A tasty week in P4/5

Louise – “This week we did food technology and made awesome oatcakes. We made these because the Vikings ate them.”

Lewis – “We used apricots, butter, oats, honey and cinnamon. I thought they tasted really nice.”

Krystian – “I thought it was great fun making the cookies. They were delicious.”

Mirren – “On Tuesday we did football with P4. We were practising our skills for the world cup next week. My team is Portugal!”

Lukasz – “On Monday we welcomed our new Depute Head Teacher Mrs Smith.”

Oliwia – “In IDL we have been learning what the Vikings ate. We learned that carrots used to be purple and white. WoW!”

Charlie – “We worked in trios to create a power point about Viking food. We learned how to put a background on the power point, insert pictures from clipart and the internet and change font size and style. I look forward to presenting my groups power point next week.”

Harley – “In Maths we have been learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We learned that 3D shapes had edges, vertices and faces. I know that a cylinder has 3 faces, 2 edges and no vertices.”

Daniel – “In literacy we have been learning how to use speech marks in our writing.”

Finlay – “In reading this week we focused on inference questions. We looked at pictures and had to think about what was happening in the picture.”

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Wassell and P4/5


P4/5 Highlights of the week

Harley “In PE this week we have been learning all about football. We have been practising our football skills and playing 5-a-side games.”

Lewis “This week we have taken some quiet time to relax and to forget all our worries.”

Aria “We listened to some people who talked to us and asked us to breathe in and out. We had to close our eyes and imagine we were in a hot air balloon, a butterfly landed on us and we were in a treehouse.”

Oliwia “The mindfulness meditation helps me to relax after a busy lunchtime.”

Mirren “In music we learned a song about Vikings. We used instruments to show the beat of the song.”

Finlay “We also listened to 3 pieces of music related to the Vikings. We discussed how music creates mood. In one of the pieces of music I thought a Viking had just been killed and his men were going to get revenge. This was a powerful piece of music.”

Lukasz “One of the pieces of music made me think of Vikings were on a longship and it just crashed because of the stormy weather.”

Louise “In IDL this week we learned all about the Viking Gods.”

Harley “We learned that the Vikings believed Odin created the world, Thor created thunder when we was having a tantrum, Loki was a joker and Freya made sure there was sun and rain to grow the crops”

Charlie “In writing, we wrote a Viking Saga about the Gods. In my Viking Saga, Odin and Thor had a war because people invade Asgard.”

Caiden “In maths we have been learning about division using the standard method with 3 digit numbers. I use numicon to help me.”

Have a super weekend

Mrs W and P4/5

P4/5 Highlights of the Week

Louise – We learned all about Viking longhouses. We made a Viking longhouse using brown paper, straws and paint.

Lukasz – I was surprised that there was only 1 room in Viking longhouses.

Oskar – In PE we are learning how to play football. I like when people pass the ball to each other.

Charlie – I have been given the role of captain. I have to lead my team to get set up. We did some teamwork games where my team had to follow me and run at my pace.

Jay P – In our trio short read this week we watched ‘How to Train your Dragon’ trailer and we did a task map about it. I enjoyed the big talk when I got to discuss a time when I trained an animal.

Oliwia – I enjoyed learning all about Lent today at the P4 assembly. In class we discussed out Lenten promises. My Lenten promise is to not eat sweets because I love them!

Mirren – This week we wrote a letter to the Vikings to thank them for coming to teach us lots about Vikings. We had to make sure we used different punctuation in our letter.

Finlay – I loved world book day this week because I love to read. I dressed up as the fox from ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’.

Lewis – We celebrated Ash Wednesday with a service. Father Kenneth, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Chirinos gave us the ashes. This is a time to reflect on our lives and make some changes during lent.

Today is Mrs Dunse’s last day with us. We wish her all the best for the future.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell, Mrs Dunse and P4/5

Viking extravaganza in P4/5

Wow! What another busy week we have had. There seems to be no end to the fun we have in school.

On Monday we had a visit from Vikings who came from Scandinavia. They introduced themselves as Thorgrim, Skulkey and the lady had an unusual name which we can’t quite remember.


Finlay: ‘they introduced us to the language they spoke, called Norse, which sounded very odd to us’.

Abi: ‘Charlie from the other class was dressed up as a Konungr. Finlay, Jay, Lauren and Mrs Wassell took part in the story that the Vikings made up. It was Finlay and Jay’s birthday and they went out hunting wild boar and Jay managed to kill the wild boar but Finlay chose the wrong weapon and was struck by the wild boar in the stomach and died a slow painful death!

Joshua: ‘after the story of the wild boar the Vikings showed us their weapons and how they used them in battle’.

Marcella: ‘the Vikings were fighting with the weapons and enacted a battle’.

