P1 Mrs Davenport Daily Activities 26.3.20

Good morning everyone.  Thank you to everyone for working so hard on all their activities, it has been lovely to receive comments on the blog; posts on twitter and e-mails with what you have been doing.

Below you will find some more ideas (and a challenge) for you to complete at home today.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with the writing section in the home learning grid? I finished my story yesterday and I’ve typed it for you below. I think I made a few mistakes though. Can you spot the mistakes I made?


One sunny day a gigantic green spaceship landed in my Garden. a silly alien jumpd out ov the spaceship and banged on my door The alien wanted to come ni my house For tea. I gave the alien a tasty pizza to eat. then he went bak to his spaceship and flew away



Find the website ‘teach your monster to read’. There is also an app for this resource which needs to be paid for but the full resource is free from the website. Create your account as a parent and then add your child onto this account. Your child can then customise their own monster. When asked to select which stage/level to begin with either select the ‘fun with words’ section for those children who are more confident readers or the recommended first section if you would like your child to refresh their learning of some initial sounds e.g. s, p, t etc.

Enjoy the story and the games – I had lots of playing along yesterday testing it out for you all to use today!


Log into your sumdog account (login details were in your home learning jotter), I have set you a challenge to complete. The challenge is called ‘Money Challenge’ and it should come up when you log in. This challenge will test your understanding and knowledge of money and coins – there are even prizes to be won if you complete the challenge. The challenge will begin at 9am today and will finish at 3pm tomorrow. I am going to be logging in to sumdog to play along with you and see how you are getting on this afternoon.

Enjoy and good luck!

Have a lovely day P1 and I’m looking forward to seeing how you are getting on with the extra activities today.

P1 Mrs Davenport Daily Activities Day 3 25.3.20

Good morning everyone.  Please find below some ideas/activities to support your learning from the weekly grid.  I have also attached a copy of the weekly grid again here to save you from having to scroll down to find Monday’s post.

Learning Grid Week 1

Please note that there is a current problem with the P1 Onenote profiles.  We will let you know once this has been rectified so that you can log in and add post to it.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How have you been getting on with finding about some information about a planet? I would love if you could write 1 or 2 things you learned about a planet in the comments section below. Here is a video to help you collect some information.


I know not everyone was able to receive their home learning jotter from school before the closure so please find an attachment of the P1 key words that we have been working on this session.  For those who were given their home learning jotter you will find a copy of these in your jotter already. (I have also included a copy of the P2 words as well to support those who would like additional challenge)

Primary 1 Key Words

Primary 2 Key Words

When learning to write and spell these words try using the strategy of Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check.


To support your learning of money please use the following website (copy and paste this link into your search engine).  It is another Topmarks interactive game, there are different levels to choose from.  As a starter click on Mixed Coins up to 20p.  Once you have practised in this section explore using the other sections to deepen your understanding.



Have a lovely day and I look forward to reading your comments later.

Mrs Davenport

P1 (Mrs Davenport and Mrs Currie) Home Learning Activities Tuesday 24.3.20

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with the addition and subtraction questions in the numeracy part of the home learning grid? If you completed the easier questions, why don’t you try the more challenging problems too? When completing the more challenging activities try putting the bigger number in your head and counting on or back. If you write a number round the wrong way, have a go at writing the number the right 5 times.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.



Listen to the jolly phonics jingles using the link below. Try to sing along with the actions to the songs and sounds you know.




Look out the window for 1 minute and count how many birds you can see.

Challenge: pick 2 things to look for out the window and keep a record of what you count. Have a go at adding the 2 amounts together.


Please remember if you weren’t given your home learning jotter last week this is available to collect from school.

P1 Update


We learned the ‘th’ sound this. This is a tricky sound to learn but we learned that we need to stick out tongue out a little bit to make this sound. This is what makes it a tricky sound. We have been working on listening for the differences in the th/v/f sounds and recording which sound we hear. We have also been spelling words with the ‘th’ sound in them.


This week we were learning about money. We were learning about the 1p, 2p and 5p. We can recognise these different coins and we have been learning how to make different amounts using the coins.

Pupil Voice

Chloe: I liked doing number talks.

Myron: I liked playing with friends.

Reka: I liked playing with my brother at funky Friday.

Carly: I liked playing with the bricks.

Kian: I liked voting for which I book I want to listen to and I liked listening to them.

Parker: I liked playing with the scarfs.

Home Learning

Collect a 1p, 2p and 5p coin. Can you make 3p, 4p, 6p, 7p and 10p?

P1 Weekly News

Learning Highlights


We have been continuing to work on distinguishing between the sh and ch sounds. We have been reading and spelling words with these sounds in them. This week, we have also been learning about syllables in words. We know this means how many claps in a word. By clapping out the syllables we have also spoke about how this could be a good spelling strategy to spell unfamiliar words.


