered to add different transport types together.
  • Developing the strategy of putting a number in our head and counting on (see our example video on twitter so you can use this strategy at home too).

Pupil Voice

Harry: the red rainbow learning was a train numbers game. You add 2 numbers, put a number in your head and then count on numbers.

Sophie F: the green rainbow learning was for a competition, you had to draw your favourite part of school. The winner will get their picture painted on the wall in the hall.

Chloe: you need to cut out the ‘b’ and ‘d’ and then stick them in the right place. All of the b was on one side and the d on the other side.

Ethan: you had to put the colour dots into the 10 frame. I made 8, 3 red and 5 yellow.

Kian: we learned the v and z sounds. The z sound starts for zebra for zoo.

Parker: v is for van.

Carly: we made a wanted poster for the three little pigs. I wrote the pig had yellow trousers.

Sophie J: we have been learning about doubles. If you double a number you add the same number, double 2 is 2+2 and the answer is 4.

Amelie: You could put number 6 in your head and show 4 fingers and count on.

Max: we were looking for vehicles for a traffic survey – we saw vans, aeroplanes and buses.

Mason: we got our little bookbug bags with 3 books inside it and pencils. My favourite book was The Unicorn Expert book.

Parker: we had an assembly 5 sisters zoo. They told us that bears are dangerous and they told us about their job.

Parent Ideas

  • Use the whiteboard and pen in the bookbug bag. Adult to say either f/v or s/z sound and children to write down what they hear.
  • Use this song to help with your doubles
  • Use this link to play an addition game – try to put a number in your head and count on. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train

Have a lovely weekend,

P1 and Mrs Davenport

P1 Weekly News

Learning Overview


We have been learning the ‘d’ and ‘g’ sounds this week. We are using these sounds when we are spelling and reading. Some of our activities this week have been:

  • Snakes and ladders with CVC words – when we land on a square we need to read the word we land on.
  • Played ‘I spy’ and found things beginning with ‘g’ and ‘c’. These sounds can sound quite similar so we had to listen carefully for the difference.
  • Found lots of things beginning with the ‘g’ sound.
  • Learned and wrote the correct formation for ‘g’ – making sure we kept the tummy on the line and the tail goes underneath.
  • Developed our higher ordering thinking skills in our reading groups and answered lots of ‘why’ questions about the story.
  • Used the Velcro mats and magnetic letter boards to spell words using the new sounds we were taught.


We are continuing to learn about adding numbers together. Our number talks focus this week has been ten frames. Some of our numeracy activities this week have been:

  • Smart board games looking at formal written addition stories.
  • Recording the answers to pictorial addition stories and formal written number stories e.g. 3 + 2 =
  • Developing our mental addition by thinking about questions such as “if I have 3 counters and then I get 1 more, how many will I have?”
  • Putting a number in our head and counting on rather than going back to the start to count again. E.g. 5 + 3. Put 5 on your head, show 3 fingers and count on 6, 7, 8. Rather than showing 5 fingers and then 3 fingers and counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Pupil Voice

Cinema Trip

Kian: We went to the cinema to see How to Train your Dragon 2.

Parker: we drew a picture of our favourite part.

Ollie: we were movie critics.

Chloe: I wrote ‘the film was amazing’.

Sophie F: I wrote ‘the film was OK and sad.’


Nativity Rehearsal

Carly: we are signing songs. I love the one about the little grey donkey.

Kian: we sign a song called ‘we’d like to tell you a story.’

Sophie J: I’m a star in the nativity.

Mason: I’m an innkeeper.

Lucy G: I’m an angel.

Grace: I like being Mary.



Anaiya: we are learning about adding numbers together.

Kian: 1 and 8 is 9.

Ollie: 5+4=9



Riyah: we learned the ‘g’ sound. G for gorilla.

Reka: it is an orange sound, it comes from the back of your mouth.

Amelie: an orange sound means a loud sound.

Mason: we learned the ‘d’ sound. D is for dog.

Parker: it’s a blue sound, it comes from your tongue. It’s dark blue and that means it is dark blue.


Home Learning Ideas

Listen to the ‘d’ and ‘g’ songs.


