A Special week for Primary 4!

What a busy and exhausting week for P4!

This has been a very special week for P4 as we are preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. We are looking forward to Sunday to share our special day with our Sponsor, family and friends.

In Maths we have been learning all about fractions. We know that the number at the bottom of the fraction is called the denominator. This is the number of how many parts make a whole. We also learned the number at the top of the fraction is called the numerator and that’s the number of how many parts we are talking about. Next week we are going to look at equivalent fractions. It will be a little tricky but we love a challenge in P4. We have also being playing the Chase in groups. This helps us develop our mental maths skills.We absolutely love doing the chase.


We have started our new topic ‘The Olympics’!

Vanessa thinks our new topic is sporty.

Chi Chi -“I think this is a really good topic to learn about!”.

Taylor – “It’s amazing!”

Beth – “What an extraordinary topic!”

Ethan – “Awesome!”

This week is also creativity week. As part of this we had an opportunity to show off our creativity by working in groups to create a new sport or game.

Thomas “I thought this was a fun experience”

Lewis “Playing disc with my group was really good because none of us broke the disc”

Joseph “ I thought it was a very fun and exciting experience.”

creative1 creative 3 creative4 creative5 creative6

In writing this week we imagined that we were the best Olympian and won gold at the Olympics in Rio. We have written fantastic imaginary stories using fabulous vocabulary and P4 are exploring various punctuation to make their writing exciting!!!

We have all had a super week and we are looking forward to a relaxing weekend to prepare for next week.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs W and P4


P3/4 and P4 Homework

This week Mrs Kerr and Mrs Wassell would like you to complete your homework on the blog. Complete each task and write about your homework in the comments area below.



  1. Reading – Choose something at home to read. It could be a newspaper, fiction or non-fiction book, poems or anything else you love to read. Write a short summary of what you have read and why you chose to read this.
  2. Maths – This week we are looking at fractions. Play some games/apps online on fractions to help revise what we already know and write a comment about your favourite game and why? Here is a link for some games: http://www.maths-games.org/fraction-games.html
  3. IDL – Term 4 topic for P3/4 and P4 is ‘The Olympics’. Can you research 3 interesting facts about the Olympics and include these in your comment below.

Thank you P3/4 and 4. We look forward to reading all about your homework.


Mrs K and Mrs W


Sports Scotland Committee’s “Fruity Fridays Healthy Tuck!!”

As part of the Sports Committee we have a team who focus on eating healthy and making sure they have a well balanced diet. We would like to promote healthy eating to all of the boys and girls in St Ninians. Last October we held a fruity friday event where children were asked to swap their snack of chocolates and crisps for a piece of fruit. This was a great success but we are noticing there are lots of unhealthy snacks creeping back into the playground. We have decided to organise a healthy tuck every friday in March so that children have an opportunity to buy something healthy to enjoy. There will be a variety of healthy foods and drinks made available to children and all treats will be under 50p. We hope to see you all there on Friday and that you enjoy your healthy treats! mmm..

Sports Scotland Committee

fruity friday

Wit a superb week fir aw the P4 Wains!

This week in Primary 4 we have been watching news round and learning to take notes using the question; What, where, why, when and who?

We used our notes to create a newspaper article. We would make fabulous journalists. We will continue to develop our note taking skills.

In IDL we have been very busy learning about the fairy tales through Scots language. We wrote an invitation to Cinderella to attend the Prince’s ba in Scots language. We are getting very good at talking in Scots. We also created a comic strip for Cinderella and by golly those hackit sisters are the ugliest things we have ever seen! P4 are great at illustrating a story and have a fantastic imagination. We also used our ‘Wee Book O Fairytales’ to help develop our letter join handwriting. We were very lucky this week to have Miss Smyth in class for a wee change! She taught us some great tennis skills.

This week we started the daily mile. At first there was lots of panting and red faces however as the week went on we learned to pace ourselves and are able to run for longer. This will continue next week. Hopefully we can beat our times.

mile1 mile2 mile3 mile4

Next week we have an assembly at the Lanthorn. We learned about the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and we have discussed ways that we can present the story in a fun way for the other schools. We have learned a song which tells the story. We only started this a couple of days ago and lots of us know all the words already! P4 are very dedicated.

As well as learning about the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’, P4 have been working hard on their Confirmation preparation. We are now coming to the end of our preparation and ready to begin preparing for the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We have been talking about some Saints this week and learning about their lives and how they lived in the way of Christ. Most of the children have chosen which Saint inspires them to be a better person.

In Maths this week we continued with Time. We have focused on analogue time looking at minutes past and to. Next week we will be learning about digital time and converting analogue times to digital times. Some of us are wearing our watched to school. It is definitely helping us learn the time.

We hope you have a fabulous weekend.


Mrs W and P4

P4 Weekly News

It has been a very short but bust week in Primary 4. Our maths topic of division has come to an end. We have a good understanding of division and can apply our knowledge of our tables to more challenging division sums including remainders. We enjoyed our mild, spicy and hot activity where we could challenge ourselves which P4 love to do. Great work P4. We will continue to work on division in our smart starts to help secure our knowledge of division with remainders.

