P1 Mrs Davenport 8.5.20

Good Morning P1,

I hope you have had a successful short week of learning. Today we are going to be talking about how you got on with your learning activities this week.

I have put the jolly jingles below for you to listen to with over 40 sounds on it! There will be some sounds you might not  know yet but the songs will help you learn some of them. We will be learning a new sound next week, the qu sound, did you spot it in the songs?


How did you get on with your numeracy tasks this week of making equal groups? I had a go at this task too. For the 2 ice cream cones I put 2 cherries on each cone. How could you equally share 10 cherries between 2 cones?

For the 3 ice cream cones I put 4 cherries on each cone, that is 12 cherries altogether. How could you equally share 9 cherries between 3 cones?


How did you get on with your RE task this week? Did you say the ‘Hail Mary’? During the month of May we would say the Hail Mary every day in class so this is something you could try at home too. I have put a copy of the prayer below to help you.

Well done for all your hard work this week, P1. Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Davenport

P1 Mrs Davenport 7.5.20

Learning Grid

In our Health and Wellbeing part of the grid we are looking at the journey some foods make to get onto our plate to eat.

You have been asked to draw the process that carrots take to get to our dinner plate.

Here is a video link to help you.  It explains the journey the carrot makes.


As part of our IDL work we have been looking at differences and similarities between ourselves and our friends/family.  Here is a table of Mrs Currie and Mrs Davenport’s similarities and differences.

Similarities Differences
·         We both work at St Ninian’s PS

·         We both like chocolate cake

·         We both drive cars

·         We both love teaching Primary 1


·         Mrs Davenport has two dogs, Mrs Currie has no dogs

·         Mrs Currie likes to wear high heeled shoes, Mrs Davenport prefers flat shoes

·         Mrs Davenport likes to go on rollercoasters, Mrs Currie DOES NOT!



You have been making equal groups.  Have a look at the following discussion cards, which cards show equal groups?  Why?

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Davenport

P1 Mrs Davenport Weekly Grid

I hope you’ve had a relaxing weekend.

Please find below the grid for this short week.

P1 Learning Grid 6th May 2020

These are the numeracy attachments.

2 Equal Groups Ice Cream Cones

3 Equal Groups Ice Cream Cones

On the Active Learn Resource everyone has been allocated a new book this week and below are the guided reading activities/question, choose the one that matches your book title.

In the Garden

Look Outside

Look Up, Look Down

Strawberries at School

Mrs Conway has provided us with this week’s Rights Respecting school PDF to discuss at and some suggested activities. It is all about having the right to express your views and opinions.

RRS Article of the Week P1-3 06.05.20

If you complete any of the activities Mrs Conway has provided an email address for you to send your work to her.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Davenport

P1 Mrs Davenport Friday 1.5.20

Happy Friday everyone!

Please remember that there will be no blog on Monday and Tuesday next week as these would be days that we would not have been in school.  So check back in on Wednesday and I will have a short version of our learning grid for you to work on over the three days.

Self-assessment strategy today is traffic light system.


Well done to everyone who logged onto our new reading resource and had a go at reading the book allocated to them and completing the activities.  Well done.  Next week you will have a new book allocated to you, so check it out on Wednesday.

For word boost you had these four words, did you work out what they mean?

announce – to make a statement about something and give information

expect – waiting for something you know will happen

eager – very enthusiastic about something

a task –  a job you have been given to complete


How did you get on with your time worksheet?


Did you get a chance to complete the water activity this week?

If you put water into the freezer it turns to ice.

If you boil water in a kettle some of it turns to steam.

Water is a liquid. Ice is a solid. Steam is a gas.

Have a lovely weekend.

It was lovely to speak to some of you on the phone this week, for those who had a voicemail service I left a message if I wasn’t able to get through to you.

Mrs Davenport

P1 Mrs Davenport Wednesday 30.4.20

Good morning,

Thank you to you all for working so hard this week. It has been great to see so many of you logging on to sumdog and using active learn primary to access your reading book.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with your number talks this week?

I have been using the link below to create different ways to make 8 on a rekenrek.


However, I haven’t managed to finish creating 8. Can you look at the pictures below and help me finish my number racks to make 8.




Try playing this listening and talking game with your family. Someone starts the game by giving some made up good news. E.g. My friend Sam won the lottery. The next person adds to the story with bad news. E.g. But he lost the ticket. Then it goes back to good new again. E.g. It was OK because his dad had the ticket. Continue with the good news/bad news etc. model to create a silly story! It is important that you listen carefully to what has been said in the story so you can add the next part – have fun!