Use the online 10 frame to explore how many different ways you can find to make numbers. E.g. how many ways to make 3?


We played this game as part of our rainbow learning today. We have to listen really carefully to the ending sound in a word.


This game will help us with our formal addition stories.


We are beginning to learn about colours in Spanish.

Have a lovely weekend,

P1 and Mrs Davenport.

P1 Weekly News



We have been learning about the ‘b’ and ‘f’ sounds this week. The children completed a range of different activities to develop their knowledge of these sounds. Some of the activities have been:

  • Finding the difference between the ‘b’ and ‘p’ sounds. We had lots of different ‘b’ and ‘p’ sounds and we had to colour in the ‘b’ sounds red and ‘p’ pink.
  • Played ‘b’ bingo – this allows us to think about different objects which begin with ‘b’.
  • Listening to lots of different words and identifying what sound these words begin with.
  • Extending our sentences in writing by including the word ‘and’ – we were writing a story about who lived in a haunted house.
  • Using our knowledge of skills for writing and trying to use these independently – capital letters (only at the beginning of a sentence); full stops (this means our sentence is finished) and finger spaces (in between words).
  • Reading words with the ‘f’ and ‘b’ sounds in them. Can you slide sounds together to read the words fit, bat, fan, and bin?
  • We used the Velcro spelling mats and magnetic letter boards to spell words using these new sounds.

Numeracy and Maths

In numeracy and maths we have been ordering numbers and beginning to think about the language of measure. Some of our numeracy and maths activities have been:

  • Learning that when we order numbers, some numbers can be missing and how we can still put these in order from largest to smallest or smallest to largest (this language is helping us think about different ways to measure e.g. by amount or by size). We played these games to help us understand this concept. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/coconut-ordering


  • Cut out some numbers and stuck them in the correct order. How could you order the numbers – 4, 0, 9, 10, 5 – from smallest to largest and then largest to smallest. Challenge yourself and try it with these numbers – 19, 14, 20, 11, and 15.
  • We explored what ‘2 more’ meant in numeracy. We used a number line to make 2 more jumps from a number to find out what this meant. What is 2 more than 5 or 2 more than 17?
  • Collected sticks from the garden and measured these against pegs (a non-standard unit of measure). We had to ensure our stick was taller than 5 pegs but shorter than 9. Ask your child what we then used these sticks for.


We enjoyed engaging in different activities to celebrate Hallowe’en. One of our favourite things this week has been our themed reading area. The books in our library this week are:

  • Room on the Broom
  • Aliens love Underpants
  • Magical Muddle
  • The Princess and the Sleep Stealer (this has been a favourite!)
  • Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam

We explored how to turn a solid into a liquid by melting chocolate to make witches hat biscuits (this was an idea after reading ‘Magical Muddle’ story).

We also developed our fine motor skills by making a spider’s web by threading string.

Finally, our tuff tray had turned into a Witches and Wizards Lab. We were able to create different potions – did you see our picture on twitter?!

P1 Highlights of the Week

Grace: I liked learning about numbers because I love writing them.

Max: We learned the ‘o’ sound, it looks like a circle.

Carly: I liked PE and we had to try to jump over the crocodiles on the ropes.

Sophie J: I liked learning about the ‘e’ sound, it is a black sound.

Anna: I got the golden ticket for super work.

Lennox: I liked number work.

Parker: I liked learning the ‘e’ sound, it lives in the vowel house.

Sophie F: I liked building Fariyland.

Zaki: I liked learning about numbers.

Myron: I liked PE and doing exercise.

Amelie: I liked learning the ‘o’ sound, o is for orange.

Kian: I liked learning the new sounds.

Anaiya: I liked swinging over the crocodiles.

Mason: I liked learning about the ‘e’ sound – you do the smiling egg mouth first then go around the shell with a flick at the end.

Joanna: I liked learning about letters.

Chloe: I liked trying to build Fairyland.

Reka: I liked doing number talks.

Harry: I liked using the bricks to build Fairyland.

Lucy G: We got a letter from the dragon and he asked us to help him.

Ethan: I liked building Fairyland because the dragon doesn’t have anywhere to live.

