Festive fun in P4/5

P4/5 have had a fantastic week this week filled with festivities.

On Wednesday we went to see our annual panto ‘Beauty and the Beast’. It was fantastic.

Nasim – My favourite part of the panto was at the beginning when there was a lot of songs.

Abi – I loved the bit when Belle got a fright from the Beast.

We also had our Christmas lunch on Wednesday.

Jay-P – It tasted amazing!

We have done lots of fun maths Christmas activities this week. We have learned all about tesselation. We used what we learned to create Christmas cards. We also learned about Grid references. We were able to read the grid reference and colour each square the correct colour. We made pictures of Santa Claus and a Christmas tree from our grid references.

At the beginning of the week Mrs Wassell told us about a serious Crime that happened at the North Pole. One of the elves stole a  Christmas pudding. We had to get into detective groups and solve lots of problems to find some important clues. The awesome agents solved the crime first.

On Thursday we went to the achievements assembly. Mirren achieved the class award for being hard working this term.


Today we are enjoying ‘Christmas Jumper’ day. 😃😃



Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Mrs W and P4/5

P4 and P4/5 Winter Ready Activities


  • Log on to sumdog and try out some of the challenges set for you.
  • Find out what the temperature is in your local area. You can do this by using a thermometer or using the internet.


  • Write a recipe for a hot chocolate. Remember to include ingredients, equipment and method. Think carefully about the vocabulary you would use for a recipe. e.g. stir, pour, squirt
  • Watch the Snowman. Write a personal story about a time you made a snowmen. Include adjectives and similes to describe how you felt.

Link to the snowman


Write a book report for a book you have recently read. This could be your reading book. Discuss the main events in the story, characters and setting. Would you recommend this book to a friend?


Think about people who are not as fortunate as us to have a warm environment during this winter weather. Write a prayer to God to ask him to keep them safe during this time.


Watch the video and make a paper snowflake.



P4/5 Weekly News

Wow! It is December and nearly the end of Term 2. How did that happen?

This week we have been doing many of our end of term assessments.

In Maths we have continued learning all about money. We are able to work out money word problems and recognise what calculation we need to do to work it out. We know that if we want to find a total amount we do an addition calculation. We have been focusing on change this week. We can use our previous knowledge of subtraction to work out how much change we would receive.

For reading this week, we read all about Christmas around the world. We learned lots of new facts about how other countries celebrate Christmas. Did you know that single women in the Czech Republic through a shoe over their shoulder towards a door. If the heel of the show is facing the door they will remain single for another year. If the toe points to the door they are likely to get married. In Poland, many of the families celebrate by having 12 different dishes for their Christmas dinner. Each dish represents each of the 12 disciples. Some of our children from Poland said that their families do this at Christmas. We enjoyed hearing about their traditions at Christmas.

We used our skimming and scanning skills to find information in the text to help us answer some questions about the text.

For writing this week, we wrote an acrostic poem about Christmas. We have a good understanding of the layout of an acrostic poem. We are working on uplevelling our poems by using adventurous vocabulary to describe settings and feelings.

We learned all about the Magi this week. We know that the Magi are the three wise men who came to visit Jesus. We watched a short video about the Magi and retold the story in our own words.

In IDL we learned all about the human organs. We didn’t realise there were so many organs all working in our bodies. We learned about the function of these organs. Did you know that the liver performs all sorts of vital functions in our body from helping us to break down food in digestion to ridding our bodies of toxins. We didn’t know that skin was also an organ.

We are looking forward to lots of festive fun next week with our panto, Christmas lunch and lots of other fun things to look forward to.

Have a lovely weekend.

P4/5 and Mrs W

P4/5 Weekly News

This has been a very busy week filled with lots of new learning. Over to you kids;

We have been continuing to develop our mental maths strategies through our number talks. Miss Smyth came to our class to see how well we are doing with this. (Abi)

We have been working with money this week in maths. We have been working out money problems. To work out a word problem we use 2 coloured pencils. We circle numbers with one colour and mathematic vocabulary with the other. We throw away all the other words so that we don’t get confused. –Louise

This week for writing we wrote an imaginative story called ‘The Night Before Christmas’. We watched the Sainsbury’s advert and listened to Christmas songs to find good vocabulary and descriptions to help with our writing. – Lewis

We explored a passage called ‘ The Mysterious Gentleman’ to find alliteration. We looked at other examples of alliteration and came up with sentences of our own.

Peter Piper picked a pickled pepper. Nasim

Santa’s Shining sparkley sleigh – Lewis

This week in P4/5 we have started a new Science topic ‘Forces’. We went on a magnet hunt to look at push and pull forces. Lukasz

I used a magnet to see if a mental pole was magnetic and it was. Joshua

Our tables that are made of wood are not magentic. Lewis

magnet-1 magnet-2 magnet-3 magnet-4

This week was the beginning of Advent. We learned what each candle in the advent wreath represents.