Use this link below to access a time game or search for the game in your search bar by typing ‘topmarks matching pairs time’. On this game I suggest selecting the 3rd option “analogue to words” and clicking the “o’clock” button. Can you match the times? Good luck!


Have a lovely day P1,

Mrs Davenport

Primary 1 Mrs Davenport Wednesday 29.4.20

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all well today and getting on well with your weekly learning grid. I have uploaded this below for you to access easier:

Learning Grid Week 4 WC 27th April P1

Remember the importance of staying active throughout the course of the day.

One fun way you can stay active is by making an obstacle course (this can be done indoors or outdoors) and then challenging others to complete it too.  Here are some ideas; crawl under a blanket, go through the legs of a chair, run round the washing pole.  If you have any amazing obstacle course ideas you can always post them here so that others can try them too.

Learning Grid

What salty/sweet/sour food have you tried?

Which ones did you like?


For your numeracy this week you were given the idea of using chalk or just a paintbrush with water to write numeracy calculations outside, why not try this with some of your tricky words or the boost words?  Here is my example, I used a paintbrush with water.  In this weather it dries really quickly!


I really like the programme NumberBlocks.  It is a fun way to learn about numbers.  Have a go at trying to draw your favourite number block character.  Here are some reminders below of what some of them look like.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Have a lovely day!

P1 Mrs Davenport Tuesday 28.4.20

Good morning,

I hope you are all getting on well with the weekly grid this week. It has been great to see that so many of you have accessed the new reading resource and have been reading the reading book and answering the quizzes. Please get in touch if you haven’t received your login details. I am able to check in with your progress with your quizzes and see how many times you have read your book. Thank you to those who have had a go at this already. If you haven’t logged in to active learn primary to access your reading book, this is something you could try out today?

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. We will try to answer your question as soon as we are able to.

Home Learning Grid

How are you getting on with Word Boost this week? I have attached a link to the story being reading online if you don’t have this book at home.

The boost words for this story are: announce, expect, eager and task.

I have included a picture of the postcard for some ideas for you to work on to develop your understanding and use of the boost words.


Use the link below to access a pre-recorded ‘BBC Authors Live’ with Julia Donaldson. In this link Julia Donaldson will perform 3 of her stories (with special characters) – The Highway Rat, The Singing Mermaid and What the Ladybird Heard. Enjoy!



Watch the videos below to practise counting in 5’s:

Have a go at counting in 5’s at home, can you get all the way to 100? I have attached a counting in 5’s worksheet below for you to have a go at too.

Counting in 5’s Tuesday

Good luck!

P1 Mrs Davenport Weekly Home Learning Grid Monday 27.4.20

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and you enjoyed the sunny weather. I am looking forward to another exciting week of learning and I hope you enjoy the activities that have been set for you.

Parents, there are quite a few attachments required for the grid this week. Please get in touch if you have any questions about which resources you should access.

I look forward to hearing from you all this week and seeing what learning you have been doing.

First link is the learning grid:

Learning Grid Week 4 WC 27th April P1

This link is for information on how to access the new reading resource:
Active Learn Primary Login Information

These links are how to support your child with their reading book. Please login to Active Learn Primary (details in link above) to find your child’s reading book and then select the link below which matches the book set:

Can You See Cat Reading Book Information

Get Up and Go Reading Book Information

Goldilocks and the Big Mess Reading Book Information

King Pip and the Troll Reading Book Information

Sight words link:


This is the link for the booklet template for your writing task:

Booklet Template

Maths link for ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf’ worksheet:

What’s the Time Mr Wolf – Worksheet

Last link is for the Rights Respecting Schools article of the week information:

RRS Article of the Week P1

Have a great week P1. Please do get in touch with any questions you have.

Mrs Davenport

P1 Mrs Davenport Friday 24.4.20

Today is about self-assessing; how have you got on with your learning this week?


We will be using tickled pink and green for growth for self-assessing your writing. Let’s begin with your writing task this week.

I made some mistakes on my story which was posted on the daily blog post on Wednesday? Did you spot my mistakes?

A little green alien wif a fluffy tail went on A rocket.

2 mistakes – wif spelt wrong = with. Capital letter in middle of sentence A = a.

the rocket was fast and took the alien to the beach.