We had such fun and it was a great way to learn.

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On Tuesday we attended our assembly at the Lanthorn which was about Fair Trade Fortnight and how we can help the farmers overseas to get a fair price for the products the grow.

Charlie: ‘I was apprehensive about singing the song and saying my words’


In writing we wrote a news report about our Viking visit. We pretended we were reporters and we tried very hard to use adjectives and interesting sentences with alliterative headlines.

In maths we have been looking at division and the process of dividing a big number into 2,3,4,5,6 and 7. We had to work hard to concentrate so we could work out the answers.

On Wednesday we made Viking weapons of our own. We looked in detail about the designs of the weapons and how the more intricate the design on the weapon, the wealthier the clan was.

On Thursday we discussed Gods creation and how He made Adam and Eve to form a relationship with one another because God did not want man to be alone. We focused on how important it is to look after one another and be kind to each other and only say nice things.  If we are kind to each other we build positive relationships which results in us being happy. We know that we work our very best when we are happiest.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend

P4/5, Mrs Dunse and Mrs Wassell

Catholic Education Week in P4/5

A short but busy week in P4/5 this week. This week we celebrated Catholic Education week. We enjoyed a very interesting assembly with Father Kenneth who shared lots of pictures and exciting information about his trip to Israel. We discussed what it meant for us to be part of a Catholic school and community.

In writing this week, we wrote a new paper report about the 40th celebrations in St Ninian’s. We looked at all of the lovely facebook and twitter posts about our celebrations to add quotes into our reports.

In maths we have been continuing to learn all about division. We have been exploring different strategies that we can use to help is e.g. grouping in arrays, repeated addion/subtraction and inverse calculations. It is very important for us to keep learning our times tables to help with division.

Mrs Dunse has been working with us in Health and Wellbeing this week. We looked at lots of different foods and drinks to see how much sugar is in them. We weighed out the sugar using scales so we could visualise how much sugar was in these products. We could not believe how much sugar was in a jar of dolmio sauce. We understand that sugar not only makes foods and drinks sweet but is also used as a preservative.

We were learning about viking raids this week and talked about the weapons the vikings used. We are currently in the process of making weapons in class. We look forward to sharing the final products with you next week.

We have also been working hard this week learning all about fairtrade to share with our cluster schools next week at the cluster assembly. We watched a video all abouta young boy called Patrick from Ghana who works on his uncles cocoa farm. It is very sad that so many farmers from third world countries work so very hard yet earn very little. It has made us think about the chocolate that we buy from the shops.

We hope you have a great weekend.

Mrs W and P4/5

Bookbugs in P4/5 this week

This week has been a fanatastic fun week in St Ninian’s as we celebrate our 40th birthday.

Abi – On Thursday we had a dress down/fun day to celebrate our 40th birthday. We done arts and crafts, golden time games, karaoke and cake, movie morning and  technology station. It was amazing.

Oliwier – We have been doing some Viking art .

Lewis – Our short read this week was a silly passage about the Vikings. We had to change the silly words to sensible words to make the passage make sense. We worked in trios and earned points for each sensible word.

Lukasz – On Monday we tried something new with reading. We went into trios and read to each other. We worked with children who were reading different books. I liked this because I got to hear different stories. We focused on expression and fluency.

paired-reading-1 paired-reading-2 paired-reading-3 paired-reading-4

Charlie – We celebrated our 40th birthday by having a very special mass with the Arch Bishop. We addressed the Arch Bishop as “Your Grace”.

Abi – The Arch Bishop wore a big white hat and a carried a staff.

Harley – In PE this week we have been working on our gymnastic skills. We were doing side vaults this week. I found this a bit tricky.

Mirren – We have been doing carousels this week in numeracy. We have been playing lots of maths games to help us learn our times tables. My favourite is times table jenga.

Marcella – We welcomed Mrs Dunse this week who will be working with us for 5 weeks. 🙂

Louise – We have been doing lots of rehearsals for our big show next week. We hope you all enjoy the show.

Jay P – In PE we worked in pairs and created a sequence to performance to each other. We had to include 1 jump, 2 balances, 2 rolls and we could add any other movements we were comfortable.

Finlay – This week we visited the library and got new books. We played some games to help us learn how to find a book in the library using alphabetical order.


Caiden – It was great fun.


Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs W and P4/5

Superstars in 4/5

Oliwia – We have been doing lots of rehearsals for the 40th anniversary concert. I am very excited to perform on the stage.

Abi – We have also been busy this week preparing for our class assembly that we had today. It was great seeing so many parents came to see us.

Aria- We sang a song called ‘Unite’ that was about uniting everyone no matter what religion they are.


Mirren – This week we have been focusing on some reading skills. We had to read very carefully to find information to draw a detailed picture of a Viking in a longboat. We also worked on our task maps and explored our books to find the answers to questions.

