Exciting week in P4

This week in p4 we have been leaning about symmetry and p3/4 joined us on a symmetry hunt and we had fun exploring symmetry.

In our class we had a debate for should we wear school uniform and half of the class were for and the other half were against and after that we made posters.

At P.E. we done the 800 metres and in the finals :









Great job girls and boys!

On Wednesday we played dodgeball and we worked in teams and we had so much fun.Two days without our classroom was exciting! We also had a vote for house and vice captains for next year.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and remember get children ready for p5!

 By Toni and Vanessa!

(Apologies for no photographs this week has there has been a technical glitch. I will try to upload these next week. Thanks. Mrs W)


P3/4 and P4 Homework (Week beginning 6.6.16)


Reflect on the spelling patterns you have learned this year. Choose one that you find tricky. Find 10 words for your chosen spelling pattern. Learn these words in a creative way of your choice. If you are struggling to think of a way to learn your words, look back at the last homework on the blog and read some of the children’s activities they did. List your 10 words and the way you learned your words on the blog.

Here are some spelling patterns that you may find tricky;




a_e (magic e)

i_e (magic e)






Find 5 country flags that have a line of symmetry. List these 5 countries on the blog.


Health and Wellbeing

It is very important for our wellbeing that we try to stay positive and happy. Think about 5 things that make you happy. Write about them on the blog.


Have a good week everyone and enjoy the sunshine (that is one thing that makes Mrs Wassell and Mrs Kerr happy). Make sure you look back to your homework and see the comments from your teacher.



A Jammin’ start for Primary 4

This week we had an exciting start of the week. Andy came to do Jammin Fitness with us. It was great fun. We learned lots of different traditional dance moves from a variety of countries and put them all together for a big ‘Journey to Rio’ dance for the Olympics. It linked very nicely to our current topic that we are loving!


We celebrated the children’s First Holy Communion. They children shared their pictures with the whole class and talked about their special day.  It was a lovely afternoon and of course we couldn’t have a  celebration without tasty cake. Mmmmm…. and a game of rounders in the sun!

Writing was exciting this week because Mrs Wassell let us write our own imaginative story with all of our own ideas. She can’t wait to read them all.

In Maths we learned all about area using cm2. We have gained a really good understanding of area and we are looking to challenge ourselves next week.

It’s been a beautiful week of sunshine so we had to take some of our learning outdoors. In PE we were running 400m. We had to focus on our pace and stamina to make sure we could complete the whole track. This week’s boys winners were;

1. Ethan

2. Thomas

3. Matt

Great work boys. The girls final will be next week.

We hope you enjoy your weekend.

Mrs W and P4


P4 Weekly News

A super week in P4 this week. Lots of learning going on.

We have been exploring right angles this week in Maths. We took our learning outdoors and went on a right angle adventure! We had great fun!

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In writing this week we wrote letters to Usain Bolt. We focused on the structure of a letter and ensured we used exciting vocabulary and asked Usain Bolt some interesting questions.

We have spent a lot of time rehearsing for the Thanksgiving mass on Sunday. Make sure you bring your hankies. Our singing makes Mrs Wassell cry! She thinks we are just wonderful.

We hope you all have a super weekend

Mrs W and P4

P4 have fun in the sun this week!

Primary 4 have had a great week this week. We have made the most of the sunshine by taking our learning outdoors.

This week for reading we spent time in the garden. We worked in pairs and trios to read to our friends. It was a great way to spend our afternoon.

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We also explored non-fiction this week by reading a passage about Brazil.

Chloe “We had to read very carefully to find the information.”

Beth “I found it a little bit tricky.”

Vanessa “I found it interesting learning all about the country Brazil.”

Primary 4 are thoroughly enjoying their IDL topic “The Olympics”. We have been learning about many athletes and looking at their personal achievements. We then discussed our own personal achievements and WOW! Primary 4 have many of them. We used this for our writing this week and wrote a personal recount. We learned some great descriptive vocabulary. We know that apprehensive means nervous or a little scared about something.

Taylor “My personal achievement was performing my hip hop dance”

Beth “I moved from level 1 in gymnastics to level 3”

In maths this week we wanted to find out what the children in the school’s favourite Olympic sport was. We talked about ways we could gather this information. We decided to do a tally chart and use the information from the tally chart to make a bar graph. They were fantastic!! P4’s favourite Olympic sport is basketball! P6/7’s favourite is gymnastics.

We also did a lot of talking in maths this week during our ‘Number Talks’.

number talks

Cole B – “This is a good way to find the quickest way to work out a sum.”

Joseph – “I like talking about numbers!”

PE was good fun this week. We focused on running. At the beginning of the week we were doing sprints. Some of us are really fast! On Thursday we were doing the hurdles. We did a lot of warm ups to make sure we were jumping over the hurdles correctly. Check us out!! Athletes in the making.


In Art this week, we looked into 3D art. It’s amazing that just by putting curves into a picture it can make it look 3D! We drew colourful hands in 3D.

As it is the month of May we have been praying to Our Lady. We have been learning all about the Rosary.

Have a great weekend everyone

Mrs W and P4

P3/4 and P4 Homework

Hi boys and girls,

We know how much you love doing your homework on the blog! So here it is;


Choose one of the spelling patterns below that you sometimes find tricky.

ck    ing    th    tion    ph      dge      oa    

Find 10 words for that spelling pattern of your choice.  Learn your 10 words in a creative way of your choice. Be sure to explain your activity on your blog post. You could use technology, the outdoors or any other exciting way you can think of to learn your words.