1 mistake – Capital letter is missing at beginning of the sentence. the = The

At the beach thi alien went in the sea for a swim

2 mistakes – Sight word spelt wrong. thi = the. Missing full stop swim = swim.

i love the beach”, said the alien, hee didn’t want to go back to the moon.

2 mistakes – Missing capital letter i = I. Sight word spelt wrong. hee = he.

Did you manage to include all of the success criteria in your writing this week? I have included the success criteria below for you to check.

Leave a finger space between words. Spells sight words correctly.
Use capital letters and full stops. Use awareness of sounds to sound out unfamiliar words.

Get a pink pen/crayon/pencil and draw a circle around 1 or 2 examples of each part of the success criteria you achieved in your writing. Using a green pen/crayon/pencil have you missed out any parts of the success criteria? Ask an adult to help you check that you wrote all your sounds correct way (no reversals) and formed letters such as y, g, f, j (letters where the tails comes under the line) correctly. Mark these with a green pen if you have not formed them correctly and write each 3 times to develop your formation.

I also completed my book review this week after I read ‘Painting the Loft’ story on Oxford Owl. Please find the link to my book review below to check you included the same amount of information as I did.

Painting the Loft Book Report

This week we are using ‘thumbs up’ strategy to assess our learning. Some of the tasks you have completed you will be thinking if you can:

Thumbs up/green – can do it and can move on.

Thumbs in middle/yellow: almost there, a bit more practise.

Thumbs down/red: need more help.

You can talk about this to someone at home or use the colours which represents each ‘thumb’ at the top of each piece of work you completed. Please let me know if there is something which are feeling ‘red/thumbs down’ for and I can provide you with extra activities to help support you with your learning.

How did you get on with writing the ‘j’ sound? Which ‘thumb’ would you show for writing this sound? Are you remembering to get the tail under the line? If you practised writing this sound in your jotter draw a coloured circle which responds to the thumb on your page to show how you felt you got on with this task.


I have attached links for you to self-assess your missing numbers worksheets for numbers to 20; numbers beyond 20 and for counting in 10’s.

Counting in 10’s Self Assessment

Missing Numbers Worksheet Week 3 Self Assessment

How did you get on with your number talks this week? I have put down some of my strategies for number talks this week below. Did you use any of the strategies I used?

For the 10 Frame above:

I saw 6 like a dice and then I counted on 7, 8.

I know that this is a 10 frame and I saw that there were 2 spaces missing. 10 – 2 = 8.

For the rekenrek above:

I saw 4 like a dice and then I counted on 5, 6, 7.

I wrote a number story: 5 + 2 = 7

For the dice pattern above:

I saw 5 like a dice and counted on 6, 7.

How have you got on with telling the ‘o’clock’ time? Show an adult in ‘thumbs’ how you found this task. What things did you find in your home that will tell the time? Here is my list:







Health and Wellbeing

Did you draw a picture for one of your friends that you are missing at school? I am missing you all. The St. Ninian’s team made a special picture to show you all how much we are all missing you!

Have a lovely weekend P1.


P1 Mrs Davenport Thursday 23.4.20

Good morning everyone.

How are you getting on with your grid so far?

Remember that the sumdog challenge for ‘number words’ finishes at 3pm today. Lots of you have already finished or are close to finishing the challenge – well done!

Learning Grid

In the Health and Wellbeing part of the grid you were asked was to try a new food.  Have you managed to have a go at this?  Sometimes when we try something new for the first time we can be very unsure if we like it or not, it can take trying a food more than three times to know for sure if you like it.

A few years ago I tried mussels for the first time when I was on holiday, I wasn’t sure about them the first time I tasted them but I tried them again and now mussels are a real favourite of mine!


Learning our numbers to 100 is very useful as we use numbers every day in our lives.  Some board games need you to know your numbers.  One example is snakes and ladders.  If you have this game at home challenge someone to play with you.

If you don’t have this game use this link here to download a snakes and ladders board (or you could even try to make your own board – remember it doesn’t need to go all the way to 100 if you cannot fit that in on a page).

Snakes and Ladders Board Game


Have you listened to the story “Christopher Nibble” yet?  Try to use the wordboost words today when you are chatting with people.  Ask someone to help you keep a score of how many times you manage to use one of the boost words.  Can you beat 5? Here is the video link for ‘Christopher Nibble’ if you haven’t managed to listen to it yet. The boost words you are listening for are – deep, imagine, protect, borrow.

Have a lovely day.

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