P1 News


We haven’t been learning any new sounds this week as we are now finished learning our first set of sounds. We have been using our knowledge of these sounds to read and spell words. We have also been working on our letter formation, this is something you could practise at home too.

We are developing our writing skills. We know that sentences need a capital letter; a full stop and finger spaces between words – you will be very impressed at our Stay, Play and Write on Tuesday.


In number talks we have been finding as many different ways as possible to make the numbers 5, 6 and 7. We were using our fingers to show these amounts.

5 can be 5 and 0, 4 and 1 or 3 and 2.

How many ways can you find to show 6 and 7?

Our numeracy focus this week has been ordinal numbers – first, second third etc. and putting numbers into a sequence.

What numbers are missing in these sequences?

0, 1, ____, 3, ____, 5, 6 ____, 8, ____, _____

10, 9, ____, ____, ____, 5, 4, ____, ____, 1 ____

Did you see our tweets for Maths Week?


We have started to learn some Spanish. This week we learned how to say ‘hello’ in Spanish. We played a game whilst listening to this song. When the song was playing, we were walking around the classroom, when the music stopped we found someone to say ‘Hola’ to.

We were learning that plants are living things just like animals. We spoke about what plants need to survive. We were very excited to plant our own seeds and we have checked on them every day – making sure we water them. Can you remember what type of seeds they were?

Our Learning Highlights of the Week

Anaiya: I liked numbers because I liked doing the number 1.

Joanna: I liked doing numbers and the number 2.

Sylvia: I liked number work and learning my numbers.

Grace: In number work I was counting seahorses. There were 7. For 7 it is – across the sky and down from heaven, now I’ve made the number 7.

Carly: I liked getting the golden ticket because I done great work. I had to do the numbers in the right order.

Lucy: I counted how many leaves we collected outside. I got 7.

Kian: I liked learning how to count on from 10. You add to count on more. If there were 10 dots then 4 it would be 14.

Sophie J: I liked counting on from 10. If there were 10 and then 6 there would be 16.

Ethan: I liked number work and learning the number 10. 5 and 5 is 10.

Riyah: I liked finding the leaves outside. I put them in order from big to small.

Lennox: I liked the robot talking.

Myron: I liked counting,

Reka: I liked finding leaves outside. We found big ones and little ones.

Zaki: I liked working with Mrs Docherty and I read the words.

Max: I liked writing the letters.

Harry: I liked writing about a mat. A dog sat on the mat in my story.

Mason: I liked hopping in PE.

Chloe: I liked PE and skipping with the big ropes.

Sophie F: I liked planting seeds. We need to water the seeds to make them grow.

Parker: I liked planting the seeds because I want to see them growing.

Oliver: I liked counting backwards from 10 to 1.

Anna: I liked collecting the leaves and sort them out.

P1 News


This week we have been learning about the ‘k’ and ‘ck’ sounds. The ‘ck’ sound is a tricky one. We use this sound when the ‘c’ sound is at the end of the word. We have been using this rule to help us read and spell words this week. Listen to the ‘k’ song below:

We have been using our velcro mats to spell words and some of us have even started spelling words in our learning journals. We have all been working on our formation of the ‘k’ sound. It is quite tricky but we are remembering to draw a straight line, then from the middle of the line kick up and then go back to the middle and kick down. We were also working on our reading skills this week and trying to find the correct word for a picture.

Image result for cat clipart

What is the correct spelling – cat or ckat. Why?

Image result for sick clipart

What is the correct spelling – sick or sik. Why?

We put up a word document on the netbooks and had a go and typing. We were able to spot some sounds we know on the keyboard.

We also played this game on the netbooks too:



We have been continuing to work on counting with 1-1 correspondence, matching the numeral to the value and number formation. We enjoyed playing lots of games to reinforce our learning this week and we have also started number talks. During number talks we are learning about the make-up of a number. E.g. 4 is also 3 and 1 or 2 and 2. So far, we have focused on numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Next week we will look at 5 and 6.

