Mrs Wassell’s P4 Children – Week 2 30.3.20

Good Morning Boys and Girls,

Please find your learning grid and resources needed for this week below.

Learning Grid  week 2 grid P4

Writing Writing roll-a-spring-adventure-story-activity-sheet-

Spelling         blue group green group orange group    red group

Literacy Spelling Tasks Reading skills Reading cards Thesaurus Task Thesaurus PowerPoint

IDL Titanic Menus

Maths Clock Diagram5 Minute Intervals PowerPointTell the Time Mild Spicy and Hot

Holy Communion Week 12 FHC

I will see you all on teams!

Mrs Wassell

Mrs Wassell P3 Week 2 30.3.20

Good Morning Girls,

I hope you have all had a lovely relaxing weekend and ready for a super week of learning. Please see below your learning grid for this week and any resources that you need to help you complete your tasks.

Learning Grid  week 2 grid P3

Writing Writing roll-a-spring-adventure-story-activity-sheet-

Spelling         blue group green group orange group

IDL Titanic Menus

Maths Clock Diagram

Have a good week of learning and remember I will be putting up some additional tasks each day on the blog. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Mrs Wassell

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Girls – Daily Update 27.3.20

Good morning girls!

We made it!! It’s Friday. We got to the end of the week with our home learning. I hope you have all had a successful week. I would love to hear from you all to find out how you are all getting on.

Home Learning Grid

On Fridays we usually  reflect on our learning from the week.

I would like you to reflect on your own learning and answer these questions in the post or on your one note profile.

1. What have you enjoyed learning this week?

2. Have you learned anything new? If you have what is it?

3. What would be a next step for your learning?


We also do kick start on a Friday where we up level our work. 🙂

Can you up level your writing from this week?

  • Check your work for full stops and capital letters.
  • Are there any tricky words that you weren’t sure how to spell? Can you use a dictionary to check the spelling for them.
  • Has your work for a date and title?


Have you managed to complete the ‘Time’ sumdog challenge? I have extended the challenge to Monday at 3pm.

Good Luck!

Remember it is Funky Friday! Look out for a message from Mrs Roy to give you more information about this but put your favourite tunes on and go out and play in the garden for 31mins. Remember the most important thing… have FUN!!

Next Monday morning I will post a new weekly grid for you.  Then on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I will send out some daily activities to support or challenge your learning.  On a Friday we will have time to reflect.

Mrs Wassell

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Girls – 26.3.20

Learning Grid

Good Morning girls. I hope you are all well. How are you all getting on with your home learning? Have you managed to find lots of exciting words for your reading task? I would love to know what words you have found.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. I will try to answer your question as soon as I am able to.


For some extension work in literacy, I would like you to find a cosy corner in your house. I want you to sit back and relax and enjoy listening to David Walliams read one of his books. 🙂

Elevenses with The World of David Walliams

Can you post a little summary about what the story was about?

Dawid Walliams will read a new story every day.


Are you all up for a challenge this morning? I have set you all a ‘Time’ challenge on sumdog. You have until 3pm to complete the challenge and you can earn yourself 500 coins if you manage it.

Good luck!

Remember you can record your work in your home learning jotters or put it on your one note profile.

Have a good day girls.

Mrs Wassell

Mrs Wassell’s Primary 3 girls – Day 3 25.3.20

Learning Grid

Good Morning girls. How are you all getting on with your home learning? I would hear how you are getting on with your writing this week. You could maybe send me some of the interesting facts you have written about the Titanic.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. I will try to answer your question as soon as I am able to.



Mrs Docherty has provided some extra support for spelling. Please see her below post. Can you try out some of the strategies she has provided to help you learn your spelling words for this week? One of the strategies is to break words up into syllables. We were learning all about syllables last week when we were writing our haiku poems. Here is  a video to help remind you.


How did you get on with doing your time activity? Here is another game to help you practise telling the time.

Remember you can record your work in your home learning jotters or put it on your one note profile.

Have a good day girls.

Mrs Wassell

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Girls – Day 2

Learning Grid

I hope you have managed to find your learning grid okay. How are you getting on with your addition calculations? Remember to use all the different strategies we have been learning in class.

If you are having any difficulty with any of the home learning activities please remember to ask your question in the comments section below. I will try to answer your question as soon as I am able to.


In your learning grid you are asked to write a fact file about the Titanic. Here is a video that will help you remember lots of fact we have learned about the Titanic.

You can share your fact file with whoever is in your home.


In class we have also been learning about time. We have been learning how to read times on an analogue and digital clock in 15 minute intervals. Watch the video to remind you how to do this.

If you would like some extra practise with this play the following game.


Remember to post a comment if you need any help. If you were not in school last week and therefore do not have your jotter you can collect this from school at a time that suits you.

Have a great day.

Mrs Wassell

P4 children from P3/4 Week 1 learning grid

Learning Grid – week 1 grid P4

Holy Communion – Week 11 FHC

Spelling words

blue group                    green group         orange group                red group t2-e-5066-ks2-spelling-challenge-cards-

Spelling Cards

Reading Tasks

Reading skills



Please see attachments for the materials you will need to complete your learning. Remember to upload your completed tasks onto teams or your one note profile.

