Welcome to P1D!
We have had a fantastic first week of school and I am so proud of every single one of the children for the way they have settled into school life.
A few points to consider for this term:
Our PE days will be a Tuesday and a Thursday (at the moment, if this changes you will informed immediately). On these days children should bring PE kit with them – yellow PE top and black shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings etc. You may wish to get your child to leave their PE kit in a bag on their peg. This will ensure that PE kits are not forgotten on PE days.
All children should now have a pair of black indoor shoes which are to be left in the classroom to change into at school.
Children in P1-3 are entitled to free school meals and these can be order using ipay impact online system. If you are not able to access this, your child will be asked by myself in the morning to order their lunch.
This week in class we have been working on our daily routines and what to do in class. We have made our class charter and thought about the rules for our classroom and how we can follow these.
We have been developing our pencil control by following patterns and we have been learning how to hold a pencil correctly. We know how to use the crocodile fingers to hold a pencil or we can nip it and flip it. Ask your child to show you these different strategies.
In numeracy we have been focusing on number formation and counting. We have been counting lots of different objects from dinosaurs to cubes to grapes and loom bands! What can you count at home?
We have learned some rhymes to help us form some numbers correctly.
2 – half a heart says ‘I love you’ add a line, now I’ve made the number 2.
3 – around the tree, around the tree, now I’ve made the number 3.
4 – down and across and down once more, now I’ve made the number 4.
Can you practise these too? Could you write the numbers using a pencil, chalk, play-doh, on a mirror (after a bath or shower) – be creative!
We have had lots of fun playing this game on the smart board in class too:
Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week!