Week 1 – Purple (Hope)

Week 2 – Purple (Peace)

Week 3 – Rose (Joy)

Week 4 – Purple (Love)

Christmas Day – White.

We made our very own wreath for our class Alter. (Mirren)

We hope you all have a great weekend starting off with our Festive Fun afternoon.

Mrs W and P4/5

P4/5 Weekly News

Oliwier – This week we have been talking all about numbers during our number talks session. We have been doing a sum and talking about strategies we would use to work it out in our head.

Mirren – We have been doing art this week using chalks. We did a portrait of Benjamin Franklin who discovered electricity.

Harry – We recorded our Christmas song for the school CD. I thought it was magical.

Abi – We wrote a description of a winter setting. We used similies to make our writing exciting.

“The snow was as sparkly as the stars.”

“The grass was crunchy like cornflakes.”

Lukasz – We were practising our subtraction sums with borrowing. We even tried tower sums with 3 values. I found them okay.

Louise – We had our committees this week. I am part of the community links committee. We were practising singing Christmas carols for the people in the nursing home.

Finlay – We learned some new games and rhymes in Nycos.

Oskar – We have been learning some Scottish dances. We have been working with the P4 boys and girls.

Joshua – In Spanish we were playing games and learning all about the colours. We had envelopes. Someone would pick a colour and say it in Spanish. They would then leave the room. We would then hide the colour and they would have to find it.

Aria – We were reading a passage called ‘The Mysterious gentleman’. We had to explore the passage and look for similies. This helped us for our writing this week.

Marcella – For Sacramental preparation this week we listened to stories from the Bible where the Holy Spirit appeared. We then shared times when we felt we needed help from the Holy Spirit. We learned a new prayer called ‘Come Holy Spirit’.

Have a super weekend

Mrs W and P4/5

Things are electric in P4/5 this week


Abi – We have been working on our number talks this week. We talk about different strategies that we can use to work out a calculation. This week some of us used our knowledge of rounding as a strategy.

Joshua – We have been using sumdog to help us with maths. We were entered into a competition.

Mirren – We worked on our knowledge of subtraction with borrowing. This can sometimes be tricky.



Lewis – We wrote an imaginative story about our adventure to space. We had to include an act of kindness in our story as part of cool to be kind week. We have a new friend Bill who joined us for writing. We read his story and helped him correct it and uplevel it with great vocabulary.


Lukasz – This week in IDL we were learning about electrical circuits. We had 4 electrical wires with crocodile clips, 1 battery, 1 switch and 1 lamp. We put them together to form an electrical circuit so that the bulb lit up. In our class we have a display to show different object that use battery power or mains.

electricity-2 electricity


Finlay – In Nycos this week we learned 2 new songs. We are learning all about beat and rhythm.


Tanatswa – We had a visitor from the SSPCA. She came and told us all about the animals that they protect. We learned some new facts. I know that animals who sleep during the night are called nocturnal animals and animals who sleep like us are called diurnal. We played a game with our partner to learn about many animals. The card game was really fun. She left us some treats for being so good.

Cool to be kind

Louise – This week we have been focusing on how to be kind to others. We drew portraits of our peers in our class and wrote something kind about them. Today we came to school dressed in our PJ’s with crazy as part of Children in Need. We even ran a mile in our PJs. We know that there are many children who do not have as much as us and would love to raise awareness so people donate money to this charity.

pjs pj-daily-mile-2 pj-daily-mile

Achievements Assembly

Lewis got the kindness award for P4/5 because he always looks out for others and makes sure everyone in the class are happy and have a great big smile on their face.


Have a super weekend everyone.

Mrs W and P4/5

Fun filled week in P4/5

P4/5 have had a very busy week. A lot of our learning has taken place outside of school this week. Some of the P5s went along to St Mary’s Cathedral with the other P5s who made the Sacraments last year. They had a great day learning all about the Cathedral and the life of a priest. Whilst the P5 children were at the Cathedral the rest of the class went to the Lanthorn for Bible World. They had a fantastic day with Mrs Reeves.

We also visited the library this week. We learned all about the library and what resources are available to us (all for free!). Many of us dragged our parents along that night to sign up. We are so eager to read lots of different books. We have really enjoyed developing our reading skills this week. We have been talking all about character, setting and making predictions.  We have enjoyed having the opportunity to read with a partner.

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We had our class mass this week. A big  done to Mirren, Oliwier, Harry, Daniel, Finlay and Lukasz who did a fantastic job with the readings at mass. They read very confidently.

We have continued learning how to work subtraction problems with borrowing. We are becoming more confident with this. Mrs Wassell said she is going to make it even harder next week by working with 3 digit numbers. That is okay though because p4/5 children love a wee challenge. 🖒 we love using technology to help us practise our maths.

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Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Mrs W and P4/5

P4/5 Showcase their learning

P4/5 have had a fantastic week. It’s been really busy with lots going on. We celebrated All Saints day with a lovely whole school mass. It was great to see so many parents join us for this special feast day.

