Primary 3/4 News

This week has been fantastic!

We have been learning and preparing for our Christmas party by practicing traditional Scottish dancing. First we learned ‘The Virginia Rio’ and ‘The Military Two Step’.

Haseeb said “it was fun” and Rachel said “it was a good way to learn different types dances.” Although this was fun Mark said “It was also tiring”. Isabella said “it was amazing”.

Nasim said “some of us had to dance with boys and some of us had to dance with girls”. “This was important because you need another person to do these dances” said Aoife. We are all looking forward to doing this again next week.

Yesterday was a little different in our class because we had a special visit from the SPCA. “They taught us all about wild animals” said to said Lukasz.

We played a fun game in teams of two guessing the animal using different clues said Evie. The SPCA told us that they take the animals away from their owners if they are injured or if they are not being looked after properly.

Haseeb remembered that “some animals and go to sleep at winter and wake up at spring and this is called hibernating.”

Jacob was shocked to hear the Mrs Kerr would like to hibernate at during winter. He said “you will miss all of the snow”

Have a fab weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr

Extraordinary Earth learning in P4!

This week in Primary 4 we have been learning all about Planet Earth. We began the week in a sticky mess as we made papier Mache Planet Earths.

Preston – Firstly we blew up a balloon and then we covered the balloon with PVA/water mix and newspapers. It was a great opportunity and great fun!

Chloe – It was very fun. I enjoyed painting the Planet Earths the best.

Isla – It was Mache-tacular.

We have been exploring living, non living and never lived things.

Thomas – I know that a knife and fork has never lived because it is made from metal.

Beth – I know books are non-living now because they are made from trees but the tree has been chopped down and no longer lives.

Taylor – I know that a tree is a living thing because it grows and it needs water.

For writing this week we wrote a special letter to John Lewis to tell him what we thought about the advert “The Man on the Moon!” Lewis – I thought the advert was good because it was very emotional. Have a look at the advert for yourself! Here is the link;

This week we had a special visit from SPCA. We learned that SPCA stands for Scottish Prevention Cruelty for Animals. Siobhan told us how we can keep animals safe. She shared some of her stories about rescuing animals. She brought some of the equipment that she uses to rescue animals. We had great fun using the equipment and trying some of it on. Here are some pictures. (more to follow)


Hope you all have a fantastic weekend to rest and be prepared for lots of hard work next week.

Mrs W and P4

It’s all about the Moon-oon-oon…. in P4!

Primary 4 have been learning all about the phases of the moon this week. We listened to a great song to help us remember what they were. We loved dancing and singing to the song. We learned that the moon shines brightly because of the reflection of the sun and depending on the position of the moon at certain times of the month we see different shapes reflecting. We now know that waning means the moon is getting smaller and waxing means it is getting bigger.

This week in Maths we have been revising rounding numbers to the nearest 10. We are getting very confident with this concept of maths through playing games in the active maths area. We had great fun. We have started multiplication this week. We are finding it a little tricky so we are going to really try hard to revise our times tables in the classroom, playground, at home and even in the car. Mrs Wassell thinks we will be “Whizz Kids” at this in no time.

We wrote fantastic imaginative stories this week called “The Day I Visited The Moon!”. Mrs Wassell thought they were all AMAZING! She is having a tricky job this week choosing our star writers. We can’t wait to share them with you Mrs Purdie. You will be blown away! We have great imaginations in P4!!

It’s been a TRICKY week in primary 3/4.

This week has been awesome!

We have been learning all about the Phases of the Moon. “There are 8 phases of the Moon” said Evie. Here are some of the names that we have learned this week. “The Crescent” said Mark, “The Full Moon” said Brooke, “The New Moon” said Hannah and “The Gibbous”” said Shannon.

We now know that we see bright parts of the Moon’s surface at different angles and these are the different Phases of the Moon.

We have also been exploring our class novel ‘The Twits’ using our task map. In chapter 5 ‘The Glass Eye’ Mrs Twit puts her glass eye in Mr Twit’s beer glass. “It was kind of weird but very funny.” said Hannah. Isabella said “It was funny but yuck”

So in our ‘Create Something Great’ task we had to think of a nasty trick that we would play on Mr Twit. Here are some of our nasty ideas:

Gabriella said “I would strap bombs at the bottom of his chair and then BOOM!”

Rachel said “I would give him a jacket to wear with slime from a slug on the inside. Then when Mr Twit would sit down he would have slime on his clothes.”

Ailie said “I would put a blind fold on Mr Twit and then push him out of the window.”

Aidan said “I would dig a hole in the front garden and put pretend grass over the hole. Then Mr Twit would walk over the grass and fall down the hole.”

Jacob said “I would put down a trick tile so that when Mr Twit stands on it 1000 robots would come and attack him.”

Jay said “I would put Mrs Twit’s eye on his toothbrush and then he would have invisible slime in his mouth.”

Watch out Mrs Purdie primary 3/4 have a trick up their sleeve.

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3/4 and Mrs Kerr

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