We were introduced to subitising this week too. This is when you need to try to figure out the number of objects without counting them. Check out this song we used:

Here are some links to the games we have been using on the smart board or net books this week:

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/gingerbread-man-game (Try the matching part of this game)

https://www.themathsfactor.com/games/try/?gameid=46&prefix=ZONE&config=IPG_CM_Y1_CA_001,%20support&title=Count%20the%20Yeti%201%20to%2010 (We played the silver level. Can you try the gold level at home?)



We decided to share with you our learning highlights of the week:

Ethan: I liked learning about the ‘k’ sound. I can write the ‘k’ sound.

Reka: I learned the number 2, “half a heart says I love you, add a line now I’ve made the number 2.”

Oliver: I learning about letters, we learned the ‘k’ sound. It is a yellow sound.

Sylvia: I liked learning about numbers, we learned about the number 4. 4 and 0 is 4.

Sophie J: I liked learning about numbers. I found 4 things in the classroom – I found 4 letters.

Joanna: I liked learning about numbers, we learned the number 5. 4 is beside the number 5.

Lennox: I liked learning about the number 5, I can write it like with the neck then the tummy and then the hat.

Harry: I liked learning about the number 4.

Myron: I learned about the ‘k’ sound – it is a kicking sound.

Anaiya: I liked learning about numbers. I liked playing a game on the computer.

Anna: I liked learning about letters. I can write the ‘c’ sound – it looks like a half ball.

Parker: I can make 4 with 2 and 2.

Grace: I learned about the number 2. 1 and 1 is the same as 2.

Kian: I liked learning about where animals live. It is called a habitat they need somewhere to keep their babies stuff and to keep predators away.

Zaki: My work was on the work to be proud of wall.

Max: I liked writing the number 8. I can do it.

Amelie: I learned about the number 6. You can make it with 5 and 1.

Sophie F: I have been writing the number 2 “half a heart says I love you, add a line now I’ve made the number 2.”

Carly: I learned about the ‘ck’ sound, you use it at the end of the word.

Lucy G: I have learned about the ‘c’, it comes from the back of your mouth.

Chloe: I liked learning about the number 7. I can write it “across the sky and down from heaven, now I’ve made the number 7.”

Mason: I learned about the ‘c’ sound. It comes from the back of your mouth and it is yellow.

P1 Update


Kian: we learned the ‘t’ sound.

Harry: it’s blue because it’s like ‘s’ and comes from your tongue.

Reka: ‘t’ for tam.

Riyah: we learned the ‘a’ sound.

Mason: it comes from the tunnel. The tunnel goes to a house. The ‘a’ sound lives in the basement of the house.

Lucy: the ‘a’ sound is black.

Carly: the song is about an ant crawling on your arm.

We’ve also been blending sounds together to make words. We know that a black sound needs to go in the middle of the word (most of the time) so that it makes sense. Practise layering up your sound cards in your sounds folder to spell and read words e.g. cat, sat.

Can you listen out for the sounds we have learned in the video below:




This week we have been working on what numbers represent and showing our understanding that the numeral has a value with it.

Our first task was gluing pom-poms onto a piece of paper. We had to be careful to use the correct number of pom-poms. Did you spot these on our numeracy working wall last night?

Sophie F: we had to get pom-poms into glue and stick it on the paper. There was a number in the middle and you had to have that many pom-poms.

We completed a task where we listened carefully to an instruction e.g. draw 6 flowers, and add that detail onto our drawing.

Kian: you had to draw a number of things. You had to draw 4 clouds.

On Wednesday, we had different boxes with lots of dinosaurs in them but we only had to colour in a certain number of dinosaurs. We had to keep checking how many we had coloured in and how many still needed to be coloured.

Amelie: we had to colour the number of dinosaurs that the paper said.

We also completed a counting and recording activity.

Harry: we counted dinosaurs then wrote the number in a circle.

You could try some of these things at home using your whiteboard and pen from your maths bag.

Those who didn’t attend the meet the family event last night will be given the maths bag home on Wednesday in your child’s homework folder.


Our Highlights

Lennox: playing with the bricks. I built a taxi.

Amelie: playing with Carly.

Anna: playing with the blocks. I built a house.

Anaiya: playing with the house corner.

Carly: playing with Amelie because she is my best friend.

Lucy G: playing with Sophie because she is my best friend.

