P3 Weekly News

We are feeling very excited and very tired in preparation for the big show next week. We have had a very busy week in Primary 3. Here are some of our highlights!

Brooke – I enjoyed doing the show in front of the whole school.

Dawid – I enjoyed Mrs Smiths assembly because we got an extra treat and got to watch ‘Sing’.

Klaudia – I enjoyed rehearsing lots this  week for the show.

Kyle – I liked singing the songs from the show.

James – I really liked the word boost story this week “Elliot the midnight superhero”.

Hayley – I loved doing gymnastics on the apparatus this week. My favourite was the monkey bars.

Esmee – My favourite thing in PE this week was doing handstands.

Amber – I liked the monkey bars too.

Lucy – I liked going upside down swinging on the bars.

Sophia – I learned how to give change from £1.

Riley – I have enjoyed listening to many stories in the bible during reconciliation preparation.

Ephraim – In numeracy this week, I enjoyed learning how to make arrays to help me with my times tables.

Klaudia – I like learning new strategies to use when adding coins during number talks.

Lucy – I enjoyed working with Mrs Heather to help learn new strategies in number talks.

Leigha – I am feeling confident about performing the show for our parents next week.

Mackenzie – I feel ready for the show.

Amber – I am excited to perform on the stage in front of the parents and families.

Kyle – We are all feeling happy for the show coming up!

Riley – This week in writing, we wrote an invitation to our families to invite them to ‘A Blast from the Past’. I was chosen to be one of the star writers because my invitation had a fantastic layout and I used adventurous vocabulary like exquisite.


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Wassell, Mrs Conway and Primary 3

P3 weekly news

This week has been a very busy week for Primary 3 as we prepare for the big show ‘A Blast from the Past’ and some of the children are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Here are some of our highlights of the week!

Klaudia – I enjoyed doing sum dog in my smart start this week. I got lots of money questions right!

Esmee – This week we had our P3 class mass. I enjoyed doing a bidding prayer.

Brooke- We were learning action hymns for mass.

Sophie- We have been learning about money this week. I can give change from 20p.

James I enjoyed writing invitations for our school show. I hope you can all come to see it.

Kaitlyn- This week me Leigh and Kyle was the star writer for my Scots language Sentences from last week.

Dawid- Iam enjoying preparing for my first reconciliation . This week I learned I can go 2 different directions Ican make good  choices or bad choices. Itry my hardest to make good choices.

Ephraime-I like showing different ways of making money amounts.

Leigh- I am enjoying learning about what school was like in the past through our school show.

Lucy- I am enjoying practising for our school show . My favourite song is navy blue knickers.

Dexter- I have loved learning actions to go with the song six of the best.

Kyle- I love doing my song navy blue knickers.


Have a fantastic weekend. Stay safe and keep warm.

Mrs Wassell and Primary 3

P3 weekly blog

This has been a very busy week for P3 as we are preparing for lots of upcoming events. We have enjoyed rehearsing for our show ‘A Blast from the Past’. Remember to practise your lines and songs at home.

Next week P3 will be going to St Phillips Church for their class mass. We have been practising our hymns and some of the children have been working on their bidding prayer. We would love if you could join us on Tuesday.

As our topic this term focuses on school in the past and how different they are from our school today, we have been doing Venn diagrams looking at objects you might find in schools in the past, present or both. We cannot believe children in the past were disciplined using a cane or belt!!!!

This week we have been celebrating Robert Burns. We learned about who he was and what he is famous for. We read some of his poems that were written in Scots.

We explored Scots language in more depth.We have created some silly sentences using Scots language and alliteration.


Riley – The doo was daft and cannae feel his bahooky.

Klaudia – The daft dug disnae daunce.

Amber – The dauncing dug is clarty.

This week in numeracy we have been working on subtraction. We have been looking at different strategies to work out calculations.


How many different strategies can you use to solve this calculation?


76 – 12


Have a super weekend


Mrs Wassell and Primary 3


Inspirational Maths in P3

Ahmad – This week we discussed and decided on a numeracy/maths goal to work on.

Maja – My numeracy goal is to learn my 3 times table.

Alishba- I liked when dogs trust came in to talk to us. I learned lots about caring for a dog.

Harry – I really liked playing bench ball with the giant ball.

Elenta – I liked PE this week playing chain tag.

Madison – I liked playing catching apples game in PE.

Matthew – I loved getting to groom Ted the dog when dogs trust came in.