Mrs Wassell

P3 children from P3/4 Week 1 Learning Grid

Core Grid Week 1 P3`

Good Morning P3 girls,

Please find attached your weekly learning. 😀

Use your jotter you were given last week to record your learning.

Check in on the blog every day to see some extended activities and support.  You can always leave a comment for me to respond to and help.

Work hard and I look forward to seeing your learning soon.

Mrs Wassell

P3/4 Weekly News

Teacher Voice

This has been a very busy and exciting week for P3/4 as we prepare to welcome our families on board the RMS Titanic to showcase our learning!


This week in writing we have been writing about a topic that is very relevant today. We wrote an explanation text highlighting ways to help prevent the spread of germs. This is a topic we are all very interested in and we think it’s very important to share ways to help stop the spread of germs.

We have been focusing on the reading skill ‘clarifying’ this week. This is a fantastic skill to have to help us read and understand unfamiliar words. We have been using context clues and picture clues to help us try to work out what these words might mean. We will be using dictionaries to check to see if we managed to work out the meaning using the clues.


We have been working on time this week. We have been revising how to tell the time on an analogue clock in 15 minute intervals and 5 minute intervals. We have also been converting analogue time into digital time.

We are enjoying using our numeracy blueprint boards to improve our numeracy skills during number talks.

Health and Wellbeing

The GIRFEC theme for the month of March is ‘RESPONSIBLE’. We have been discussing what being responsible means and sharing ways that we show we are responsible children.

Pupil Voice

James – “I have enjoyed practising our song for the Titanic showcase.”

Dexter – “I enjoyed learning time this week. I feel more confident with analogue time now.”

Kerr – “I am enjoying PE just now because we are playing basketball and I am very good at hooping it in the basket.”

Esmee – “I enjoyed making our book character models for homework. I made Mildred Hubble from the Worst Witch. I used paper mache to create my model.”

Kayla – ” I enjoyed doing my paper mache Mickey Mouse.”

Ephraim – “I enjoyed Maths this week converting analogue time to digital time.”

Lucy – “I liked Funky Friday this week!”

Brooke – “I liked doing the daily mile.”

Stefan “I have enjoyed preparing for the Titanic Showcase.”

Kaitlyn – “I liked Spanish this week. We learned about food in Spanish.”

Thea – “I liked writing about ways to prevent the spread of germs.”


Home Learning


Create a poster to share ways to prevent the spread of germs. Use the information you have learned in your writing.


Write down the time you do different activities at home.

e.g. I go to church at half past 9 in the morning.

Health and Wellbeing

Take on some new responsibilities at home to help your parents/grandparents.

Share your home learning on the blog post or your GLOW profile.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs W and P3/4

P3/4 Weekly News

Teacher Voice


This week we have had a big focus on reading as it was ‘World Book Day’ week. We have enjoyed DEAR (drop everything and read) time this week especially since we had our visit to the library to choose new exciting books. As a class we love to share stories together and dedicate the last part of the day to reading together. Just now we are enjoying ‘I was there… Titanic’.  We also enjoyed some online reading master classes this week with some familiar authors. We particularly enjoyed Pamela Butchart’s workshop. She wrote our last class novel ‘Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies’. Our task was to create a class story using one of the props she had given us. We chose a pug puppy. Our story had lots of twists and turns!

This week for  writing we continued to develop our understanding of explanation texts. We wrote an explanation text called ‘Why should we buy Fairtrade products?’. We used all of the information we have learned during Fairtrade fortnight.


This week we have been really enjoying using our new numeracy blueprint boards to help us develop new strategies when working out subtraction calculations. We have been using empty number lines and partitioning. Some of us have been learning how to subtract 3 digit numbers with borrowing. We learned a rhyme to help us. ‘If there is more on the floor, then we go next door!’


This week we have been exploring the different foods that people on the Titanic ate. We looked at the actual menus that were served on the night the Titanic sank. We couldn’t believe how different the food was that the people on first class ate compared to the people on third class. We then created our own menus for each class.

We have started preparing for our Titanic showcase. We are very excited to share our learning with our families.

Pupil Voice

“I have enjoyed playing basketball in PE” – Dexter

“I enjoyed more of the Titanic documentary.” – James

“I liked writing an explanation about Fairtrade this week.” – Klaudia

“I liked doing the daily mile this week.” – Lucy

“I liked going to the library this week to explore non-fiction texts.” – Kerr

“I liked doing maths this week. We learned how to subtract a 3 digit number with borrowing.” – Esmee

“I liked researching the food on the Titanic and creating our own menus.” – Taha

“I loved going to the book swap as part of world book day.” – Chloe

Home Learning


We have been celebrating World Book Day and sharing stories with each other. Can you share a story with someone at home in an exciting place and take a picture. Upload your picture to your profile.


Teach your parents/grandparents how to work out a subtraction calculation using one of the following strategies.

  • partitioning
  • empty numberline
  • tower sum with borrowing

Health and Wellbeing

Try and do the daily mile as a family for the next week!

Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

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