P1M Weekly News


Kerr: There are ‘oy’ words on my whiteboard. I used ‘oi’ and ‘oy’.

Sophie: ‘oy’ is at the end of a word and ‘oi’ is in the middle.

Jarred: ‘oyseter’ breaks the rule because the ‘oy’ is at the start and it’s usually at the end.

Jarred: I had to think what the faces are and write a word in a box. A face was angry or surprised.

Kaitlyn: There was a happy and unhappy face.

Kerr: There was a tired face too.

Casper: We were working on our blooms buttons this week.

Adam: We were working on blue and green blooms buttons.

Jakub: We were working on blue and purple blooms buttons questions.

Esmee: We listened to the story of Snail and the Whale.

Kerr: We had to sort out who was saying different things.

Kaitlyn: They were all in speech bubbles.

Esmee: I was doing an ‘oy’ wordsearch. I found 10 ‘oy’ sounds.

Jakub: I was writing a sentence down. I made sure I had capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Sophie: The sentence was all mixed up. We had to order to words in the right place.

Rutendo: We were playing a game with the ‘th’ sound. I won the game.


Casper: I made a bracelet. It was a pattern.

Jarred: I was writing a numberjacks book. It was a special edition.

Hayley: I was playing sumdog.

Adam: I was playing a football game on sumdog.

Patryk: I was cutting the cake.

Jakub: We cut the cake into half a quarter.

Oli: The cake was tasty.

Stefan: I was cutting the cake in halves or quarters.

Kayla: If your cake is in half you have 2 pieces.

Marcel: If your cake is in quarters you have 4 pieces.

Adam: There was a hole in the pizza and you had to make some extra.

MacKenzie: You made an extra half of the pizza.

Esmee: You had to half the numbers in your game.

Sophie: Half of 10 is 5.

Rutendo: Half of 6 is 3.

Jarred: Half of 100 is 50.

Kerr: Half of 40 is 20.

Patryk: Half of 12 i 6.

Kayla: Half of 18 is 9.

Stefan: We had partners and had to share the grapes.

Kaimee: Everyone had to get the same number as your partner.

Marcel: I had 4 and my partner had 4.

Sophie: You can get 1 each.

Jakub: I had 15 and my partner had 15.



Poppy: I was making a candle.

Daniel: We were making them for Mary.

Kaitlyn: I was making a flower.

Patryk: We were making these for Mary because she is Jesus’ mum.

Kerr: Mary is very special.

Adam: We all love Mary.

P1M Weekly News

We really liked the way we shared our blog with you last week so we are giving it another go this week.

Here are our highlights:

Kaimee: “I wrote about the Gruffalo. I wrote that he had purple prickles.”

Stefan: “I wrote about the snake in writing. I was writing that the snake was small and he is super green.”

Rutendo: “I wrote about the fox. I said he had pointy ears.”

We were writing character descriptions.

Kyle: “When the hand is pointing is pointing to the 12 it is o’clock.”

Marcel: “When the hand is pointing to the 6 it is half past.”

Kerr: “For digital time you need at 30 for half past and two zeros for o’clock.”

Jarred: “3 o’clock is 3:00”

Esmee: “half past 6 is 6:30”

Sophie: “We were jumping in PE.”

Kayla: “We are learning about athletic in PE.”

Patryk: “We went outside for PE. It is so much doing PE outside.”

Jarred: “I remember listening to wheels on the bus in music.”

Poppy: “I have been learning more about the ‘ch’ sound.

Stefan: “We have been learning about the ai/ay sounds.”

Kaitlyn: “ai comes in the middle of a word and ay comes at the end of a word.”

Jakub: “My reading book is Jed Swims.”

Adam: “My reading book is In the Garden.”

Patryk: “My reading book is I am Sam.”

MacKenzie: “My reading book is The Fib. Fib means lying.

Casper: “In RE we are learning about Mary,

Patryk: “Mary is Jesus’ mum.”

MacKenzie: “We learn about Mary in May.”

Adam: “There is a ‘r’ in Mary but not in May.”

Kerr: “We are learning about Spanish animals.”

Jarred: “We are learning about the days of the week in Spanish.”

P1M Weekly News

Our thoughts on this weeks learning:

Sophie: “I liked doing the play. I liked the rhyme robbers game because you rob words from people.”

Patryk: “I like learning about the Gruffalo. I made my own Gruffalo story. There was a big Gruffalo in my story and a big machine in the water and the Gruffalo put somebody on the boat.”

Adam: “I liked number work. I liked cutting out the numbers to put on the clock. I liked play time too.”

Rutendo: “I liked doing the daily mile. It was so fun because we were running on the grass.”

Kerr: “I liked the daily mile because we went on the grass. I liked big maths beat that because it’s good to do sums.”