Oskar – In writing this week we designed posters for the 40th anniversary concert.

Lewis – We had to make sure we had all the relevant information on our posters to make sure people knew where and when the concert is taking place.

Louise – In Spanish this week we have been learning directions. We had lots of fun playing games using maps.

Harry – In maths we have been learning our 6 times table. We have been learning this by playing lots of different games.

maths-games maths-games-2

Finlay – In PE we have been learning how to do head stands and hand stands.

Krystian- We talked lots in RE about how we are different and unique. We designed posters to show how each of us are different but very special.

Charlie – We used a variety of resources to research things about ‘The Vikings’. We then created mind maps to show what we have learned.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend

Mrs W and P4/5

Celebrating world religion day in p4/5

This has been a very busy week with lots of rehearsals for our assembly and the 40th Anniversary concert. We did manage to fit in learning lots of new things too.

Nasim – We have been learning lots about other world religions this week as it was world religion day on Tuesday. We are  going to share our learning at our assembly next week.

For our short read this week we read a passage about the Jewish celebration Hanukkah. We learned lots of new things about Hanukkah and how the Jewish people celebrate with having a big family meal with lots of oily foods and play dreidel. We used our reading skill skimming and scanning to find the answers to some tricky questions. Some of us decided to highlight the main points to help us.


In Maths this week we have been learning how to multiply a 2 digit number by 1 digit. It has been quite tricky. We played lots of different games to help us get more confident with our times tables.

Mirren – I loved playing the chase this week. It helped us to practise learning our 3,4 and 6 times tables. 

We continued to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation this week. We reflected on our baptism when the priest anointed our head with oil and discussed the promises our parents and God parents made. We are looking forward to our Confirmation to make these promises ourselves.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend

Mrs W and P4/5

P4/5 will miss Miss Smyth lots!

Aria – This week we have been learning all about other world religions to prepare for our assembly.

Abi – We started our new topic ‘The Vikings’. I’m looking forward to learning lots of new things about the Vikings.

Oliwier – In PE we were doing gymnastics. We were learning about balance and moving our body in different shapes.

Lewis – We have been working hard in class this week to prepare a song for Miss Smyth to perform at the assembly because she is leaving St Ninian’s. We will miss her lots.

Lukasz – In Spanish we learned words for directions. We played some clapping games with a partner.

Harley – In maths we are learning about multiplication. We practiced our 3 and 4 times tables.

Mirren – We also have learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by 3 and 4. I find this a little bit tricky but will hard over the next couple of weeks.

Louise – We worked in our reading groups this week to explore our books for information. We used our task maps to answer a variety of questions.

Charlie – It was international this week. P4/5 watched a video about school in Malawi. We worked in groups to create venn diagram to show what was the same and different with schools here in Scotland and schools in Malawi.

Joshua – We used the information about Malawi schools to help us write a diary entry from a child in Malawi. We watched a video about the life of Nyamati, a little girl in Malawi.

Marcella – We have also been exploring symmetry this week. We sorted a variety of shapes into symmetrical and not symmetrical.

Caiden – We have emailed a university lecturer this week to ask him questions about Hinduism to help us with our assembly. He sent us lots of interesting facts about the religion.

 We have had a lovely morning celebrating Miss Smyth’s time at St Ninian’s. She is off on a big adventure and we just know she will be fantastic!! We wish her all the very best in her new post.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

P4/5 and Mrs Wassell


Happy New Year from P4/5

Happy New Year to you all.

P4/5 have been so excited to start back school. 🙂 We have had a great week. (Especially as it was so short!)

This week has been vision and values week. This allowed us to look back at St Ninian’s Vision and Values and to talk about what they meant to us. We used the vision to create posters to illustrate what we think about when we read the vision.


Our vision is so important to let others know what St Ninian’s is all about!

Our vision is to be a vibrant community of faith and learning where together we learn to grow in the image and likeness of Christ

We also took the opportunity this week to review our ‘Class Charter’. We felt that what we had was all still very important however there was a few new rights and responsibilities to add to our Charter. Lukasz came up with the great design to have speech bubbles and children to design their body to show their personality. Here is a snap shot of our Class Charter.

charter-1 charter-2 charter-3 charter-5 charter-4


In Maths this week, we explored symmetry. We identified objects within our school environment that had symmetry.

We enjoyed circle time this week when we had a chance to share a little about our Christmas holidays with Mrs Wassell and our peers. We then wrote a personal recount including some fantastic similes. “I was as stuffed as a turkey.” (class)

“It was as delicious like a milkybar.” (Lukasz)


We are looking forward to getting back into a routine next week and are going to have a nice rest this weekend in preparation for lots of hard work.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and p4/5

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