In PE we have started our new block of Tennis. We have been learning all about control of the ball using a tennis racquet. We played some fun games in pairs to help us develop our skills.

tennis 2 tennis

In Art we have been looking at Scottish artists and some of their work. This week we have been looking at Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We have created some of our own designs inspired by Mackintosh. We can talk about his work (his style, what we like and what we don’t like) and compare it to other artists.

Many of the children in the class worked very hard on their technology homework last week designing a trap to capture the big bad wolf! Each child presented their ideas and answered questions the children had. They all were able to talk very confiidently about their design and what a fantastic imagination they have! The big bad wolf should be quivering in his boots!!!!

vanessa trap Ethan trap beth trap Paige trap

We have been continuing with our Confirmation preperation this week. We are starting to think about the Saint who inspires us to live in the way of Christ. We have been given some personal research to explore the lives of some Saints to help us choose. We have also been discussing who we would like to be our sponsor to help guide us on our spiritual journey.

A short but successful week P4! Great work.

Have a great weekend everyone

Mrs Wassell and P4

Technology week in Primary 4!

Our week began with  a nice start to technology week. We have taken part in technology workshops throughout the week. On Monday we learned all about sinking and floating and how the density of an object caused it to float or sink.

On Tuesday Primary 4 took part in the cluster school Handball festival. We worked really hard in our teams and had some very successful games with great results. We have really been working on our handball skills and Mrs Wassell can see definate improvements with our team work. We loved it so much so that we are asking Mr McCurdy if we can do that for our next block of PE.

This week was Ash Wednesday. We all took part in the school mass and sang the hymns beautifully. It was a lovely service. When we came back to class we discussed what lent meant to us and decided what our lenten promise would be for this year.

Cole B – My lenten is promise is to not play on my xbox because this is something   I do a lot.

Vanessa – For Lent I am going to give up eating sweetiies.

Chloe – For my lenten promise I am going to exercise more.

On Thursday we took part in a food technology workshop where we made beef fajitas. Ethan, Preston, Paige and ChiChi were the chefs for our fajitas. We thought they were delicious.

Grace – I learned how to make salsa from scratch.

Thomas – We also learned about food miles and how we can get meat very locally.

Kalin – I learned all about the nutrients in red meat. Protein helps your muscles grow.

food tech 2food tech 3food tech 5food techfood tech 4food tech 6food tech 7



We hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Mrs Wassell and Primary 4

Primary 4 Technology Homework

Primary 4,

This week you will be able to do your homework using technology! Once you have finished your homework please comment on this post about what you have learned, something you have enjoyed doing and why?


Task 1 – Maths (Division)


Task 2 – Literacy (Verbs)


Task 3 – IDL

The Big Bad Wolf is back!! Not only has he eaten the three wee pigs but he is on his way through the woods to get Wee Reid Riding Hood!!!! We need your help. Can you design something that can trap and capture the Big Bad Wolf?

You can show your design on a poster/diagram or you can use technology (powerpoint) to explain your design.


I hope you have a fun week of technology homework!

Mrs W

Pure brilliant week in Primary 4!

This week has been an exciting week full of hard work and determination.

We began the week with our reflective reading. We used our taskmaps and explored questions which allowed us to really look at the book in depth. We were thinking about some of the words the author used to describe characters and compared the themes and characters in our book to other books we have previously read. To help build our confidence with reading we paired up with the P3/4 and P5/6 class to read to different children. We thought it was great and were able to give formative feedback to each other about our reading. pairread pairread2

In Maths this week we continued with our division with remainders. It is quite tricky so we are working very hard with this. We watched videos on class dojo to help with our growth mindset as we want to make sure we keep trying and working at tricky problems and never give up. The videos were great and we look forward to Emoji and Katies adventures in Chapter 4.

We began our new topic this week ‘A Wee Book O Fairytales’! We loved hearing aw aboot wee Slaverie Sam, Johnny the Dowper and Wee Alan! And of course the BIG BAD WOLF!! We even got to take on the roles of some of the characters during our ‘hotseating’ in Drama. We were great at using Scots language to really bring the characters alive!!


We are looking and different functional writing. This week we created instruction for playing SNAP! We had great fun playing Snap and thinking about the steps to play it. At first we said “Snap is easy!!” but when we started writing the steps it was quite challenging but we did a great job with it.


We are continuing to prepare for the Holy Spirit during our Sacramental preperation. This week we learned all about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Ask your child to tell you the 9 fruits and what this means for them?

As this was Catholic Education week we had a focus on ‘The Year of Mercy’. We talked all about what mercy means and how we can show someone mercy. This is something we will reflect on throughout the year.


Thank you for reading our weekly blog. Please share a comment or ask us some questions about our learning!

Have a great weekend

Mrs W and Primary 4

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