Lent Challenge – Wednesday 8th March

Charity begins at home, where we daily make the choice to give our time, our attention, our affirming smile, and give generously. But charity must not stop there, because for Catholics “home” is universal, and our family is as big as the world.

Today’s challenge: 

  • Join in our ‘Bags for Malawi’ campaign (details in this week’s Weekly Update) 

  • We are looking for donations of small and light weighing items, for example: pencil cases, bars of soap, notebooks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, sponge balls, pencils, pens, gym rubbers, sharpeners, erasers, small bags of Haribo’s, bubbles, etc

  • Bags can be brought in during Lent and given to Mrs Roy.

Lent Challenge – Tuesday 7th March

Fasting is a path to peace and happiness. That’s right: fasting, the practice of abstaining from food or drink for meals, days, and even weeks at a time, is one of the most powerful ways we have of becoming closer to God and finding true joy. Self-denial leads to a greater sense of wholeness. That’s why Christians have fasted for thousands of years, and it’s why Lent, the 6-week period between Ash Wednesday and Easter, is a time of serious fasting.

Today’s challenge – Give up something you really like. (chocolate, crisps, biscuits, coffee.) 

Remember to comment below and let us know how you get on.


Lent Challenge – Monday 6th March

Prayer, fasting and almsgiving : the three pillars of Lent.


Today we focus on prayer. Take a few moments to talk to God. 

Loving God,
you call us back to you with all of our hearts.
I feel your call for me deep in my heart
and I know you want me back
as much as I want to return.
Please, Lord,
give me the wisdom to know how to return.
Make my journey back to you this Lent
one of grace, forgiveness and gentle love.

Pray together as a family.

40th Anniversary of St Ninian’s – 1st February 2017


We were very excited to welcome Archbishop Leo Cushley and Fr Tony Lappin to celebrate Mass with us on 1st February to mark our school’s 40th Anniversary. It was a beautiful Mass, very prayerful and filled with joy. We celebrated St Ninian’s past and present, involving various members of our school community in the liturgy making the celebration a meaningful and memorable occasion in the history of the school.   

All of the children were fantastic and participated so well. I was very proud of them all. I was also delighted that our school brass band provided music for the Mass.  They were impressive and I was grateful to Mrs Downs for preparing them so well.  We were joined by some of our former pupils and some special guests who have all made a great contribution to our school over the years. 

During the Mass everyone was given the gift of a St Ninian’s prayer card, produced by some of our pupils especially for the 40th anniversary.  Archbishop Cushley referred to the prayer card during his inspirational Homily. He reminded the children about  the importance of prayer in their lives as way of growing closer to God and each other.  It was so very special to have him lead us in prayer using our own school prayer. 

I am very proud to be the Headteacher of St Ninian’s and to be part of such an inspirational school family! 

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