P3/4 Weekly News

Teacher Voice

We have had a very short week this week but lots of great learning!


We have been learning about a new writing genre this week called ‘explanation texts’. We have been learning about the structure of an explanation text and the important language features. We have planned our writing for next week using research to help us. We will be writing about ‘What does the Captain of a ship do?’.


We have continued to develop our understanding of multiplication using arrays and repeated addition.

Some of us were learning to multiplying a 3 digit number by 1 digit using tower sums. This was quite challenging, however we used our prior knowledge of multiplying a 2 digit number by 1 digit to help us.


We have been learning about Fairtrade in preparation for ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’. We will be joining P4 class to attend the ‘Fairtrade’ cluster assembly to share our learning with other schools. We worked in groups to research obscure Fairtrade foods and present the information in an exciting way.

Health and Wellbeing

This week we have been talking about some difficult feelings that we might have experienced e.g. sad, scared, angry. We discussed different coping strategies that can help us to deal with these feelings and make us feel more positive. We created coping strategy wheels to display in our class so we can use these if we experience any difficult emotions in class.

Pupil Voice

“I liked PE this week doing gymnastic routines.” – Yasmin

“I liked PE too because we got to create our own routines and share them with the class.” – Brooke

“I enjoyed working with a group to prepare for the cluster Fairtrade assembly next week. We had to find the most unusual fairtrade foods.” – Klaudia

“I enjoyed doing Lent stained glass windows for art this week.” – Lucy

“I enjoyed multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit in numeracy.” – Ephraim

“I liked preparing for my First Holy Communion this week.” James

“I liked doing art this week too.” – Amber

“I liked learning about Fairtrade this week and drawing strange Fairtrade foods.” – Dexter

“I enjoyed learning about explanation texts and doing my plan for my writing next week which is about what the captain of a ship does.” – Dawid

“I enjoyed using the spinning wheel to choose children to answer questions in the class.” – Jarred

“I enjoyed learning about explanation texts in PM writing this  week.” – Kerr

“We were talking about coping strategies in Health and Wellbeing. I enjoyed giving children in the class hand massages.” – Kyle

Home Learning

Literacy – Can you create sentences using conjunctions so, but, because, and, although?

Numeracy -P4 – Can you teach someone in your family how to multiply a 3 digit number by 1 digit using a tower sum?

P3 – Can you use something at home to create arrays? (cheerios, beads, pebbles etc)

IDL – Can you look in your cupboards at home to see if you have any fairtrade products. You will know it is fairtrade when you see the fairtrade logo.

Health and Wellbeing – Share some of the coping strategies that work for you with a friend or family member.  Ask them what coping strategies help them when they are experiencing difficult emotions.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

P3/4 Weekly News

Learning Overview

This week P3/4 have been working very hard on their learning.


We have continued learning all about money and have been using different strategies to help us calculate total amounts and change. We were showing different ways of making amounts using coins and notes.

We have also been working on time this week. We can tell the time in 15 minute intervals and 5 minute intervals using analogue and digital clocks.


We enjoyed a visit to the Library this week to select a new book and the librarian read ‘The Gruffalo’ to us. We love reading in P3/4 and enjoy having opportunities to read our own books as well as having a book read to us at the end of the day.

As it is Robert Burn’s Day this weekend we have focused on Scots language. We enjoyed hearing ‘The Gruffalo’ in Scots and shared lots of our own favourite Scots words. These included ‘bahookie’, ‘mingin’ and ‘tod’. We then had a challenge of sorting Scots words with their meaning.


In writing this week we wrote an exposition text about ‘Safety on Ships’. We used our learning about ‘The Titanic’ to help us recognise what was very important to keep all of the passengers and crew members on board safe. We know that an exposition text is a one sided argument.


We have continued to develop our gymnastic skills in PE. We have been using some of the equipment to help us do balances and rolls.

Pupil Voice

This week’s lead learners are Brooke and Kaitlyn. They are here to share their learning highlights.

We have enjoyed PE this week doing gymnastics. We were on the vault and we could do flips.

We enjoyed watching some videos about the Titanic.

We learned about St Francis of De Sales in RE.

We got to watch P5/6 Assembly about Scottish History. It was funny!

We wrote a one sided argument about Safety on a ship.

We read a passage about Robert Burns and had to answer some questions about his life.

We watched the Gruffalo in Scots and learned some Scots words.

Home Learning

Big Talk 

Share some of the Scots Language that you have learned  this week?

What are your families favourite Scots words?