Jarred: “I liked play because you get to make your own story. I made the “Fox’s Party” and in the story the Gruffalo and the little mouse and the owl and the fox and the snake were on the bouncy castle and then they had pizza to eat at the party. I liked doing maths too and saying prayers.”

Kaitlyn: “I like golden time because there is so much things to play with.”

Kaimee: “We learned the ou sound this week. We learned the action for this sound.”

Sophie: “We done Spanish. We learned Spanish words for animals.”

Esmee: “We learned colours in Spanish too.”

MacKenzie: “I liked to do maths. I put the numbers on the clocks.”

Kyle: “I liked doing number work. I like counting.”

Sophie: “We have been learning to say the prayer ‘Hail Mary’.

Sophie: “I like reading. My book was called ‘The Glum Cat’.

Patryk: “My book was called “Sam, Tam, Tim”.

Adam: “My book was called ‘Village in the Snow.”

MacKenzie: “My book was called ‘Pam and the Cat’.

P1M Weekly News

Apologies for the lack of photos this week – we have been so busy and forgot to take any!

Literacy: This week we have been working on the ‘oi’ sound in phonics. We have completed lots of fun activities to help us learn this sound. We even learned that this sound can be made using the letters ‘oy’ too. Mrs Scott taught us this chant to help us: “O I in the middle, O Y at the end.” We are very excited to have Mrs Scott in our class on a Tuesday to teach us phonics and reading with Miss Meechan. We have participated in a few guided reading lessons this week too where we are working really hard on our comprehension and understanding of the story which we read.

Maths: We are taken a wee break from numeracy and looking at mathematical concepts. Our topic this week was time. We had to think about our daily routines, days of the week and months of the year. We even worked on some collecting and displaying information. We found out when everyone in the classes birthday was and created a bar graph showing this. Have a look for this in our maths jotter.

Topic: We are continuing with our novel study topic “The Gruffalo”. This week we started to create our own Gruffalo books during our play: plan, do review session. We have also started to learn about rhyming words which feature in the Gruffalo. We played a board game called “Rhyme Robber” to help us with this. Well done to Kaimee and Kerr who have already won at this game.

Next week we are going to be learning the ‘ou’ sound and learn about telling the time (o’clock). The only homework we will have next week is reading books due to the short week. Homework will continue to as normal from the following week.

P1M Weekly News

We’ve been so busy this week that we forgot to take any pictures. Here are our favourite parts of the week:

Kaitlyn: “I used the numicon to make 10 and took pictures of it using the ipads.”

Marcel: “I was making cakes at play.”

Kerr: “I made a boat.”

Esmee: “I was making stories in the puppet theatre.”

Patryk: “I was using the play-doh mats to practise my digraphs.”

Casper: “I liked playing snakes and ladders.”

Jakub: “We made feet and put them in a bowl of pretend water.”

Sophie: “We done this because Jesus washed his friends feet.”

Patryk: “Jesus washed his friends feet because he loves his friends.”

Adam: “On the picture of feet I drew a picture of me being nice to people.”

MacKenzie: “I liked running at PE.”

Adam: “I ran round the circle 6 times.”

Patryk: “I was writing the digraphs ch and sh.”

Stefan and Sophie “We liked cutting out and matching up the words correctly.”

Rutendo: “I liked listening to the e-books on the ipads.”

Kerr: “I liked doing the maths books.”

Jakub: “I was playing sounds games on the ipads.”

Adam: “We were writing about a fun fair.”

Jarred: “My story said: I can see a funny bird.”

Poppy: “My story said: I can see a funny monkey.”

Kerr: “We were learning numbers in Spanish.”

Esmee: “I liked colouring Easter eggs.”

Daniel: “We were playing bowling.”

Kerr: “We were playing bowling to practise taking away from 10 sums.”

WOW! What a busy week.

The week back after the holidays is Outdoor Learning Week so please remember waterproof jackets and shoes if needed. On the Thursday we will be going a walk in the woods beside the pond so please dress appropriately for this.

Happy Easter,

Miss Meechan and P1M

P1M Weekly News

Our week in pictures:

Patryk was identifying different words in a text. We had to circle words which begin with a h green, words with oo in the middle are yellow and words with a d at the end will be purple. We really enjoyed this task.

Kyle and Casper are taking part in the paired time challenge. We challenged our partner to check how many subtraction sums they could answer in 1 minute. What was your best score?

Sophie and Poppy decided to have an extra play at the bus stop game during a choice task as part of a numeracy lesson.

Sophie was finding different ways to make 10 during our big maths CLIC session. Sophie found that 9 and 1 make 10.

Kaimee was playing the alien pairs game in our CLIV session. We had to find the aliens and their partner to make 10. You could play this game at home too.

Rutendo found lots of different ways to make 10. Well done, Rutendo.

We really enjoyed playing the bus stop game. Do you have this game at home?

Hayley done a super job of colouring in all the pictures of words which begin with a f. Great work, Hayley.