Sylvia: playing with Kian because he is my best friend.

Sophie F: playing in the house corner because it is my favourite bit.

Chloe: playing with the house corner.

Grace: I liked watching numberjacks.

Kian: I liked playing with the bricks. I built a Disney castle.

Mason: playing with Grace because she is my best friend.

Joanna: playing with the baby dolly.

Max: playing with the train track.

Zaki: playing with the train track with Max.

Harry: playing with the bricks and building a school.

Parker: playing with Kian because he went with each other.

Myron: playing with the blocks.

Sophie J: playing with Lucy because she is my best friend.

Riyah: playing with the bricks. I built a tower.

Reka: playing with Sylvia because she is my friend.

P1 Weekly News


Amelie: we have been learning the ‘m’ sound.

Sophie J: it comes from your lips.

Anaiya: it’s a red sound.

Lennox: we put jam on our lips and lips went red.

Kian: we pretended it was like lipstick and we made the ‘m’ sound.

Harry: we have been learning the ‘c’ sound.

Chloe: it’s yellow.

Myron: it comes from the back of your mouth.

Max: you need a torch to see the back of your mouth.

Kian: the torch turns your mouth yellow.

Ollie: ‘m’ for mug.

Grace: ‘m’ for mum.

Chloe: ‘c’ for cup.

Mason: ‘c’ for cat.

We have been using these songs to enhance our understanding of these sounds.





Mason: we have been learning how to write the number 6. You do “bend down low to pick up sticks, now I’ve made the number 6.”

Parker: we have been learning how to write the number 5. You do “the neck, the tummy and the hat.” You can only lift your pencil for doing the hat.

Anaiya: we have been learning how to write the number 4. You do “down and across and down once more, now I’ve made the number 4.

Chloe: we have been learning how to write the number 3. You do “around the tree, around the tree, now I’ve made the number 3.”

We have been playing this game on the smart board this week as part of a rainbow learning activity:



Our Highlights this Week

Anaiya: playing with the puzzles in the playroom.

Grace: drawing a love heart.

Amelie: playing with the dolls house.

Kian: building a castle with bricks.

Max: playing with the pirates.

Carly: playing with the building bricks in the playroom.

Harry: playing in the dinosaur museum.

Chloe: playing in the house corner.

Sophie F: drawing shells.

Sophie J: playing in the house corner.

Mason: playing with the dolls house.

Parker: drawing a house.

Ollie: playing with the bricks.

Myron: playing with the pirate ship.

Lucy: playing with the dinosaurs.

Zaki: playing in the dinosaur muesuem.

Lennox: playing with the bricks.

Sylvia: playing with the dolls house.

Anna: playing with the bricks.

Reka: playing with the puzzles.

Joanna: playing with the play-doh.

Welcome to P1

P1 had a wonderful first week at school! Everyone has settled in so well and have been enjoying exploring the P1 area. We have 2 classrooms in P1 – one classroom which we use for whole class teaching, this also has a few areas for us to play in. We have a play room too – this is right next door to the teaching room and we are able to play in both rooms whenever we want!

This week we have been learning the daily routines of P1 and everyone has been blown away by how quickly we are picking up these routines. One of the trickiest things we have working on are carpet spots! Can you remember what colour your carpet spot is and who do you sit beside on the carpet? Our buddies have been helping us to get ready for break time and lunch time and will continue to help us with this next week.

We have done a little bit of literacy and numeracy this week. In numeracy we have been learning about the number ‘2’. How to write this number; what 2 means; where it comes in the number system. Writing the number 2 can be a bit tricky but we are working on this by saying this rhyme to help: “half a heart says ‘I love you’, add a line, now I’ve made the number 2”. Why don’t you try drawing a love heart, rubbing out half of it and adding a line to make the number 2.

In literacy we have been working on pencil grip and pencil control using ‘letter join’ – our school handwriting scheme. We had a go at tracing the patterns and then we tried to create them on our own. If we forget how to hold our pencil correctly, we have been learning about the crocodile who nips the pencil; then we can flip it and grip it tight. Here are the patterns we have been working on this week for you to try at home.

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Davenport and P1.

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