We have been doing lots of preparation for our big Titanic banquet that we hosted yesterday. It was a fantastic afternoon. We were so over whelmed with all of the support from our families. So many passengers came on board our Titanic showcase!😆

We thoroughly enjoyed our food technology this week. We prepared so many delicious foods. We researched some of the Titanic menus and chose some foods that would have been served on the Titanic. We learned lots of new skills that we will be able to use at home to help make the dinner. Some of the skills we learned were cutting, peeling, whisking, mixing and spreading. We even learned how to use a food processor. Now we can make our very own  homemade hummus. We hope you enjoyed sampling some of these scrummy treats washed down  with some welcome ‘champagne’.

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Some of us had very important jobs to do on board the Titanic. Charlie was in charge of collecting the tickets. He looked very smart as a 1st class passenger. Daniel and Louise were meeting and greeting all of the passengers as they made their way onto the ship. They did a super job!


Lewis and Oliwia made sure all of the passengers enjoyed a welcome ‘champagne’ and guided them around our ship.

We loved sharing all of our knowledge about the history of the Titanic. We have learned so many interesting facts.

Harry – The Titanic was built in Belfast in Ireland.

Nasim – The Titanic was so luxurious. It even had a golden staircase.


Finlay- There was only enough lifeboats for roughly half of the passengers.  

Thank you again to all who came to our showcase. We all really appreciate your support.

Have a very happy and safe Guy Fawkes weekend.


Mrs W and P4/5

Spook-tastic week for P4/5

This has been a short week however it has been filled with lots of exciting learning.


We have been working on our knowledge and understanding of addition with carrying. We are becoming more confident with this. We used the mild, spicy and hot method.

“I chose the hot activity to challenge myself!” (Abi)


This week we read a halloween story called “The Friendly Witch”.

” We used our reading skills skimming and scanning to find the information we needed to answer questions on the text!” (Louise)


We were so excited this week for writing. We came into class and Mrs Wassell had decorated our class. It was very spooky. We wrote an imaginary story about ‘The Haunted House’. It was great fun. There was ghosts, zombies and witches. Poor Mrs Wassell had nightmares that night.


This week was STEM week. We designed and created cabins for the Titanic. They were fantastic. We used a range of materials. We cant wait to share these with our parents at the showcase next week.

Congratulations to Mirren who is the class Dojo winner for the 2nd week in a row. Well done!!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs Wassell and P4/5

P4/5 Weekly News

Wow! What a fantastic first term we have had in P4/5. It has been filled with lots of fun and hard work. We have all thoroughly been enjoying our topic ‘The Titanic’. It has been super! We have learned so many interesting facts about the Titanic. We have shared our learning with Mrs Wassell during our learning conversations. Make sure you log into our learning journal to see what else we have been working on this term. This week has been a very busy week. Here we go…

Maths – In maths this week we used our number talks session to revise what we already know about addition within 1000. We all had the opportunity to share different strategies that we use to work out addition sums. This helps us to find the quickest way to work out calculations. We then used what we had learned in our number talks session and applied it to our carousels. We use the make, say, write and do approach. In the write table we practised calculations using mild, spicy and hot. We enjoy this as we can try out some easier sums to warm up our brains and then challenge ourselves. At the do table we were playing addition dominoes with our group. At the make table we created our own addition games that can help us to practise addition in a fun way. At the say station we worked on the netbooks with our peers and talked about what we were learning.

Literacy – We have been learning new spelling patterns this week. We work with Mrs Wassell and Mrs Docherty to learn the new pattern and apply this pattern to many words. We learn lots of new vocabulary when doing this. In reading we have been working on our own reading books and exploring them for exciting VCOP. We also worked in our TRIOS for reading this week. We know we can read a variety of texts and it can even be a video. This week we watched a video of the departure of the Titanic. It was really interesting. We talked about how the music made us feel, made comparisons from boarding a ship in 1912 to nowadays etc.

Writing – In writing this week we wrote a diary entry. We imagined we were a first class passenger on the Titanic. We used our 5 senses to help us. We though about what we saw, tasted, touched, heard and smelt. This really helped us feel like we were on the ship. We could describe how we would have felt. Lewis was our star writer this week. He did a fantastic job and used super vocabulary.

RE – We have enjoyed learning all about the life of Pope Francis this week. We learned that he is from Argentina. He likes football and supports Argentina. Before he was the Pope, he was a Priest, Bishop and Cardinal. He enjoys taking the subway and buses to socialise with all of his people.

ART – This week for art we designed a Christmas card. We put on some Christmas music to help get us in the festive spirit. We can’t wait to share them with you soon.

IDL – We have been learning all about the class system on the Titanic. We did some research about some of the passengers. We looked at some pictures and we compared their clothing, jobs and the food they ate on the Titanic. Did you know that the 1st class passengers ate a ten course meal on the Titanic?

We hope you all have a wonderful October break.

Mrs Wassell and P4/5


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