We are finishing off our subtraction topic in numeracy. This week we have been learning how to use 10 frames to solve subtraction problems. We have also enjoyed playing subtraction bowling. Next week we will begin our numeracy and maths topic of money.

Pupil Voice

Grace: I liked getting the purple band because I was working hard with my spelling.

Riyah: I liked drawing unicorns.

Mason: I liked tennis and taking the dog for a walk game. It was a ball for the dog and the racket was the lead.

Lennox: I liked learning about Space.

Carly: We learned that there are lots of stars and the sun is not a sun it is a big giant star.

Anna: I liked getting the golden ticket this week for doing very good reading.

Reka: I liked getting the golden ticket too for doing good reading.

Parental Involvement

We have been using this game this week to help us read sh and ch words.


P1 Weekly Update

Our Learning

This week we have been learning the ‘ch’ sound. This is quite a tricky sound as it is similar to the ‘sh’ sound. We have been participating in lots of activities to determine the difference between these sounds. We will continue to focus on the differences with the sh and ch sounds next week, therefore, no new sounds will be in the sounds folders.

Thank you to all who came along to our castle banquet on Wednesday. The children had been working very hard to prepare their snacks; sing their song and practise reading their lines. We enjoyed slicing, mixing, spreading and serving all the snacks we created.

The castle banquet was definitely a highlight of the week. Have a look at our comments below!

Pupil Voice

Grace: I liked that my mummy and auntie Lisa were at the castle banquet.

Lucy: I liked sharing my snacks with my mummy and little sister.

Chloe: I liked making the crispy cakes for the banquet.

Sophie F: I liked talking into the microphone because it was loud and everybody could hear me.

Kian: I liked the pointing actions in the song.

We are very excited to start our new topic of Space too:

Zaki: I’m looking forward to learning about the planets and the sun.

Carly: I liked planning our new topic of Space. I want to learn about the International Space Station.

Parental Involvement

One of our rainbow learning activities was this game:


We also enjoyed watching these videos to help us understand the difference between the sh and ch sounds.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Davenport and P1.

P1 Weekly News


We have been learning the ‘w’ sound this week. This is a red sound which comes from our lips. We are continuing to consolidate our understanding of the ‘ai’ and ‘oa’ sounds too. Some of our literacy activities:

  • spelling words with the ‘w’ sound in them
  • playing snap, all cards had pictures of something that begins with the letter ‘w’.
  • developing our letter formation to form the ‘w’ sound correctly. We have also been practising the formation of the d and g sounds too.


We are continuing our subtraction topic in class. This week we have been learning how to use different strategies to solve subtraction problems. We can use our fingers to solve subtraction stories or by putting a number in our head and counting back.


One of our learning highlights this week has been learning about Edinburgh Castle. We loved learning about the different famous features at Edinburgh Castle. We learned about – castle rock, Mon’s Meg, one o’clock gun and the stone of destiny. We are in the middle of creating leaflets about Edinburgh Castle to share our knowledge with others. You will also receive your invitation for our Castle Banquet next week. We will be hosting our banquet on Wednesday 4th March at 2pm.

Pupil Voice

Amelie: I liked seeing our houses on the maps.

Sophie J: I liked playing snap, all the words had the ‘w’ sound at the beginning. One of the words was ‘wedding’.

Harry: I liked learning about subtraction.

Ollie: I liked making our own Mon’s Meg. We used tubes and a balloon. You had to fire the canon balls out of Mon’s Meg. It could fire canon balls for 2 miles!

Myron: I liked PE with Mr Cummings and gymnastics.

Parker: I liked playing snap and we were trying to get the snap the same and the winner got a sticker.

Reka: I liked write the ‘w’ sound.

Chloe: I liked learning the ‘w’ sound.

Parental Involvement 

  • We have enjoyed using this song this week to help our understanding of subtraction
  • Look out for the w, ai and oa songs in the clip below:


P1 Weekly News

Our Learning


We have been continue to consolidate our knowledge of the ai, oa, ee and oo sounds. We have been spelling, reading and ordering sentences with these sounds in them. It can be tricky to distinguish between these sounds but we are trying very hard with this. New sounds will be sent home in sounds folder after the February break. We have started to learn about writing instructions and this week we wrote a set of instructions about brushing your teeth. We were learning that we don’t use the words ‘I’ or ‘my’ when writing instructions.


This week, we have been learning about measure. We have been learning about measuring height, length, weight and volume. We have been comparing objects using words like taller, shorter, longest, shortest, heaviest, lightest, biggest and smallest. We were using non-standard units of measure such as pegs and cubes to measure our friends and objects in our classroom.