Can you find all the different things in your house that displays the time?

Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

P3/4 Weekly News

Teacher Voice

This has been a very busy week in P3/4. We been learning all about exposition texts this week. We have explored the structure of an exposition text and the language features. We enjoyed using conjunctions to create our own sentences.

In Maths this week we have been exploring money. We have been learning the shop keepers method (counting on) to help us. This has been quite challenging but we love a challenge in P3/4.

We have started our new IDL topic ‘The Titanic’ this week. We are extremely interested in this topic and have many questions about the disaster. We are enjoying using research to answer these questions. We have discussed various sources of evidence we can use and the reliability of these sources. The children really enjoyed hearing Eva Hart’s memories from being on ‘The Titanic’.

We have been learning new vocabulary related to our topic. As a class we worked together to create our own ‘Titanic Dictionary’. We used our dictionary  skills to find the definitions and added illustrations to help us understand what each word meant.

We have also been learning all about emotions and feelings this week. We have discussed these feelings and shared times we have experienced these feelings. We have talked about ways to manage our emotions when we are feeling sad or angry.

We started gymnastics this week in PE. We worked with our ELF (effective learning friend) to create interesting balances.

Pupil Voice

This weeks lead learners are James and Myles. They are here to tell you all about our week.

This week we have really enjoyed our new Topic ‘The Titanic’. We watched an interview with one of the surviving passengers Eva Hart talk about her memories from the Titanic. She was only 7 years old when she was on the Titanic with her Mum and Dad. We did some research about the Titanic in groups and created posters with 5 interesting facts. In Maths we have been learning about money. We learned the shop keepers method to calculate change. We started gymnastics this week. It was fun! We have been learning how to write an exposition text this week.

Home Learning

Titanic Big Talk

Ask a family member about what they know about the Titanic.

Share facts that you have researched this week with them.


Go to the shops with an adult. Buy two products and add together the amounts.

Can you calculate how much change you will get?

Check your receipt and change to see if you were correct.


Can you find 5 conjunctions in a book at home?


Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

P3/4 Weekly News

Learning Overview

This week has been a really busy week preparing for the Christmas Fair. We have been developing our Enterprise skills. We created our Chocolate Lollipops and packaged them up to be sold.  We then created persuasive posters to advertise the Chocolate Lollipops from each of our companies.

We enjoyed learning about patterns this week and using our knowledge to make Christmas cards.

We have been learning lots of Scottish dances with Primary 4 for our Christmas Party.

We also enjoyed developing our skills this week in the playroom. We had lots of fun using our imagination and creativity to create our own games and rules using some of the resources.

In Numeracy this week we have been learning all about money. We learned about amounts using decimal notation. We have been converting prices from £ to p and adding amounts using what we learning about addition with carrying.

In RE we were learning about the advent wreath and the meaning of each candle. The 3 purple candles symbolise Love, Peace and Hope. The pink candle symbolises Joy and the white candle symbolises the arrival of Christ.

Pupil Voice

We liked making Christmas cards this week. We enjoyed Scottish dancing with P4. We liked the IDL activities. We got to make and pack the lollies. We also enjoyed the Christmas mindfulness colouring. It made us feel calm. We liked writing this week because we got to make a poster for the Christmas Fair. We liked doing maths this week. We were learning about money. We liked our STEM smart starts this week. They stretched our brains.

Jarred and Dexter (Lead Learners)

Home Learning

This week we have been learning about money. We have been using our knowledge of addition with carrying to add amounts together. Can you find 2 items in the shops or online and add the amounts together?

We have enjoyed our STEM challenges this week. Can you have a go at solving these challenges? Put your answer in the comments.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Wassell and P3/4


P3/4 Weekly News

Teacher Voice

This week has been a really busy week preparing for the Christmas Fair. We have been developing our Enterprise skills. We created our Chocolate Lollipops and packaged them up to be sold.  We then created persuasive posters to advertise the Chocolate Lollipops from each of our companies.

We enjoyed learning about patterns this week and using our knowledge to make Christmas cards.

We have been learning lots of Scottish dances with Primary 4 for our Christmas Party.

We also enjoyed developing our skills this week in the playroom. We had lots of fun using our imagination and creativity to create our own games and rules using some of the resources.

In Numeracy this week we have been learning all about money. We learned about amounts using decimal notation. We have been converting prices from £ to p and adding amounts using what we learning about addition with carrying.

In RE we were learning about the advent wreath and the meaning of each candle. The 3 purple candles symbolise Love, Peace and Hope. The pink candle symbolises Joy and the white candle symbolises the arrival of Christ.