Kerr and Kaitlyn showed great teamwork when playing a subtraction board game. I wonder who was the winner of this game?

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Meechan and P1M

P1M Weekly News

Numeracy this week:

We have started back up our subtraction learning this week. We will continue with this until the Easter holidays. Miss Meechan has been so impressed with how much we have remembered about subtraction after having a break from this concept for a few weeks. We took part in different games and activities to help us with our skills. One of the tasks we participated in this week was to decide which our favourite way to do subtraction sums is. We used cubes, drew pictures and crossed out objects, used our fingers or used a number line. What was your favourite way to do subtraction sums?

Literacy this week:

This week we learned a really tricky sound. The ‘th’ sound. We found this really tricky at the start of the week but by Wednesday we were spelling lots of words which used the ‘th’ sound. Jakub and Casper were spelling ‘cloth’. Kyle is spelling ‘that’ and Jarred is spelling ‘throne’. WOW! Well done everyone.

We also visited the library this week. When we were at the library we returned the books we had borrowed from our last visit. The lady at the library was teaching us about fiction and non-fiction books. We found out where the non-fiction books are kept in the library, some of us even decided to take a non-fiction book back to school with us. We even stopped off for a play at the park on our way back to school since we were all so well behaved.

Cooperative learning:

This week, Mrs Purdie set us a challenge to think about ways we show cooperative learning. We were talking about these big words and decided that it meant about ‘teamwork’. Teamwork is one of our values which we all show very well every day at school. Here are some pictures of our cooperative learning this week. Kerr, Kayla and Rutendo were learning about money together by playing in our sweet shop. The boys and girls in the lions reading group are showing how well they work together during reading time. These pictures show us using our higher order thinking skills by answering blooms buttons questions with a partner.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Meechan and P1M

P1M Weekly News

P1M have been working very hard this week.

Our sounds for this week are ‘ng’ and ‘wh’. Could you find the jolly phonics jingles for the ng sound on YouTube? We have been working very hard on our spelling this week. Kayla was able to spell the word strong. Well done Kayla! We also really enjoyed our finding words task. We needed to use a magnifying glass to look for words hidden in a mini beast garden.

We have been learning more about number names. We found this really tricky at the start of the week but we are now super stars at Reading number names. Miss Meechan has updated our sumdog accounts with new skills. We are excited to participate in a West lothian sumdog challenge next week. You can login at home and get some more practise in!

This week we were given a new ‘just play?’ session based on numeracy. Ask your child what they chose to do this week? What has been your favourite so far?

Have you heard about our visit to the shop? Miss Meechan gave everyone 50p to spend at the shop. We had to check out the price tags in the shop to make sure we had enough money to pay for the item.  What did you buy? When we got back to school we hado to write a story about what we decided to buy at the shop. We were all on our best behaviour in the shop and the shopkeeper left us a lovely message on Facebook. Thank you for letting us visit your shop.

Today we were talking about the changes we can see around us which show us signs of spring. We went out into the garden and took pictures of the signs or spring we could fine. We then showed our photos to the other groups.

Wow! That really was a busy week.

Enjoy a well earned rest this weekend.

Miss Meechan and P1M

P1M Weekly News

Another busy week in P1M. This week we were learning 2 new phonics sounds – ch and sh. Here are the songs we have been learning to help us remember these sounds.




We have been completing lots of activities based around these sounds. We really enjoyed using the magnetic letters and boards this week to work on our spelling. Did you see Kerr’s tweet on our twitter page? Follow us Saint Ninians page – @StNinianPS and Miss Meechan’s page – @missm_stnps

We try our hardest to upload a few tweets each week.

We have been loving the start to our hockey block in PE. This week we started to transfer our skills of hockey into matches. With Miss Meechan we participated in a fun game to work on our dribbling skills. Can you spot the champions of this game?!

As we are getting better and better at reading we are beginning to work more on our understanding and comprehension skills in reading. We have been using ‘blooms buttons’ for 2 weeks now. These are tricky questions which we relate to our reading book and work on our higher order thinking skills. We have also been completing written comprehension tasks too. We are super stars! Have a look at some of the questions we have been working on this week – you could work on these questions at home too. Check out twitter next week for a sneak peak of our ‘blooms buttons’ questions next week.

It was also a fun week too. On Tuesday we topped some pancakes with our favourite toppings. We were learning all about Pancake Day and why people eat pancakes on this day. On Wednesday we all received our ashes at our Ash Wednesday Service. We know that Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and Lent is the preparation for Easter. We have been thinking about what our Lenten Promise could be and we have put these on display in our classroom. Have a look next time you are in.

We had a super literacy themed day for World Book Day. Did you see our tweet about our learning? What super costumes from everyone! We based our learning on two stories this week, both by Julia Donaldson. ‘Room on the Broom’ and ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’. Have a look for these on youtube.

Here are some links we have been using this week to enhance our learning:




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