Term 2 Learning Adventures

Term 2 learning adventures have started at St Ninian’s.

Please click on the links below to find out what your child will be learning this term.

Look out for regular updates on Twitter, Class Dojo and your child’s online learning journal.

P1 Learning-Adventure-Overview

P2-3-Learning Adventure Overview

P2-Learning-Adventure Overview

P3 Learning-Adventure-Overview

P4 Learning Adventure Overview

P4-5 Learning-Adventure-Overview

P5 Learning-Adventure-Overview

P6 Learning-Adventure-Overview

P6-7 Learning-Adventure-Overview


P7 Class Blog

Aurora- On Thursday we went to St Margaret’s for a Spanish lesson. Mrs Mcdougall was the Spanish teacher .

Edwin – We went to St Margaret’s for Spanish lessons with Mrs Mcdougall. We did games using Spanish weather and IT WAS FUN!!!!:)

Emma – This week we got to decorate our art folders and we made our Japan leaflets. I loved Spanish at saint Margaret’s!!!;)

Jennifer-on Friday we had Mrs Purdie.It was fun

Declan-This week on Monday we had Mrs Mcdonald from St Margarets high school teaching us percentages in maths !!!!!:)

emily- This week we had Mrs McDonald for maths and on Thursday we went to St Margaret’s for Spanish it was fun!!!!!!!!!!!

neave- This week was awesome .Mrs Purdie got to teach us,

we also went to st Margaret’s for Spanish



Health Week in P2/3

Primary 2/3 told me that Health Week has been fantastico!

The children wanted to share their favourite parts of the week with you.

Chloe – synergy was my favourite because it helped me to get fitter.

Levente – I liked Judo the best.

Andrew – cross country running was great because I could practise running fast.

Rachel – next step dance was fun. We did hip hop dancing and I’ve never done that before.

Zuzanna – I like doing head stands in yoga!

Lent Challenge -Wednesday 5th

Today’s challenge: If you can, attend the Reconciliation Service taking place on Wednesday 5 April at 7.00pm in St Andrew’s Church. (See you there!)

“This is a great opportunity for us to come together during Lent to acknowledge our sinfulness and celebrate God’s mercy in our lives, both individually and as a community. Fr Tony will lead a short service of Scripture reading, reflection and music. The service will end with individual confessions with one of the five priests available, after which you will be free to leave. A brief Examination of Conscience is offered on the insert in this week’s newsletter to assist in preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.”

This you tube clip is a fantastic way to remind children and adults alike about how to go to Confession:


Lent Challenge – Monday 3rd

Today we pray The Hail Mary and ask the Mother of Jesus to give us grace, strength and to protect us. 

When you are finished saying the prayer, watch and listen to this beautiful piece of music called ‘Ave Maria’ composed by Franz Schubert. Beautiful!


Lent Challenge – Thursday 30th


Today’s challenge:   Fast from words and be silent so you can listen. Open your heart to God. 

Be quiet. Be still.

Find what friends and family come to mind and listen to what God tells you about them. Think of situations in life and consider the Holy Spirit’s guidance and advice.

Drive or walk to school / work in silence.

Cut back on Facebook, text messaging, technology to make space for God’s voice.

Prayer:   Lord, give me the courage to open my heart to you in silence.

Lent Challenge – Wednesday 29th


Today’s challenge : Say a decade of the rosary and ask God to fill us with His Grace, Peace, Love and the Joy of His Presence.

Pray the Glorious Mysteries. http://www.rosary-center.org/glorious.htm

Children can join me at lunchtime at 12.45pm on Wednesday to pray the rosary together.






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