Pupil Voice

We liked making Christmas cards this week. We enjoyed Scottish dancing with P4. We liked the IDL activities. We got to make and pack the lollies. We also enjoyed the Christmas mindfulness colouring. It made us feel calm. We liked writing this week because we got to make a poster for the Christmas Fair. We liked doing maths this week. We were learning about money. We liked our STEM smart starts this week. They stretched our brains.

Jarred and Dexter (Lead Learners)

Home Learning

This week we have been learning about money. We have been using our knowledge of addition with carrying to add amounts together. Can you find 2 items in the shops or online and add the amounts together?

We have enjoyed our STEM challenges this week. Can you have a go at solving these challenges? Put your answer in the comments.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Wassell and P3/4


P3/4 Weekly News

Teacher Voice


This week we have been learning all about road safety as it’s Road Safety Week. We have been creating posters with our own catchy slogans to promote road safety. We have also been developing our reading skills by reading a passage all about road safety and answering some questions about what we read. We talked about why it is important to develop our reading skills and why we need to be able to read for our future. We discussed lots of jobs that require reading skills and also talked about day to day activities that also require us to read e.g. driving a car. The children were very excited about the thought of driving in the future. Yasmin cannot wait to get her Lamborghini. We have been working on writing procedures over the last few weeks. We have been exploring the structure and language features of different procedures. This week we were writing a recipe for delicious coconut truffles that we made. We enjoyed Mrs Smiths visit during our writing lesson.


This week we have been further developing our understanding of addition with carrying. We can now add 3 digit numbers with carrying. We have also been working on fact families and recognise relationships between addition and subtraction.

Health and Wellbeing

We have enjoyed PE this week preparing for our Christmas Party with our Scottish Dancing. We are really enjoying spreading kindness in our class with our ‘Special Person of the Day’. Check out Mrs Wassell’s twitter to see all the lovely comments from our friends about us!

Pupil Voice

Hi everyone, it’s Dawid and Kerr here with our weekly highlights! We loved PE this week learning new Scottish dances. We really enjoyed food technology making chocolate and coconut truffles and then writing our recipe for how to make them. We liked our big Topic afternoon where we get to do different activities. We learned all about melting, boiling and freezing in Science. We used our knowledge of melting to make Krispie cakes. In the Enterprise activity each group has to create a company name and logo for their products to sell at the Christmas fayre. We also love spending time with our friends in the playroom. We like playing twister and using the Lego to create different things.

Home Learning

We have been learning how to write a recipe this week. Look at some recipe books or some recipes online. Do they all have the same structure? Can you use one of the recipes to make something? Make sure you ask an adult to help. Take some pics and put them on your glow?

We have talked lots about skills this week. Think about a job you would like to do in the future. What skills would you need to do this job? Here are some examples; reading, writing, problem solving, creativity, communication, digital technology, numeracy, teamwork


Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

P3/4 Weekly News

Learning Overview

Literacy – This week in reading we have been focusing on creating questions for our reading books. He have been exploring literal questions and evaluative questions. In writing we have been learning how to write directions to get from one place to the next. This is called Procedure Writing. We have also had a focus on digital literacy this week where we watched the new ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and compared it to the old film ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’. We discussed our preferences and explained why.

Numeracy – This week we have been developing our mental strategies to work out calculations through our ‘Blether Stations’ with our talk partners. We have also been working on addition this week and have explored adding 2 and 3 digit numbers with carrying in the written method. Some of the children have been working on some different addition strategies e.g. near doubles and pairing numbers to make 10.

Health and Wellbeing – We have been celebrating anti-bullying week and World Kindness Day this week. We have been discussing about what makes a great friend and sharing qualities that we see in others through out ‘Special Person of the Day’.

IDL – We have been developing our enterprise skills this week as we prepare to make our own creations to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We have been working in teams to create a company name and logo. In Science we have been exploring melting, freezing and boiling. We have used what we have been learning about melting to create delicious Chocolate Krispie Cakes.

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights!

It’s your lead learners Kerr and Lucy here! Here are our weekly highlights:

This week has been lots of fun. We have enjoyed PE this week as we were working on our hand eye coordination using balls and cups. We also liked the IDL afternoon because we got to do play, food technology, science and enterprise. On Tuesday all the school from P4-P7 went to the Cinema to see ‘The Grinch’. We thought it was funny! In our class we started the ‘Special Person of the Day’ for World Kindness Day. We like this because it makes people feel happy because people say nice things about them. We also loved Art this week. We made remembrance pictures.