Our Learning Highlights

Lucy: I liked PE and balancing on the mats. I balanced with 1 hand and 2 feet on the floor.

Sophie J: I liked the red rainbow learning and you had to measure how heavy something was.

Max: I liked jumping off the box in PE. I remembered to have squishy knees.

Chloe: I liked the green rainbow learning you had to measure how long things are. We used the pegs to measure. The smart board was the longest thing I found.

Mason: I liked RE and learning about Jesus helping people turn water into wine.

Parental Involvement

This week in our literacy, we completed a word search with some ai and oa words. Have a go at making your own word search using this generator:


We enjoyed watching these videos to help us understand the ai and oa sounds some more:

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Davenport and P1


P1 News Update

Our Learning Highlights

Last week, in literacy we were learning that ‘ai’ sound. Here are some activities we took part in to help us learn this new sound:

  • We read words with the ‘ai’ sound in them and had to draw a picture to show their meaning e.g. we would read rain then had to draw a picture of a cloud with rain.
  • We played snakes and ladders with ‘ai’ words – try this at home. Write out some ‘ai’ words and put these on your snakes and ladders game.
  • We were cutting out different sounds and putting them together to spell ‘ai’ words.
  • We also used the letter cubes for the first time and used these to spell ‘ai’ words. We were also word building with the magnetic letters and velcro mats too.

We were introduced to the mighty writer board in our classroom and we were learning how it works. We used the board to help us write a story about a robot. This week, we will be using it write about a train – this will help embed our understanding of spelling words with the ‘ai’ sound.

In numeracy we have been continuing with addition. We have been using a rekenrek to support our addition problem solving. We’ve also been speaking about how rekenreks can help us add on if the addition story was 12+14 – we don’t have enough fingers! We could put 14 in our head and use the rekenrek to show 12 and add on.

Pupil Voice


Lennox – I liked playing with the bricks.

Sylvia – I was in the house corner making cakes.

Harry – Outside I was playing tig this week.

Ethan – I was playing toilet tig outside. You tig someone and then someone else flushes you so you can play again.

Sophie F – I enjoyed playing in the house corner, I was putting the baby in her pram.

Carly – We were learning about tricky words this week.

Kian – We have been adding on 2.

Joanna – I was writing my letters ‘oo’.

Lucy – We were learning about gymnastics.

Parental Involvement

This game http://ictgames.com/phonicsPop/index.html was a firm favourite this week. We were focusing on the ai, ee and oo sounds but you could pick lots of different sounds and have a go playing at home.

We have been using numicon to explore how to make 10. How many different ways can you make 10 using something exciting at home? You could use grapes or counters from your maths pack – be creative!

P1 News

Our Learning


We have been learning the ‘l’ and ‘r’ sounds this week. These sounds can be quite tricky to say but we are working hard to pronounce them properly. We are still using the ‘ee’ and ‘oo’ sounds in our reading and spelling, one of our rainbow learning tasks was to spell words with ee or oo in them using the spelling mats. We were writing silly sentences with ‘ee’ and ‘oo’ words too, one sentence was – The spoon is up the tree. We’ve also had a go at fixing jumbled up sentences this week. The sentences didn’t make sense and we had to put them in the correct order making sure a capital letter was at the beginning and a full stop at the end and making sure the words in the middle were in the correct order and made sense!


We are continuing our addition topic and we have working on putting a number in our head and counting on – sometimes we have counted on beyond 10! We have also been developing our knowledge of different numbers that can add together to make 10, we enjoyed playing a matching game to match up the pairs to 10. We used our fingers to help us with this. We have also started to learn tricky doubles since we are very confident with doubles to 10 e.g. 1+1, 2+2 … 5+5. Now we have started learning the doubles to 20 e.g. 6+6 … 10+10.


Pupil Highlights:

Our favourite things this week have been:

Joanna: making a crown to be like a Queen. We made a flag for our castle.

Anaiya: castles have different flags so people know that castles are different.

Riyah: I liked doing number talks we were using 10 frames.

Anna: I liked learning about castles.

Sophie F: I know that castles can have different flags.

Amelie: I liked PE, we are doing gymnastics. I liked rolling down the slice of cake!

Mason: I liked learning the l and r sounds. L is for lick. R is for rack.


Home Learning Ideas

  • Listen to the l and r jolly phonics jingles on youtube.
  • We played this game as part of our rainbow learning. This was reinforcing our learning about shapes and patterns from last week.


  • Use this link for an interactive 10 frame and find as many different ways as you can find to make 5, 6 and 7.


  • In our writing we listened and responded to the story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. We then wrote 1 or 2 sentences about what animal we would like to come to our house for tea and what they might eat. You could try to write a different sentence about another animal that might come to your house for tea.
  • Here is the doubles song we have been listening to in class.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Davenport and P1

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