Fractions. We have been working so hard learning all about fractions. We can recognise a fraction of a shape and find a fraction of a number. Play some fraction games to see how well you understand fractions. Write about what game you played on the blog post.



Continue with your Olympics homework choice form. All 3 pieces are due in this Friday 13th May.
Health and Wellbeing

Choose one of the activities below to do this week. Write a few sentences on the blog about which one you chose.

  • Help your parents cook the dinner.
  • Do something nice for a member of your family.
  • Go to the park.
  • Help your parents in the garden.
  • Do something that makes you happy.
  • Create a new game to play.

We hope you have  fun and enjoy completing your homework this week!

Mrs Wassell and Mrs Kerr

A short but super week in P4!

We all had a great holiday but were looking forward to getting back to school.

This week has been a busy week in RE. On Thursday we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. It was a lovely mass and P4 sang beautifully as always. The children who are making their Holy Communion on Sunday went to the Lanthorn for a rehearsal with Fr Paul. Fr Paul was very impressed with us. We got to taste the bread however we know that it is not the Body of Christ until it has been consecrated at the mass. We are all very excited to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We did some beautiful art work to display in the Lanthorn for our special day. Make sure you have a look to see all the children who are making their Holy Communion.

communion 1

We are all loving our IDL topic this term ‘The Olympics’. We are finding it very interesting and having lots of fun trying out the different athletic sports. This week in PE we have been doing sprints. We have learned how to do a sprint start and a crouch start. Soon we will be running faster than Usain Bolt! Look out for us in years to come at the Olympics.

We have also been designing new costumes for the athletes, designing a stadium for Rio 2016 and creating posters to encourage people to live a healthy life. We are very good with identifying healthy and unhealthy foods and giving hints and tips to keep fit.

In drama this week we worked in our country groups to create a short role play. The role play was a news interview about an athlete winning gold. We even had Andrew Murray in our class!!! What a guy!

drama 1 drama 2 drama 3 drama 4

We wish you all a very happy weekend and the P4 Children who are making their Holy Communion on Sunday are in all of our prayers.


Mrs W and P4

P4’s learning journey for this week!

This week has been a special week for P4. We are coming to the end of our preparations for our Holy Communion. We all feel ready to continue with our spiritual journey and look forward to our special day.

Vanessa “I am a little bit scared that I make a mistake but I am going to try my very best on the day.”

Bea “I am very excited about my big day!”

Lorena “I am amazed at how much I have learned over the last few weeks and I now feel ready to make the Sacrament of Holy Communion.”

We have been consolidating our knowledge of fractions this week. A lot of us feel very confident with finding a fraction of a number. We are able to link our knowledge of division to finding a fraction of a number.

Chloe – “I know that I can find a fraction of a number by dividing the number by the denominator.”

In writing, we have been looking at different types of poems. We have written acrostic poems using the word ‘OLYMPICS’. We used super vocabulary and lots of interesting facts about the Olympics. We also learned about Haiku poems. We had never heard of these before but now we LOVE them. We spent some time looking at some Haiku poems and discussed the features of a haiku poem. We recognise that haiku poems all have 3 lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7 syllables and the last has 5. Here are some of our fantastic poems;


Five rings colourful

Gold, silver and bronze medals

Active athletes go!


Bolt is now running

Now Usain Bolt has won gold!

Now he is happy.

We are thoroughly enjoying learning all about the Olympics. We have been exploring different sports and learning about the lives of different athletes. Some of us have started to bring in our Olympics projects! They are amazing. Mrs Wassell has set up a great display in the class room.

In PE we have had the opportunity to try out some of the Olympic games. We have been focusing on throwing this week with the shot put and the javelin.

Cole B, Matt and Oskar threw the javelin the furthest for the boys and Paige, Taylor and ChiChi threw the furthest for the girls. Well done kids!!

We hope you all have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs W and P4.

Primary 4 had fun in the sun!

What a week we have had! The sun has been shining brightly and we have been working so hard. We have taken our learning outside this week with Maths. We have continued with learning all about fractions. We have learned how to find a fraction of a number. We worked in trios to show our understanding of this outside by using chalk and outdoor resources. Here are some pictures of us having fun learning.

fractions fractions 4  fractions 2fractions 3

Preston “If you are finding a third of a number you divide the number by 3!”

Vanessa “I am finding fractions fun!”

Taylor “Fractions are awesome”

Beth “I find fractions a little tricky but each time we do it I understand it a little bit more.”

In writing this week we have linked our learning to our IDL topic ‘The Olympics’. We learned how to draw a labelled diagram. We designed a new logo for the Olympics Rio 2016! They were fantastic. We had to think about each part of our design and make sure it linked to the Olympics or the country Brazil. We wrote detailed descriptions about each part of our logo.

We had a little treat this week and had some different teachers. We had Mrs Thompson for Art where we were learning about opposite colours. We also had Miss Naismith and Miss Williams for PE. We have been trying out some of the Olympic sports in PE. This week we were focusing on the high jump. Some of us could jump up to 80cm clearing the bar. We look forward to extending this next week.

This week we also had an opportunity to discuss our learning and our goals at Ninian’s natter. We had a focus on numeracy this time as we have been working so hard in Maths that we wanted to discuss and share our learning.

In reading this week we have been challenged. We have been looking at reading for meaning. We read various texts and had to answer questions using the text and our own knowledge. We found this particularly tricky however Mrs Wassell assures us we will be doing plenty more of this over the next term that we will be pros at it by the time we go into Primary 5!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Primary 4 and Mrs W

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