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

This week we have been learning how to write a set of directions to get from one place to another.

Can you draw a map and write a set of directions to get from your house to somewhere you like to go? It could be the local park, woodlands, a friends house or a family members house.


P3/4 Weekly News

P3/4 had a fantastic week this week. Here are some of our highlights:

Esmee – I enjoyed learning about coding this week using Marty the Robot. I programmed Marty to dance. He wiggled his hips.

Lucy – Writing was great this week as we wrote a recount about our visit to the Chocolate Factory. I had to include a title, orientation, sequence of events and a personal comment.

Klaudia – I enjoyed our halloween art afternoon when we got to use a variety of skills to create different pieces of spooky art work.

Kyle – PE was great this week. We got to do tug of war.

Dexter – I enjoyed word boost this week. We learned lots of new vocabulary from our class novel. We learned what each word meant and worked together with our learning partner to create exciting sentences using the words.

Brooke – I liked doing the obstacle course in PE this week.

Stefan – I liked PE on Monday. We played lots of games to help improve our fitness.

Kaitlyn – I liked doing the halloween activities. My favourite was the spooky free writing. I wrote a story about a dog called ‘Woof’

Dawid – I liked playing charades to show my understanding of the new boost words.

Kerr – I liked spooky free writing. I wrote a story about some people who went into a haunted house for an award ceremony.

James – I enjoyed ‘All Saints’ Mass this week. The hymns were lovely.

Amber – I liked doing some Halloween art activities this week. My favourite was the pumpkin printing.

Kayla – I liked STEM this week where we were learning about coding. I asked Marty the robot to get ready. He straightened his back and moved his eyebrows.

Riley – I liked doing a variety of activities in PE this week to improve my fitness.

Ephraim – I enjoyed writing a spooky Halloween story. It was called ‘Messi gets possessed’.

Taha – I liked doing the Halloween Art activities. My favourite was creating a night scene with the moon and a bat.

Thea – I liked playing with Marty the Robot this week. I asked him to dance.

Chloe – I liked spelling this week. We got to paint our spelling words and use collage to create our words.

Have a lovely weekend!

P3/4 and Mrs W

P3/4 had a Choc-tastic Week!

P3/4 had a very exciting week this week. Here are some of our highlights!


Lucy – I enjoyed swirling the melted chocolate together to make patterns and then licking it off of my finger. It was


Klaudia – I liked getting my face painted like a unicorn with chocolate and icing.

Yasmin – I enjoyed number talks this week when I could share my strategies.

Thea – I liked designing my chocolate bar with sweeties.

Esmee – I liked PE this week. We were doing fitness tests.

Brooke – I enjoyed PE too. I managed to stay in a plank for 6 minutes.

Sophie – I enjoyed watching Charlie and the Chocolate factory this week.

Dawid – I loved Charlie and the Chocolate factory too. It was fabulous.

Amber – I liked watching the movie too.

James – I liked going on the bus to the chocolate factory. I felt very excited.

Ephraim – I enjoyed doing PE. I held a plank for 3 mins 22 seconds.

Stefan – I liked PE doing the wall sit.

Jarred – I liked playing the partitioning numeracy games.

Kaitlyn – I liked making my own chocolate bar and putting my name on it.

Mrs Wassell – I enjoyed watching all of my little oompa loompas hard at work creating chocolate bars as I relaxed in the cafe drinking hot chocolate and yummy brownies.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

A busy week in P3/4

Here are P3/4 highlights of the week;

Dawid – I enjoyed writing this week. We wrote a narrative about a character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I picked Augustus Gloop to write about.

Kayla – I liked creating a venn diagram with sweeties.

Klaudia – I enjoyed writing too. I chose Veruca Salt to write about.

Esmee – I liked PE this week. We had a wee surprise when it was Miss Ford doing PE.

Dexter – I liked going to the Pond to see what if different from the woodlands in Dedridge to the forests in Africa where they grow Cacao pods.

Kyle – I liked PE this week with the S5 students who were preparing us for the handball festival.

Kaitlyn – I liked going to the pond to see all the differences between forests here and in Africa.

Lucy – I liked writing this week. I wrote about Veruca Salt.

James – I enjoyed the blether stations in the garden this week because we had to try and make as many number questions as we could.

Amber – I wrote about Veruca Salt too this week.

Jarred – I liked doing the Venn diagrams to show what was the same and what was different between Dedridge woodlands and Africa forests.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs W and P3/4

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