Angelina – As part of inspirational Maths we played some games. I liked playing game of totals using pebbles. We could only use numbers 1, 2 and 3. My partner and I would take turns to pick one of these numbers each time and would add on the next number. The winner was the one who got to the total of 10.

Chloe – I liked when we did a rectangle hunt. I got to be a leader with Annayah and had to count all the things in the playground and garden that were rectangles.

Annayah – I enjoyed the rectangular hunt too. We kept finding lots of rectangles around the school. We then used square tiles to make lots of different rectangles of different sizes.

Oma – In RE this week we made a poster about making good choices.

Lennon – I liked making rectangles with the little squares.

Julia – I liked when we went outside and worked in teams to make different shapes out of rope.

Lilly – In writing we wrote a letter to Mariam and Ghanem who are children that live in the United Arab Emirates. This is our new topic.

Maeve – I liked going to mass to celebrate the feast of St Ninian. We learned about the story of St Ninian.


Have a great long weekend everyone

Mrs W and Primary 3


Super learning in Primary 3

Primary 3 have had a fantastic week filled with lots of learning. We thoroughly enjoyed our roots of empathy this week because baby Hana came into the class. We got to explore her likes/dislikes and asked many questions about what baby Hana could do. Many of the answers were ‘Not Yet’. We look forward to seeing her develop over the year. We also had a special visitor today. Mrs McGonigal came to do some listening games with us. She was very impressed with how well we can listen. We played some super games.

Here are some highlights of our week;

Poppy – We have been learning new spelling patterns. I learned ‘ee’ spelling pattern this week. I like using the pebbles to practise my words.

Julia – In PE this week we were doing cooperation games. My favourite game this week was chain tig.

Ryan – For writing this week we wrote our own imaginative chapter for the owl who was afraid of the dark. My chapter was called ‘Dark is Awesome’.

James – In maths this week we were comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to. I enjoyed the video to help me learn this.

Matthew – This week I have been a lead learner. I got to lead the talking books and I could put forward names to get class dojos for working hard.

Chloe – This week I have also been a lead learner. I have felt very responsible. I have enjoyed it.

Ahmad – I have enjoyed learning about 3 digit numbers this week and can give the number before and after a number. E.g. 100 – the number before 100 is 99 and the number is 101.

Kayden – This week we had a special visitor – baby Hana. She is our roots of empathy baby. She was very happy coming to our class.

Angelina – Baby Hana can make little noises and she likes to smile. We lay her on her tummy to see if she liked it and she did.

Vanessa – This week in RE we were comparing Father Kenneth to the Good Shepherd. They both are kind, they make us feel welcome and always forgive us.


Have a great weekend

Mrs W and P3

P3 Weekly News

Good afternoon! Primary 3 have had a wonderful week and been working very hard.

We were so excited to find out from our fantastic UN Ambassadors that St Ninian’s have received Level 2 of the Rights Respecting School award. This is a huge achievement and we are delighted.

During Assembly yesterday, we had special visitors because Fr Kenneth and Fr Matthew came to see us. We played a game where we got to learn some words from Fr Matthew’s language.

As part of our IDL work, we have been learning about nocturnal animals who come out at night and diurnal animals come out during the daytime. We had to sort them into categories to show our understanding (Maeve, Matthew and Harry).

In Number, we have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10. If the units number ends in a 1,2,3,4 you have to round it down but if the units number ends in a 5,6,7,8,9 you round it up (Angelina, Vanessa, Annayah). We have also been learning expanded form. This is where we have been able to tell how many hundreds, how many tens and how many units are in all of the numbers up to 1000.

We loved having the chance to write our own special letters to Plop! Plop is the baby barn owl who is afraid of the dark – we loved this story (Lennon). We had to tell Plop what we thought of the dark. Here are some examples –

‘I think dark is scary sometimes. At night I can hear scary sounds when my window is opened.’ (Lilly is linking her writing to her own experiences)

‘I think dark is fascinating because nocturnal animals come out to play and you can hear animals’ (Maeve has linked her learning!).

‘I think dark is extraordinary!’ (Fabulous vocabulary Chloe!)

In PE, we have been focusing on co-operation (Oma). Co-operation means you are working together (Ryan). Co-operation means teamwork (Lennon). Co-operation means working together and helping others (Annayah).

Have a good weekend

Mrs W


Back to school for Primary3!

Well, what a fantastic first week in Primary 3! We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know one another better and have even made new friends in our class. It has been a very busy first week filled with lots of fun! Here are some of our highlights:

Angelina – “We did near doubles in our number talks.”

Vanessa – “Our week was fun because we done painting and fun things.”

Kayden – “We did pictures of owls using patterns.”

Madison- “We used different colours to paint the night sky. We used black, grey, white, purple and blue.”

Abdullah- “We practised our letter join.”

Alishba- “I like PE because we got to play lots of fun games. My favourite game was the bean game.”

Elenta- “In RE we wrote a prayer to God to thank him for our friends and family and ask him to help us achieve our goals in Primary 3.”

Lennon- “we wrote our dream for Primary 3 for our classroom door. My dream for P3 is to get 100 dojo points.”

Maeve- “I liked PE because we played the sheep game. It was a funny game and I liked being the farmer.”

Lilly- “I liked the tickly cat game in PE. I got to be the chaser.”

Oma- “I liked doing addition sums in maths.”

Matthew- “I enjoyed drawing myself for our class charter.”

Chloe- “I liked drawing Plop the owl using pattern and colour.”

Annayah- “I like our new topic ‘The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark’. I liked doing the painting and mixing colours to make different colours.”

Poppy- “I liked PE  this week. I loved playing the tickly cat.”

Maja- “I liked PE because we were running a lot and I like running.”

James- “I liked painting the sky for our owls.”

Harry- “I liked watching the cartoon videos in assembly.”

Ahmad- “I enjoyed the rascal school video in assembly.”

Dominic- “I loved playing all around the world because I did fantastic answering all of the sums.”

Julia- “I liked everything this week and enjoy being in Primary 3.”

Ava- “My favourite game in PE was the tickly cat.”


Have a great weekend,

Mrs W and Primary 3

P4/5 Weekly News

Oskar – On Thursday we got to go to our new classes and meet our new teacher. It was fun because we played bingo and a team building challenge with marshmallows.

Lukasz – For transition day, my teacher is Miss Ford. I have about 30 people in my new class. There is a new girl joining my class called Zara.

Louise – In my new class we played 2 truths and 1 lie. My lie was that I love maths. My 2 truths were that I have 1 brother and 1 sister and my favourite food is tuna pasta.

Lewis – In PE this week we played Russian long ball and capture the flag. My team won 14-12 in capture the flag.

Marcella – On Monday we got to have some treats. We got to challenge one another on the wrecking ball and in the afternoon we got to meet lots of different animals at party animals. My favourite animals were the baby fox, the snake and the little lizard. It was very funny when Mrs Wassell and Miss Diamond had to get snails put on their faces.

Caiden – In maths this week we went outdoors to measure different objects around the school using a metre stick. We have been working on reading scales on different measuring devices.

Joshua – On Sports day we went into our house groups and did some activities to earn house points. My favourite activity was the obstacle course because I liked going through the tunnel.

Mirren – We had some races in our year groups. I managed to get into the finals. Batshewa came 1st in the P4 girl’s race.

Finlay – This week in art we have been using chalk to create a landscape. We then used a black pen to do the outline.

Have a wonderful weekend. (1 week to go… :))

Mrs Wassell and P4/5

P4/5 Weekly News


Oskar: This week we wrote a prayer about our hopes for next year. We listened to a song to help us think about what we would like to write about.

Numeracy and Maths

Daniel: We have been learning how to read scales on measuring devices. We had to work out how much each interval was worth and give the correct weight showing on some scales.


Oliwia: This week in reading, we read a passage about ‘The Holy Trinity’. We had to answer different questions about the information in the passage.

Abi: We also did some paired reading. When we do paired reading we get to listen to each other and give some feedback to help us improve our reading skills.


Krystian: In IDL this week we have been working in pairs to create a power point about food chains. We have been using our own devices to research information. We have been learning how to put images into a power point,  change backgrounds and font style and size to make it look cool!


Harley: In PE this week we played Russian Long ball and the blue team had to try and kick the ball into the non-bib team and run to the wall and back without the ball hitting them. It was challenging.

Charlie: We were learning how to play bowls on Tuesday in PE. I really liked it.

Louise: On Wednesday at 10 o’clock, the whole school gathered in the hall to take part in the Joe Wicks live fitness. It was difficult because there wasn’t a lot of room but it was fun.


Joshua: In RE this week we have been learning about ‘The Holy Trinity’. The Holy Trinity describes God as been the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.

Marcella: The Sacramental children went to the Lanthorn to practise for the Thanksgiving mass on Sunday. We have also been practising our song with P4 this week.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

P4/5 and Mrs Wassell

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